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11-06-2007, 07:59 AM
so how come the post got deleted that was an insight of how our sheriff dept is run?

11-07-2007, 03:03 AM

11-07-2007, 01:25 PM
http://memberdirectory.aol.com/aolus/profile?req=search-result&dsf=0&sn=shellbeal3&id=1194441791137&searchUrl=search%3FsearchType%3D1%26req%3Dpeople-connection%26txtEntry%3Dshellbeal3%26name%3D%26loc %3D%26occ%3D%26hobb%3D%26fav%3D%26marital%3D%26quo te%3D%26ctry%3Dall%26btnSearch.x%3D0%26btnSearch.y %3D0%26id%3D1194441791137&searchText=shellbeal3&searchQuery=shellbeal3

11-07-2007, 11:51 PM
Well that was very interesting and imformative. :lol:

http://memberdirectory.aol.com/aolus/profile?req=search-result&dsf=0&sn=shellbeal3&id=1194441791137&searchUrl=search%3FsearchType%3D1%26req%3Dpeople-connection%26txtEntry%3Dshellbeal3%26name%3D%26loc %3D%26occ%3D%26hobb%3D%26fav%3D%26marital%3D%26quo te%3D%26ctry%3Dall%26btnSearch.x%3D0%26btnSearch.y %3D0%26id%3D1194441791137&searchText=shellbeal3&searchQuery=shellbeal3

11-08-2007, 03:42 AM
well it was until i changed it

11-09-2007, 03:00 AM
ok i have watched this leo affairs for a while. i dont understand what does the sheriff's daughter or son have to do with any thing.seems to me there was a raise given to employes by the county commision by the sheriff pulling for one.seems to me the man is doing his job. well the sheriff's daughter and son didnt do it. what does the profile of someones screen name got to do with anything. espically a profile full of blah blah lol seems like people need to mind there own business and stop minding everybody elses

11-10-2007, 06:21 AM
The son and daughter of the sheriff get pulled in when they do things that would others fired or arrested and it slides off like tefflon. It's a nepotism thing I guess.

ok i have watched this leo affairs for a while. i dont understand what does the sheriff's daughter or son have to do with any thing.seems to me there was a raise given to employes by the county commision by the sheriff pulling for one.seems to me the man is doing his job. well the sheriff's daughter and son didnt do it. what does the profile of someones screen name got to do with anything. espically a profile full of blah blah lol seems like people need to mind there own business and stop minding everybody elses

11-10-2007, 04:31 PM
it is funny how the sheriff's daughter posts half nude photos of herself on her websites and then when someone posts it on here it quickly gets removed..but some people have the photos saved for re-election time...who wants a sheriff in washington county who's daughter works for him that posts nude photos of herself for the world to see? NOT I!

11-10-2007, 04:38 PM
sounds like she should be working at a strip bar than at the sheriff's office..

11-12-2007, 11:22 AM
Sounds good to me ... I love freaky women :)

11-13-2007, 03:44 PM
Why wait until the election let's see what we've missed.

it is funny how the sheriff's daughter posts half nude photos of herself on her websites and then when someone posts it on here it quickly gets removed..but some people have the photos saved for re-election time...who wants a sheriff in washington county who's daughter works for him that posts nude photos of herself for the world to see? NOT I!

11-14-2007, 02:26 AM
everytime I post it...it gets deleted....haha

11-14-2007, 04:02 AM
Wow thats got to either be good paint shop pro, or a very old picture. Looks nothing like her now. Shes not blonde nor is she anywhere that skinney. Good try though.

11-14-2007, 05:35 PM
I know it is hard to believe but she actually did look like that at one time and the sad part is she actually looks better in this picture than she does now.

11-16-2007, 04:25 AM
it is funny how the sheriff's daughter posts half nude photos of herself on her websites and then when someone posts it on here it quickly gets removed..but some people have the photos saved for re-election time...who wants a sheriff in washington county who's daughter works for him that posts nude photos of herself for the world to see? NOT I!

Hmmm if you are all so bent on being superior to the Sheriff and his family why dont you post your names on here...and if you dont like the Sheriff or his family why is it then YOUR not Sheriff? oh yeah huh. You all sound like a bunch of hens with nothing more to do then run your mouths...true trash is all. JMO

Yours truly,
Proud Marines Wife

11-16-2007, 05:50 AM
Doesn't look like the Sheriff's daugher is posting these pictures. Looks like just some who is tacky and vindictive. I'm sure all of you don't look like you used to. I sure don't. Only a bunch of losers would do something like this.

