View Full Version : web page at nppd

10-14-2007, 06:22 PM
is anyone going to update our web site it is so lame and out dated. we look like a joke, please do something fast.

10-14-2007, 11:09 PM
stop the *****ing and send a memo... of wait u might not be a leo anyway..

10-14-2007, 11:31 PM
Actually there is a committee formed to do just that. When it's done, it should be killer!

10-15-2007, 12:04 AM
is anyone going to update our web site it is so lame and out dated. we look like a joke, please do something fast.//// NPPD are a joke.

10-15-2007, 01:15 AM
can we change our patrol car graphics also they are gay :D

10-15-2007, 01:22 AM
can we change our patrol car graphics also they are gay :D

Would you like Charmin in the bathrooms, too?

10-15-2007, 03:22 PM
NPPD has the best looking black and white cars!

10-16-2007, 01:12 PM
o your joking i hope. they are not pretty at all. they are not a true black and white style anyway :shock:

10-17-2007, 12:52 AM
There is other News that is far more worthy of our attention...
So long to the board and the boring.

10-17-2007, 04:57 PM
o your joking i hope. they are not pretty at all. they are not a true black and white style anyway :shock:

This is funny,why would anyone say that a patrol car was pretty? Is this a fashion show or what? I have to say that I really got a good laugh from it though.

Old Guy
10-19-2007, 01:33 AM
I think they look good, but you should have been here when they were the same paint scheme but baby blue instead of the black. Now that was gay.....

10-19-2007, 11:48 AM
in general we are a messed up dept and its frankly BORING here. nothing to do and frankly BEAT. :?

10-19-2007, 05:52 PM
in general we are a messed up dept and its frankly BORING here. nothing to do and frankly BEAT. :?

What I don't understand is if you hate it so much here than why not just pack up and leave. It is not healthy to be this negative.

10-19-2007, 08:05 PM
in general we are a messed up dept and its frankly BORING here. nothing to do and frankly BEAT. :?

It's REAL obvious that an idiot like this doesn't work here and is a wannabe trying to stir us up. Try and find a shift here that isn't backed up with calls every day! This jerk is watching too many Miami Vice reruns!

10-19-2007, 08:38 PM
ok, sure you believe that. nppd is lame and i know you know it we all know it. spd or sso i am leaving for :D

10-20-2007, 12:46 AM
ok, sure you believe that. nppd is lame and i know you know it we all know it. spd or sso i am leaving for :D

I see you can't make up your mid or are you just hoping you can pass through the testing process, because you sure don't work here.

10-20-2007, 02:15 AM
ok, sure you believe that. nppd is lame and i know you know it we all know it. spd or sso i am leaving for :D

Go then wannabe! Don't threaten us! A loser like you will stand out wherever you work as a LOSER!

10-22-2007, 10:18 PM
I would like to say to all the Nay Sayers (negative people(s)) using this site to ***** about N.P.P.D. and all the other departments


If you are the real NPPD which 3/4 of the post are not from.... Come to the LEO only site... The LEO only site does not have all the negative post... I asked MOD1 if LEO only sites are coming for the departments. MOD1 advised he was working on that for the future of LEO Affairs... I for one cannot wait for that time to come... Lets go guys and girls, get to the LEO only side, for the MOD’S to see the number of people who are the real ones wearing the uniform. :devil:

10-22-2007, 11:03 PM
Why so we can hide from the truth that is posted on here by some?

Just because you can not stand being told that the PD is not the center of the universe does mean that others share your view.

If you can not take a few boo boos to your ego then get out of the job before it takes you out mentally and physically.

If you think that some are going to take a chance on having one of the vindictive members of rank find out who is who on this board then you are in need of a reality check for sure. :roll: :roll:

10-22-2007, 11:24 PM
I would like to say to all the Nay Sayers (negative people(s)) using this site to ***** about N.P.P.D. and all the other departments


If you are the real NPPD which 3/4 of the post are not from.... Come to the LEO only site... The LEO only site does not have all the negative post... I asked MOD1 if LEO only sites are coming for the departments. MOD1 advised he was working on that for the future of LEO Affairs... I for one cannot wait for that time to come... Lets go guys and girls, get to the LEO only side, for the MOD’S to see the number of people who are the real ones wearing the uniform. :devil:

Also could not help but notice that you are the only NPPD LEO in the certified LEO group forum.

