View Full Version : Christmas @ PCPD

12-21-2007, 12:59 AM
Lets all take a break for the holidays and focus on our families. Lets all stop argueing with each other on these forums and just step back and enjoy the holiday season the best we can. We have a lot of discussions ahead, and we will all be in this debate again throughout 2008. I'm not an administrator or even in mgmt but I am for one thing a PCPD officer, and how much I might differ in views from mgmt or even other officers I still feel that we all are the best in Law enforcement, better than HCSO and better than TPD. I would back up the Chief or the Captains on a traffic stop the same way I would back ID#330 or whatever we are up to now. If we all (and I mean all) just step back and look at each other and the way some of us are acting we should be ashamed. I'm so sick of hearing what will or will not happen if a union comes in, but I have a secret:(Q) Do you want to know what will happen? (A) Who knows. See there is not another Plant City Police Department out there, we are it, we can compare to other agencies throughout Florida, but none of them have the same city mgmt, police mgmt, or officers like us. So lets all stop speculating on a hypothetical of what will happen, because in all reality, who knows. The attitude around the agency in the past few weeks has sunk to an all time low, we have police mgmt that wants nothing to do with their officers and officers that could care less about their mgmt. We are all on the same team right? we are here to do a job, and no matter how much that job may suck at times, just remember when the Chief offered you that job here at PCPD and how eager you were to take it and get your career started (even if he said your job was to write 20 reports a day).

On a final note, remember that this is a just a job, we are not better than the people who pick up the trash in the medians, we are not better than the teachers who teach our kids, we are not better than the citizens we serve, we are Police Officers who do a stressful job, and we need not to create more stress upon ourselves. So when you sit down during the holidays and spend time with your families and read Rudolph or whatever to your kids, just remember this is a small blip in your life, after 5, 10, 20 years you will all move on, some sooner than others, but we all do, we will all go onto things bigger and better, things that better suit your family or better suit you. We all change.

I hope all of you have a great holiday season and I truly do look forward to working with all of you everyday. Have a Merry Christmas.


12-21-2007, 02:59 AM
Sounds good, but who is Frank?

12-21-2007, 05:38 AM
Here! Here! Frank....whoever Frank is...that is the best thing I have read on here all week.

12-21-2007, 11:34 AM
Possible Frank Lavallee ID 107 who is retired.

12-21-2007, 12:09 PM
Im not Frank Lavallee, I am a current officer here at PCPD. Thanks for the positive replys though.


12-21-2007, 11:56 PM
way to make your butt kissing count Trey. Could have wrote that anon like the rest of your stuff.

12-23-2007, 11:17 PM
You make a good point. No one knows exactly what will happen at PCPD. Whether you are for or againt the union and regardless of whether the union gets voted in or not - we are all still working together - officers, supervisors, and staff alike. We need to remember especially at Christmas that we are one big family (even if it is a very DYSFUNCTIONAL family).

Especially during the holidays, lets try to keep the postings about the union, the department in general, the issues that need to be solved, rather than making personal attacks on individuals.