View Full Version : Beechstreet insurance

10-25-2007, 02:10 AM
what was violated in this post other than the truth?

10-25-2007, 02:15 AM
we will keep posting it up !!!

10-25-2007, 02:28 AM
The girls are nervous !

10-25-2007, 12:02 PM
Nothing was violated and no member was bashed. I guess the string got someone riled up but the truth hurts. There needs to be changes and no one with the Trust wants to make them. It's time that the members take over the trust. There has to be a better situation than what we have right now.

I call for a bylaw change that would make the board elected, rather than appointed. The term would be for two years in length, opened to any member of the FOP in good standing.

10-25-2007, 02:49 PM
lets bring it up at the next meeting!!!!

10-25-2007, 03:31 PM
I can't believe they deleted it. I want a MOD to post a reason for the deletion. This is ridiculous.

10-25-2007, 06:21 PM
the mod wont and if they do it will be a newly implemented rule just like the dept. and there D.O's

10-25-2007, 08:11 PM
we need to get back to cigna

10-26-2007, 12:21 PM
Class action lawsuit will change things, Someone already sued the trust and won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-26-2007, 12:58 PM

10-26-2007, 01:09 PM
ask the Lt. from PIO

10-26-2007, 01:15 PM
Lt. Bill Schwartz sued and won, can anyone find the court paperwork online

10-26-2007, 07:43 PM


10-26-2007, 08:34 PM
I've been trying to make sense of what is going on with your insurance but I think a lot of the posts have been deleted. Guessing it got a little nasty...anyway my question is have/has anyone of your "reps" started shopping around trying to find new rates or quotes. If you get someone to start sitting down with your reps, this would send out a message to your Beechstreet Insurance. Plus start the others to compete against each other. Are you guys tied into a contract with Beechstreet and basically have to wait out the whole contract? I don’t know the specifics so I may just be talking out of my arse, but the company I am at when we we're getting screwed by the insurance company , I started shopping around and found a really good one helped work the contract out. Granted the deal we worked out was for 400 employees versus the few thousand you may have, but with that in mind your present carrier should value the possible loss if you as the customer is not happy.

I understand that Beechstreet does take care of the Retirees also but this should be a bargaining chip for you guys as well. No one giving you a service should ever have you cuffed to anything; your deals should always have an out for you if you find something better. Call Signa, Aetna, Blue Cross, pin them all up against each other. Tell them what you want what your needs are, I wish I could help you guys get a better deal, but unfortunatly I'm not a brother in blue "yet".

Miami Hopeful aka Luis

10-26-2007, 10:23 PM
I've been trying to make sense of what is going on with your insurance but I think a lot of the posts have been deleted. Guessing it got a little nasty...anyway my question is have/has anyone of your "reps" started shopping around trying to find new rates or quotes. If you get someone to start sitting down with your reps, this would send out a message to your Beechstreet Insurance. Plus start the others to compete against each other. Are you guys tied into a contract with Beechstreet and basically have to wait out the whole contract? I don’t know the specifics so I may just be talking out of my arse, but the company I am at when we we're getting screwed by the insurance company , I started shopping around and found a really good one helped work the contract out. Granted the deal we worked out was for 400 employees versus the few thousand you may have, but with that in mind your present carrier should value the possible loss if you as the customer is not happy.

I understand that Beechstreet does take care of the Retirees also but this should be a bargaining chip for you guys as well. No one giving you a service should ever have you cuffed to anything; your deals should always have an out for you if you find something better. Call Signa, Aetna, Blue Cross, pin them all up against each other. Tell them what you want what your needs are, I wish I could help you guys get a better deal, but unfortunatly I'm not a brother in blue "yet".

Miami Hopeful aka LuisGreat Idea, but if you bring that up at a FOP meeting (trust employee) jumps up and starts shaking the hand. Great idea, bring it up at a meeting.

10-26-2007, 10:27 PM
what was the name that Marquez called her: pitbull, or bull dog, i forgot, they deleted the post so I forgot.

10-26-2007, 10:33 PM
so when can we change the by laws, what month and how

10-27-2007, 12:36 AM
I've been trying to make sense of what is going on with your insurance but I think a lot of the posts have been deleted. Guessing it got a little nasty...anyway my question is have/has anyone of your "reps" started shopping around trying to find new rates or quotes. If you get someone to start sitting down with your reps, this would send out a message to your Beechstreet Insurance. Plus start the others to compete against each other. Are you guys tied into a contract with Beechstreet and basically have to wait out the whole contract? I don’t know the specifics so I may just be talking out of my arse, but the company I am at when we we're getting screwed by the insurance company , I started shopping around and found a really good one helped work the contract out. Granted the deal we worked out was for 400 employees versus the few thousand you may have, but with that in mind your present carrier should value the possible loss if you as the customer is not happy.

