View Full Version : Trust

10-31-2007, 05:47 PM
OK so what are doing about our lousy insurance?

10-31-2007, 10:50 PM
Watch out, we heard that the Trust folks were trying to get IP addresses that wrote bad things about them. If you dont beleive, ask MOD 1

10-31-2007, 11:25 PM
Watch out, we heard that the Trust folks were trying to get IP addresses that wrote bad things about them. If you dont beleive, ask MOD 1

http://www.northcountrygazette.org/arti ... fairs.html (http://www.northcountrygazette.org/articles/010406LeoAffairs.html)

Up to now, there has been not case overruling the court decision cited in the above link! So the trust can fellate most of us!

10-31-2007, 11:26 PM
I have emailed Mod1 about this very question and I have been assured that the names and IP addresses cannot and will not be released to anyone. Leoaffairs has fought this very question in court and has been very successful through the appellate level of this state.

10-31-2007, 11:42 PM
Thats what its all about Kenny,freedom!!! If they dont like it then they should change or stop reading!
AMERICA,Men and women have died and are dieing everyday for the right to express yourself!
Good job,Sarg,,,,,,,,,

10-31-2007, 11:49 PM
So what is the Trust scared of, are we touching a cord about change needed, We must be able to question any thing that has to do with our money, our health

11-01-2007, 12:16 AM
[b]May every one be safe this hoilday.........even you guys handeling our insurance and you T-money and BK. Happy Halloween everyone



11-01-2007, 12:36 AM

11-01-2007, 02:40 AM
Watch out, we heard that the Trust folks were trying to get IP addresses that wrote bad things about them. If you dont beleive, ask MOD 1

I'll give them my IP address! Lissette has not re-written the constitution, and I have the right to speak my mind. That's the wonderful thing about this country. This is not Cuba!

11-01-2007, 02:53 AM

11-01-2007, 02:53 AM
Watch out, we heard that the Trust folks were trying to get IP addresses that wrote bad things about them. If you dont beleive, ask MOD 1

I'll give them my IP address! Lissette has not re-written the constitution, and I have the right to speak my mind. That's the wonderful thing about this country. This is not Cuba!She's getting fired soon. Shhh, she still doesn't know it.

11-01-2007, 05:29 AM
Kenny why aren't you telling the truth??

Below is a copy of the e-mail I sent to MOD-1 answering his request for info about the Trust that I cc'd you with on 10/28/07. Why didn't you mention that on your post instead of continuing to feed the haters posting shizzat about the Trust? I guess it was a convenient oversight huh?

I didn't ask for shizzat about posters or IP's or ID's and you know it and the attached copy of the e-mail proves it!!

You have an agenda pal, and if it's an elected position you want on the Trust because you can't get appointed or elected to anything else by all means carry on. I hope somebody along the line has enough smarts to question your real motivation behind the BS.

Way back when, during your failed attempt for election to FOP President, when you ran against Cotera, one of the planks in your campaign was getting rid of the Trust and/or it's personnel. Is this an oportunistic sour grapes pay back, from way back then?

To the members: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

I couldn't figure out how to attach the addressing part, but I will forward a copy with the original date and recipients to anyone that has the nads to call me.

I am Sgt. Michael Marquez and I am (for now) the Chair of the Miami FOP Insurance Trust.


I would like nothing more than an opportunity to inform and answer questions about how and why we do the things we do.

I appreciate your efforts at moderating and apologize for the unprofessional remarks of the few. I can assure you that the majority of the members of my department are a much more professional group than what is posting on your site.

I can be reached at: My office 305-579-6176

My Cell 305-XXX-XXXX

Work michael.marquez@miami-police.org

Or XXXXXXX@bellsouth.net

11-01-2007, 07:29 AM
Kenny why aren't you telling the truth??

[color=red] Below is a copy of the e-mail I sent to MOD-1 answering his request for info about the Trust that I cc'd you with on 10/28/07. Why didn't you mention that on your post instead of continuing to feed the haters posting shizzat about the Trust? I guess it was a convenient oversight huh?

I didn't ask for shizzat about posters or IP's or ID's and you know it and the attached copy of the e-mail proves it!!

