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11-13-2007, 05:50 PM
how may hours per week do u guys work and when does ot kick in after one week or two..

11-14-2007, 01:56 AM
86 hours every 2 weeks. Anything more is OT..if you can get permission (or court)

11-14-2007, 01:00 PM
What you do is become Dual Certified and the OT is pretty much at your leisure. That seems to be one of the perks of being able to work both jail and patrol as a certified dep.

How do I become Dual Certified, you ask?

Well apply for a position in our state-of-the-art jail facilities. Maintain 18 months as a Jail Deputy, apply for and attend a LEO crossover Academy and just like that you're a Patrol Deputy and able to work OT in an always short-handed jail. You can also do it the other way, too, I'm told. Meaning, apply for a Patrol position, do 18 months and apply and attend a CO crossover and become Dual Cert. don't know why you'd want to do it that way but it is an option. Either way, having a Dual Certification is career building.

11-16-2007, 12:27 AM
The jail deal sounds ok but the 86 hrs sound out of date. I guess u guys are in the deep south.

11-16-2007, 01:44 AM
The jail deal sounds ok but the 86 hrs sound out of date. I guess u guys are in the deep south.

Yeah, well we make up for it by not having to turn over $120 a month to a union. Its only six extra hours a week and you are paid for it (Not OT). If not paying anything for one of the best retirment plans in the country and getting take home cars after FTO and paying nothing for your health benefits (for a single deputy) is "deep south" and "out of date", then so be it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to wash my overalls and beat my wife/cousin

11-20-2007, 03:49 AM
I guess you r from the deep south if you think that paying 120 a month for a union is more expensive than losing 12 hours a month of OT. Do the math Jethro. I assume u r at least makin 20 an hour. OT rate is 30? Times 12......... ummmmmm, yeah, go back to dating your sister.

11-20-2007, 04:11 AM
I guess you r from the deep south if you think that paying 120 a month for a union is more expensive than losing 12 hours a month of OT. Do the math Jethro. I assume u r at least makin 20 an hour. OT rate is 30? Times 12......... ummmmmm, yeah, go back to dating your sister.

Yeah, well let me just wave my magic overtime wand and watch the money appear from nowhere. If a stupid union is going to get me 12 hours OT a pay period...it is going to come from somewhere. Like maybe my medical or retirement. Your ignorant if you think a union can create something from nothing. Having come from a northern PD with a union, I can tell you that it is worthless except for job protection. And down here, the Sheriff can fire whoever he wants...with or without a union.

$30 times 12= &360 Minus taxes = about 275. Minus my union dues equals $155. Personally, you can keep your $155 a month and I'll keep my free retirement and health care.

11-20-2007, 04:20 AM
I guess you r from the deep south if you think that paying 120 a month for a union is more expensive than losing 12 hours a month of OT. Do the math Jethro. I assume u r at least makin 20 an hour. OT rate is 30? Times 12......... ummmmmm, yeah, go back to dating your sister.

Yeah, well let me just wave my magic overtime wand and watch the money appear from nowhere. If a stupid union is going to get me 12 hours OT a pay period...it is going to come from somewhere. Like maybe my medical or retirement. Your ignorant if you think a union can create something from nothing. Having come from a northern PD with a union, I can tell you that it is worthless except for job protection. And down here, the Sheriff can fire whoever he wants...with or without a union.

$30 times 12= &360 Minus taxes = about 275. Minus my union dues equals $155. Personally, you can keep your $155 a month and I'll keep my free retirement and health care.

Oh yeah..almost forgot. I am getting straight time for that 12 hours a month already. So really, with the union, i am not netting $155 but around $100 or so a month since the $360 is time and a half and I am already getting stratight time. ($220) ..so..................

$360 (time and a half) minus $240 (straight time at that rate) equals $120...minus my $120 dues equals...$0. Wow unions are awesome...what was I talking about.

11-21-2007, 05:25 PM
Math makes monkeys.

Losing 12 hours of OT= $360+

Making 12 hours of Straight Time= $240+

Not understanding that the 240 is part of the 360 and getting busted out on the internet... Priceless.

