View Full Version : DA' HOOD GONE WILD

10-13-2007, 04:16 PM
Wow...you all must be very proud,,,especially the Officer "starring" in that garbage. WTF is going on in good ol Clearwater?? Used to be famous for your beaches,,,now vying for national attention with St. Shitholesburg for all the wrong reasons. Is it really that outa control there??? Your tourism officials must be cringing...

10-13-2007, 05:52 PM
have you been to the beach lately? have you been down gulf to bay? sparkling clearwater has been transformed into a dirty small city full of illegals and an ever growing ghetto. sad.

10-13-2007, 06:31 PM
Does the city have a HUGE street sweeper? Alot of crap to be flushed!!!

Lenny Briscoe
10-13-2007, 07:09 PM
Are you reading this and hearing the message, Mr. Mayor and council???

10-13-2007, 07:32 PM
I used to frequent Clearwater in the 80's and thought the City was great even though I was a Dunedin Falcon. Business took me to the downtown area recently and as I drove my jaw dropped. The appearance has gone to hell and as one of the post stated what used to be known as the "greenwood" area seems to have grown by 100 x's. It has extended north, possibly into Dunedin and south way past Cleveland. The area where the old Clearwater mall used to be is a cess pool. I feel sorry for the officers that have to work in an environment that appears to becoming more like St. Pete everyday. As Lenny Briscoe stated, what the hell is the Mayor and Counsel doing. Your City is going to hell.

10-14-2007, 01:12 AM
I'm retired CPD and cannot believe the direction the city has gone. It didn't set in until reading the last post. But upon reflecting after my retirement in early 2000, looking back to how it was in the 70's and 80's into the 90's, it is startling. I wonder if Clearwater is a mere reflection of the entire country??? Really scary. I guess the hood gone wild thing is what they call in St. Pete as "good wholesome fun" Where do we draw the line and say enough is enough. My god, the standards in this Country tumble lower everyday. Take care people in Blue.

10-14-2007, 01:28 AM
The whole thing is disgusting and embarrassing. Buncha dope dealing, murdering, thug-azz punks have no respect for anything including their own community. Start by picking up some of your own litter, oh sorry you be on da back enda a blunt in da hood gone wild. Yeah thats how I really feel :evil:

10-14-2007, 04:17 AM
Well stated, abit crude but the truth. Citizens need to start getting edumacated :shock:

10-14-2007, 02:05 PM
Alot of that crap was scripted by the so called producers. Still, it's slowly getting out of control. Lock and load.

10-16-2007, 04:35 PM
Alot of that crap was scripted by the so called producers. Still, it's slowly getting out of control. Lock and load.

LMAO, some of you are really stupid... I am the producer... What exactly was scripted other then the middle intro pieces and some of the girls dancing? The fights weren't... The racist crooked ass cops weren't...

Don't be afraid of the truth... Do something to help the situation if it bothers you that much. No one gave a damn about how it is down there until last week, now all of a sudden we're the bad ones because we've shown the world how it really is in the hood? Tough break ya'll...

Our mission, since the begining, was to shed light on this subject... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED...


10-16-2007, 04:40 PM
We never sold a single disc to anyone from the Clearwater Police Department. One of our camera guys got pulled over for dark tint and claimed that the officer harrassed him, took his money and 10 DVDs saying that they were vidence. Attempting to have faith in the system, we didn't believe him. The very next day, a realative in the CPD told us that there was several copies floating through the hands of officers.... Hmmmm

And we're the bad ones... lol

10-16-2007, 09:12 PM
Go to hell, thug. When you gonna bond your buddy out? You make your community errrrrrr hood what it is then blame everyone else. You're part of the problem of which there is not a solution. We should just put a giant cage around your hood and forget you are even there.

