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12-10-2007, 01:30 AM
Now that the KW office is folding up, and another 4% cut is in the works, maybe it's time to bring back some good ideas...

I don't see how the workload in south Florida would go up with the Key West office closing. There are a limited number of slots and a limited number of hours. There is no overtime to do the extra work, or to pay for the extra hours of driving to and from the Keys.
The work load didn't go up when the other 8 or so offices around the state closed. Here is a thought. Close all the offices and send everyone home with a laptop. We could use the all the homes as a storage depot for the office furniture. Take the license files to the dump, since they are never current or relevant. Everything you need to know about a licensee is on license ease. The public never comes to the office anyway. The only people that venture in to an office are either trying to find someone to figure their surcharge or get a license. Just do it all online. I have already thought this through, so don't laugh just stay with me. The customer contact center can handle all the calls and route the one call needing follow up to your blackberrry. License ease can notify you by email of any new licenses operating in your zone. I know this would be an enhancement but it can work and be cost effective. I smell a "productivity award" for this. You log on to license ease, review the info on the new license, go to the premise and inspect for compliance. Issue your official notice or make a case and move to the next one. The database could also toss in a few randoms and you now have a full day's work. All you would need to do is stop in and check with the "locals" collect the complaints and work them when you are not doing the inspections or surveys generated by the system. Just think of the savings. Swap all those cars for the newest rage -- Hybrids---and you now have the potential for a governor's award for going green. By now you are fascinated by the possibilties, but are concerned with what happens to the admin staff. I have thought of that too. They can become inspectors or work from home. The net is full of work at home opportunities and this would be a good chance to explore making more money. The admin staff could actually sub contract with other states to provide "online" services. Just think - ABT could actually generate income off their employees. Instead of wasting time on ebay selling trinkets to the masses, they could be anwering the phones for the
Puerto Rico Highway Patrol. Dell does it. Why not Florida? A new way of doing business. I know there are skeptics out there but just think of the possibilities.

Posted: 08/19/07 15:27:51 Post subject:


Figures507 wrote:
The link does not work already - guess management had it removed - oh well, they are leaving on 10/01/07 - maybe things are going to change - but I will not hold my breath...maybe a few less majors positions here and a few less captains positions could save the agesnts - two for one sounds like a good deal to me!

Who is leaving on 10/01/07 ?????????

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Posted: 08/19/07 16:01:34 Post subject:


The Director has indicated he will leave on or about October 1, 2007. It would stand to reason the Chief will follow.

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Posted: 08/19/07 16:53:12 Post subject:


Did you ever stop to notice that all agencies, when faced with budget cuts, offer something that they know no one will take? THat has been theplan around Tallahassee for decades and who actually lost LEO positions?

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Posted: 08/19/07 17:16:54 Post subject:


The director and chief ARE leaving on October 1st. Drago is starting to clean house - hopefully the majors will be next and we can get some command staff in here who work instead of drive around saying how great they and their lackies are! Maybe if the majors came to more than the office they are based out of more than once a month, they would know what the heck is going on in their regions - or maybe we can have some more training in how to do license inspections from someone who just got off probation last week but got detached to a task force....

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12-10-2007, 04:52 AM