View Full Version : Loretta's Video

11-30-2007, 11:58 AM
T o watch Loretta's video go here http://www.youtube.com/GuestU3

11-30-2007, 04:29 PM
It is great! I think there is alot of truth to it!

11-30-2007, 05:59 PM
http://groups.google.com/groups/profile ... 7Z1GVQkNPw (http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?enc_user=F26wzEUAAACxWGU3e-PIGNaITEz-rJEj9426gYszxxwQcjD0LkUbufAmsFIXeun1XG6zcGdiLC9iaQ pYM_vU2SOErO3jTBh-RPzlvHQDqG6_7Z1GVQkNPw)

Another feeble "ED" attempt, whoever "ED" really is since he says he isn't posting this stuff :roll:

11-30-2007, 06:26 PM
It is great! I think there is alot of truth to it!

YES, BUT will the DA look into this? SO far the county commissioners have ignored the request by the family.

11-30-2007, 07:18 PM
Depends on the merit. Still sounds like the family is being used to further someone elses cause. hmmm :wink:

12-01-2007, 12:33 AM
Depends on the merit. Still sounds like the family is being used to further someone elses cause. hmmm :wink:

What CAUSE, explain? You mean this sheriff has no cause of his own? You tell me he does not destroy other people's lives?

12-01-2007, 05:32 AM
Well Oh Well, It seems my entry has once again been deleted. Not surprised. LOL It sure does seem to the common man that the info here is definately ONE sided. That's fine, however there is always more than one way to skin a RAT!! LOL GAME ON!! Oh btw River Cop, get your own screen name, use your imagination lol, P.S.... GO AWAY KID YOU ANNOY ME!! :wink:

12-01-2007, 02:03 PM
Well Oh Well, It seems my entry has once again been deleted. Not surprised. LOL It sure does seem to the common man that the info here is definately ONE sided. That's fine, however there is always more than one way to skin a RAT!! LOL GAME ON!! Oh btw River Cop, get your own screen name, use your imagination lol, P.S.... GO AWAY KID YOU ANNOY ME!! :wink:

YOU See, you make my case, Mr River Cop #2. You call me a "RAT", well, do you know what a "RAT" signifies among police work? It tells others that this one will turn you in for breaking the rules. Somehow you find this dishonorable! Well, I am really honored to be called that, that you. Apparently you do not believe in "DOING THE RIGHT THING", therefore, you have no moral or sound character, nor ethics! This is why you are here on the internet attacking people that have an honorable cause. You are defending the sheriff and calling other RATS that are attempting to expose dishonest behavior. I see none of your attacks in the local newspapers, for the newspaper too has written about the "apparent lack of integrity in our sheriff." This is NOT a one sided cause, you perceived it to be that way. The preponderance of evidence against sheriff will become evident with time. In time, you shall see, and I bet you will be no where to be found. You do not seem to understand, if someone in law-enforcement is breaking the law, you have the ethical obligation to arrest them, or investigate them. You for some reason find it otherwise. Your true motives reveal themselves every time you post. You can look all you want and post all you want on the "RIVER COP" LOL, but you shall never find anything, that I can promise you! Your ignorance in the posting of RIVER COP by itself show you are truly ignorant, and have no idea of whom you are attacking. Your continued attacks are out of line and prove to the readers that you are defending a dishonest sheriff. How much is he paying you for this, or have you turned some tricks with his buddies Ray, and others? If you forgot who Ray is, I maybe need to post that story against and remind people how the sheriff has this man under his nose and the second in command. engaging in sexual misconduct with inmates at our jail. The sad part, the sheriff was aware of the behavior and did nothing! This he got away with and the public has forgotten.

12-03-2007, 02:23 PM
Read the following and you will learn more about Ed:


12-07-2007, 02:04 PM
Read the following and you will learn more about Ed:


Nice one Deputy Boudrot! Very jealous I see! Are you not being acknowledged lately? You are not going to quit again are you?

12-09-2007, 05:50 AM
http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?enc_user=F26wzEUAAACxWGU3e-PIGNaITEz-rJEj9426gYszxxwQcjD0LkUbufAmsFIXeun1XG6zcGdiLC9iaQ pYM_vU2SOErO3jTBh-RPzlvHQDqG6_7Z1GVQkNPw

Another feeble "ED" attempt, whoever "ED" really is since he says he isn't posting this stuff :roll:

My name is Pamela Huskins Greer and I am the one that is posting this "stuff" about my mother Loretta Huskins.