You have an agenda pal, and if it's an elected position you want on the Trust because you can't get appointed or elected to anything else by all means carry on. I hope somebody along the line has enough smarts to question your real motivation behind the BS.

Way back when, during your failed attempt for election to FOP President, when you ran against Cotera, one of the planks in your campaign was getting rid of the Trust and/or it's personnel. Is this an oportunistic sour grapes pay back, from way back then?

To the members: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

Wow, people respected you, Mike.
You just lost that.
Kenny never attacked you, he just asked for some oversight.
What a shame.

11-01-2007, 10:22 AM
Kenny never said anyhting like that, your out of line Mr. Marquez, and yes we are asking for elections, your own comments like "pit bull " has begun a storm of questions.

11-01-2007, 11:49 AM
Kenny why aren't you telling the truth??

Below is a copy of the e-mail I sent to MOD-1 answering his request for info about the Trust that I cc'd you with on 10/28/07. Why didn't you mention that on your post instead of continuing to feed the haters posting shizzat about the Trust? I guess it was a convenient oversight huh?

I didn't ask for shizzat about posters or IP's or ID's and you know it and the attached copy of the e-mail proves it!!

You have an agenda pal, and if it's an elected position you want on the Trust because you can't get appointed or elected to anything else by all means carry on. I hope somebody along the line has enough smarts to question your real motivation behind the BS.

Way back when, during your failed attempt for election to FOP President, when you ran against Cotera, one of the planks in your campaign was getting rid of the Trust and/or it's personnel. Is this an oportunistic sour grapes pay back, from way back then?

To the members: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

I couldn't figure out how to attach the addressing part, but I will forward a copy with the original date and recipients to anyone that has the nads to call me.

I am Sgt. Michael Marquez and I am (for now) the Chair of the Miami FOP Insurance Trust.


I would like nothing more than an opportunity to inform and answer questions about how and why we do the things we do.

I appreciate your efforts at moderating and apologize for the unprofessional remarks of the few. I can assure you that the majority of the members of my department are a much more professional group than what is posting on your site.

I can be reached at: My office 305-579-6176

My Cell 305-.-.

Work michael.marquez@miami-police.org

Or .@bellsouth.net

Yes Mike, I have a copy of your email and I read it. I simply emailed Mod 1 when I heard a rumor that the Health Trust , or someone connected with the Health Trust was seeking IP addresses. I was informed by Mod 1 that addresses would never be released to anyone.

Mike, I will not stoop to a character attack or become involved in a debate between me and you, or the Health Trust. This is not personal, only about making the Trust more responsive to it's members. As stated before, there are complaints about the Trust and you as chairman, have simply chosen to ignore them.

As stated before, I have been a critic about the Trust and its operation since way back, so that should not come as a surprise to you.

And for your information, you are wrong about a couple of things. I never sought the office of president of the FOP, or preached for the elimination of the Health Trust. I ran for Vice President. And, I never sought to be appointed to the Trust at any time nor would I run if the Board was switched to elected positions. I have no such desires. My only desire is to see the Trust become more responsive to the members. After all, it is our money that we pay.

My only question Mike is, why are you so opposed to change or the ability to make things better?

11-01-2007, 02:29 PM
Kenny why aren't you telling the truth??

Below is a copy of the e-mail I sent to MOD-1 answering his request for info about the Trust that I cc'd you with on 10/28/07. Why didn't you mention that on your post instead of continuing to feed the haters posting shizzat about the Trust? I guess it was a convenient oversight huh?

I didn't ask for shizzat about posters or IP's or ID's and you know it and the attached copy of the e-mail proves it!!

You have an agenda pal, and if it's an elected position you want on the Trust because you can't get appointed or elected to anything else by all means carry on. I hope somebody along the line has enough smarts to question your real motivation behind the BS.

Way back when, during your failed attempt for election to FOP President, when you ran against Cotera, one of the planks in your campaign was getting rid of the Trust and/or it's personnel. Is this an oportunistic sour grapes pay back, from way back then?

To the members: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

I couldn't figure out how to attach the addressing part, but I will forward a copy with the original date and recipients to anyone that has the nads to call me.

