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12-01-2007, 01:25 AM
Hey all.

I am currently a cadet in a law enforcement academy in the Tampa Bay Area, I noticed on your website that your department is hiring. Any clues on how many positions are available within SPD at the moment or in the near future? I spent my high school years in Sarasota and i am keen to move back, ive also heard great things about your agency.


12-02-2007, 04:07 PM
No! Run, don't walk, run away from SPD. LEO iz notorious for whoz ur bud, but SPD is a fu__ed up stab ya n the back and piss on your grave while lookn u in the eye pit with a northern accent surrnded by tobaccy spitn red necks tryn to b izods on the green! Other than that, its okay! :lol:

12-02-2007, 08:13 PM
haha, so apart from all that its a decent place ey? No idea on number of positions then?

12-05-2007, 12:51 AM
I have to many years in the S.O. or I would love to work for SPD. DOnt get me wrong being a deputy is a lot of pride but the way the PD functions is very admirable and has a different outlook than us. I have nothing but respect for them and enjoy working with them on the Northside. Recruit good luck to you. Too me anyway I put SPD on the level as TPD(Tampa PD) Good luck too you.

12-09-2007, 05:04 PM
Thanks for the props. SPD used to be the bomb! Could cowboy all night, hoot n holler and have a great time without hurtin anyone. Was easy to tell the good guys from the bad, back then. We had most of the same bs as every agency, but hell, we had fun every shift, got together after shift, and talked about the night. Not so anymore. Everyone has to watch their backs, from your x94 to the man in the corner office. All good things come to an end and this saddle has more burrs in it than a desert dog.

12-09-2007, 09:17 PM
Cutting through all that poopola....come on down youngin we're hiring, and we are the best.

12-14-2007, 09:15 PM
Sounds great, i'll definetly be handing in an app in the near future, thanks for the insight guys!

12-15-2007, 06:27 PM
same here i want out of north port talk about a lame duck down here when it comes to police work.. :cry:

12-24-2007, 06:25 AM
I have to many years in the S.O. or I would love to work for SPD. DOnt get me wrong being a deputy is a lot of pride but the way the PD functions is very admirable and has a different outlook than us. I have nothing but respect for them and enjoy working with them on the Northside. Recruit good luck to you. Too me anyway I put SPD on the level as TPD(Tampa PD) Good luck too you.

12-24-2007, 03:01 PM


01-02-2008, 05:53 PM

01-04-2008, 05:53 PM
dont blame ya elmo n port would be boring.

01-06-2008, 12:32 AM
SAVE ME A SPOT I HATE NPPD , SEE YA SOON. a few years ago NPPD was the best place ever? what happend, hiring all those people without a poly finally catching up?

01-06-2008, 03:29 PM
SAVE ME A SPOT I HATE NPPD , SEE YA SOON. a few years ago NPPD was the best place ever? what happend, hiring all those people without a poly finally catching up?
NPPD doesn't require a poly???? Is that how Chief Terry Lewis got hired? :snicker:

01-06-2008, 05:29 PM
let me tell you if your young nppd is not the best place to start out, i know. the future at nppd is up in the air, no one knows whats going to happen. it would not surprise me if sso took us over in 5yrs.

01-08-2008, 02:47 AM
true 2 dat n port has lots of land but not a lot of action to fill all of that land. 90 percent of the land is not developed. a very small area is developed and still not a lot going on. of course scum bags are down there but not a lot of business or other industry to attract more crime and action for a young new leo.

01-24-2008, 05:46 PM


Are u trying to lure him in with fake bait?????????????????????????Oh, and the movement . . .it goes like this: from patrol, to CID, to patrol. That kind of movement will make your head spin!! :lol:

01-26-2008, 06:07 PM
Unfortunately the above reply has become a reality at SPD. The opportunities that young patrol officers used to have access to as few as 5-8 years ago have become almost nonexistent. NET and CRT are now only active units on paper with NET having only a few officers assigned and CRT having roughly 5 officers. Those units were designed originally to make a large impact in the overall crime levels in the projects and areas most vulnerable to street crime (aka HOT SPOTS). They are now reassigned so often that their original tasks have become more of an afterthought than a mission. As far as Patrol to CID and back to Patrol is concerned I would also have to agree.

Both units have their respective benefits. That being said Patrol has the best job at SPD, the best pay, more time off, and a relatively low level of responsibility within the department (when your shift is done you hit the road no matter what's going on). All of the above factors makes Patrol very attractive for officers, unfortunately that comes with the loss of very active and efficient Detectives who return to Patrol after getting sick of the constant demand for the "stats" to add up. Having to "account for our existence" gets old after a few years. And why put up with that if you can make more cash and have less work? Both Patrol & CID are understaffed meaning more work for fewer people. Unfortunately the pressure to do more with less (although the Chief said that those days were over) are alive and well. Come the 29th of January if Amendment 1 passes we will be back the on chopping block having to defend ourselves from City Hall once again.

The sad part about the entire situation is that most of the Officers at SPD are great people and good employees who if they were given the opportunity to excel they would with very little effort. Currently we do not have a program in place to allow Officers to gain experience to reach that level. SPD is full of great Officers, the system of administration needs to be changed to allow the best to excel and those that need remediation to obtaining the training that they need to become more productive without making them into bitter employees.

We all have a hand in how the agency is run and we all need to be more vocal about the issues that need to be adressed and less willing to accept our short comings, they can be fixed but only if we take care of them. SPD is a good agency with great employees overall, but with minor changes in policy we can be a great police department.

01-29-2008, 12:07 AM
I totally agree with the above post and couldn't have said it better. However, if the tax amendment passes, then you'll law enforcement scaled back to the bare essentials that we had in the 1950s:
1. patrol (can't get rid of it)
2. traffic (can't get rid of it)
3. detective bureau (can't get rid of it)

Everything else might be jettisoned. It would hurt the taxpayers to get rid of all the "specialized LE functions," but if the tax amendment passes, that's my prediction.

02-16-2008, 02:12 AM
With budget cuts I doubt that they are going to hire anyone. They talking about more cuts so stay away unless you don't care to get hired and then let go.

02-16-2008, 09:20 AM
Everybody seems to be reeling over the forthcoming budget cuts, i appreciate the info sir, i want to be part of this profession bad enough, that im sure i'll find a home somewhere, hopefully in Sarasota, time will tell, and i thank you for your input.

02-16-2008, 03:52 PM
Hey, cadet all agencies around here are good, it depends on what you are looking for, nppd has top notch equipment and good people, spd and sso has the same, it depends on what type of action and advancement you want. Don't know much about vpd, heard they had issues lately but they may have gotten it straightened out. Good luck

02-23-2008, 08:02 AM
Cutting through all that poopola....come on down youngin we're hiring, and we are the best.

02-23-2008, 08:09 AM
Cutting through all that poopola....come on down youngin we're hiring, and we are the best.

Capone, Wondering if your going to be able to tap dance your way into this city managers heart the way you did the last one. If you hurry maybe you can go to the middle east with this one like you went to China with the last one. I might sing their praises to if I got perks like that. I should of traded in my sneakers for some tap shoes when I was a kid. Keep singing big guy!! 8)