I understand that Beechstreet does take care of the Retirees also but this should be a bargaining chip for you guys as well. No one giving you a service should ever have you cuffed to anything; your deals should always have an out for you if you find something better. Call Signa, Aetna, Blue Cross, pin them all up against each other. Tell them what you want what your needs are, I wish I could help you guys get a better deal, but unfortunatly I'm not a brother in blue "yet".

Miami Hopeful aka LuisGreat Idea, but if you bring that up at a FOP meeting (trust employee) jumps up and starts shaking the hand. Great idea, bring it up at a meeting.

I can't bring it up in an FOP meeting I am not a police officer for the City yet, I am just a hopeful for now. If i went to a meeting the'd kick me out...lol But I am willing to point you guys in the right direction in order to get the insurance companies to compete for your business, hell that should be the last worry I think you guys should have.

Miami Hopeful aka Luis

10-27-2007, 01:01 AM
you want to change the by-laws? show up, make a motion to do so, have it seconded. and them win the vote, and the by-laws are changed. The actual vote on the change it's self, has to pass the vote at two meeting. It our lodge and it does what the membership directs, by vote at the MEETINGS. Show up and change things.

10-27-2007, 01:17 AM
I think you can only change the by laws on a specific time of the year

10-27-2007, 02:29 PM
There is a specific waythat a bylaw can be changed. First, you submit the bylaw change in writing to the bylaws committee of the FOP lodge for consideration as to form and relevance to the existing bylaw. Then it has to be brought up for readings at two subsequent FOP meetings. On the second reading, it is voted on by the membership present. If passed, then it is adopted as replacing the previous bylaw relating to the issue.

A motion can be made to directing the president into looking at the feasibility of changing the way the Trust is composed or operated but a bylaw change is best.

Nonetheless, it is an uphill battle because some people like the status quo and do not want to rock the boat.

10-27-2007, 06:47 PM
what was the name that Marquez called her: pitbull, or bull dog, i forgot, they deleted the post so I forgot.

A "pit bull on a leash."

10-27-2007, 08:32 PM
what was the name that Marquez called her: pitbull, or bull dog, i forgot, they deleted the post so I forgot.

A "pit bull on a leash."actually, she's pretty hot, doesnt look like a dog

10-27-2007, 10:36 PM
we should start monitoring the office, New ideas should be put on the table, and maybe changes

10-28-2007, 10:07 AM
we should start monitoring the office, New ideas should be put on the table, and maybe changes

I agree. There is no oversight in the way the office functions. It seems that things are done in there without supervisory oversight. The whole process needs to be examined from top to bottom and changes made where necessary.

10-28-2007, 05:37 PM
The trust is need of an overhaul. Too often members are given the run around by beechstreet when billed for services that the insurance should be paying. The staff should be more responsive. Lets not forget the office staff is not only there to administer the plan, but to also serve the members who have problems. Their salary is paid by the members and members deserve to be treated respectfully. The office needs to be cleaned and organized, have you been in there, the place is a nightmare. Trust members should be elected or at least a more transparent process of selection. The FOP President's son should not be on the board period. I could go on and on. Publish financial reports, publish comparable plans and their costs, publish minutes of the trust meetings, create a newsletter, post changes to plan in all rollcall rooms, dont depend on the mail solely to advise members of major changes to the plan, use the official bulletin to notify members that changes have occurred and to contact the trust office for further info, have a user friendly website. website.

I am sure the trust is acting in what they think is the best interest of the members, but if the same complaints continue from the membership the trust should listen and at least make an effort to answer these concerns.

The chairman of the board needs to realize that it isnt his trust to make all the decisions. It belongs to the members so stop telling the members "I" could do this and "I" can do that.

It is time to load the next Trust meeting, which should also happen at different times so as a greater number of people could attend, and start the process of changing the way the trust happens.

10-28-2007, 06:01 PM
Since the Trust holds the meetings while most are either sleeping or working. I think maybe the meeting should be before the FOP meeting so some of us can attend, and not at the Station. You are right, for what we pay, not even a web page like it was promised. Not even a newspaper. Marquez you guys need a serious shake up and I hope the FOP Board is reading this and saying, I think we need to look into things before it gets out of hand. Health Trust, we are not going to go away, this is a huge issue for us so don’t think we will just stop talking about it.

10-28-2007, 08:49 PM
word of advice, calling her a pitbull was not wise choice of words, it just make sense now what we have been saying.

10-29-2007, 04:01 AM
Since the Trust holds the meetings while most are either sleeping or working. I think maybe the meeting should be before the FOP meeting so some of us can attend, and not at the Station. You are right, for what we pay, not even a web page like it was promised. Not even a newspaper. Marquez you guys need a serious shake up and I hope the FOP Board is reading this and saying, I think we need to look into things before it gets out of hand. Health Trust, we are not going to go away, this is a huge issue for us so don’t think we will just stop talking about it.


10-29-2007, 11:13 AM

10-29-2007, 10:39 PM
which one