View Full Version : Introducing myself

12-22-2007, 04:20 AM

I have been viewing this site for a while now. Somethings on here are good and some things are not so good. i wanted to introduce mysefl and tell you a little about me and why I come here.

I am a former police officer inthe Atlanta area. I have not always had aninterest in law enforcement. My passion is actually aviation. I am a pilot and a Flight Instructor. I have always wanted to be a professionalpilot. That doesnt neccessarily mean an airline pilot. Infact, the main reason I became a cop was to pay for flight training which it did.

But I enjoyed being a police officer. Not because I got to chase people or arrest people or give them tickets. I am 39 years old and that stuff doesnt impress me. I legitiametly enjoy helping people. I believe thats the role of a leo. To help people and enforce laws. not to be a hardnose and write every citizen that litters.

Anyway, I enjoyed it and I miss it. Now if I could fly for law enforcement that would be wonderful. the only problem is most departments and all the ones in Georgia fly helicopters and I am anairplan epilot. I have looked into the FHP aviation section and it struck my interets. italked to the commander who was a very nice guy. Very professionalbut easy to talk to. He let me visit with one of the Trooper pilots and I had a blast. I was really impressed withthe FHP. I am thinkng about moving to Florida and being a Trooper plot. But they want you to be a road trooper for at least a year i understand the reasoning behind that. Most depts want you to be a street cop for six or more years and thats really not practiclae for me. I mean in that amount of time I could be at a regional airline flying CRJ's instead of waiting around to fly a cessna 172.

So, I have to think about it. At any rate,I am a 19 year Army vet, I was in the regular army stationed inHawaii and now I am in the National Guard as a LT . i have ben to Bosnia and Iraq. I dont fly inthe military although I wish Idid/

What do you guys thinkis the best course of action?

12-22-2007, 04:31 AM
Dude, check your spelling and your capital letters? And maybe you might inquire on sentence structure? Do you have 19 yrs military? Jeeeez, can you read/write?

12-22-2007, 05:30 AM
Thanks for the intellgent response. yes, I canread and write. Obviously I type fast onhere and do not do spelll check. You have the gist of what I am trying to say. So I know you understand. I am an adult and I am very intelligent and will not stoop to insults or ignorant comments. I am to old and much too busy for that. Thank you. and be blessed.

12-22-2007, 12:54 PM
Hey I noticed you were on here hot and heavy for a while and then disappeared for about a month. Where you serving time somewhere? Maybe for impersonating an officer?

12-22-2007, 02:35 PM
If you've been reading this site for awhile then you should know that you aren't going to receive any positive, or mature responses. If you want an intellegent conversation then you need to try one of the other agency post sites. I say this with much respect to my fellow FHP brothers and sisters, but y'all are the biggest bunch of crybabies that I've ever seen. Don't get me wrong, you have every right to complain about this agency, but the constant degradation of other people who ask fair questions is pretty lousy. Act like the professionals you're supposed to be for crying out loud!
To those of you that respond (and I know you will) with words of wisdom such as:
You ain't shizzat, go FUK yo self, and you must be a deputy, thanks in advance for proving my point.


Troop C guy

12-22-2007, 05:48 PM
Hey I noticed you were on here hot and heavy for a while and then disappeared for about a month. Where you serving time somewhere? Maybe for impersonating an officer?

That is beautiful!

12-22-2007, 06:05 PM
If you are interested in the FHP Flight Program, contact Captain Walker in the Kirkman building. He is the Chief Pilot for our agency. He would be the best person to talk to regarding your chances of becoming one of our pilots. Good luck.

12-22-2007, 06:41 PM
Infantryguy- Again, I apolgize for the immature responses of my colleagues. If I may give you some advice: 1. DO NOT come to FHP. I'm sure you have read the myriad of reasons why avoiding this agency is a good idea. 2. If you still want to be a "cop" there are plenty of reserve opportunities out there, some with more powers than others. Given your status as a Veteran and National Guard Officer you should be an excellent candidate for a reserve police officer position.
Find a job in aviaition, make some good money and if you go the reserve route you can still be a LEO in your spare time. I hope this helps!

12-22-2007, 09:18 PM
Has the Army/Natty Guard waived the 4 year degree prerequisite for becoming an officer? :?

12-22-2007, 11:01 PM
That was a well thought out way to approach us. Yes, the grammar police got you, but so what. I didn't think we are on here to be graded. We are a very clannish bunch and do not welcome outsiders in with open arms.

I am glad you liked the flight section. I think we are professional in everything we do. The problem is the state and the upper brass come up with great ideas but can not fund the idea like it needs to be funded or they only put a half ass effort into it and it shows.