It could only be worse if someone came on and said "360+240= $600! Those jerks are taking $600 out of my pay check!"

11-21-2007, 11:26 PM
I think thats what he is saying. $360 is the OT amount, but we already get $240. SO with if we got OT for those 12 hours, we only net $120.

who cares................. :roll:

11-22-2007, 02:18 AM


11-22-2007, 02:57 AM
Section 7(k) of the FLSA provides that employees engaged in fire protection or law enforcement may be paid overtime on a "work period" basis. A "work period" may be from 7 consecutive days to 28 consecutive days in length. For example, fire protection personnel are due overtime under such a plan after 212 hours worked during a 28-day period, while law enforcement personnel must receive overtime after 171 hours worked during a 28-day period. For work periods of at least 7 but less than 28 days, overtime pay is required when the number of hours worked exceeds the number of hours which bears the same relationship to 212 (fire) or 171 (police) as the number of days in the work period bears to 28.

11-22-2007, 04:34 AM
Section 7(k) of the FLSA provides that employees engaged in fire protection or law enforcement may be paid overtime on a "work period" basis. A "work period" may be from 7 consecutive days to 28 consecutive days in length. For example, fire protection personnel are due overtime under such a plan after 212 hours worked during a 28-day period, while law enforcement personnel must receive overtime after 171 hours worked during a 28-day period. For work periods of at least 7 but less than 28 days, overtime pay is required when the number of hours worked exceeds the number of hours which bears the same relationship to 212 (fire) or 171 (police) as the number of days in the work period bears to 28.

well that clears it up

11-22-2007, 01:07 PM
I don't worry about the lost overtime. I make up for it free coffee, soda and hot dogs at the local convenience store... : )

12-01-2007, 08:00 AM
Wow you have to work 86 hours in a 2 week period and you don't get paid overtime for the extra hours worked? If you had a union, you guys could work 32 hours a week and get paid for 40 like I do. You could also earn overtime for anything over the 32 hours regardless of whether or not you called in sick one day or took a day off during the week. Heck, there are times that I only worked 8 hours (I took a few days off) and worked one extra day and got paid time and a half for it anyway! Gotta love unions!!!

12-30-2007, 03:06 PM
I always say, "Theres No crime, until its overtime". If you really want overtime, you just have to arrest someone like a DUI or something that will keep you there longer. Not that hard to find.

12-30-2007, 10:03 PM
AS stated before........... SUCK it up you bunch of +ussies. GO to Miami or Jacksonsonville if you got it so bad here. WE don't need a union. LOOK what a union did for our teachers. N O T H I N G. What we need is dedicated family men and women who care about their community and the direction it's heading. Stop worrying about what you GET and start caring about how much you GIVE to save YOUR home,family,schools,neighborhood......Quality of LIFE.!! A$$holes

12-30-2007, 11:56 PM
lighten up francis

01-01-2008, 08:33 AM
Im gonna call JL PEGGS and see what he thinks.

01-19-2008, 06:20 AM


01-19-2008, 04:14 PM
i just take free coffee and hotdogs at ck to make up for the lost overtime.

01-21-2008, 07:19 AM
I think we need to get the PBA back in town before its too late! The county will cut The SO budget the same as the library and the county’s illegal lawn service worker the plant the flowers in the roadways. We need a voice,, does anyone else remember when another Governor decided to let all the cons out of prison and Lee Co. Sheriff went on Good Morning America and said stay out of Florida.

PBA Rocks… UNIONS give workers a voice !

01-21-2008, 07:34 AM
Yea you are right - I hear the teachers union voice loud and clear...no thanks :roll:

01-21-2008, 09:42 PM
Look at the teachers on the side of the road before school hours with signs of protest - they still have jobs! Let me see anybody publicly disagree with Don-Hugo Hunter and not be destroyed in the LEO community. Oh, wait...what is that I hear...silence?

01-22-2008, 12:45 AM
I think we need to get the PBA back in town before its too late! The county will cut The SO budget the same as the library and the county’s illegal lawn service worker the plant the flowers in the roadways. We need a voice,, does anyone else remember when another Governor decided to let all the cons out of prison and Lee Co. Sheriff went on Good Morning America and said stay out of Florida.

