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09-30-2007, 04:44 PM
Wisdom is knowing the difference between free speech and cheap talk.


09-30-2007, 05:23 PM
Start backing up your bosses or become one yourself. Otherwise, you are only talk.

09-30-2007, 07:58 PM
Get everyone signed back up in the suspender program.

09-30-2007, 11:04 PM

09-30-2007, 11:14 PM
Here's my suggestion to the question that you pose. The G.O.'s and SOP's should be followed and enforced ALL the time. Not just when its convenient to enforce them (or not). If they are outdated, or just plain poor policy, then they should be rewritten or removed. By doing this, then EVERYONE knows what the rules are, and are aware that if they don't follow them, then punitive action (as outlined in the G.O.'s) WILL happen. By enforcing them ALL THE TIME, then personality conflicts/favortism cannot take precedence. The department has gone too lax on abiding by the policies, and I point my finger to the line supervisors all the way up to the administration. Too much is being overlooked, and that drains us of our professionalism, and leads to poor morale. We need strong supervisors (and an Administration) who cares more for the big picture, than being liked. At first, the rank and file of the department is going to rebel and not like this because leniency has become the norm, but again, making FAIR and EQUAL enforcement will open the eyes of some people. Either they will clean up their acts, or they can leave. We have become a very disfunctional department and I think this is the first step to gaining back the ground that we have lost.

09-30-2007, 11:15 PM
sorry...dysfunctional. :D

09-30-2007, 11:25 PM
You are actually very correct in your statement. But, like officers have discretion in applying state stautes and laws, so do supervisors have the same in administering the sop's and go's. I think the new supervisors hated the tyranical behavior of the old school supervisors that they have swung the pendulum to far the opposite way. I also think that there will be a hard time with alot of the officers because just look at this site most of the time. People just running off at the mouth for the sake of doing so, of course all in the name of ananimity. Yer, the irony is not lost on this post.

10-01-2007, 12:40 AM
You are actually very correct in your statement. But, like officers have discretion in applying state stautes and laws, so do supervisors have the same in administering the sop's and go's. I think the new supervisors hated the tyranical behavior of the old school supervisors that they have swung the pendulum to far the opposite way. I also think that there will be a hard time with alot of the officers because just look at this site most of the time. People just running off at the mouth for the sake of doing so, of course all in the name of ananimity. Yer, the irony is not lost on this post.

That tyannical behavior is the other end of the spectrum. The new supervisors' behavior is just as bad as the ways of the "dinosaurs" and they are not helping the department by being lenient just because their predecessors were nasty. Its like a child saying "I'm not going to grow up and be like my father", but does just that, because that's the message he learned during childhood, one of dysfunctionality. It doesn't matter that he's not tyrannical, he's gone so far the other way, and isn't acting in the best interests of the department by proving that he's not a bully. You don't need to be a mean SOB to supervise, but you can't be a wimp either.

As far as some of the posts on this department's board, and other agency's boards, I feel that anonymity plays a huge factor in their writings. Its embarrassing not only to this department, but to the entire law enforcement profession. I feel that these personal attacks are so cowardly. If you have a problem and want to vent here, fine, but do it with some intelligence and decorum. Don't think that the readers look at those mean-spirited and hateful posts and think "Wow! I wish I could write like that!". Any idiot can be nasty, but it takes a little more intelligence to write something so that others can maybe understand your point of view. Those authors may think they're being humorous, but they are, in fact, not nice people. I wonder if we really would be surprised if we knew the identity of those posters? Probably not very surprised at all.

10-01-2007, 02:56 AM
We need supervisors who can read first.

10-01-2007, 03:11 AM
You are actually very correct in your statement. But, like officers have discretion in applying state stautes and laws, so do supervisors have the same in administering the sop's and go's.

The GO's don't give them this discretion. The supervisors believe they have it. If ALL went by policy, there would be no choice for the supervisors, and thereby no favoritism/singling out for disciplinary measures. Unified treatment of all employees. Really, who can argue with that?

10-01-2007, 02:24 PM
You are actually very correct in your statement. But, like officers have discretion in applying state stautes and laws, so do supervisors have the same in administering the sop's and go's.

The GO's don't give them this discretion. The supervisors believe they have it. If ALL went by policy, there would be no choice for the supervisors, and thereby no favoritism/singling out for disciplinary measures. Unified treatment of all employees. Really, who can argue with that?

I dont know why everyones complaining about this place. If you all think that its bad here, stop by the Hialeah pd board. Then you'll see that we have it pretty good here. And if that doesnt make you a believer see what Lauderhill is going through, want to be shot at every night? Or better yet Miami Gardens, now thats a true war zone. Im happy right where Im at. And for you other people on the KK post, you need to be very careful. You are going too far no matter what you may think. Its personal and its wrong. Start acting like professionals and adults. And if you dont like him tell him, he's a big boy I think he could handle the critics.
Not the Lt.

10-01-2007, 07:21 PM
[quote="?":2e1nu6zu]You are actually very correct in your statement. But, like officers have discretion in applying state stautes and laws, so do supervisors have the same in administering the sop's and go's.

The GO's don't give them this discretion. The supervisors believe they have it. If ALL went by policy, there would be no choice for the supervisors, and thereby no favoritism/singling out for disciplinary measures. Unified treatment of all employees. Really, who can argue with that?

I dont know why everyones complaining about this place. If you all think that its bad here, stop by the Hialeah pd board. Then you'll see that we have it pretty good here. And if that doesnt make you a believer see what Lauderhill is going through, want to be shot at every night? Or better yet Miami Gardens, now thats a true war zone. Im happy right where Im at. And for you other people on the KK post, you need to be very careful. You are going too far no matter what you may think. Its personal and its wrong. Start acting like professionals and adults. And if you dont like him tell him, he's a big boy I think he could handle the critics.
Not the Lt.[/quote:2e1nu6zu]

I'm not complaining, and believe it or not, I enjoy working for PPD. And, I've been here a LONG time. The only thing I DON'T enjoy is the complaining that everyone does. The negativity is rampant, and frankly, I'm tired of being exposed to it. I know its everywhere, and there's no escaping it. The original poster asked a question as to how to improve things here, and I submitted my thoughts. I'm not ragging on the supervisors or the administration. I just don't think that they realize the effects of their failure to follow the GO's, and that allowing it to happen has a ripple effect on the moral of this department. You can't be a para-military organization and allow the troops to do what they want. You just can't. We are adults, and should know that there are consequences to our actions/inactions. If someone violates the GO's, then the policy for this violation should be taken. Period. End of story. Again, this would be a huge problem solver for our department.

Also, some of the people here should realize that its a violation of GO to disparage any supervisor in this department.