Must be getting lonely in there by your loansome.

What am I say? You have your gargantuan self-important ego to keep you company there. :wink: :wink:

10-22-2007, 11:51 PM
What am I say?


No lonely is what you must of felt when you skipped out of English class by yourself to try and feel like one of the cool kids...

I like to come on the non-"LEO" site to see what is posted.. That is all... Oh and yes... All of the post that I have submitted have been logged.. Furthermore, I try to urge the other LEO's to come to the LEO only site due to this one fact.... If people want to ***** about the city they live in, then start the citizens affairs site and leave the LEO site alone.. Take the first step and do it.. It only takes one person to start the ball rolling... I say in other post submitted ... Stop the *****ing and do something useful.. :devil:

10-23-2007, 07:51 AM
What am I say?


No lonely is what you must of felt when you skipped out of English class by yourself to try and feel like one of the cool kids...

Can not attack the content of the message, so you have to go after the structure huh? As stated before, your there by your lonesome because no one else wants to take the chance of being outed and getting slammed for posting something because one of the dictators of rank, such as youself, might find it to their disliking.

I like to come on the non-"LEO" site to see what is posted.. That is all... Then put up with what his here. To quote you, take a big dose of "stop the *****ing and do something useful.."
Oh and yes... All of the post that I have submitted have been logged.. Furthermore, I try to urge the other LEO's to come to the LEO only site due to this one fact.... If people want to ***** about the city they live in, then start the citizens affairs site and leave the LEO site alone.. Take the first step and do it.. It only takes one person to start the ball rolling... I say in other post submitted ... Stop the *****ing and do something useful.. :devil:

10-23-2007, 10:04 AM
It's getting real obvious that See's it for what it is and Ghost of 3101 are one in the same! Bitter, nasty wannabe's that have the narrowminded pettiness view that every boss is an egomaniac. I'd sure like to know who you worked for that made you quit for not doing your jobs and doing theirs by making you do yours?

Ghost of 3101 NPPD
10-23-2007, 09:11 PM
Lord, I had no idea that the PD has so many detectives on the force now.
Most of all so many that are absolutely the worse Sherlock's I have ever come across.
I have been called Joe Slapp, **** Kaufman, Vic Costello, (twice) now I am another poster as well. Some one even tried to say that Old Guy and I were the same person. That joke is getting old and is no longer getting any laughes.
Please try and get it through some of the thick skulls at the PD, that believe it or not there are many current, and past members who do not find the work environment there to be a bed of roses.
Sorry if you can not wrap your single minded thought process around that basic fact.

You are definitely not 4REAL.

Keep those cards and letters coming fans. The humor out there shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.

10-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Lord, I had no idea that the PD has so many detectives on the force now.
Most of all so many that are absolutely the worse Sherlock's I have ever come across.
I have been called Joe Slapp, . Kaufman, Vic Costello, (twice) now I am another poster as well. Some one even tried to say that Old Guy and I were the same person. That joke is getting old and is no longer getting any laughes.
Please try and get it through some of the thick skulls at the PD, that believe it or not there are many current, and past members who do not find the work environment there to be a bed of roses.
Sorry if you can not wrap your single minded thought process around that basic fact.

You are definitely not 4REAL.

Keep those cards and letters coming fans. The humor out there shows no sign of stopping anytime soon.

There can't be 2 people as bitter as you and See's, Ghost. I can't remember 2 people fired from here? Give us a hint, then! Maybe you're the guy that shot at the fleeing misdemeanor? Or the guy that wrecked when the cow ran out in front of you? Or 1 of those guys that "hurt" themselves off the job to collect a pension from on the job! And you have the B-lls to come on here and shoot down the PD at every chance! I guess your wife finally gave you permission to get back on tonight. Did you do the dishes?

10-24-2007, 12:35 AM
I think I have to agree with NPPDX86 and NPPD4REAL Ghost, I have never seen you post anything but negativity as does See's it for what it is.
How long ago did the 2 of you work for North Port? You seem to be talking about events from long ago, but you want everyone to believe that you know what current events are.

