View Full Version : Kerr,post your views from your site!

09-27-2007, 11:51 PM
Sgt.Kerr,I just finished reading your 10 solutions to our problems and couldnt agree more!!
I especially agree with allowing Sgt.'s and Lt.'s to LEAD!!!
I posted your stuff before but I think u didnt like it so please post here.
Congrats on being positive but real!

09-27-2007, 11:57 PM
Sgt.Kerr,I just finished reading your 10 solutions to our problems and couldnt agree more!!
I especially agree with allowing Sgt.'s and Lt.'s to LEAD!!!
I posted your stuff before but I think u didnt like it so please post here.
Congrats on being positive but real!

you can check it out at
www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com (http://www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com)

09-28-2007, 12:40 AM
Sgt.Kerr,I just finished reading your 10 solutions to our problems and couldnt agree more!!
I especially agree with allowing Sgt.'s and Lt.'s to LEAD!!!
I posted your stuff before but I think u didnt like it so please post here.
Congrats on being positive but real!

you can check it out at
www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com (http://www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com)

Twenty-eight years ago when I first made sergeant, a sage lieutenant told me: "Sergeants run the department!" Whoever is appointed chief after Timoney would be wise to have frequent quality control meetings with the sergeants rank!

09-29-2007, 06:15 AM
Great Job Kerr........I miss our roll call room....now compstat

09-30-2007, 04:32 AM
At least he posts his name coward.

10-02-2007, 01:14 PM
While I agree with many of Kerr's suggestions I believe he left one important thing out. I think Compstat needs to be revamped and although I think Kerr might attribute this all to the NET Commander position I believe it is just mentality that has been adopted from the Deputy on down. Compstat needs to become a meeting place where the status of NET areas as well as problems and solutions are discussed, rather than a massive finger pointing disciplinary hearing. Wether people realize it or not, this mentality flows downward from the Commanders. Ever seen a Commander or Lt the day before compstat??? This should clue you off already. Anyways, the Deputy yells at them, blaming them for the 100% increase in robberies so in turn they yell at the Sgt's and Lt's, and although most Sgt's don't go yelling at the troops, they are forced to come up with action plans or put half the crew on 50's and 43's or on some silly detail that the officer's dont enjoy like giving bicyclists tickets for not having lights. I remember when all you had to do was go out and there and answer calls and do real police work, now you have to worry about coming in and getting stuck all night at 37&US1 with your lights on the whole night fighting to stay awake. While little things like the roll call room and having newer cars might help morale a little, its not really going to change what you do every day. Compstat is the key and the chief doesn't even need to resign to fix this but he would have to put in a little effort and you know what you might start to like to come to work again.


10-03-2007, 05:08 AM
While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.

10-03-2007, 11:19 AM
Commanders Martin and Magnusson seem like they don't let too much rattle them. They also don't seem the type shift blame if there is any blame to be had.

While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.

10-03-2007, 12:40 PM
You, my friend, are the voice of reason. You also illustrate a good point when you point out two specific commanders. Most of the staff are good, down to earth, hard working people;much like the rest of us in the rank in file.

However, there are always a small percentage which always appear much more prevelant than they are. But this small percentage , tarnishes the reputation of the vast majority. The Staff is a microcosm of the department by and large.

This is a damn good department with damn good cops. Like in any other department and/or corporation, you will find that small minority that has far more bearing in terms of negativity than than the rest.

Sgt. Kerr: play 'em as you see 'em. Straight forward honesty (minus all the smoke and mirror bull s*h*i*t) is to be admired. But remember...SEEK SOLUTIONS!

While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.

10-04-2007, 02:53 AM
I guess your trying to get them to give a captains test. Your full of yourself. You talk but everyone else sees you kissing up to everyone. Atleast I see him trying to make this a better place what are you doing?

10-17-2007, 07:49 PM

10-18-2007, 05:39 AM
Sgt.Kerr,I just finished reading your 10 solutions to our problems and couldnt agree more!!
I especially agree with allowing Sgt.'s and Lt.'s to LEAD!!!
I posted your stuff before but I think u didnt like it so please post here.
Congrats on being positive but real!

you can check it out at
www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com (http://www.miamipolicefop.blogspot.com)

Twenty-eight years ago when I first made sergeant, a sage lieutenant told me: "Sergeants run the department!" Whoever is appointed chief after Timoney would be wise to have frequent quality control meetings with the sergeants rank!

i think it's time to go and enjoy your retirement

10-18-2007, 12:22 PM
Totally agree! Good guys. But they ain't the only ones. :mrgreen:

Commanders Martin and Magnusson seem like they don't let too much rattle them. They also don't seem the type shift blame if there is any blame to be had.

While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.

10-18-2007, 01:21 PM
Let's rate everyone from top to bottom. Just like the football power ratings....Go Dolphins! hahahahahahaha

Totally agree! Good guys. But they ain't the only ones. :mrgreen:

Commanders Martin and Magnusson seem like they don't let too much rattle them. They also don't seem the type shift blame if there is any blame to be had.

While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.

