View Full Version : Top ten suggestions for a Better FHP

01-06-2008, 07:20 AM
What do you think?

01-06-2008, 07:48 AM
Everyone will say I'm crazy but........MORE T.R.T.

01-06-2008, 09:48 AM

01-06-2008, 12:24 PM

01-06-2008, 03:10 PM
Everyone will say I'm crazy but........MORE T.R.T.

leave it alone. fhp and trt do not mix. no matter how many back issues of soldier of fortune you read, or how many times you drool over the movie swat, fhp will always be sub-standard when it comes to a tactical unit. no money, no qualified leaders, no interest.
the best thing fhp could do is better training for individ troopers. but for every five or six in an academy that could handle it, the rest are complete wastes, and will only ever be ticket writers, and meter maids. if you really want to be in a tac unti find an so, or pd that puts money into its program, and gets used. otherwise the black "tactical" socks you spent twice the money on, cause blackhawk makes them will be the only thing low drag on you. 1*

01-06-2008, 03:52 PM
we have TRT now that doesn't do anything now. I mean, a situation happens, and by the time they get the call for duty, (that is if the shift commander doesn't x66 them) the situation is already under control if not over by the time they get there. Nice TRT we have. which goes right back to leadership. lack there of says it all.

give it up bro. AAA with a badge is all we are. no none has any guts to let us do anything accept write cits, and work crashes, oh and check on DAV's which they really don't care about anyway...

01-06-2008, 04:20 PM
1. Fund the step pay plan and legislatively mandate that beginning salary for FHP Troopers must always be within the top 10 of any law enforcement agency in the state of Florida.
2. Pass legislation which imposes a five dollar fee to all vehicle registrations and driver’s licenses which will go directly to the funding of the Florida Highway Patrol.
3. Break the Florida Highway Patrol out from under the DHSMV. The agency must be a stand alone agency whose Colonel answers directly to the Governor. At the very least FHP should be under FDLE or even DOT.
4. Clean house in Tallahassee and all positions of Major and above. Offer them all buy out packages or whatever it takes and force them to resign, retire or be fired. You cannot move in a new direction when the Captains of your ship are asleep on the bridge, have no idea what is going on and are stuck in the past.
5. Re-focus the Highway Patrol back to its original mission to provide law enforcement on the highways of this state. No more “TRT” teams who think that they are SWAT. TRT should train for mass civil unrest and natural disaster duty only to be used at the request of the Governor for mutual aid.
6. Establish real hiring standards which must be met, no exceptions, by every recruit. This would include not only a written test for mental aptitude but stringent physical standards as well. Running, swimming, and strength standards that should come from established physical fitness experts, adjusted for age.
7. Require all members of the FHP to attain these physical fitness standards within 12 months. No exceptions. No more fat slobs in uniform embarrassing us all on the side of the road. If you cannot meet the standards or refuse to meet the standards then leave, you should not be a law enforcement officer. There is recent case law which comes out of Alachua County where the Sheriff dismissed a female for being overweight and failing to meet physical fitness standards, it can be done.
8. Reign in the off-duty whores who are working here only for off-duty. Off-duty work should be administered through the department as hire-back, all of it. It should all be paid on your check, taxed and it should all count towards your retirement. Do not tell me it will not work there are many agencies in Florida who do it. It eliminates favoritism and blatant abuse of authority as well as benefiting the individual in the long run when you retire. Ask the Palm Beach County SO.
9. Supply all Troopers with Tasers, Rifles, and Stop Sticks.
10. Stop being scarred to do our jobs. Law enforcement is a contact sport. Law suits are part of the game unfortunately in this day and time. That should not stop us from doing our jobs.

Obviously this is a complete dream. This State has demonstrated that it does not care about the FHP and probably never will. If it did it would have never let it come to this point. For all of you State Police supporters out there you need to move to the northeast and get a job with a State Police if that’s what you want. This agency should model itself after the California Highway Patrol and do the job it was created to do back in 1939. Unfortunately I do not believe that any of my suggestions will come true and as a result FHP will continue its downward spiral in flames until it finally crashes into the ground and ceases to exist.

01-06-2008, 05:18 PM
Obviously this is a complete dream. This State has demonstrated that it does not care about the FHP and probably never will. If it did it would have never let it come to this point. For all of you State Police supporters out there you need to move to the northeast and get a job with a State Police if that’s what you want. This agency should model itself after the California Highway Patrol and do the job it was created to do back in 1939. Unfortunately I do not believe that any of my suggestions will come true and as a result FHP will continue its downward spiral in flames until it finally crashes into the ground and ceases to exist.