Ghost of 3101 NPPD
10-24-2007, 01:04 AM
1. Was never terminated, never asked to resign, or disciplined.
2. Two male probationary officers were let go for failure to meet standards.
3. Never hit a cow. A few rabbits, raccoons, opossums, an owl and some quail, that is it.
4. Never discharged my weapon (personal or departmental) on or off duty other then at a range to practice or qualify. Oh, there was an officer who shot a rattele snake because it was swimming across a canal towards his squad car. Ask Dale about that one. He gave it to short Norm so he could make a hat band out of it. Of course there was the fleeing suspect that was shot while swimming across a canal. Can not remember who did that one. :roll: :roll:
5. Never was injured, nor applied for any type of disability pension or assitance.
6. Not shooting down the PD. Just the causes of its discontent, wide spread community resentment, and the self rightious elitist mentality held by some who work there.

Hope that clears things up. Oh and my wife says hello and wonders how your 3 marriage is working out? Or are you working on number 4 now?

Must be hard keeping a marriage going between the three of you.
Your spouse, you, and your ego.

Old Guy
10-24-2007, 01:09 AM
Hey Ghost, so someone actually said we were one in the same? Cool...I think... :lol:

10-24-2007, 01:10 AM
Gost i got the Pm's that u sent... thanks for the reply... yes this is a public forum... yes it is called LEO affairs... I for one can not wait till the good old MOD1 starts the LEO only for the departments. For this one reason.. This whole web site is called LEOAFFAIRS... Its not called (for the other people making post as gust) roadway affairs or ***** about the city affairs... Just LEOAFFAIRS.. which i for one believe only LEO's should post... The the whole hate/dislike post would not be posted... Like I said in other post.. I for one like the LEO only site, due to this one fact... Their is not any negative post..

10-24-2007, 01:19 AM
I think I have to agree with NPPDX86 and NPPD4REAL Ghost, I have never seen you post anything but negativity as does See's it for what it is.
How long ago did the 2 of you work for North Port? You seem to be talking about events from long ago, but you want everyone to believe that you know what current events are.

I have no idea who, let alone how long See's worked at the PD if he ever did.
I was there till the 90's.
Still have contact with the PD and it's current officers. As well as seeing the current actions on and off duty of such.

10-24-2007, 06:01 AM
Ghost, I don't get it... If you are a former Police Officer that was never #1,2,3,4,5,or 6 (from your list of greatness) what exactly are you doing?
All you do is bash these guys. Is it just "good conversation" that you're looking for? Do you need friends?

Per you: "Please try and get it through some of the thick skulls at the PD, that believe it or not there are many current, and past members who do not find the work environment there to be a bed of roses.
Sorry if you can not wrap your single minded thought process around that basic fact. " ...

...Don't you know what you look like to the rest of the public that reads this forum, Ghost? It is not becoming of you. You are belittling yourself, not our Officers.

You know, I don't know too many people who DO like their bosses or their job, or their teacher, or school, etc. But that is not what what you are there for. You're there to earn a paycheck, or report card (learn) -not to like the person next to you. So grow up.

REAL Police Officers are right up there with our Soliders. They possess Integrity, Strength, Courage. They defend and protect our citizens' rights. They care not what you have to say or think, but they will be the first ones to make sure that you as an American have the right to speak it and/or live your freedom(s). At the same time, without hesitation, without fail, they will put their life on the line to protect the innocent and defend the weak, all the while ensuring us of their stoical courage to defeat the enemy/criminal. They should be revered for all that they stand for!

If we don't take the opportunity to show them how revered they are, (God forbid you should have missed your chance due to some unforsaken mishap), how can we look forward to all that they put out for us? Where will the next ones come from? What would be left without them?

Shame on you.

PS. LEO - Thanks guys for all that you do.
(You know who you are.)
-may you feel gratification and peace of mind for all that you stand for.

Now go do the right thing.

Ghost of 3101 NPPD
10-24-2007, 10:14 AM
Doing the right thing is also being patriotic enough to say when something is wrong even if it is unpopular and unflattering.
Now unless you can decry with any factual based information, showing that I have posted anything that is false, misleading or libelist, then please reign in your "rally around the flag boys" remarks.
There is a great saying, "Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized." You want to have certain people revered for doing a job that they chose and was not forced upon them. But then you turn around and post, "But that is not what what you are there for. You're there to earn a paycheck, or report card (learn) -not to like the person next to you."

