View Full Version : Who will be there when I need them??

09-21-2007, 08:44 PM
I was only getting one side of the story here on LEOAFFAIRS.COM, but I guess that just shows you how easily we can be fooled by non-disclosure. Chip this is your website, you plan on quitting in six years, you can't work the street, and I am sure this post will be deleted before it even sees another's monitor. With these facts, how could anyone trust you to tell us the truth and not your own personal agenda? I read the other site takebackyourpba.com and only wondered if your 100 day plan would be as effective as the Democrats last 100 day plan? Am I better off going with you and having the worse PBA representation ever? or staying with people who won't need a training course, who actually have used the PBA in their favor with positive results.

I copied the following from WCFPBA.ORG and it made me realize the conflict of interests your side has and the obvious bias. MAKE THIS A STICKY.

I am sure I will get flamed, my grammar will be wrong, misspelled something. Anything to get off topic.

I like making more money, these last two contracts were fine with me, I will retire one day - and like to live large and not working part time or Reserve to make ends meet. I have kids, I can't put their future in the hands of your personal, childish drama.


“They don’t boo nobodies” –Reggie Jackson, famous Yankees slugger.

FACT: When you are an incumbent, your accomplishments are a matter of record. It is also a FACT that criticism goes with the territory of any elected position.

FACT, FICTION or JUST PLAIN DRAMA: The following information is pulled from fingers hitting keyboards somewhere: Putting facts forward is important, putting slanted, incorrect or misleading information out is unfortunate (for everyone). Putting information in cyberspace doesn’t make it factual either. So decide for yourself if you are getting FACT, FICTION, or JUST PLAIN DRAMA.

FACT: On Sept. 16, 2007, Greg Stout posted on LeoAffairs.com that “We have not received a Badge and Labor union newspaper in over one year. We now receive something resembling a sixth grade quality printing press production.”

FACT: The old styled Badge & Labor cost about $1,500 - $2,000 to print and mail. The FACT is the new style PBA news bulletin costs around $75 - $100 to print.

FACT: In April 2003, Greg Stout authored an article for the Badge and Labor, stating in part “I took on the position of Editor of the Badge & Labor. One of our goals is to see that this paper is published on a monthly basis with news and information that is helpful to the entire membership.”

FACT: In January 2004, nine months later, Greg Stout, then the 2nd Vice President of the PBA, authored another article for the Badge and Labor. In his article he mentioned that it was “our first publication of the Badge & Labor since July of last year”. Greg explained how events were happening rapidly, and would have been outdated by the time it went to print. The FACT remains that we went without a Badge & Labor for five months.

I understand what Greg had been saying as editor. I also was present in my assignment as President. Now it’s election time… FACT, FICTION, or JUST PLAIN DRAMA?

FACT: The PBA, this past spring, obtained the in-house capability to produce our own newsletter, which dramatically cut down on the cost.

FACT: Since that time, the PBA has dispersed a news bulletin for a fraction of what the old Badge & Labor costs, and it has been distributed each month. Examine it for yourself. The new style bulletin works well and is very cost-effective.

FACT: Since July 4, 2007, Greg Stout has been calling for the elimination of the President’s stipend, or salary. From July 4th until Sept. 15th, the course of two months, he never mentioned that he received a stipend while he had been the 2nd Vice-President of the PBA. Furthermore, he also enjoyed the benefit of earning overtime while working at TPD. The full-time positions of the officers serving at the PBA DO NOT accrue overtime, and do not have the opportunity to accrue 300 hours of overtime for pension purposes. That loss stays with you forever.

FACT: Only after Greg Stout’s stipend payments were revealed during a 9/15/07 roll call did he acknowledge the payments. (Source: Greg Stout, 9/16/07)

What happened to that information during those two months? Only Durkin’s stipend was inappropriate? The FACT is Stout’s stipend status was withheld from our membership. We can’t account for what motivated Greg to remain silent on that until it was brought out.