I am Sgt. Michael Marquez and I am (for now) the Chair of the Miami FOP Insurance Trust.


I would like nothing more than an opportunity to inform and answer questions about how and why we do the things we do.

I appreciate your efforts at moderating and apologize for the unprofessional remarks of the few. I can assure you that the majority of the members of my department are a much more professional group than what is posting on your site.

I can be reached at: My office 305-579-6176

My Cell 305-.-.

Work michael.marquez@miami-police.org

Or .@bellsouth.net

"To the members: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.”

Marquez I didn't see any attacks by Kenny, as far as your comment on the above statement, maybe we're wishing because what we're are getting is not what we deserve.

You don't need to know the name of the person that is asking the question, what you should be more interested is answering a legitimate question. That is why you’re in the trust, the place on the site your requesting starts right here trust needs to stop the smoke and mirrors and answer the questions of its members.

my IP address 206.451.287.217
Bolo Loco

11-01-2007, 03:52 PM
Yes, I defend the Trust and everyone involved with its operation so adamantly because I do not see or hear anyone else yourself included Phaedrus giving me solutions or trying to find or provide a positive outcome or direction.

For Ken to make a statement about "veryfying with MOD-1 that posters info can't be obtained" and feeding into the negative climate yet conveniently failing to mention that I had responded to MOD-1's request for info about the Trust and that I had even asked about getting involved with the secure area to be able to answer questions seems a bit disingenuous don't you?.

We don't have the time and truthfully the inclination to try to find out who is posting here. At the end of the day it all comes off/out in the wash.

All I see here are the anonymous personal attacks and threats on the people who do their job day in and out. "They are shaking in their boots" "she is going to be fired" "we are going to the FOP and pack the meeting" I guess that is the new motivational speaking program we use around here now.

Yes, regretably, I used the Pit Bull analogy in reference to one of the employees tenacity and drive in doing their job. How that analogy became the focal point for everything that is wrong with the Trust is beyond my comprehension.

Yes, it became personal the minute unfounded accusations about the Trust and the people I oversee were made. I won't accept trash talk about anyone if they can't face their accuser. Like I told Ken, it is the equivalent to IA taking an anonymous beef on one of our officers. You wouldn't stand for it, if it was one of your guys, neither will I.

I never said that they or I were perfect darlings or that they/we never screwed up. And for all anyone knows they have been reprimanded when they did screw up. What am I supposed to do, conduct a public whipping to satisfy the naysayers? We don't (or at least I don't) publicly humiliate any employee sworn or not. And yes I will stand behind them until all the evidence is in.

And to answer your other questions: You assume that I/we oppose the board becoming an elected position, you assume that there is no oversight, you assume that we are opposed to change, you assume alot of things based by your own admission on "rumors & perceptions". Remember what happens when you assume..................

Perceptions are just that, they are a ghost, they aren't fact or proof. How do I satisfy a perception? And more importantly how much is it going to cost the Trust to address these perceptions??? Remember it's your money I'm spending as you so aptly pointed out.

I/we just came off of the third 5-plus hour inquisition of a potential new service provider to replace Beachstreet. Two of the members were there on thier own time, one is a retiree. And yes, if you called the office yesterday you got the answering machine!!

You demand for us to be more responsive; what does that mean? We do not have the benefit of having someone assigned to the Trust full time. We do what we do on our own time and according to your "perceptions & rumours" its not enough.

We just recieved a copy of our five year trend and it shows we only increased our total cost by less than 8% over the last five years. The national average during the same period for the industry is 23%. I think that is pretty damned good, but if you can find a way to do better without cutting benefits and raising costs by all means bring it on.

Last but not least, other than fire the biatch what legitimate question has been asked here? And how do I know if it is a legitimate question if I don't know who you are? Without any info, how do I address what you are complaining about???? Sorry, We can't work that way.

I need solutions not criticism for what we are doing. If you want to become part of the solution come on down we can use the help. If you are satisfied standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks, keep posting here!!!


11-01-2007, 04:18 PM
Yes, I defend the Trust and everyone involved with its operation so adamantly because I do not see or hear anyone else yourself included Phaedrus giving me solutions or trying to find or provide a positive outcome or direction.

