View Full Version : comm race

11-12-2007, 04:53 AM
word is white is going to support battens sister for the county comm race, he needs to worry about his own, things not looking good for him. I also was told he was bad mouthing the rep party leaders for this county smart move bob.

11-12-2007, 05:18 AM
Guess that explains why we got shafted and batten was handed the transfer. boss you truly have lost my support

11-12-2007, 11:24 AM
And this surprises any of you why? Bob is out for himself. He cares not for the members.

Power absolutely corrupts, and corruption is absolute power!

11-12-2007, 03:45 PM
Wasn't there oral boards. Was BW in the oral boards with the ag supervisors and who ever else?

11-12-2007, 04:53 PM
Why yes, there were orla boards. Care to guess the outcome?

11-12-2007, 06:24 PM
More MS Rhetoric, Charlotte has not made any decision about running or not. According to her son, she has not said anything about it. I know, because I just called him.

Why can't you just look at the facts, BB was the most qualified, has been in there before, has been a farmer his whole life, raises animals and grows hay, he has all the knowledge and a lifes worth of experience, and he uses the same types of equipment daily. He also knows all the other farmers and ranchers and, unlike others, can tell a bull, from a steer. He was the obvious choice for anyone who is informed on what the job entails. Others may have been as qualified for CPT, but not for AG.

So stop the rumor mill and unprofessionalism, and do your job.

11-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Come on, Moon Pie is not the most qualified. He is not respected among the citizens. They all know he is lazy and is only worried about finding his next meal.

Try a better argument for the fact that this was a political pay back. Can't wait to see how much money Moon Pie gets for BW. Too bad it wont matter in January 2009 when a new Sheriff is sworn in. :shock:

11-12-2007, 10:50 PM
Well he may not be much to look at but he does have a long history in the Ag and ranch community. BB needs a strong supervisor to lead and motivate him. Not a STRONG muscled up man who hangs out in the gym all day on duty and lets his units run wild.

11-12-2007, 11:56 PM
Oh yeah, thats Grandpa Munster allright!


11-13-2007, 12:48 AM
Political payback, for what, what has he done?

11-13-2007, 12:55 AM
Fundraising for the campaign silly.

11-13-2007, 12:57 AM
More MS Rhetoric, Charlotte has not made any decision about running or not. According to her son, she has not said anything about it. I know, because I just called him.

Why can't you just look at the facts, BB was the most qualified, has been in there before, has been a farmer his whole life, raises animals and grows hay, he has all the knowledge and a lifes worth of experience, and he uses the same types of equipment daily. He also knows all the other farmers and ranchers and, unlike others, can tell a bull, from a steer. He was the obvious choice for anyone who is informed on what the job entails. Others may have been as qualified for CPT, but not for AG.

So stop the rumor mill and unprofessionalism, and do your job.

You are 100 % correct.

Bob knows what is best.

That is why he brought in Worch then let him go.

That is why he brought in Neal, then let him go.

That is why he brought in Kimbrough. Then let him go.

That is why he brought in his deacon from his church, then let him go.

That is why he promoted a supervisor to victim advocate, then let her go.

That is why he brought in Chicanella or what ever his name is to run professional standards, and he lasted two months.

That is why he got rid of the extra sergeant in step, then brought him back when he realized the unit was failing.

That is why he brought grandpa back, but when he failed in d-one, created a new position for him.

Created a new position for admin captain,
New position for training LT.
Created a new position for two posse members.

Bob doesn't make mistakes. We are afloat and doing better then ever!

11-13-2007, 01:13 AM
Yes, lets look at that, Bob White, has made some bad decisions, as has every Sheriff in history. But unlike the other Sheriff's, he has identified what is working and what is not, and he is not afraid to change what is not working, even if they are now, "GONE". If the past Sheriff's were not so afraid to admit they were wrong, and they fixed their problems, even if they created them, they might still be the Sheriff today.

Bob White is a professional who will bring people on board, but he is also man enough to admit when something is not working and make a change. If the past Sheriff's had done so, your precious KB would have had more time to build his resume outside the agency.

Bob White for Sheriff 2008

11-13-2007, 01:34 AM
Yes, lets look at that, Bob White, has made some bad decisions, as has every Sheriff in history. But unlike the other Sheriff's, he has identified what is working and what is not, and he is not afraid to change what is not working, even if they are now, "GONE". If the past Sheriff's were not so afraid to admit they were wrong, and they fixed their problems, even if they created them, they might still be the Sheriff today.

Bob White is a professional who will bring people on board, but he is also man enough to admit when something is not working and make a change. If the past Sheriff's had done so, your precious KB would have had more time to build his resume outside the agency.

