View Full Version : Officers take no threats

09-27-2007, 06:12 PM
Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

09-28-2007, 04:01 AM
It is pretty obvious that the taxpayers in this city have " NO STONES" even though they are mostly men. Check out what a raise he got in comparison to what the law suits in this city are. He has a big problem coming up very shortly, to explain to the City Commission and public various law bills submitted by City Attorney Ezrol in relation to certain statements by RP.

10-09-2007, 04:45 PM
Whats with all the threats? Is that the ony way these people can run a city? What are the police officers doing about this?

10-09-2007, 04:48 PM
Whats with all the threats? Is that the ony way these people can run a city? What are the police officers doing about this?

10-10-2007, 05:15 PM
Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

Regarding the City Manager, I think I saw him and his wife having dinner and drinks not to long ago while driving a city car.

10-11-2007, 04:08 AM
Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

Regarding the City Manager, I think I saw him and his wife having dinner and drinks not to long ago while driving a city car.

Remember what LUCIFER posted. Things will be coming out. City Manager Joe and Hope have been known to get a little tipsy while in the company of city employees and city commissioners ( buy the way wasn't that Joe Angelo who had to be carried out of the OFFICIAL WILTON MANORS CHRISTMAS PARTY held in HOLLYWOOD lasy year because he had a little to many ****tails-thank god cell phones have cameras built in-got some great shots). Wow the city manager drives that shiny blue city vehicle with the big bird yellow city license plate that really stand out while he is DRINKING. Wow that video came out real good and clear. And he just got a really good evaluation while the rest of us city employees got the shaft. Hmm. Good times are coming, real good times. :D

10-11-2007, 01:38 PM
Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

Regarding the City Manager, I think I saw him and his wife having dinner and drinks not to long ago while driving a city car.

Remember what LUCIFER posted. Things will be coming out. City Manager Joe and Hope have been known to get a little tipsy while in the company of city employees and city commissioners ( buy the way wasn't that Joe Angelo who had to be carried out of the OFFICIAL WILTON MANORS CHRISTMAS PARTY held in HOLLYWOOD lasy year because he had a little to many ****tails-thank god cell phones have cameras built in-got some great shots). Wow the city manager drives that shiny blue city vehicle with the big bird yellow city license plate that really stand out while he is DRINKING. Wow that video came out real good and clear. And he just got a really good evaluation while the rest of us city employees got the shaft. Hmm. Good times are coming, real good times. :D

whats the point here,??? that the city manager and his wife had a drink at dinner while driving his car (issued by the city) wow...thats just amazing!!
give us a break.......sounds like someone is just a little bit jealous

10-12-2007, 12:06 AM
Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

Regarding the City Manager, I think I saw him and his wife having dinner and drinks not to long ago while driving a city car.

Remember what LUCIFER posted. Things will be coming out. City Manager Joe and Hope have been known to get a little tipsy while in the company of city employees and city commissioners ( buy the way wasn't that Joe Angelo who had to be carried out of the OFFICIAL WILTON MANORS CHRISTMAS PARTY held in HOLLYWOOD lasy year because he had a little to many ****tails-thank god cell phones have cameras built in-got some great shots). Wow the city manager drives that shiny blue city vehicle with the big bird yellow city license plate that really stand out while he is DRINKING. Wow that video came out real good and clear. And he just got a really good evaluation while the rest of us city employees got the shaft. Hmm. Good times are coming, real good times. :D

whats the point here,??? that the city manager and his wife had a drink at dinner while driving his car (issued by the city) wow...thats just amazing!!
give us a break.......sounds like someone is just a little bit jealous

Page 62, 12-13 3b, City of Wilton Manors Personnel and Safety Rules and Regulations - "City vehicles assigned to be taken home are for the purpose of carrying out the work objectives of the department. Assignments are not to be made for the purpose of providing a job benefit."

10-12-2007, 02:35 AM
[quote=stix]Officers don't take any threats off of RP. It is only a small person that has to make threats in the first place. From reading all of this The Wilton Manors residents Police department is Shrinking Not RP's. If enought residents get together, they can get rid of him and the destructive mayor. RP is the destroyer. It was a mistake to hire him in the first place but it won't be admitted out loud. It would show the community what idiots the Commission has been and what a po dunk Human resource dept we have.
When is the City Manager going to stand up or does he what to get the boot also?

Regarding the City Manager, I think I saw him and his wife having dinner and drinks not to long ago while driving a city car.

Remember what LUCIFER posted. Things will be coming out. City Manager Joe and Hope have been known to get a little tipsy while in the company of city employees and city commissioners ( buy the way wasn't that Joe Angelo who had to be carried out of the OFFICIAL WILTON MANORS CHRISTMAS PARTY held in HOLLYWOOD lasy year because he had a little to many ****tails-thank god cell phones have cameras built in-got some great shots). Wow the city manager drives that shiny blue city vehicle with the big bird yellow city license plate that really stand out while he is DRINKING. Wow that video came out real good and clear. And he just got a really good evaluation while the rest of us city employees got the shaft. Hmm. Good times are coming, real good times. :D

whats the point here,??? that the city manager and his wife had a drink at dinner while driving his car (issued by the city) wow...thats just amazing!!
give us a break.......sounds like someone is just a little bit jealous

Page 62, 12-13 3b, City of Wilton Manors Personnel and Safety Rules and Regulations - "City vehicles assigned to be taken home are for the purpose of carrying out the work objectives of the department. Assignments are not to be made for the purpose of providing a job benefit."[/quote:yn9ezxab]

I guess if the objective is to let the city manager and his wife ( what is the city policy on having spouses in the city vehicle- what type of insurance risk is that I wonder Mr & Mr Taxpayer)go out to dinner on the taxpayers dime ( vehicle wear & tear, gasoline only 3 bucks a gallon), go drinking to top it off, expose the city to MEGA LIABILITY claims if he caused an accident.Hmmm. Wow If that is why he is given a take home vehicle make you wonder what his work objective is and if it is blessed by the Mayor & City Commission. Like to see his job description and if he reimburses the city for his little social trips in the CITY VEHICLE. :?:

02-15-2008, 06:17 PM
Guess what, our Pathetic Mayor is still up to his old tricks. Leading the Police Chief around by the nose. I was at a campagin party a while back for Newtons opponent. He had the Police come and threaten to give everyone a ticket that was parked outside just to break up the party. How Pathetic can you get? He should not even be elected dog catcher.