I feel the exact same way. Basically if FL would just increase the salaries almost everything you listed would come naturally. Virtually every single problem with FHP boils down to money. More money would allow us to hire more people and retain those we have. More money would let us buy better and much needed equipment. More money would allow FHP to make the hiring process more difficult and strict which would weed out the idiots we have here.

Sadly, I do not think any of this will happen anytime soon either. I can also say I will not be hanging around until it does. I guess I was just a snow bird here for the last few years and it is now time for me to go back. I greatly regret my decision take a job with FHP. I wasted several years here, lost a lot, and basically gained nothing. I guess we all make mistakes in our lives and to date this has been my biggest one.

01-06-2008, 08:07 PM
Eventually the FHP will dissolve and the Sheriffs in Florida have it all and the Investigations will just go to FDLE. Its the most logical thing to do. Pick a county and get absorbed into it

01-06-2008, 08:17 PM
To the above Trooper:

It is a shame that good people like you are forced to leave the Patrol after dedicating so much personal sacrifice to become a Florida State Trooper. Unfortunately, I was in your same position many years ago and also made the decision to leave. This decision is not an easy one and there were days when I questioned my move after joining my new department. I stuck it out and now over 15 years latter I am glad that I left. I still keep in touch with many of my classmates from the academy and many of them have moved on as well. Some are still there and will never leave. I understand that it is not easy to move out of your comfort zone and head out in a different and sometimes difficult direction, but I urge each and every one of you to think about it for your own good. Good luck and be safe where ever you go!

01-06-2008, 11:30 PM
I believe their is only one answer for the future of the Patol, that is to create a Department of Public Safety. Roll all the state and fed money into one department. One boss (Director Bustle) with each division headed by a Colonel or a Division Chief that also would include FDLE. Each division would bargain for separate salary and policy issues.
Director Bustle

01-06-2008, 11:37 PM
I believe their is only one answer for the future of the Patol, that is to create a Department of Public Safety. Roll all the state and fed money into one department. One boss (Director Bustle) with each division headed by a Colonel or a Division Chief that also would include FDLE. Each division would bargain for separate salary and policy issues.
Director Bustle

There not their I need my grammatics checker ---Senior Trooper

01-06-2008, 11:55 PM
That OK, I still cannot figure out the difference between affect and effect. :lol:

01-07-2008, 12:19 AM
I agree with the the above top ten reasons; however, just remember that you can't even begin to touch #8 without first implementing #1. Off Duty work is the ONLY thing keeping the patrol from having a mass exodus! You start paying higher, and you'll see a significant drop in in 208. When I was a trooper I absolutely hated working off duty, but I had to to get by. And no, I didn't live beyond my means.

I also agree with Senior Tpr concerning the creation of a Department of Public Safety (DPS). It's far from being a state police, yet it combines all or most of the state's leo's under one agency. Texas and Arizona both have a very successful DPS. In their respective agencies, the highway patrol is just a division of the DPS.

01-07-2008, 12:20 AM
See those are all great ideas! But you are still including the problem and that is CARMEN ELECTRA!!!!


01-07-2008, 01:01 AM
Not sure why MIAMI man needs to get so personal, but he obviously is clueless as to just how many positive changes Electra has brought to the DHSMV.. She listens, she makes tough decisions that are necessary to move the agency forward and she genuinely cares about all agency members.

It wasn't an easy task to take on changing the culture that has permeated this agency for years. Give the insults a rest and give her the courtesy of your support. Geez, effective change takes time!

01-07-2008, 02:11 AM
I agree Colonel. Well said. Whether you like her or not she is here. Lets move on.

Hard to make positive change when every trooper poster on this forum wants to post something negative.

Here is a loaded question: Isn't there anything some of you like about FHP? If there isn't, go elsewhere, why live and work in misery.

Give you complaints here or to the Colonel, but personal attacks never generate positive change.

Just an observation from an old timer.

01-07-2008, 03:04 AM
Not sure why MIAMI man needs to get so personal, but he obviously is clueless as to just how many positive changes Electra has brought to the DHSMV.. She listens, she makes tough decisions that are necessary to move the agency forward and she genuinely cares about all agency members.

