View Full Version : Troop C Again for People First Time Approval

12-28-2007, 10:30 PM
T. Knight,
What does it take to get your PF’s time approved by your supervisor in a timely manner? The submitted time just sits there for weeks unapproved.

Just wondering

12-29-2007, 05:45 PM
you have to be there first to get it approved, with a capt who is never there, I'm suprised that you even asked that question. Just check your emails. you will get one every once in a while with a naughty boy list of peoples first that needs to get approved, and # 1 offender on that list is the Capt LSP. She leads by exa...... what am I talking about, #1 offender on the list of non approved peoples first and try to get her to approve days off? like pulling teeth. I still have to go to my Lt to get things done. Now she's gone, I won't know what to do.