Bob White for Sheriff 2008

So when will he get rid of Grandpa Munster, arguably his biggest "mistake" of all outside Alvin????

11-14-2007, 12:16 AM
Only to those who like to skirt the system and work in the grey area. I hope when we all turn 68 we will be as astute as him. I think he is pretty sry for a man that age. Kudos for him to put his life and health for the agency above all even his fiancee.. He is truly a work a holic. Good luck Jim you are making a difference.

11-14-2007, 12:24 AM
Work a Holic? No, close though.

He needs to take a moment and reflect upon those he is stepping all over now compared to the position he was in under previous administrations.

He is a hypocrite. And one of the truest examples of an opportunist.

11-14-2007, 02:50 PM
It's funny how people who make it and get promoted are all of a suddentthe enemy because they start acting like managers and work within the budget. We have tight budget restraints with the monies we were given and the rise in gas prices. But somehow the union thinks they should get all kinds of benefits given to them like GAP. I have an idea, don't work personnel on holidays except for road patrol. Wow, and they hate a supervisor for enforcing it. Management my friends. Get used to it union folks. Stop crying and get back to work. Maybe there will be a gift in your stocking for Christmas. Or a lump of coal. :cry:

11-14-2007, 03:38 PM
Batten, Ag 7 or something like that, does anyone remember when we h were having all of the large tractors and semis being stolen. Know who worked on that on his own time, that is right Moon pie and he found the trucks in GA and several location in FL so he's now lazy I have worked with him for several years now and he is very smart street smart.

11-14-2007, 06:10 PM
Amen. Billy is good people. He knows his job and will do it well. Smart move by number 1.

11-15-2007, 12:59 AM
Yes, Billy Batten is a good investigator. He took that case, and many others, farther than most deputies. His actions led to the recovery of nearly half a million dollars of equipment on that one case alone.

Let me ask you another question. When you have a cow out, who do you call? Ag, don't think so, can't ever find them, they are flexing off from working some special detail. If the Deputies can't find them, what about the farmers and ranchers. No wonder they are always angry lately. We need Ag guys to be Ag guys, and Cpt to be Cpt. I applaud whoever is behind the recent movement back to the way it should be.

What about other things he does. Every time a member of the SO is sick or their family is in trouble, he takes a $50 or $100 dollar bill out of his pocket and starts a collection. You guys are very quick to dismiss someone because they are not one of your inner circle, but ask those who he has helped. A member with 25+ years in law enforcement tends to pick up some skills along the way. The funny thing is, he has been on the road for nearly a decade, and does his job well. Yet, you guys argue that he is not qualified for Ag, which is a great deal easier. When was the last time you saw a fleeing herford bull trying to escape from a crime scene.

11-15-2007, 01:02 AM
"When was the last time you saw a fleeing herford bull trying to escape from a crime scene."

When was the last time Moon Pie got a call? :lol:

11-15-2007, 01:24 AM
Today, check the calls for service, he is usually near the top of the stats in the Charlie sector. I think it is very obvious why the Sheriff finds it difficult to work with you guys. Change is good, and you guys are the ones screaming that things need to change.

I hope there are many new changes to come, new blood, new prospective, better results.

Be safe

11-15-2007, 01:26 AM
You forgot NEW SHERIFF!!!

11-15-2007, 12:47 PM
In your dreams. Its judgement day and time for you to be judged by the admin. Get ready.

11-18-2007, 12:36 AM
What about other things he does. Every time a member of the SO is sick or their family is in trouble, he takes a $50 or $100 dollar bill out of his pocket and starts a collection.
and he takes $99.00 in change from what everyone else gives.

11-18-2007, 04:03 AM
You are plain and simply and ass. You don't know what you are talking about. I don't care what you think of his job performance, but to criticize him as a person is crap. I have seen him do more for people that no one else would help, than anyone else at this agency.

That is what I hate about you people. You make personal attacks at those who are supposed to be your brothers and sisters. You all suck.

11-18-2007, 04:03 AM
You are plain and simply and ass. You don't know what you are talking about. I don't care what you think of his job performance, but to criticize him as a person is crap. I have seen him do more for people that no one else would help, than anyone else at this agency.

That is what I hate about you people. You make personal attacks on those who are supposed to be your brothers and sisters. You all suck.

11-22-2007, 02:03 PM
In your dreams. Its judgement day and time for you to be judged by the admin. Get ready.

Ahhhh, I see you bought into the hype that the sheriff is god and his chosen few will judge us. Well my friend, MY God is more powerful than your god and your god will have some answering to do for his hatred and antics he has been playing against My God's people.

11-22-2007, 03:10 PM
All right seriously this is borderline blasphemy, let's not go there, some things are off limits