12-09-2007, 08:02 PM
http://groups.google.com/groups/profile?enc_user=F26wzEUAAACxWGU3e-PIGNaITEz-rJEj9426gYszxxwQcjD0LkUbufAmsFIXeun1XG6zcGdiLC9iaQ pYM_vU2SOErO3jTBh-RPzlvHQDqG6_7Z1GVQkNPw

Another feeble "ED" attempt, whoever "ED" really is since he says he isn't posting this stuff :roll:

My name is Pamela Huskins Greer and I am the one that is posting this "stuff" about my mother Loretta Huskins.

Pam, it nice to see that someone cares enough about their mother to expose the truth! God bless you!

01-15-2008, 06:52 AM
Every body here that is sticking up for this "poor woman" is missing the whole point! SHE IS A CONVICTED METH DEALER! The sheriff had nothing to do with her decision to take drugs or deal drugs, that is all on her head and now she has to live with the reality of what happens to you when you live that life. She admits that she was using and dealing meth, would you be saying the same things about her if she was responsible for your child using or dieing from this drug? If you are fine with children’s blood on your hands then go ahead and keep sticking up for this woman, but if you are truly interested in making this area better for our future and our children’s future then see this for what it is, an drug dealer that has some sour grapes.

01-15-2008, 01:28 PM
Every body here that is sticking up for this "poor woman" is missing the whole point! SHE IS A CONVICTED METH DEALER! The sheriff had nothing to do with her decision to take drugs or deal drugs, that is all on her head and now she has to live with the reality of what happens to you when you live that life. She admits that she was using and dealing meth, would you be saying the same things about her if she was responsible for your child using or dieing from this drug? If you are fine with children’s blood on your hands then go ahead and keep sticking up for this woman, but if you are truly interested in making this area better for our future and our children’s future then see this for what it is, an drug dealer that has some sour grapes.

You are so shallow in your thinking!

01-15-2008, 03:29 PM
No I feel that is shows some pretty indepth thinking. Meth and other drugs whether prescription or not are a plague on our society. Those that deal the drugs make fortunes and spend fortunes (easy come, easy go). They are self-serving in that they will do whatever is necessary to keep the funds coming in even if it is to support a habit.

Hope you will never have to look down into a face of a body that no longer breathes the very air we enjoy. Hopefully you will never have to go out and tell that precious loved one "sorry but he or she is dead".

In the video we are only lead to believe that a poor misguided woman was done wrong. I ask you this how many lives did she impact and how many lives did she cause death and destruction to. She admits to selling to support her habit. Was she considering the harm or potential harm to children when she was "dealing to support her habit" probably not. As I said the ones that deal any drugs are self serving.

In her video she professes that she has found Grace. I truly hope so and that she can make a difference while she goes through the prison that she has put herself into. She has hope of tomorrow but what about the ones that she dealt to that are no longer able to find that hope?

At some point enough is enough. Community stand up for what is right. The issue should be what can we do to combat the drug problem, not was the sentence fair. Get a grip!

01-15-2008, 08:07 PM
The issue with Loretta's video is NOT that she is an admitted METH user and sold METH, but rather was the SHERIFF of our county ethical in the handling of her case?

Loretta has taken responsibility for the wrong she has done and is paying for that consequence in federal prison. She has NO problems serving jail time for that either. Have you even read her articles in the community section of the newspaper? She does not have any problems telling others she had a drug problem and how it destroyed her life. It’s very disturbing that a woman admits to these problems, like others too, but the sheriff turns them away. The sheriff simply wants to keep everyone in fear of the alleged drug problems as they do nationally with terror mongering. Subsequently, the sheriff will attempt to calm your fears by telling you that he is “fighting the war on drugs”, that he is the man for the job! Does this not sound familiar? What WAR? PEOPLE, there is NO WAR HERE, but rather its a sociological issue, and people’s mental addiction to narcotics. Addiction is like mental illness; they need help from family and society. There needs to be an alternative recourse for these people with some mercy and compassion, and not always jail as the ONLY option. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do if he were the sheriff? Do you think Jesus would lie and deceive to justify making headline news with regards to the “WAR ON DRUGS”? I do not think so. It’s called “Situational Ethics.” DO I do what is right, or do I do what is best for the larger majority of the people that believe this woman should be lynched. Its been alleged that the sheriff tautened the women by telling others that she would be old and gray before she ever was released from prison. WOW, what a merciful sheriff. It’s very alarming that so many people at our sheriff office say they are Christians. I think NOT, they are religious people, whom reflect the culture of society today, as we know it today. Culture is a reflection of one’s religious beliefs and NOT necessarily God’s law, or Christianity.