10-17-2007, 02:18 AM
Sounds like somebody's trying to make us believe the poster Redeye is Joe's brother in law. I doubt he would be that stupid. I'm glad they made that video and wish everyone in the City could watch it so that they would understand the dynamics the police must endure. We have too many liberal people in this world questioning every move an officer takes when they should be applauding the courage the officers show by wading through a hostile crowd and taking action.

If you notice, every time an officer takes action there are several in the crowd yelling he did something wrong. I think the real story is how those particular citizens make up stories on the police to benefit themselves and how that video depicts a lack of ownership and responsibiltiy on the people involved with their own neighborhood. It really shows a pattern of disrespect to everyone and a total disregard for acceptable society norms. You can't blame the coppers or the City for the failures of those individuals. The blame sits squarely with the lack of parental supervision and community accountability.

Quit school, sell crack, have more babies, go to jail, ask for more taxpayer handouts, cry racism and blame everyone else but yourselves seems to be the common theme. The taxpayers can build more swimming pools, put in another library, plant a thousand more palm trees, and throw money around to everyone with their hands out but the problem won't go away.

It won't go away because the taxpayers can't buy two parent households with loving mothers and fathers to show their children the way. It's a shame and a vicious cycle that is destined to continue until real men step forward and become real fathers to their kids. Good kids come in all races but a common trait is that they had loving parents and adult supervision to guide them through their young years. That's the lesson of that video. Take some responsibilty and stop blaming everyone else.

10-17-2007, 03:40 AM
You have become sppd...wait til you light one up...you''ll become st pete theyll light you up like they did us until other agencies respond and put these animals down...some of em hopefully for good. your video is working gainst you ive scene the violence now all i got to say is i was in fear fo my life...you might meet that dude you blew up in hell. have fun

10-17-2007, 05:20 PM
Wheres all the black leaders to March Down The Middle Of Greenwood and take their Neighborhood back........?

You won't see them until an INNOCENT Fuly armed pre-teen pulls a gun on an officer and meets his maker prematurely.

As long as the Greenwood Druggies .....dont shoot any innocent people or officers, they can kill each other all day.

They will save tax payer money getting defended in court and being supported in Jail.

And thats all I have to say.

10-18-2007, 01:25 PM
That video is more evidence of just how bad things are becoming. I believe Redeye poster was who he said he was. Best thing to do is move on now with all your bullshit accusations. You may not even be able to take a drag off that blunt w/o someone in blue to remove it from your fat lips...YOU ARRESTIN' ME FO DAT?????????? Hell yeah....

10-19-2007, 02:06 AM
Sorry I'm out of the loop here. What video is this all about?

11-16-2007, 03:22 AM
[quote]Wheres all the black leaders to March Down The Middle Of Greenwood and take their Neighborhood back........?

Here they are:

11-16-2007, 05:48 AM
Thank you for the black community members, or as I would like to say, plain American community members, for their march against crime and their unity with police to fight injustice. The pictures show mockery while I see heroes. Some of them are on our team while others are faking it. Expose the fakes.

11-19-2007, 02:35 AM
Wheres all the black leaders to March Down The Middle Of Greenwood and take their Neighborhood back........?

Here they are:

:lol: This entire movement is a Scientolgy cover up, they are trying to bond with the weak minded, ill focused, bottom feeders to get them to join the "Church" so they can take over their property. Nice comunity leaders last Friday I counted 32 white folks and two -- yes count them two "African Americans."

11-19-2007, 04:44 PM
Hey, thanks for coming.

I came up from Bartlett Park in South St. Pete to learn how to do this in our area. I am a member of a Catholic church where drugs are sold openly in our parking lot when we are not having mass. Our church is surrounded by run down houses and overgrown lots. There don't seem to be enough police officers in St. Pete to do anything about the drugs.