There in lies the problem of which I speak. There are officers, who expect to be placed on a pedestal and revered as superior and lofty individuals. That is what casts the darkest cloud over the department and the rest of it's members. Now excuse me if I do not kneel or genuflect to a false god or deity that demands such because of a perceived false greatness that you yourself wish to bestow upon them in your news editorial like posting.

As before, keep those cards and letters (even the wannabe editorials) comeing gang.

10-24-2007, 04:56 PM
YOU! who thinks they are sooo smart Ghost! I have talked to people that have been in the department for years about who you could be, because I find it laughable how you can say what the administration is like, when you say you left here in the 90's! Let's see, we have a Chief with 1 year here, a captain with 6 years, another with 12, 5 Lt.'s (2 of which you referred to as dinosaurs, the other 3 with 10 years or less) 9 Sgt's with the majority of those having 8 years or less with the department. So please enlighten everyone as to your continued bashing of the "administration" from those facts! And you should forget about playing detective yourself!

Ghost of 3101 NPPD
10-24-2007, 10:04 PM
YOU! who thinks they are sooo smart Ghost! I have talked to people that have been in the department for years about who you could be, because I find it laughable how you can say what the administration is like, when you say you left here in the 90's! Let's see, we have a Chief with 1 year here, a captain with 6 years, another with 12, 5 Lt.'s (2 of which you referred to as dinosaurs, the other 3 with 10 years or less) 9 Sgt's with the majority of those having 8 years or less with the department. So please enlighten everyone as to your continued bashing of the "administration" from those facts! And you should forget about playing detective yourself!

First, post where ever I have said that I am smarter then anyone. What can't find it? How about because I have never stated such.

Next, who do you think picked, hired, trained, and indoctrinated those numbers that you have quoted. How about the officers who were there in the 80's and 90's and the ones who are still their. And I deal with the current officers on an all most weekly bases.
As for referring to the officers with a lot of time as dinosaurs , you might want to check this link.

http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic. ... highlight= (http://forums.leoaffairs.com/viewtopic.php?t=27103&start=45&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=)

Then check page 4 and the third post by the poster who was log in as Guest. Here is a direct quote:

I don't work for NPPD but I think it's really sad that someone comes on here just to make the current NP police officers look bad because of things that happened 25 years ago. I know in my department the people that were actually around 25 years ago (and will tell you that law enforcement was MUCH different back then) are all the dinosaurs who are waiting it out to retire now

I responded to that post using his dinosaur description as a rebuttal remark.
But then again it is obvious that you have put very little, if any research into what you think the facts are.

If this is any indication of your report writing or investigative skills, it is no wonder that there are an abundance of unsolved crimes still on the books in CID. Your process of gathering and the presentation of supposed facts, are faulty and erroneous at best.

You also seem more worried about and going to great lengths to find out who I am, rather then factually trying to prove that anything that I have posted is incorrect.

This is a perfect example of why there will be few if any officers who will register their information to post on the certified LEO board.
Many know that if they post something that someone does not like, they will have there information checked for retaliation.
That is not an assumption but a statement of fact, sorry.

I have to leave for about a week for family reasons, so I will have to put a hold on responding to those great cards and letters that seem to be coming in greater numbers.

10-25-2007, 04:01 AM
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.'

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
'Which wolf wins?'

The old Cherokee simply replied, 'The one you feed.'

10-25-2007, 08:02 AM

It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.


"Gigady Gigady! OH YEAH!"

10-26-2007, 03:07 AM
that and this board

10-28-2007, 11:17 AM
(Let's see, we have a Chief with 1 year here, a captain with 6 years, another with 12)


10-31-2007, 01:03 AM
You hide behind Winn's number and want to tell everyone who has what experience. The writer there was talking about what the brass has with OUR department! No one is gonna challenge Captain Estrada's fairness at his position, so where are you coming from?

11-03-2007, 03:06 AM
No I was not hiding behind Winn's number. He is a good man. What I said was 1 of the Captains has been with NPPD 19 years. All I was doing was setting the record straight on his length of service.