View Full Version : ***Specialty Units (selection of new members)

09-25-2007, 01:30 AM
Has anyone else noticed that they seem to put who ever the hell they want to into the posistion opposed to the persion with the highest board score or the most experiance.

like really WTF!!!! is wronge here....

09-25-2007, 01:27 PM
Your saying there is something wrong with taking people out of the jail, fresh from field training and generally not having any LE experience what so ever and putting them into specialty units?! Bah ! Thats nuts!

Specialty units were created for people with their heads in their azz. Where else would they go? You wouldn't want those types on patrol with you. Kinda hard to call central and demand a zone car to take your call when you are the zone car!!

09-27-2007, 01:49 AM
No, that doesn't happen here does it. Oh wait yes it does.

09-27-2007, 02:36 AM
I work in a speacialty unit. I was already 2 hours late going home one night .... I ended up driving up on a call, and had to call a zone car out.

Were you listening on the radio and badmouthing me for not working the call??? Its the only time I have EVER called out a zone car....I worked the road for a long time and did not have my head up my azz, and I know for a fact that if you were two hours late they wouldn't expect you to work the call either....

As for the orginal post... this is the second time I have heard this question asked in a week. Glad you got the position you didn't think you were gonna get.

09-27-2007, 11:10 PM
PLEASE.... How many times have we heard CID,SRO, etc call a zone car to:

1. Issue a tresspass
2. check on a homeless guy
3. transport (get freaking cages FFS!!!!)
4. dav's
5. make a x15 at school

If you don't want to work it, drive the F by it. If you decide to stop, act like cops and deal with the problem.

No one is asking you to do lengthy status 2's, just stop being lame.

10-01-2007, 09:40 PM
These are always the same people who say they don't want to be SRO's because they don't like kids, and no CID because they can't handle the paperwork.
You Sound Like Sarasota SO...Quit crying...