FACT: Greg Stout, Pat Lynch, Jim Meier and Chip DeBlock have all taken part in their writings on Leoaffairs.com. You can evaluate it for yourself.

FACT: In the accompanying Jan. 2004 Newsletter, Greg Stout compares the format that made Leoaffairs.com famous as “no different from scrawling graffiti on a bathroom wall”. He was right about pseudonyms, anonymity and outright lies, insults and libelous slurs against other officers. He was correct then…Now it’s election time. Also in the same article, Greg Stout emphasized the “audacity” of a TPD officer who accused us, the Board, of acting “unethically” when we voted in two new board members to fill vacancies, in the same manner that the board voted Greg in as 2nd Vice President. The FACT is, to receive audacious slurs, insults and misrepresentations apparently just go with the territory of elected people.

Take the time to read Greg Stout's views printed straight out of the Badge and Labor, January 2004 Edition:

By Greg Stout, Second Vice President
The year 2003 has been filled with immense success for the West Central Florida PBA. This is our first publication of the Badge & Labor newspaper since July of last year. A lot of you have asked “Why?”, and the simple answer is that so many things were happening so rapidly that by the time the news went to print it would have been outdated when it reached you, the reader.
I had a lot of time to ponder over the content of this article. I could have written about our new contract that included some of the best benefits I have enjoyed since being at the Tampa Police Department; or, our new pension benefit where we took promises and thin air and turned them into a 3.15% multiplier. Simply translated, the reward for twenty years of service went from fifty percent of your pay to sixty-three percent just like that. But the magnitude of great achievement was significantly diminished by a very small group of Tampa police officers this year.
I like open, honest dialog with anyone. I enjoy spirited debate. It is a good thing when people educate themselves about pressing issues in the police department, but when did it become okay to openly attack other police officers and our union? When are poor manners and outright lies acceptable to you? I can only speak about my personal observations, but my immediate answer is that it is NEVER acceptable. Who’s to blame for this breech of civility? It would be very easy to say it’s those younger cops with a couple of years on, but veteran cops are also guilty. Let me give you a couple of examples: When friends of mine approached me in the oddest places, bathrooms, elevators, stairwells, etc. and began their opening remarks with, “Nothing personal,” I began to twinge, because the next sentence was usually filled with some venomous statement that included things like “I better get every bit of the pension multiplier I was promised or somebody will be sorry.” How about this one: “Nothing personal, but you guys at the PBA should have gotten us at least a ten percent pay raise this year.” I could go on repeating incredible things said to me or about me, but I won’t.
At a recent PBA Board of Directors meeting, a Tampa officer had the naked audacity to accuse our board of acting “unethically,” when we voted in our two newest members. That officer even insisted that we admit our guilt and publish an apology in The Badge & Labor for all to
see. To make matters worse, that officer filed this written complaint the very week that we were in final negotiations with the city on our contract and pension multiplier. His actions forced us to stop what we were doing, consult legal counsel for an opinion, and finally turn his complaint over to the State PBA for a ruling; all of which cost hundreds of your dollars in legal fees and took our attention away from the important business at hand. He approached me in the PBA parking lot after the meeting and wanted to let me know this was “nothing personal.” Of course we were acting ethically and properly, and that was the conclusion of our local attorneys and the state PBA attorney.
As if this face-to-face acrimony isn’t enough for you, we have an electronic bulletin board at our disposal now where any officer can hide behind a pseudonym and anonymously post outright lies and insulting, libelous slurs against other police officers, the PBA, retired officers, officers from other agencies and our own staff. In my opinion, the actions of those few are no different from scrawling graffiti on a bathroom wall.
When we malign fellow officers, we literally tear down our positive accomplishments. We truly are a fraternity. We spend nights, weekends and holidays together. We dance at our weddings and we hold on to each other at our funerals. We are a family and we should hold that honor with all the respect it deserves.
We should be filled with pride when we speak about our police department. We really are the best agency in the Southeastern United States and maybe even further. If you don’t believe me, ask someone who has worked as a police officer elsewhere. They have a totally different perspective of working conditions here. I know I do.
Nothing personal, but stop the assault on your union and on your brother and sister officers.