There was a diverse group here but the march was sponsored by the neighborhood residents. I counted more black participants than you did, many who were representing larger groups. Anyone who did not want drugs sold openly on the streets of Clearwater were welcome to join. Yes the residents were outnumbered by people from other neighborhoods. Can you guess why? It is commonly assumed that anyone who "snitches" will be killed. They need to see a large crowd to give them some confidence. When a few dozen more Greenwood residents join there will be much more confidence and less fear. This will take time. We need more outside supporters to join in. Off duty officers and their families are welcome. Bring your kids. They will see a powerful anti -drug message.

We were not here to preach or support a particular church. The Mayor of Clearwater opened the program with a prayer, we said a few words, had a brief training and then got out in the street and got to work.

I met a few residents who said that they had watched the march from their home and this time wanted to join in.

The NewSouthside web site you cited has a link to a Department of Justice handbook and other info on the Wrice Process. Check it out. It works.

Glad you came out on a cold Friday evening. Your presence was appreciated by the majority of residents who are fed up with crime.

12-25-2007, 08:14 PM
Merry what???? Happy Kwanza fom da boyz in da hood :shock:

12-29-2007, 07:25 AM
Why do yall think the DVD was about the police??? It was not about the police at all. It was about our own black community and how we treat each other. Take a look in the mirror people... Are the police to be on every corner of every street 24/7?? NO that would be impossible. Yall know it.. The police need more man power down here. The kids need some father figures to show them the right way to be. The mayor needs to get a clue!! I watched him on FOX 13 talk about "streetscaping" and "the rec center"... Is that what is going to fix this violence problem??? hell no.What tha hell palm trees going to do for anybody??? How about a free rec center? you charge these kids $3 to get in. They don't have $3.... It should be free to any child under 18, they need to bring in some positive influences for the kids to relate to. I have lived here my whole life 50+ years and it has NEVER been a good area to live in.. The boys with the DVD have done a great service to all of us, just to get people talking about the situation. Now they are coming out with #2... Get ready Clearwater, here it comes all over again. Imagine how bad it is in bigger cities like Compton, Watts, or Harlem.. God bless us, both black and white..

01-04-2008, 03:05 PM
Dear Mr. Blue Chip,
Let me tell you what Palm Trees and $3 admission fees have to do with the rec center.
The city has tried, and continues to try to clean up "your area" as you say. The city, coupled with the private sector has brought affordable, nice housing to your area. Palm trees add to the beauty. If you want to live in a sh*t hole, cut down the trees. In other words, if it looks like the hood it is the hood. $3 may be alot for some. Having to come up with that money may be the key to people taking pride in the rec-center. One has no pride in things given to them for free.

01-05-2008, 05:51 AM

This is what it takes? It takes DNA to put these criminals away because those who witness these crimes will not "snitch" to the police. Clean up your own neighborhood! Call the police when you are ready to act like the majority of the citizens.

And as far as the $3. I think if they can't have it for free, or take it from someone else, they will just ***** that they are being harassed.

01-09-2008, 07:14 AM
I have never been against "cleaning up " of the Greenwood area. What I am trying to say is that the biggest problem is the drugs and violence. I believe that most of the violence is due to the drugs. I love the beautification that has gone on in this area but I still think that the children under 18 should get into the rec center for free. JUST THE CHILDREN. it would give them a safe place to be. Other wise they just hang out in the streets and that leads to no good. Kids will "take pride" in a place they feel like they belong to. The adults should pay, it is the youth that we need to start getting on the right track. It is to late for some of the older ones.

01-09-2008, 06:55 PM
Mr. Blue Chip,
I'm glad you see the problem. Assist in policing your own area. PEER PRESSURE!! Parents need to beat their kids azz if they are dealing. Crack momma's should pay to get their kids into the Rec Center instead of another dime bag. The churches of the North End can sponsor children to rec centers. Perhaps leaders in North Greenwood can meet with city officials to come up with a solution for children who just can't pay. Don't let someone else solve your problems. I was taught at an early age not to deal, or even mess with drugs. Parents need to own up, your community needs to own up. You have the power within you to stop these thugs.