View Full Version : Sandvik

10-03-2007, 09:15 PM
A question: Is Erik Sandvik still chief at Bartow? I worked with him at Pinellas Park, and I think I just saw him on Fox news ref the 15 year old girl. He did not speak and it looked to me like he was in a Sheriff uniform. I went to Polk SO and your websites and was not able to find anything to determine if he is still with you guys or at the S.O.


10-03-2007, 09:21 PM
Who is this you are talking about? We have no one here by that name!

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10-03-2007, 10:03 PM
Well, I guess the somewhat sarcastic answer is at least an answer. If he were still Chief of Police I guess you would know about it. (I think...)
And I must presume that you don't know where he went when he left.


10-04-2007, 01:00 AM
we ran his sorry a$$ out of here god i hope the rest of you p.p.p.d officers are not like him he obviously was not your shineing star

10-04-2007, 11:08 AM
He is currently still the chief of police, however, he is a consultant only. Basically he was forced into retirement which will become effective in March of 2008.

10-04-2007, 10:13 PM
Well, I thank you for your answers. I feel a lot of hostility here so I will go away. I was at your dept. one time when I was attending a school nearby, and everyone there was very nice to me and to the other students from the school. Of course he was Chief then, and like in most places, you guys would be nice to people there face to face. Erik always spoke highly of all of you guys, at least at that time. The guys I worked with were the same way. Cops seem the same all over.

I was not singing his praises, he was a patrol ofc at PPPD when I started, and as his rank rose, his bearing toward us "underlings" deteriorated. He can be a bit aloof at times and I was kind of glad to have him be Chief at your place instead of ours. I am retired now, and was just wondering if the man I saw on TV about the 15 year old that ran off with the sexual predator was him or not. But I don't HAVE to know, so thanks to all for what you WOULD provide.

Have a nice day, and goodby


12-14-2007, 04:20 AM
Erik Sandvick did a crap job at PPPD and apparantley he did one at Bartow also.

12-14-2007, 01:34 PM
He is now nothing but a bad memoery and a story that is used to scare bad officers with.