WE are not saying that she was FRAMED, or anything like that either. You need to review the video carefully. What is being exposed here is that the Sheriff of our county, whom we expect to be a moral and an ethical person, had a personal interest in this case unlike other cases. The question is why? Second, the Sheriff and his men took advantage of the women's situation and lied to her, plus violated her rights to an attorney at the time. Regardless, its all been said and done and she took a plea of guilty like many in our system do in order to not risk more jail time. If you honestly believe that people do not take guilty pleas against their best interested, in order to NOT get sentence to more time because a lawyer tells them to do so, you better wake up!

Do the people have a limited understanding for the judicial system? Do we understand what due process is and what the constitution and bill of rights stand for? What is being said here is NOT that this woman is a great model citizen, but that she was used to further someone else’s political cause?

If you believe in the premise, “that the end justifies the means”, then you go ahead and get on board with this sheriff. This whole issue with this woman is about ethics and doing the right thing. Like I said, if you believe that the "end justifies the means", then you are a corrupt soul in need of God's word as the sheriff. The sheriff may enforce man’s law, but falls way short of God’s law & order.


01-15-2008, 08:49 PM
No she had her day in court and chose what she felt was the best route for her. Kipling might call it the "Road Less Travelled." No body twisted her arm and no body said she could not have due process by enduring a trial. She made her choice not the Sheriff or anybody else.

01-15-2008, 11:11 PM
No she had her day in court and chose what she felt was the best route for her. Kipling might call it the "Road Less Travelled." No body twisted her arm and no body said she could not have due process by enduring a trial. She made her choice not the Sheriff or anybody else.

You depth and understanding of today's legal system is so shallow! I will leave it at that. I sure hope you are not one of our deputies.

03-02-2008, 01:36 PM
The issue with Loretta's video is NOT that she is an admitted METH user and sold METH, but rather was the SHERIFF of our county ethical in the handling of her case?

Loretta has taken responsibility for the wrong she has done and is paying for that consequence in federal prison. She has NO problems serving jail time for that either. Have you even read her articles in the community section of the newspaper? She does not have any problems telling others she had a drug problem and how it destroyed her life. It’s very disturbing that a woman admits to these problems, like others too, but the sheriff turns them away. The sheriff simply wants to keep everyone in fear of the alleged drug problems as they do nationally with terror mongering. Subsequently, the sheriff will attempt to calm your fears by telling you that he is “fighting the war on drugs”, that he is the man for the job! Does this not sound familiar? What WAR? PEOPLE, there is NO WAR HERE, but rather its a sociological issue, and people’s mental addiction to narcotics. Addiction is like mental illness; they need help from family and society. There needs to be an alternative recourse for these people with some mercy and compassion, and not always jail as the ONLY option. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do if he were the sheriff? Do you think Jesus would lie and deceive to justify making headline news with regards to the “WAR ON DRUGS”? I do not think so. It’s called “Situational Ethics.” DO I do what is right, or do I do what is best for the larger majority of the people that believe this woman should be lynched. Its been alleged that the sheriff tautened the women by telling others that she would be old and gray before she ever was released from prison. WOW, what a merciful sheriff. It’s very alarming that so many people at our sheriff office say they are Christians. I think NOT, they are religious people, whom reflect the culture of society today, as we know it today. Culture is a reflection of one’s religious beliefs and NOT necessarily God’s law, or Christianity.

WE are not saying that she was FRAMED, or anything like that either. You need to review the video carefully. What is being exposed here is that the Sheriff of our county, whom we expect to be a moral and an ethical person, had a personal interest in this case unlike other cases. The question is why? Second, the Sheriff and his men took advantage of the women's situation and lied to her, plus violated her rights to an attorney at the time. Regardless, its all been said and done and she took a plea of guilty like many in our system do in order to not risk more jail time. If you honestly believe that people do not take guilty pleas against their best interested, in order to NOT get sentence to more time because a lawyer tells them to do so, you better wake up!

Do the people have a limited understanding for the judicial system? Do we understand what due process is and what the constitution and bill of rights stand for? What is being said here is NOT that this woman is a great model citizen, but that she was used to further someone else’s political cause?

If you believe in the premise, “that the end justifies the means”, then you go ahead and get on board with this sheriff. This whole issue with this woman is about ethics and doing the right thing. Like I said, if you believe that the "end justifies the means", then you are a corrupt soul in need of God's word as the sheriff. The sheriff may enforce man’s law, but falls way short of God’s law & order.