It wasn't an easy task to take on changing the culture that has permeated this agency for years. Give the insults a rest and give her the courtesy of your support. Geez, effective change takes time!

This was a great read. But come on Mr Bustle, just because your wife is screwing everything up doesn't mean you have to 'post' to her aid. But then again those are just "MY THOUGHTS" :wink:

01-07-2008, 03:14 AM
[quote="You asked..."]1. 8. Reign in the off-duty whores who are working here only for off-duty. Off-duty work should be administered through the department as hire-back, all of it. It should all be paid on your check, taxed and it should all count towards your retirement. Do not tell me it will not work there are many agencies in Florida who do it. It eliminates favoritism and blatant abuse of authority as well as benefiting the individual in the long run when you retire. Ask the Palm Beach County SO.





01-07-2008, 05:51 AM
That OK, I still cannot figure out the difference between affect and effect. :lol:

The effect of a substantial pay raise will affect my morale in a positive way.

01-07-2008, 07:49 AM
stop giving tickets to local cops!

01-07-2008, 01:03 PM
I have a one for ya,


You will never be real cops. Your agency is a JOKE JOKE JOKE !!!

01-07-2008, 07:53 PM
I have a one for ya,


You will never be real cops. Your agency is a JOKE JOKE JOKE !!!

Please tell me this is a joke post. If you aren't in law enforcement, get off of our site. If you are, I feel bad---not for you, but for the background investigator that cleared an immature, barely literate (it's mandatory not "manditory") person to wear a badge of authority. I, however, assume you are not a police officer, sheriff's deputy or agent of any kind. I'll bet my meager paycheck that you a. were recently cited by FHP or b. were given a ride by FHP to a local county jail.
I respect local LE in my area and they respect me. I have a job to do, they have a job to do and we do it well.

01-08-2008, 07:21 AM
stop giving tickets to local cops!

*uck local cops. Get your own forum!

01-08-2008, 07:23 AM
I have a one for ya,


You will never be real cops. Your agency is a JOKE JOKE JOKE !!!

Jurisdictional envy rears it's ugly head.

01-09-2008, 01:30 AM
Not sure why MIAMI man needs to get so personal, but he obviously is clueless as to just how many positive changes Electra has brought to the DHSMV.. She listens, she makes tough decisions that are necessary to move the agency forward and she genuinely cares about all agency members.

It wasn't an easy task to take on changing the culture that has permeated this agency for years. Give the insults a rest and give her the courtesy of your support. Geez, effective change takes time!

This was a great read. But come on Mr Bustle, just because your wife is screwing everything up doesn't mean you have to 'post' to her aid. But then again those are just "MY THOUGHTS" :wink:

Please be assured, I am NOT Mr. Bustle. Sorry to dissappoint... There are many more supporters of Electra besides her husband.

Be safe.

01-10-2008, 02:52 AM
All of the issues that have been stated are right on the money, now lets not forget the POLITICS, come the time to have the elections for the big house in Tally those people promise us the world. Lets see I will fight for the troopers I, will make sure we have a voice in the big house, and vote for me and I will fix the issues with the pay.

Now these people have been elected and now we come to the real issues, what have they done for us thus far? We have been told that once more we have no MONEY, to give you a pay increase. So lets see how many times have we been told this? And now it has come to the point that the senior guys are leaving to other departments. The cost to the tax payers for training the Troopers, the cost of the equipment, the cost testing to become a trooper, all of these things and what do we do?

We just let it ride another year, Lets see what if we told the public how much it's costing them to train all these men amd women and only to have them get hired by other agencies because the state has no money to pay them a decent salary.

Well lets go to the media, yes we put up billboards and signs, but did we point out all the politicians that turned down our pay raise because of the other agendas the have to cover. VOTES thats what these people understand guys, if you hit them in the place that matters they will do something because they want that job in the big house, and they want a political career to say I did this and I did that.

We are worried because its not ethical, it won't help to single out those that stated during the elections I will fix this if you vote for me. Well show me whats ethical about risking your life for change compared to the other agencies in the state. iF THE PUBLIC WOULD ONLY KNOW what is going on with the tax money they provide to the state for troopers and other issues. They would have something to say I bet, we are back to the old 1 or 2 units on the road on mids, this is not right, somebody is going to get hurt and you can't dispatch what you don't have.

I truley believe that this has to start with the politicians and the shirts have to come off, if they cry about it then let them move over and lets find someone who will do what we elected them to do and if they don't then you need to expose them also. It's politics guys and this is a very dirty job, ehtics in politics don't matter when your family is the issue.