02-16-2008, 12:35 AM
Guess what, our Pathetic Mayor is still up to his old tricks. Leading the Police Chief around by the nose. I was at a campagin party a while back for Newtons opponent. He had the Police come and threaten to give everyone a ticket that was parked outside just to break up the party. How Pathetic can you get? He should not even be elected dog catcher.

Well assho-e, if there was citizens complaints and/or violations of the LAW, it is the duty or the police to respond to the call and take appropriate action. So, shut the f-ck up......who do you think you are? I am so sick and tired of the bullsh-t that is posted on here. I hope you live in a glass house. Go have another ****tail and move to a city where there is no mayors, managers, police, city workers or anyone else that may interupt your so called LIFE. It seems you don't have one. I even have a BETTER idea, why don't you grow some balls and run for an elected position. Then let's all get on a forum and bash the hell out of you!!! How's that for freedom of speech???????

02-21-2008, 12:17 AM
[quote="Party goer":39oyi4vy]Guess what, our Pathetic Mayor is still up to his old tricks. Leading the Police Chief around by the nose. I was at a campagin party a while back for Newtons opponent. He had the Police come and threaten to give everyone a ticket that was parked outside just to break up the party. How Pathetic can you get? He should not even be elected dog catcher.

Well assho-e, if there was citizens complaints and/or violations of the LAW, it is the duty or the police to respond to the call and take appropriate action. So, shut the f-ck up......who do you think you are? I am so sick and tired of the bullsh-t that is posted on here. I hope you live in a glass house. Go have another ****tail and move to a city where there is no mayors, managers, police, city workers or anyone else that may interupt your so called LIFE. It seems you don't have one. I even have a BETTER idea, why don't you grow some balls and run for an elected position. Then let's all get on a forum and bash the hell out of you!!! How's that for freedom of speech???????[/quote:39oyi4vy]

Sounds like someone hit a nerve. It seems to me that you should shut the "F" up and grow up. When you hold a public office or run for a public office you open yourself to much criticism. Do you think people like Hillary Clinton like all of the jokes about her, of course not, but you don't see her on a site like this getting all pissy. Grow up and go cry somewhere else.

02-21-2008, 03:22 AM
Guess what, our Pathetic Mayor is still up to his old tricks. Leading the Police Chief around by the nose. I was at a campagin party a while back for Newtons opponent. He had the Police come and threaten to give everyone a ticket that was parked outside just to break up the party. How Pathetic can you get? He should not even be elected dog catcher.

If you were talking about the party on new years eve on ne 3 terr I was also at that party. I was shocked at the conduct of the members of the Wilton Manors PD who tried to break up the event HOURS before it started. They stormed the house like a blue shirted GESTAPO mob verbally abusing people who had gathered to get involved in the political process and support a candidate who we think can be a positive voice for our community. It was obvious that the WILTON MANORS POLICE GESTAPO were sent by the MAYOR DONALD SCOTT NEWTON and POLICE CHIEF RICHARD E PEREZ because our candidate is running against the IMPERIAL MAYOR. Talk about an abuse of power and authority. Were we targeted because our candidate is gay and most of the people attending the fundraiser were gay? When my partner and I tried to complain to the SS officers at the house about a obvious code violation happening two blocks away we were told to shut up. I would guess that the powers to be in this city feel they can ignore the constitutional rights of the citizens of the U.S. to gather. And you wonder why no sane person reviewing these blogs would not use real names. So they could be stopped , ticketed or arrested by the WILTON MANORS POLICE SS for no reason other that they spoke up or challenged someone in power.

03-07-2008, 06:06 PM
[quote="Party goer":2dhn05si]Guess what, our Pathetic Mayor is still up to his old tricks. Leading the Police Chief around by the nose. I was at a campagin party a while back for Newtons opponent. He had the Police come and threaten to give everyone a ticket that was parked outside just to break up the party. How Pathetic can you get? He should not even be elected dog catcher.

Well assho-e, if there was citizens complaints and/or violations of the LAW, it is the duty or the police to respond to the call and take appropriate action. So, shut the f-ck up......who do you think you are? I am so sick and tired of the bullsh-t that is posted on here. I hope you live in a glass house. Go have another ****tail and move to a city where there is no mayors, managers, police, city workers or anyone else that may interupt your so called LIFE. It seems you don't have one. I even have a BETTER idea, why don't you grow some balls and run for an elected position. Then let's all get on a forum and bash the hell out of you!!! How's that for freedom of speech???????[/quote:2dhn05si]
Newton did you answer this yourself because it sounds exactly how you think, unprofessional, uneducated, full of yourself, a bad leader, a cheater, and most likley a thief. Bet the cops don't come when you have one of your drinking parties or gambling night. Do they? Oh thats right some of them are already at the party. You can only get somewhere by screwing someone else. Thats the best you can do. You can tell all the lies you want to people but most have your number. You have tried to hide information from the public on several occations. But don't worry it will all come out. Hope people figure out the real you before election time. Who is supporting you? The same people that you gave contracts to in the City? What did you get for that? I hope not a soul votes for you.