What a bunch of Mountain HOGWASH. She's a druggy, only sad because she got caught. Crying now because she's a grandma and got 10 years. Where was she crying about being a grandma when she was destroying society for money...some grandma. Now it's everyone else's fault. I love how criminals think they're victims. Trust me, they are not the victims. They are exactly what our laws were made for, to keep them OUT of society.
Nobody believe this pitiful propaganda, it's the oldest stunt. Getting VERY old. You're just reinventing the wheel.
Keep fighting the drugs Sheriff. And don't give in to the pressure of garbage like them.
Criminals are never sorry until they get caught, never take responsibility until they get caught, never admit wrong until they get CAUGHT, looks like getting caught is a good thing. And she'll still be a young grandma when she's out, lucky her.
What a pitiful Utube video, so fake looking. All her body language is the textbook indicators of lying. Did you know that 90% of communication is non-verbal? Do your homework. Just Say No.

03-29-2008, 06:47 PM
Mrs. Huskins and her family should think their lucky stars, she didn't go to prison for life. She admitted to dealing, what if she "had" killed someone. She would have gotten alot more than 11 1/2 years. Probably with no parole. Serve your time for what you did and get over it. Just think your actions to decide to start dealing, could have gotten you a longer sentence for murder for the meth you sold killing someone. If you hadn't gotten busted when you did, it could have cost your family YOU.

11-24-2008, 01:02 AM
Perhaps the the Department of Justice should be requested to investigate such charges against a Sheriff.
If false, then the sheriff should persue slander/libel charges.
If true, then this poor excuse of a LEO should be charged with abuse of powers and he and his croonies removed from office.
LEOs are to serve and protect.
Sounds like some LEOs would rather pull females over so that the civilian females can "service" the LEOs.

More and more civilians are arming themselves with digital video/audio recorders much like LEOs have in their patrol cars which is activated when the strobes are turned on.

I recently appeared in a Kangaroo Court over bogus traffic charges where the LEOs actions were captured on my DVR inside my vehicle, complete with audio that captured the LEOs less than professional language directed at me. It made an interesting front page story.

My case was dismissed.....and the LEO terminated.


I admin a board too and fully realize the electronic foot-print I leave behind. I urge caution before you attempt to engage me in some sort of "cyber-war" or you may find yourself with more publicity than you or your superiors desire.
Nuff said.

11-24-2008, 01:20 AM
After reading more on this board I'm now under the assumption that this board is not operated by the Sheriff's office. If that be the case the the admin should disregard my previous statement to them.

Georgia Press Member

11-26-2008, 02:27 AM
After reading more on this board I'm now under the assumption that this board is not operated by the Sheriff's office. If that be the case the the admin should disregard my previous statement to them.

Georgia Press Member

The sheriff threaten to sue the board. At one time one of his cronnies was the mod. tons of post were deleted. But no lawsuit?

Come on up here and you will stories that you will not believe happen in America. Or just spend a day in court.

Check in often.

Wish I knew how to get in touch with you.

11-26-2008, 02:56 AM
Georgia Media Member here is a case to look at. The SBI was in here within hours of this women being found.

I promise you the sheriff doesn't want the SBI in here.

We are getting no information about what is going on. Do we have a killer wandering around. Start here and I can put you on an even bigger story.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 8:06 PM CDT

MARK TOWNSEND/Cherokee Scout
Cherokee County sheriff’s Deputy Todd White and an unidentified SBI agent with a camera search for evidence where an assaulted woman was found Friday morning in Marble.
Marble – A woman who had been attacked was found moaning and calling for help early Friday morning off Coalville Road near Walnut Cove Road between Andrews and Marble, according to the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.

Two employees of Valwood Corp. were going to work after 5 a.m. when they heard the woman pleading for help. The men called 911 and the woman was taken to Murphy Medical Center, Cherokee County Sheriff Keith Lovin said.

The woman had been physically assaulted. It is believed that the attack on the woman occurred elsewhere, possibly in Murphy, Lovin said. The sheriff’s office asked the State Bureau of Investigation to help in the case. The SBI is the lead investigative unit and the sheriff’s office is assisting, Lovin said.

Toby Hayes, SBI special agent in Charge of the Western District, said he is not at liberty to discuss any aspects of the case at present, but details may be made available in about a week. The Western District office is in Asheville.

Noelle Talley, spokesperson for the N.C. Department of Justice, said the case, “is not a murder investigation. The victim is not deceased.”

Talley also said local law enforcement agencies always have the option to request assistance from the SBI on any type of case.


I don't get out much what is the real story behind this. It is becoming scary for a women to live in Murphy.

02-21-2014, 12:10 AM
What happened to the video?

03-07-2014, 05:58 AM
What happened to the video?

Sheriff Keith Lovin had the video removed, but it needs to be reloaded.