PBA Rocks… UNIONS give workers a voice !

Thanks Hillary...how's the campaign going?

01-22-2008, 01:06 AM
Look at the teachers on the side of the road before school hours with signs of protest - they still have jobs! Let me see anybody publicly disagree with Don-Hugo Hunter and not be destroyed in the LEO community. Oh, wait...what is that I hear...silence?

What is there to publicly disagree with him about? The better than average paycheck you get? Or the first rate health care? Oh, it must be the terrible retirement benefits that just so happen to be some of the best in the state?

Give me a protest sign! I'll hold one up to help with your personal (meaning singular/also meaning only you) problems....yea right.

01-22-2008, 01:58 AM
So, do you think you would be safe in your position if you did voice public discontent? I couldn't find the answer in you post.

01-22-2008, 02:44 AM
That's a mighty big "if" cause I've never had something to picket about. I'd be more inclined to worry about the earth being struck by a big asteroid and killing off more dinosaurs or something.
There's no need to pay dues and have get togethers and meetings to discuss being hosed ,um.... cause we're not getting hosed eh?! You really can sell now and move back North and pay your dues if you need to join some club and publicly criticise whatever you want. Hey isn't the FOP the ones that "endorsed" a candidate before all the cadidates threw their hat in the ring, and on what grounds do they endorse? Is getting fired from FHP a good thing? Did they even call the local chapter for their opinion? I don't see MY personal need for them. How can you convince me to spend my money on that?

01-22-2008, 08:49 PM
It is nice that you view freedom of speech as something that "there is no need for". I don't assemble with a group of people for a cause (freedom of assembly), but it is nice to know that I can if I would like. I haven't, and hopefully shouldn't, require a reasonable bond (bail), but if I were in trouble I like to know that my right exists and is protected.

Get my point yet...I can have two more Foster's and draw the picture a little clearer.

Don't get me wrong...I like the majority of what goes on around here; however, I am no lemming and will not betray my intelligence and education. A handful of administrators have a confiscatory view of our rights as citizen/members - I am an American first! Men didn't fight and die so a megalomaniac politician can sit on the ivory throne. I give Hunter respect for every bit of blood he lost in the field as a soldier, and for the sweat he offered as a deputy sheriff on the road... (enter head-scratching time here)...give me the respect as an American citizen, decorated soldier and front line deputy!

I'll be back after I go to the Foster's stock pile!

01-22-2008, 10:30 PM
My point exactly....ie, you are not drinking Milwauckee's best or Pabst are you>>?

01-23-2008, 01:19 AM
It is nice that you view freedom of speech as something that "there is no need for". I don't assemble with a group of people for a cause (freedom of assembly), but it is nice to know that I can if I would like. I haven't, and hopefully shouldn't, require a reasonable bond (bail), but if I were in trouble I like to know that my right exists and is protected.

Get my point yet...I can have two more Foster's and draw the picture a little clearer.

Don't get me wrong...I like the majority of what goes on around here; however, I am no lemming and will not betray my intelligence and education. A handful of administrators have a confiscatory view of our rights as citizen/members - I am an American first! Men didn't fight and die so a megalomaniac politician can sit on the ivory throne. I give Hunter respect for every bit of blood he lost in the field as a soldier, and for the sweat he offered as a deputy sheriff on the road... (enter head-scratching time here)...give me the respect as an American citizen, decorated soldier and front line deputy!

I'll be back after I go to the Foster's stock pile!

Were you allowed to publicly protest your commanding officer in the military?

01-23-2008, 09:13 PM
Am I still in the military? No sir I am not! Are you comparing Hunter's elected position to that of a commissioned officer in the armed forces...teeheeheee...maybe he is more like Hugo Chavez than I thought! He comes out and publicly endorses Mitt Romney - you go ahead and publicly endorse Hillary Clinton...or hell endorse Ortino....see how fast your career gets derailed.

