View Full Version : PBSO Dispatchers

11-02-2007, 11:54 PM
Has any one read how much dispatcher ID's 7911 and 7722 are disliked on the PBSO forum? Maybe you should bring it to their attention, or is it true, they are proud of the fact they are disliked by almost EVERY ONE?

11-03-2007, 03:17 AM
Has any one read how much dispatcher ID's 7911 and 7722 are disliked on the PBSO forum? Maybe you should bring it to their attention, or is it true, they are proud of the fact they are disliked by almost EVERY ONE?

Do not judge everyone up there by these two, whoever they are. It is really a great group of men/women who care about the job/work as you do. It is sad that some set the reputation for others. Hopefully this will get to someone's attention and it will be taken care of. Until then, try to remember the good dispatchers that care and support them as they do you.

11-03-2007, 01:51 PM
I read this and laughed - those two are the worst dispatchers I have ever heard. I have had citizens standing next to my car and remark what a "BIT--" they are. I have also had FHP troppers ask me why in the world our agency allows both of those two to speak to officers that way. The other night, we were on a perimiter with WPB and they had switched over to LE Comm. When it was done, a group of their guys were all talking and I was embaressed to be PBSO because they all agreed on how much of a you know what ID 7722 (initials MR) was. It was a big laugh for them on how we "allowed" some civilian, without a clue about what it is like on the road, to treat us that way.

11-04-2007, 01:07 AM
Is this one named after an alcoholic beverage???

11-04-2007, 01:12 AM
There seems to be no management up there. The pissy attitude that these two take will ultimately put an officer in jeopardy, and yet it is acceptable, and allowed to continue, despite the numerous complaints from deputies? UNBELIEVABLE!

11-04-2007, 05:58 PM
Since MOD 362 keeps editing out the ID numbers of Dispatchers 7722 & 7911, I guess I'll cut & past the whole thing here. He can't edit/delete in this forum.

Here it is:

When you receive your laptops, you will notice you are able to look up which calls are pending for dispatch. The software allows users to assign calls to themselves. For instance, if you see there is a 13p right down the road from where you currently are located, you can clear your call, then you should be allowed to assign the 13p to yourself, that way you can bang it out. The dispatchers complained about this function, and so the computer room turned this off. Now, if you see a call in your zone or a call you want to take care of (say you are familiar with the address or caller), you have to ask dispatch over the radio to assign the call to you. This is a waste of time and resources. If we can get enough people to send a suggestion through the APPS page that they allow deputies to assign them selves to call which are holding, then we should be able to get that function back. Dispatchers felt is was too much power in the hands of the deputies to be able to make the choice of assigning a call to themselves. Of course, they will still dispatch "hot" calls over the air, this is only for delayed, non-priority calls which are holding. They realize with the new system up and running completely, there is less and less need for them. We DO NOT work for dispatchers, and remember, WE decide which calls we are going to. Once you get your computers you will see what I mean. Let's see if we can get enough people to suggest we be able to make our decisions. We are professional enough to do so.


Great idea!! Then the slug in the zone next to me can take all the non-paper calls, while I get stuck handling all the 21's, 30's, 40's, tec.... I'd rather keep it this way. Thanx anyway.


Lets look at what the real problem was on doing this.

Deputies were looking on the computer, not clearing where they were and going to a call they wanted to take, then cleared the previous call and assigned the new call to themselves.

In the mean time, more important calls were being left open that the dispatch had needed to send them to. Some deputies were actually using it to skip paper calls.

If you see a call near where you are just speak up and do the right thing. Too bad a few had to ruin it for the rest.
The Green Gang Rules

it was a matter of time. I'm GLAD its done. I would hate to pick-up the MILKERS SLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are you joking me!! commo didnt decide on the system, you have a lot to learn!

I do not have a computer yet, so when I read the origional post, I thought to myself, we should be able to assign the calls to ourselves.

But after reading Member of the Green Gang's post, I completely understand why we can't anymore. Because of these slackers that Green Gang mentioned, I agree 100% that it should be out of the D/S's hands.

It's a dang shame! There is no such thing as "Zone Integrity" anymore. I realize our patches say do PBSO and not our zone #, but take some pride guys. I remember when we heard someone get a call in our zone, we cleared what we had as quick as we could so we could take the call.
A Dispatcher did complain to have that function turned off. For those of you who were not in on the meetings with dispatch about the system, they complained about a host of multiple different things "they" wanted. Last I checked, we work for the Sheriff, not support staff.

Now matter how many functions you give to these deputies, they will still treat the dispatchers like they are their personal secretaries. Most of it is just plain laziness. I hope the lazy empty uniforms that arrive on calls and then tell the citizen to call into the sheriff's office to have another call typed up, along with the one's that can't pull their own case number much less push the little button to arrive and clear themselves from a call are ready for October '08 cause all of the apron strings, the giving out directions and details of the call 3 and 4 times over the air and then the "What was that last call?" Seregeant with his head in the stars is all coming to an end.
Obviously written by a rude dispatcher
Perimeters can be commanded by the Sergeant (they are the leaders)
Holding calls can be monitored by the SGT (they are in charge)
Status of deputies on a call can also be monitored by the Sgt (again they're in charge)
Who can break for the in-progress call (Oh, the Sgt can look to his laptop and command and control the district)
What's so-and-so's location? Look at your laptop

Hopefully the dispatches will be able to just point click and occasionally dispatch an in-progress call and the deputies and Sgt's can earn their hefty paygrades and leave the commo peep's alone since their primary function is dispatching and not being someone's secretary or "acting Sgt".

October '08 can't come any quicker.
OK....so what, pray tell, will happen in October 08??????

And there we have it. I'm sure we can guess which dispatcher that was.
Please realize that the more automated this system is, the less we will have to endure hearing that aweful sound coming from you. It should also mean the less we will need you.

Bye bye. I'm sure Denny's will be hiring.

Mod, I know you have deleted a lot of our statements about the dispatchers and told us to play nice, but after this statement, they have it coming.

It is interesting how all those things are the Sgt's responsibilty but yet the dispatchers feel they are in charge and have to manage deputies. Let us clarify something deputies do not work for dispatchers and dispatchers dont work for deputies, we should be working together. Obviously you just want to collect a pay check and feed yourself at the buffet table, located in commo.
If we as deputies are going to have the ability to do all those things you say, we wont need as many dispatchers. Then some of you will be looking for jobs and I hope managers will keep the dispatchers that actually wanted to help and not complain about working like you.
I'm trying to think of her ID..... Is it 7911 Yes, I believe so.

She needs to practice saying "Welcome to Denny's, may I take your order"?

Try giving that attitude then and you won't get your $0.75 tip.
ID 7722 and 7911 are both EXTREMELY HORRIBLE and nothing but attitude! Why do they hate their jobs? Why do they act like they hate deputies? I DO NOT WORK FOR DISPATCH! It is not up to them to try and tell me what to do. I work for my Sgt, then Lt, Capt, Maj and finally the Sheriff. Dispatchers are SUPPORT personel, why hasn't this agency lost sight of that fact? If any dispatcher reads this before the mods decide to delete it, please let both of the above mentioned dispatchers know deputies complain about them CONSTANTLY! Their attitudes are going to get a deputy hurt.

what are the initials of 7722 and 7911? All i know is that there is one that usually works in dist one i think 7722 and 7911 work too in dist 1 if i am not mistaken and dude she sounds like shes 12 yrs old.Is it just me or does she try to get every deputy to call her or go 10-91 so she can flirt? chic get over yourself we dont want 2 flirt with you.from what i heard your voice decieves many of us..if you know what i mean. ha scary.


7722 and 7911 both work nights. The one you are talking about is brand new, with an ID number up in the 8500 range. To any watch commanders reading this, how come we let these dispatchers treat the deputies like this over the air? And why is 7911 allowed to sign off, and I quote "7911 is TEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN SEVEN!!!" Like she is utterly disgusted she had to be on the radio speaking to scum bad deputies and now is extremely joyfull she is no longer working.
I tell you what part of the problem is. 334 yelled at us the other night and said they (dispatch) can act any way they want and he is not going to say anything to them because he has to "work overtime up there" with them and he doesn't want to "cause any problem". Maybe the policy against fratinization needs to be reviewed.

Did you see the post by the top of the PBSO forum? MOD419 retired.
He was the Mod who asked us to try to be nicer to the dispatchers.

I'll admit, he did clean up this forum a lot but as we can all see from that post one of the dispatchers made here, they really deserve it.
I think we can lay into them more now that he's not here. even if he didnt retire, I would like to think he would let us lay into them for that nasty post.

You will be looking for new jobs soon.
"Welcome to McDonalds, would you like to order a Combo-Meal?
Get used to saying that!

Instead of complaining about these dispatchers 7722 & 7911 on the boards why don't you email their supervisor, or better yet, the Division Manager about them. She doesn't read these boards so she probably has no idea that there is a problem with them.

If I was their supervisor I would want someone to tell me if there were problems like you all have stated.

I see that you are listed as a recruit. I'm not trying to be a jerk or treat you like a "Rookie", but let me tell you what I've learned in 12 years here at PBSO in just a few words. Complaining will get you nowhere.

If you read above, someone posted that they reported it the problem with the dispatchers to their Sgt. The Sgt would not act on it because he didn't want to risk his Commo OT. In a way I am upset with this Sgt, but on the other, I understand his position.
I know a couple of guys here who reported a problem with a supervisor to the chain of command. What happened? Long story short, the guys who complained were transferred rather then the supervisor.

Good Dispatchers are hard to find. They are not going to do anything to them. The only thing that will happen is they will all know who you (person making complaint) are. The Col, Maj's, Capt's LT's, Sgt's & D/S's who are friends (or more) with them will know who you are and who know what can happen then.