10-21-2007, 03:14 PM
While waiting for the ratings to be posted, here is a small section from a great song by Men at Work in the early 80s. "It's a Mistake"






Let's rate everyone from top to bottom. Just like the football power ratings....Go Dolphins! hahahahahahaha

Totally agree! Good guys. But they ain't the only ones. :mrgreen:

Commanders Martin and Magnusson seem like they don't let too much rattle them. They also don't seem the type shift blame if there is any blame to be had.

[quote=Phaedrus11]While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.[/quote:dzxzbj5u]

10-21-2007, 04:07 PM
While I agree with many of Kerr's suggestions I believe he left one important thing out. I think Compstat needs to be revamped and although I think Kerr might attribute this all to the NET Commander position I believe it is just mentality that has been adopted from the Deputy on down. Compstat needs to become a meeting place where the status of NET areas as well as problems and solutions are discussed, rather than a massive finger pointing disciplinary hearing. Wether people realize it or not, this mentality flows downward from the Commanders. Ever seen a Commander or Lt the day before compstat??? This should clue you off already. Anyways, the Deputy yells at them, blaming them for the 100% increase in robberies so in turn they yell at the Sgt's and Lt's, and although most Sgt's don't go yelling at the troops, they are forced to come up with action plans or put half the crew on 50's and 43's or on some silly detail that the officer's dont enjoy like giving bicyclists tickets for not having lights. I remember when all you had to do was go out and there and answer calls and do real police work, now you have to worry about coming in and getting stuck all night at 37&US1 with your lights on the whole night fighting to stay awake. While little things like the roll call room and having newer cars might help morale a little, its not really going to change what you do every day. Compstat is the key and the chief doesn't even need to resign to fix this but he would have to put in a little effort and you know what you might start to like to come to work again.


When did you do real police work?

10-21-2007, 04:31 PM
Ever see a Commander the day before Comstat? yeah...and what? The ones I know are calm and collected. They do not kiss a*s*s nor blame anyone else for any shortcomings. There may be some that seek out fault at every turn but not most. Kerr's commander then and now are two pretty saavy, calm guys that don't let bull ca-ca get under their skin. And there are many more like them. Unfortunately, it's the 1., or 3 who have given all the others a negative connotation.

The Deputy has never yelled at anyone or I think we would have heard about it. But he also wants his commanders to fix things should they need adjustment and not fall asleep at the wheel as so many commanders (then and now) have done. There is nothing wrong with that.

And unless you know any of this crap you spew as fact, why don't you gvie it a rest you rumor mongering shmuck.

While I agree with many of Kerr's suggestions I believe he left one important thing out. I think Compstat needs to be revamped and although I think Kerr might attribute this all to the NET Commander position I believe it is just mentality that has been adopted from the Deputy on down. Compstat needs to become a meeting place where the status of NET areas as well as problems and solutions are discussed, rather than a massive finger pointing disciplinary hearing. Wether people realize it or not, this mentality flows downward from the Commanders. Ever seen a Commander or Lt the day before compstat??? This should clue you off already. Anyways, the Deputy yells at them, blaming them for the 100% increase in robberies so in turn they yell at the Sgt's and Lt's, and although most Sgt's don't go yelling at the troops, they are forced to come up with action plans or put half the crew on 50's and 43's or on some silly detail that the officer's dont enjoy like giving bicyclists tickets for not having lights. I remember when all you had to do was go out and there and answer calls and do real police work, now you have to worry about coming in and getting stuck all night at 37&US1 with your lights on the whole night fighting to stay awake. While little things like the roll call room and having newer cars might help morale a little, its not really going to change what you do every day. Compstat is the key and the chief doesn't even need to resign to fix this but he would have to put in a little effort and you know what you might start to like to come to work again.


10-23-2007, 02:47 AM
Bring back Adam Ant and Flock of Seagulls!!!!

While waiting for the ratings to be posted, here is a small section from a great song by Men at Work in the early 80s. "It's a Mistake"






Let's rate everyone from top to bottom. Just like the football power ratings....Go Dolphins! hahahahahahaha

Totally agree! Good guys. But they ain't the only ones. :mrgreen:

[quote=Anonymous]Commanders Martin and Magnusson seem like they don't let too much rattle them. They also don't seem the type shift blame if there is any blame to be had.

[quote=Phaedrus11]While its true that some commanders have been known to baker out prior to and after Compstat this is not always the case. I can say for a fact that when I was in PST my commander never went nuts after a compstat meeting. We talked about what we needed to do and then we got down to business. My current commander is the same way. I know they feel pressure to perform and it’s my job to make them look good.
I think compstat serves a purpose. 5 years ago officers, sergeants, and lieutenants couldn’t tell you whether 29s were up or down. If you give a crap about your area, your boss, and you crew, you know what the problems are and what needs to be done. I don’t agree with some of the tactics used in Compstat like ambush questions and berating staff members in front of their peers. This occurred in the past but is not so much the case anymore. One thing I can say about the recall vote is that it was a tremendous wake up call for the upper management. I have seen a much kinder and gentler administration. I just wonder how long it will last.[/quote:1coqghv6][/quote:1coqghv6]

10-30-2007, 01:54 AM