Politicians have no ethics all they do is promise you change until you get them elected and then it's up yours I'm in the driver's seat and I will get to you if I can.

Thank you...........................................

01-10-2008, 04:49 AM
Senior Trooper #2:

You are absolutely correct about how to get a politicians attention. Votes and money are the only two things that matter to them. The problem is that FHP cannot influence enough of either to make a difference. There are approximately 1700 State Troopers in Florida. They are spread out from Key West to Pensacola over 67 counties. There are not enough of you, even if every single Trooper and 10 of his friends and family got involved to make a difference. And we all know that at least half would stay on the sideline just like they always have and just complain, so that brings the number down even more. Its just simple math, you guys are not a priority and never will be to the politicians of this state, because you can't make a differnce in their getting elected or not.
What FHP needs is the power of numbers. A large block of voting, campaign contributing voters! That power must come from other sources in FHP’s case. Remember you guys wanted to break away from the rest of State Law Enforcement, which they were more than happy to let you do, as all that accomplished was fragmenting your voting block even more then when you were all bargaining as one. You need every law enforcement officer and all of their families, and all of their friends to get the attention of the people in Tallahassee. Yet, some of your Trooper brothers, not all but a select few, find it necessary to go out of their way to stroke every local cop and deputy sheriff and their wives citations every chance they get. This really inspires them to want to step up and help your cause!
The reason that the deputies and officers get pay raises and better benefits is because they are concentrated in one small area. A large S.O. or P.D. has thousands employees who influence multitudes of family, friends, and neighbors who sway votes and contribute to campaigns of not only the Sheriff but County and City Commissioners who approve the budget. That would be the day that FHP could muster even 1000 people to go to Tallahassee and picket on the Capital steps while the Legislature was in session. The bottom line is that there are some very powerful and monumental hurdles that stand between FHP and the pay raises and benefits Troopers deserve. Unfortunately they are not going to be resolved anytime soon and more than likely they will never be resolved in FHP’s favor. The best advice a young Trooper could listen to right now would be to pack up and move on as soon as possible to another law enforcement agency.

01-10-2008, 09:50 AM
Senior Trooper #2:

You are absolutely correct about how to get a politicians attention. Votes and money are the only two things that matter to them. The problem is that FHP cannot influence enough of either to make a difference. There are approximately 1700 State Troopers in Florida. They are spread out from Key West to Pensacola over 67 counties. There are not enough of you, even if every single Trooper and 10 of his friends and family got involved to make a difference. And we all know that at least half would stay on the sideline just like they always have and just complain, so that brings the number down even more. Its just simple math, you guys are not a priority and never will be to the politicians of this state, because you can't make a differnce in their getting elected or not.
What FHP needs is the power of numbers. A large block of voting, campaign contributing voters! That power must come from other sources in FHP’s case. Remember you guys wanted to break away from the rest of State Law Enforcement, which they were more than happy to let you do, as all that accomplished was fragmenting your voting block even more then when you were all bargaining as one. You need every law enforcement officer and all of their families, and all of their friends to get the attention of the people in Tallahassee. Yet, some of your Trooper brothers, not all but a select few, find it necessary to go out of their way to stroke every local cop and deputy sheriff and their wives citations every chance they get. This really inspires them to want to step up and help your cause!
The reason that the deputies and officers get pay raises and better benefits is because they are concentrated in one small area. A large S.O. or P.D. has thousands employees who influence multitudes of family, friends, and neighbors who sway votes and contribute to campaigns of not only the Sheriff but County and City Commissioners who approve the budget. That would be the day that FHP could muster even 1000 people to go to Tallahassee and picket on the Capital steps while the Legislature was in session. The bottom line is that there are some very powerful and monumental hurdles that stand between FHP and the pay raises and benefits Troopers deserve. Unfortunately they are not going to be resolved anytime soon and more than likely they will never be resolved in FHP’s favor. The best advice a young Trooper could listen to right now would be to pack up and move on as soon as possible to another law enforcement agency.

Senior Trooper #2:

You are so correct! I have been screaming those same remarks through out these postings. What is disconcerting to me is that some of our own troopers do not get it and carry on these attitude wars with their local deputies and city officers without realizing they are a part of our overall voice.