For Ken to make a statement about "veryfying with MOD-1 that posters info can't be obtained" and feeding into the negative climate yet conveniently failing to mention that I had responded to MOD-1's request for info about the Trust and that I had even asked about getting involved with the secure area to be able to answer questions seems a bit disingenuous don't you?.

We don't have the time and truthfully the inclination to try to find out who is posting here. At the end of the day it all comes off/out in the wash.

All I see here are the anonymous personal attacks and threats on the people who do their job day in and out. "They are shaking in their boots" "she is going to be fired" "we are going to the FOP and pack the meeting" I guess that is the new motivational speaking program we use around here now.

Yes, regretably, I used the Pit Bull analogy in reference to one of the employees tenacity and drive in doing their job. How that analogy became the focal point for everything that is wrong with the Trust is beyond my comprehension.

Yes, it became personal the minute unfounded accusations about the Trust and the people I oversee were made. I won't accept trash talk about anyone if they can't face their accuser. Like I told Ken, it is the equivalent to IA taking an anonymous beef on one of our officers. You wouldn't stand for it, if it was one of your guys, neither will I.

I never said that they or I were perfect darlings or that they/we never screwed up. And for all anyone knows they have been reprimanded when they did screw up. What am I supposed to do, conduct a public whipping to satisfy the naysayers? We don't (or at least I don't) publicly humiliate any employee sworn or not. And yes I will stand behind them until all the evidence is in.

And to answer your other questions: You assume that I/we oppose the board becoming an elected position, you assume that there is no oversight, you assume that we are opposed to change, you assume alot of things based by your own admission on "rumors & perceptions". Remember what happens when you assume..................

Perceptions are just that, they are a ghost, they aren't fact or proof. How do I satisfy a perception? And more importantly how much is it going to cost the Trust to address these perceptions??? Remember it's your money I'm spending as you so aptly pointed out.

I/we just came off of the third 5-plus hour inquisition of a potential new service provider to replace Beachstreet. Two of the members were there on thier own time, one is a retiree. And yes, if you called the office yesterday you got the answering machine!!

You demand for us to be more responsive; what does that mean? We do not have the benefit of having someone assigned to the Trust full time. We do what we do on our own time and according to your "perceptions & rumours" its not enough.

We just recieved a copy of our five year trend and it shows we only increased our total cost by less than 8% over the last five years. The national average during the same period for the industry is 23%. I think that is pretty damned good, but if you can find a way to do better without cutting benefits and raising costs by all means bring it on.

Last but not least, other than fire the biatch what legitimate question has been asked here? And how do I know if it is a legitimate question if I don't know who you are? Without any info, how do I address what you are complaining about???? Sorry, We can't work that way.

I need solutions not criticism for what we are doing. If you want to become part of the solution come on down we can use the help. If you are satisfied standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks, keep posting here!!!




11-01-2007, 06:08 PM
Yes, I defend the Trust and everyone involved with its operation so adamantly because I do not see or hear anyone else yourself included Phaedrus giving me solutions or trying to find or provide a positive outcome or direction.

For Ken to make a statement about "veryfying with MOD-1 that posters info can't be obtained" and feeding into the negative climate yet conveniently failing to mention that I had responded to MOD-1's request for info about the Trust and that I had even asked about getting involved with the secure area to be able to answer questions seems a bit disingenuous don't you?.

We don't have the time and truthfully the inclination to try to find out who is posting here. At the end of the day it all comes off/out in the wash.

All I see here are the anonymous personal attacks and threats on the people who do their job day in and out. "They are shaking in their boots" "she is going to be fired" "we are going to the FOP and pack the meeting" I guess that is the new motivational speaking program we use around here now.

Yes, regretably, I used the Pit Bull analogy in reference to one of the employees tenacity and drive in doing their job. How that analogy became the focal point for everything that is wrong with the Trust is beyond my comprehension.

Yes, it became personal the minute unfounded accusations about the Trust and the people I oversee were made. I won't accept trash talk about anyone if they can't face their accuser. Like I told Ken, it is the equivalent to IA taking an anonymous beef on one of our officers. You wouldn't stand for it, if it was one of your guys, neither will I.