If you want to be a trooper and then later on try to get in the flight section, GREAT. If being a trooper is a step into the flight section, forget it. That bunch over at the academy seem to have forgot to teach recruits we are troopers first. Not pilot troopers or investigations troopers or even black troopers or hispanic trooper but just TROOPERS.

Again, if you want to be a trooper come on. If you need a stepping stone, look elsewhere. FHP has enough people just looking for a step up.

Welcome back by the way you were quiet for while.
Good luck in what ever you decide.

PS: If I offended any young troopers in this post....... Well......
Build a bridge and get over it.
Thats the thing with older brothers, they piss you off and you just get over it or stay pissed but thats just the way it is. Ohh you can come whoop my ass too but when it is over, I am still your brother and I will have the same opinion. I just might be sore for awhile. Then again, so will you =)

12-23-2007, 02:15 AM
That was a well thought out way to approach us. Yes, the grammar police got you, but so what. I didn't think we are on here to be graded. We are a very clannish bunch and do not welcome outsiders in with open arms.

I am glad you liked the flight section. I think we are professional in everything we do. The problem is the state and the upper brass come up with great ideas but can not fund the idea like it needs to be funded or they only put a half ass effort into it and it shows.

If you want to be a trooper and then later on try to get in the flight section, GREAT. If being a trooper is a step into the flight section, forget it. That bunch over at the academy seem to have forgot to teach recruits we are troopers first. Not pilot troopers or investigations troopers or even black troopers or hispanic trooper but just TROOPERS.

Again, if you want to be a trooper come on. If you need a stepping stone, look elsewhere. FHP has enough people just looking for a step up.

Welcome back by the way you were quiet for while.
Good luck in what ever you decide.

PS: If I offended any young troopers in this post....... Well......
Build a bridge and get over it.
Thats the thing with older brothers, they piss you off and you just get over it or stay pissed but thats just the way it is. Ohh you can come whoop my ass too but when it is over, I am still your brother and I will have the same opinion. I just might be sore for awhile. Then again, so will you =)

Good post Old School. You are so right, we are brothers. Unfortunately brothers do fight with each other all the time, but at the end of the day, if someone comes in and messes with our brothers...then it's on. We need to remember we are all brother Troopers/officers...and when the bad guys do something against one of us, they do it against all of us.

The wheels will keep on rolling...

12-23-2007, 03:14 AM
Thanks once again for the positive responces. I especially liked the one about joining a reserve program. That has crossed my mind. I do like policing, but I love flying more. I will definantly take these into consideration. thanks.

12-23-2007, 03:16 AM
Oh yeah, and as far as where have I been. All the negativity just got to me and I didnt really have time for it. But I thought I''d giveit one more shot

12-25-2007, 06:12 AM
Dude, check your spelling and your capital letters? And maybe you might inquire on sentence structure? Do you have 19 yrs military? Jeeeez, can you read/write?

He has served in combat zones and you question his reading and writing? Served 19 years in the armed forces while you stayed safe at home with your family? You need to grow up mouth. Lt. you can cover my back any time, any place. Forget the butt plugs on here. And thank you for your years of service to our country.

01-05-2008, 05:44 PM

I have been viewing this site for a while now. Somethings on here are good and some things are not so good. i wanted to introduce mysefl and tell you a little about me and why I come here.

I am a former police officer inthe Atlanta area. I have not always had aninterest in law enforcement. My passion is actually aviation. I am a pilot and a Flight Instructor. I have always wanted to be a professionalpilot. That doesnt neccessarily mean an airline pilot. Infact, the main reason I became a cop was to pay for flight training which it did.

But I enjoyed being a police officer. Not because I got to chase people or arrest people or give them tickets. I am 39 years old and that stuff doesnt impress me. I legitiametly enjoy helping people. I believe thats the role of a leo. To help people and enforce laws. not to be a hardnose and write every citizen that litters.

Anyway, I enjoyed it and I miss it. Now if I could fly for law enforcement that would be wonderful. the only problem is most departments and all the ones in Georgia fly helicopters and I am anairplan epilot. I have looked into the FHP aviation section and it struck my interets. italked to the commander who was a very nice guy. Very professionalbut easy to talk to. He let me visit with one of the Trooper pilots and I had a blast. I was really impressed withthe FHP. I am thinkng about moving to Florida and being a Trooper plot. But they want you to be a road trooper for at least a year i understand the reasoning behind that. Most depts want you to be a street cop for six or more years and thats really not practiclae for me. I mean in that amount of time I could be at a regional airline flying CRJ's instead of waiting around to fly a cessna 172.

So, I have to think about it. At any rate,I am a 19 year Army vet, I was in the regular army stationed inHawaii and now I am in the National Guard as a LT . i have ben to Bosnia and Iraq. I dont fly inthe military although I wish Idid/

What do you guys thinkis the best course of action? :arrow: