View Full Version : Whose afraid of the big bag wolf?

11-01-2007, 01:49 PM
The 3rd floor is reading our posts. And we finally have their attention. But not in a positive way. Instead of listening, taking what we say to make things better, they just got mad and started pointing fingers. It is so sad to see that they can't see past their own failures. So instead of using the information to fix things, they have tasked the most useless person to read leoaffairs to see who else they can point fingers at. This is the worst response, but the most expected choice from them.

Don't let them stop you from writing. If we stop, they win. When will they learn? This administration will not learn. I wonder if the public would be interested to see how staff is spending city money. Maybe they would like to know that manpower is being used to read leoaffairs. If staff spent this much effort actually looking into what is wrong lpd would already be on the road to recovery.

11-02-2007, 02:44 AM
Names of readers on 3rd floor?

11-02-2007, 07:40 AM
This calls for all us proverbially opinionated cowboys to dances around the bonfire like drunken idiots mooning the entire administration. This is great news and it adds insult to injury to know that they can conspire and theorize all they want about who is who but in the end they find themselves howling at the moon.

11-08-2007, 06:03 AM
Since it has been ten days since anyone has posted on this topic, can it be assumed that a lot of people are afraid of the big bad wolf? Lets keep this going. Encourage each other. If you have nothing new let's re-state what we already have said. DON'T LET THEM STOP US!!!!

11-08-2007, 06:16 AM
I'm still here and not going anywhere. Courts have already ruled this is protected. Just don't make any criminal allegations or post things which may result in libel. In other words just don't name names and your good to go. Feel free to express your opinions. That is the purpose of this site. I wish others would participate more because there is alot of stuff hidden under that bulging rug on the 3rd floor.

11-09-2007, 12:53 AM
Plus the fact that our posts are driving the third floor completely nuts. We wanted to get their attention. Well we got it now.

11-09-2007, 03:38 AM
So let me get this straight...this is considered a website that is not "appropriate" to be viewed at work yet the third floor has some one viewing and monitoring it? What will it gain them? By the way, when are they handing out the picket signs?

11-09-2007, 07:30 AM
I know this is going to be a big shock, but its time you knew. There are different rules for everyone. Especially for the executive staff. They do whatever they want, except for staff one.He has the option of doing nothing. He has selected that option.

12-04-2007, 09:54 PM
how can we work in a place where the last two officers's canned or what ever you want to call it were fitness for duty issues....and we all know who delivered those letter's...he can't walk...''WHEN IS HIS FITNESS FOR DUTY!..WHERE IS THE MEDIA, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE...WHERE IS THE MEDIA? RICK ROUSOS WOULD LOVE TO KNOW THIS! but we all stick our heads in the sand, this cant happen too me, ask the last two it sure can, someone is next, stop it now before it's YOU!!!!!!