I never said that they or I were perfect darlings or that they/we never screwed up. And for all anyone knows they have been reprimanded when they did screw up. What am I supposed to do, conduct a public whipping to satisfy the naysayers? We don't (or at least I don't) publicly humiliate any employee sworn or not. And yes I will stand behind them until all the evidence is in.

And to answer your other questions: You assume that I/we oppose the board becoming an elected position, you assume that there is no oversight, you assume that we are opposed to change, you assume alot of things based by your own admission on "rumors & perceptions". Remember what happens when you assume..................

Perceptions are just that, they are a ghost, they aren't fact or proof. How do I satisfy a perception? And more importantly how much is it going to cost the Trust to address these perceptions??? Remember it's your money I'm spending as you so aptly pointed out.

I/we just came off of the third 5-plus hour inquisition of a potential new service provider to replace Beachstreet. Two of the members were there on thier own time, one is a retiree. And yes, if you called the office yesterday you got the answering machine!!

You demand for us to be more responsive; what does that mean? We do not have the benefit of having someone assigned to the Trust full time. We do what we do on our own time and according to your "perceptions & rumours" its not enough.

We just recieved a copy of our five year trend and it shows we only increased our total cost by less than 8% over the last five years. The national average during the same period for the industry is 23%. I think that is pretty damned good, but if you can find a way to do better without cutting benefits and raising costs by all means bring it on.

Last but not least, other than fire the biatch what legitimate question has been asked here? And how do I know if it is a legitimate question if I don't know who you are? Without any info, how do I address what you are complaining about???? Sorry, We can't work that way.

I need solutions not criticism for what we are doing. If you want to become part of the solution come on down we can use the help. If you are satisfied standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks, keep posting here!!!


Do you accept help from Non-Leo's to move this project foward or is this just stricktly LEO business?

11-01-2007, 06:46 PM
Marquez move on or get us something better, we are tired of working OT or OFF DUTY to cover medical expenses. Hell the county and other agencies dont have this problem!

11-01-2007, 09:43 PM
Mike you write a whole lot, but you have NEVER answered the question of why we have the trust. Tell me why we can't have a Cigna or an Av Med or one of the others. Answer that one question without hemming and hawing and talking out of the side of your mouth. I know you will never answer that question, you never have and you never will.

Even you can't be so simple minded to see page after page of postings critical of the trust, and how it's run not to realize that there IS a problem here.

And don't even get me started on dental expenses, I don't have time I need to go work off duty again to pay the dentist!

11-01-2007, 09:51 PM
And how do I know if it is a legitimate question if I don't know who you are? Without any info, how do I address what you are complaining about???? Sorry, We can't work that way.

I need solutions not criticism for what we are doing. If you want to become part of the solution come on down we can use the help. If you are satisfied standing on the sidelines and throwing rocks, keep posting here!!!


I don’t really have an opinion about the health trust because I’ve haven’t ever used it in the 9 years that I’ve contributed. I do take umbrage in the comment that you can’t know if a question is legitimate unless you know who is doing the asking. Some don’t have skin as thick as ours yet still have a question they want answered. I answer anonymous questions here everyday. I also take anonymous attacks everyday, just brush it off and answer the question.

As far as lobbing personal attacks on Kenny, that’s just sad. You’re both senior sergeants at the end of your careers. He took the high road. Don’t be remembered for this.

Lastly, as a general rule I prefer elected boards over appointed ones. I believe the power should rest with the people. I say we go with the majority.

11-01-2007, 10:20 PM
Marquez, just answer. Why do you think its not a good idea to have an elected board. A friendly question.

11-01-2007, 11:32 PM
Kerr you haven't used it yet, but you're still young. Wait till you start hitting your late 40's, I'm there buddy and it's no cake walk!

11-02-2007, 03:48 PM
Mike you have been up in your lofty (limited duty) position for too long and you have lost touch with the us the MEMBERS!

Kenny is out here day in and day out, and has his finger on the pulse of what's going on, and what is frustrating our members beyond belief.

11-04-2007, 12:55 AM
Does anyone have a copy of the bylaws pertaining to the Health Trust?

11-04-2007, 01:26 AM
see if Marquez will give you a copy, or maybe the pit bull