My commanding officer in the military actually went into the field and led from the front - novel idea.

01-23-2008, 10:44 PM
Am I still in the military? No sir I am not! Are you comparing Hunter's elected position to that of a commissioned officer in the armed forces...teeheeheee...maybe he is more like Hugo Chavez than I thought! He comes out and publicly endorses Mitt Romney - you go ahead and publicly endorse Hillary Clinton...or hell endorse Ortino....see how fast your career gets derailed.

My commanding officer in the military actually went into the field and led from the front - novel idea.

No, I am simply suggesting that you do not have the full range of first amendment rights to protest when you are in a sworn position. Like in the military, its not proper to activly speak out against the commander in public.

As for your second point, an active duty commander works for the president...which is why they dont campaign. Hunter works for no one...and much like the president, can campaign for whoever he pleases.

How would you feel if you were the Sheriff and you rtroops were publicly speaking out of turn?

01-24-2008, 08:30 PM
A Supreme Court Justice stated, in a dissenting opinion, that "police officers and firefighters should not be relegated to a watered-down version of Constitutional rights...." I'll go with that!

01-25-2008, 11:08 AM
"Hunter works for no one"

I am sure there is a long list of citizens of Collier County that would choose to disagree with you on that point.

01-25-2008, 10:58 PM
A Supreme Court Justice stated, in a dissenting opinion, that "police officers and firefighters should not be relegated to a watered-down version of Constitutional rights...." I'll go with that!

Yeah, read the whole case. The Supreme court has repeatedly ruled that you , as a government employee, have full first amendment protections only when speaking on a manner concerning public safety. Like if the Sheriff's Office was requiring us to pull over people of a certain race.. Your personal feelings on Sheriff are not public policy and thus, can be "watered down" to the level that will allow the SHeriff to do his job as is necessary.

State statute prohibits teh Sheriff from firing you for political activities...not the constitution

01-26-2008, 02:26 PM
Okay Doogie....name the case and the Justice who said that...clock starts now (insert Jeopardy theme show music here).....

01-26-2008, 06:48 PM
Okay Doogie....name the case and the Justice who said that...clock starts now (insert Jeopardy theme show music here).....

Garcetti v. Ceballos
547 U.S. 410, 126 S.Ct. 1951

Justice Kennedy wrote

"Public employees do not surrender all their First Amendment rights by reason of their employment; rather, the First Amendment protects a public employee's right, in certain circumstances, to speak as a citizen addressing matters of public concern"

"While the First Amendment invests public employees with certain rights, it does not empower them to constitutionalize the employee grievance"

and finally...

"Proper application of the Court's precedents leads to the conclusion that the First Amendment does not prohibit managerial discipline based on an employee's expressions made pursuant to official responsibilities"

Official responsibility being you, working and criticizing the policies of the Sheriff while on duty.


01-26-2008, 08:49 PM
"Hunter works for no one"

I am sure there is a long list of citizens of Collier County that would choose to disagree with you on that point.

Yeah, that argument is the old "I pay your salary" retort. Its wrong. Hunter does not work for the Citizens of the county in the way that a Police Chief works for the City. The Sheriff is elected to serve on BEHALF of the people, not FOR them.

01-26-2008, 08:49 PM
A Supreme Court Justice stated, in a dissenting opinion, that "police officers and firefighters should not be relegated to a watered-down version of Constitutional rights...." I'll go with that!

Dissenting means he was wrong.

01-26-2008, 10:46 PM
Nice Doogie....

McAuliffe v. New Bedford, 29 N.E. 517 (Mass. 1892)

The actual quote belongs to Oliver Wendell Holmes....but I appreciate your homework...you get another gold star![/i]

01-26-2008, 10:52 PM
Nice Doogie....

McAuliffe v. New Bedford, 29 N.E. 517 (Mass. 1892)

The actual quote belongs to Oliver Wendell Holmes....but I appreciate your homework...you get another gold star![/i]

Ahh...Westlaw or Lexis?
Oliver Wendell Holmes, my favorite bleeding heart justice!
and my first gold start ever!..Even though I misunderstood the challenge!