11-16-2007, 01:26 PM
Okay, sooo....let me just ask a question? Is this an attack on our sheriff's department and the way that it's run, or is it a personal attack on the personal affairs of our sheriff and his family? Because from where I sit it sounds more like the latter. As a matter of fact, it sounds more like the pathetic whinings of someone with a personal axe to grind....like an ex, perhaps? Just saying....I know all of these people on a personal level AND I'm a tax-paying citizen, and I bet you a hundred dollars to a hole a in a donut that I know exactly who started this whole "half-naked" crap. Juvenile....let me tell you. If you're such a concerned individual that is simply standing up for the rights of county citizens, then why are you so afraid to identify yourself as something other than "Guest"?

11-17-2007, 07:33 AM
I think I know the person in question you're talking about and there is no doubt that he would do something this despicable (oh I'm sorry he may not know understand what that word means) {dirty and lowdown} and would have access to pictures to embarass her. I don't know what he is whining about, because before her he didn't have a job worth having. He got a place to live, a career, a job, a car and anything else he could get his grubby little fingers on before he left her for another woman.
She was very understanding and let him live under her roof so he could save rent money so he could make it on his own when he left. I think that shows who the better person is with character right there. She could have kicked him out without nothing.

11-21-2007, 02:41 AM
Here I will say it, her ex husband. Who before marrying into the family had no family no car no education a drinking problem and could not hold a job more than a year.

After marrying into the family of course, got everything he wanted from the family. then left her for another woman when he was set to go into the acadamy.

Amazingly enough, he actually states, that this family helped him not at all. Such superior morals he has. Because he got married right away, and she decided to have a life.

Being a friend of the family, and seeing how much the children and the grandchildren are loved, even the one they arent allowed to see, due to the mothers mental problems that run in her family. Seeing them torn apart by people who do not know them, or think that they are something they arent, just flat makes me sick.

11-21-2007, 12:28 PM
We all know that there are 2 sides to every story. We have now heard your side and it is quite slanted the way you want it to be. Some of us who know better tend to see things the way they really are.

Can you get over yourself now and move onto something constructive or maybe even something that has to do with work ?

11-22-2007, 01:04 AM
This post had nothing whatsoever to do with the Washington County Sheriff's Office. What it was and is, is a smear campain against the Sheriffs daughter to make certain people (her ex husband) to try and make himself look better.

As his fathering skills and all around skills stink from what I understand. From a little girl that will tell anyone that asks she does not want to go to her fathers because shes just a "babysitter" there. To the fact she has to strip her clothes off at the front door due to the fact that her mother smokes, in front of anyone that happens to be in the house. There are two sides to every story, but you can bet, if you go ask him you will get how "good" he is, and how he made it into his job with no ones help.

As I have stated before, I am close to certain members of this family. And actually have seen some of this behavor as well as heard it from the horses mouth so to speak.

It was okay when it was about the Sheriff's daughter. but when you bring up cold hard facts about her unhappy unfullfilled half wit ex husband, whom only started this because its the only way he has left to try and get an upperhand, its time to go back to work issues.

Funny how that works.

11-22-2007, 03:01 AM
Who ever you are "justfacts", none of this has anything to do with work in any way.

You have now supplied your personal agenda. Time to let it go and get over your hangup.

The MOD took the picture off of here but anyone should know that once you post it on the net it is there for all to see. If people didnt want or dont want others to see their "personal" or " trashy" pictures then they should be smart enough to keep them off the internet.

To both sides of this childish game - - - grow up and move on. Domestic disputes belong elsewhere.

If you need help ask.

11-23-2007, 02:15 AM
[quote="to justfacts"]Who ever you are "justfacts", none of this has anything to do with work in any way [quote]

THATS what I am saying to begin with.

Nothing on this post has anything to do with work. But why does it become a problem when its actual facts about someone who has alot of issues?

Just because it is about someone who DESERVES to have mud slung at them? Your right it IS a personal agenda just like whomever posted that picture. (her ex)

I have watched what She and the children, even the one he does not claim as it would mean having to admit to cheating on his current wife with his ex wife, go through he11 due to this person.

But its okay to talk about the Sheriff and his family, but not lay anything else out on the mat?

I dont think so.