No, there is not going to be a substantial pay raise for many, many years. Why? Because the state of Florida knows that there are young, talented guy/gals standing in line to go to the FHP academy, work for FHP for 3-4 years, and then take a 10-98 to greener pastures.

I stayed with FHP for 15 years, promoting, and waiting for the “big” raise to come. One day I woke up and realized that it is not coming. Five years later, and the same issues go on unresolved and, still, only a small few truly understand why it issue is not going to change…it is because that due to FHP’s size is not an important agency. That explains why DOC gets raises and FHP does not.

I loved the working conditions, and the people that I worked with (minus brainless supervisors---which there are many), but I could not see myself going long-term with a department where there is no optimism.

For those few young guys that read this and are inspired by the “bad a**” car, uniform, and firearm, that magnetism is going to ware off and when it does be sure that you have at minimum a 4 year degree to fall back-on, so you can get out of FHP and find a better paying job with a appreciated department.

01-10-2008, 09:51 AM
Senior Trooper #2:

You are absolutely correct about how to get a politicians attention. Votes and money are the only two things that matter to them. The problem is that FHP cannot influence enough of either to make a difference. There are approximately 1700 State Troopers in Florida. They are spread out from Key West to Pensacola over 67 counties. There are not enough of you, even if every single Trooper and 10 of his friends and family got involved to make a difference. And we all know that at least half would stay on the sideline just like they always have and just complain, so that brings the number down even more. Its just simple math, you guys are not a priority and never will be to the politicians of this state, because you can't make a differnce in their getting elected or not.
What FHP needs is the power of numbers. A large block of voting, campaign contributing voters! That power must come from other sources in FHP’s case. Remember you guys wanted to break away from the rest of State Law Enforcement, which they were more than happy to let you do, as all that accomplished was fragmenting your voting block even more then when you were all bargaining as one. You need every law enforcement officer and all of their families, and all of their friends to get the attention of the people in Tallahassee. Yet, some of your Trooper brothers, not all but a select few, find it necessary to go out of their way to stroke every local cop and deputy sheriff and their wives citations every chance they get. This really inspires them to want to step up and help your cause!
The reason that the deputies and officers get pay raises and better benefits is because they are concentrated in one small area. A large S.O. or P.D. has thousands employees who influence multitudes of family, friends, and neighbors who sway votes and contribute to campaigns of not only the Sheriff but County and City Commissioners who approve the budget. That would be the day that FHP could muster even 1000 people to go to Tallahassee and picket on the Capital steps while the Legislature was in session. The bottom line is that there are some very powerful and monumental hurdles that stand between FHP and the pay raises and benefits Troopers deserve. Unfortunately they are not going to be resolved anytime soon and more than likely they will never be resolved in FHP’s favor. The best advice a young Trooper could listen to right now would be to pack up and move on as soon as possible to another law enforcement agency.

01-10-2008, 10:29 PM
I wish you were wrong, but that is the best advice for everyone not just young troopers. there are many good agencies in FL that fall under FRS.

01-10-2008, 10:40 PM
I wish you were wrong, but that is the best advice for everyone not just young troopers. there are many good agencies in FL that fall under FRS.

why do county employees recieve state retirement? they should fall under county retirement and not put a drain on state resources.

01-10-2008, 11:23 PM
Counties with FRS dont drain state resources, they add to them. County govts pay into frs, making the fund larger and more diverse than if it was just state employees.

01-11-2008, 06:58 AM
why do county employees recieve state retirement? they should fall under county retirement and not put a drain on state resources.[/quote]

This post just goes to show you how uninformed some of you people are. It is the classic “State Trooper Attitude” some of you display, the same one that alienates you guys from the rest of the law enforcement community. If it were not for the thousands of city and county employees who are members of the FRS, State Troopers would all be contributing to their own 401K plans, because that would be all the State would offer. Get your facts straight and educate yourself for your own good before you start making such ridiculous posts.

01-11-2008, 02:00 PM
why do county employees recieve state retirement? they should fall under county retirement and not put a drain on state resources.

This post just goes to show you how uninformed some of you people are. It is the classic “State Trooper Attitude” some of you display, the same one that alienates you guys from the rest of the law enforcement community. If it were not for the thousands of city and county employees who are members of the FRS, State Troopers would all be contributing to their own 401K plans, because that would be all the State would offer. Get your facts straight and educate yourself for your own good before you start making such ridiculous posts.[/quote]

Why do you assume that it was posted by a Trooper? Just like you many other non law enforcement and SO and City LEO post post here.