View Full Version : Maybe a Trooper Someday

01-11-2008, 06:03 PM
Why did they cancel the March 2008 Academy? I started the process in April 2007, and there were about 25 in that one CJBAT session. (if it was so easy to get in, why cancel that date?

Anyway, I did well on the CJBAT (92%) on the PAT I got (3:53), Poly was a breeze, and the psych was the easiest part of the ordeal. What is the final step (background) like? What are my chances of getting invited to the July 2008 class? What are my chances of avoiding Miami?

Any help is greatly appreciated

01-11-2008, 06:08 PM
class wasn't cancelled, merely postponed til July. If you want to avoid Miami, make it known that you would love to go to Orlando. But wait until you're hired or you'll fail your psych eval for making that statement.

01-11-2008, 06:10 PM
Oh, you passed the psych already. Good luck in Orlando.

01-11-2008, 06:11 PM
class wasn't cancelled, merely postponed til July. If you want to avoid Miami, make it known that you would love to go to Orlando. But wait until you're hired or you'll fail your psych eval for making that statement.

Ooops, I already passed my psych, but I did pose the question about avoiding Miami to the BI, he seemed to take the question OK, he said it was out of his hands, and we'd cross that bridge later

01-17-2008, 04:14 PM
class wasn't cancelled, merely postponed til July. If you want to avoid Miami, make it known that you would love to go to Orlando. But wait until you're hired or you'll fail your psych eval for making that statement.

That's some funny shit right thurrrrr!!!

01-20-2008, 02:52 AM
I'm still in process. I'm hoping to be in the 116th. My question is what is the Pass/Fail ratio?
How is the academy?

01-20-2008, 03:57 PM
go to another agency where they pay pay pay emuch mas dinero :)

Fellow Trooper
01-21-2008, 04:47 PM
I know when I went through I got close to my 3 choices. The academy isnt hard. Pay attention in class I didnt have to study much, ask question and good luck on staying awake.

If FHP is what you want go for it. Make you own conclusions on your personal experience. I know alot of Troopers are not happy because of pay and how they can promote some people that dont have any business of being supervisors. Thats everywhere you gonna go. If you were in banking, computers, or working a burger king your gonna have an question of why is that person in charge. I dont think my SGT should be SGT but it is what it is.

After your yr and FHP isnt for your then move on. I will say there are alot of great Troopers who are very smart in this profession. Ive learned alot in the past 4yrs. I for one have the hope that things will get better. In the next yr or two if they dont then I myself will have to leave for better pay.

My advice to you is follow your gut. Im glad I did. My gut now is telling me to hold out and see what happens.

01-21-2008, 05:00 PM

01-21-2008, 05:04 PM
I saw a story that a trooper had stated he makes $43,000 a year.
I went to FHP web site and it states $38,976.84 for South Florida.
Thats a $5,000 difference. Which is correct?

Fellow Trooper
01-21-2008, 07:22 PM
If he is located in the Keys then that is correct. You have to keep in mind Lee county and south are CAD counties. Put it this way, my salary was a lil over 36k and Im a 4yr Trooper. With overtime and wonderful 1k bounus (Big joke) I brought home just over 44k. Of that 44k I only saw 32.5 k.

01-21-2008, 08:43 PM
I don't recall if I saw it on the Miami news or Orlando TV news

I thought there was alot of Over-Time. Working construction zones and
Toll Abuse, No excuse.

Right now at my current employer. We had tons of O.T. Then went to none
as of January.

For myself I don't mind the Overtime and working details if I can get assaigned. I don't know how you guys get assaigned the OT.

Fellow Trooper
01-22-2008, 08:51 AM
OT is not hard to come by you pretty much have what we call SOAR and you get anywhere from 8-12 hrs a week. Theres also plenty of off duty over time.

01-25-2008, 10:08 AM
I just did my physical and eye exam. Other than my background which is next. What is the next thing I have to do. Am I almost done?

01-25-2008, 11:12 AM
I just did my physical and eye exam. Other than my background which is next. What is the next thing I have to do. Am I almost done?

Sure are. You next step is to pick up an application somewhere else and save yourself the misery of FHP.

01-25-2008, 02:13 PM
I heard that the 1st day of class you run 3 miles and by the time school is finished that its up to 7.5 miles is that true.
Is there alot of running everyday? What is PT like

01-25-2008, 02:55 PM
When you get hired. Do they try to put you where you request?
I have a house in S. FL. are there alot of openings in the South from West Palm South to Miami?.

Fellow Trooper
01-25-2008, 07:13 PM
If you have family or own a house they will try and put you back home but the way Orlando short and Miami it short. Youll probably end up at one of those two places.

01-27-2008, 09:58 PM
Lately it seems like the Floridians get close to home if not home and the out of state folks go wherever the needs are greatest.