Learn to live with it. If you complain these people will stick it in your back so fast.

thats ashame. not all of us are Fat pigs sitting behind a comp desk. these are horrible statements.. but in no way am i backing up those 2 id's, try working in the same room as them. can you all try and talk good about the better dispatchers instead of throwing us all down because of a few?
You are correct. I will try to do a new image specifying them.

No i know that one is new but there is another one who maybe doesnt sound young as the newest one but she sounds relatively young. I think she works nights too not sure. What are the initials of 7722 & 7911? They must be the same miserable sounding ones i deal with -such a joy!

Guys go on the dispatcher forum and see how the dispatchers themselves are talking junk about their own kind. Does anyone know who JR and SC are? They are all over that forum getting bashed around for quite sometime now from their own co workers. Check out the 14.WOW
They have their own forum? Where?

As far as the initials, I have no idea, and it really does not matter because they identify themselves by their ID over the air any way. is the one always keys up her mic while she is typing and you can hear her typing away for 10 - 15 seconds before she speaks. 7911is the one who always signs off "7911 is TENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Seven!!!!!" whith major attitude in her voice while she does it. Both of them give deputies an extremely hard time and you can tell by the tone and inflection in their voices they think they are better than us.

Yes, they have their own forum:
At Leoaffairs.com Forum Index, it's under [Florida] then go down to [Dispatchers]. Since they seem to enjoy posting on ours, I guess we can post on theirs. Be fair, only two of them seem to be the problem.
Here's the link:

Here are a couple threads I found that mention some of the PBSO Dispatchers. I'm sure there are more, I didn't read them all.

http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic. ... faaab48fa7 (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?t=19953&sid=6e6967896ac23aad53a89afaaab48fa7)



For the record, it is id's 7722 and 7911 with the attitude problems.

Way too funny.

Support Staff. The definition is all wrapped up in the title.

Calm down dispatch. The post did not say all of you are horrible, just a couple of you. Can you let the two who the post is refering to know how much they are disliked and maybe we can get them to change their attitudes.


11-05-2007, 02:28 PM
Is this one named after an alcoholic beverage???

Don't Midori's seem like a very sour drink? yuck! :lol:

11-05-2007, 02:30 PM
Has any one read how much dispatcher ID's 7911 and 7722 are disliked on the PBSO forum? Maybe you should bring it to their attention, or is it true, they are proud of the fact they are disliked by almost EVERY ONE?

You must be talking about CW and MR.

11-08-2007, 03:08 AM
Has any one read how much dispatcher ID's 7911 and 7722 are disliked on the PBSO forum? Maybe you should bring it to their attention, or is it true, they are proud of the fact they are disliked by almost EVERY ONE?

You must be talking about CW and MR.

YUP! 10-4 to that
Boy i tell ya, judging by some of the things said in the threads on "dispatchers" Dispatchers themselves have a problem with eachother!
There's some funny stuff on here.

12-08-2007, 03:23 AM
Is this one named after an alcoholic beverage???

Just to clarify, she CHANGED her name to that... 19 and 7/8ths and leaning, if you ask me...............

11-05-2009, 05:04 PM
I know that some of the forums have the dispatchers talking trash about each other... which is childish and unfortunately a lot of it is just ignorant people repeating portions of conversations they think they heard. There are some things that are true but not everything. Don't base your opinion/facts solely on the 14 you find on here...or hear in general for that matter. I know it is hard to get a real feel for a persons character or quality over just a few radio transmissions but did you ever stop to think that maybe he/she was having a bad day etc? I do not in any way want to make excuses for some of the people in communications. We are here to help the public and make sure our men and women come home safely every night just as we do. If that is too great a task to endure than being a communications officer or a deputy is a commitment that you should never have agreed to.
In defense of the dispatcher name I take it with pride that I do what I do and I strive to do it well. Yes there will be days where I myself may snap at you and for that I apologize--but the number of deputies outweigh the number of dispatchers....do you not think we come across a deputy who talks to us like we are the scum of the earth?? I know there will always be someone on the other end of that radio who is just pissed at life but ya know what? I move on...I don't take it out on every other deputy I talk to. I personally find it easier to pass the time when I have a d/s who is nice and enjoys what they do. I thank you for letting me rant a little bit and have a nice day :-)

01-01-2010, 04:20 AM
Those two dispatchers are *****es, plain and simple. Nothing but horrible attitudes and are completely disliked by every one on the road. They suck because they are so disliked, those attitudes make you not want to listen them, deal with them, or extend any respect at all

01-25-2010, 01:55 PM
Has any one read how much dispatcher ID's 7911 and 7722 are disliked on the PBSO forum? Maybe you should bring it to their attention, or is it true, they are proud of the fact they are disliked by almost EVERY ONE?

Why not simply get rid of 7911 and 7722?

01-29-2010, 12:48 PM
Not necessarily defending those 2 buuuuut...If we got rid of people simply because they are disliked then half of the deputies would not have jobs.