09-21-2007, 09:10 PM
I see'd it o my monitor!!

09-21-2007, 09:47 PM
Well if Durkin and friends were really looking out for us, then why stop the cost savings at the $1000 or so that the newlsetter change saved us?? The overpaid secretary probably uses that in gas every 6 months.

09-21-2007, 09:52 PM
Yeah, I'd be real proud about being fired for a B12 and having to fight to get my job back on a technicality. Truth is Kevin is running like all four of them have tenure at the PBA and reality is only King Kevin has been there longer than a couple months and Neimi is the only other one currently on the board

09-21-2007, 10:01 PM
What?? Cops and lawyers are like the PBA, you only like them when you need them. Get me off on a technicality any day, thats what I pay them for.

09-21-2007, 10:12 PM
Been There,Done That,

The difference between Greg, Chip and the others that you named posting here and you posting here, is that they have the BALLS to post with their names. What's the matter, you not man enough to include your name?

09-21-2007, 10:16 PM
Yeah, I'd be real proud about being fired for a B12 and having to fight to get my job back on a technicality. Truth is Kevin is running like all four of them have tenure at the PBA and reality is only King Kevin has been there longer than a couple months and Neimi is the only other one currently on the board

As a minority officer and PBA member I will be cancelling my membership if a proven racist gets elected. I cant believe our PBA would even allow someone like that to run.

09-21-2007, 10:19 PM
Read your Badge & Labor from Kevin's campaign of 2001 and he will promise you all of the same things he did back then.

Better communication, not!

No more isolation, not!

Open books, not!

No more cronyism, not!

More accountability, not!

Regularly attend roll calls, not! (unless you call once every 6 years regular)

09-21-2007, 11:01 PM
Yeah, I'd be real proud about being fired for a B12 and having to fight to get my job back on a technicality. Truth is Kevin is running like all four of them have tenure at the PBA and reality is only King Kevin has been there longer than a couple months and Neimi is the only other one currently on the board

As a minority officer and PBA member I will be cancelling my membership if a proven racist gets elected. I cant believe our PBA would even allow someone like that to run.

Oh geeeez.....here we go!

09-22-2007, 04:33 AM
"As a minority officer and PBA member I will be cancelling my membership if a proven racist gets elected. I cant believe our PBA would even allow someone like that to run."

Get your facts straight before u start talking s h i t !

09-22-2007, 11:59 AM
Would you people quit whining and let the wizard keep operating from behind the curtain! After all, the all-knowing, powerful wizard has been there for a long time and getting away with it all. How dare you challenge us. You better watch out or you will get called outside for a fight, because that's how we settle our problems, take people out behind the shed for a whoopin'!

To use The King's standard line, come to a meeting if you want to know what's going on. We don't have time for minutes, agendas, decent newsletters or coming around to roll calls (except at election time of course, after all we are politicians). Of course we will tell you all is well and then have a secret meeting later to undo everything. We play lots of golf around here so we are quite familiar with "mulligans"!

09-22-2007, 01:20 PM

Address the issues that have caused a lot of officers to be sick to there stomach.

1. Secretary Pay and take home car. (is that a good use of dues money)
2. TPD officers paying higher dues than any other member (why)
3. Unfair balance of power/ HCSO controling the votes of ex board

Really, I could care less if you get a stipend, I wish it was me and I could care less about the badge and labor paper quality I just want to be kept informed. The website sucks! You should be able to click on your charter and see your board and reps. You should be able to email them. Meeting notes should be posted on the web page. Board meetings should be posted on the front page of each charter page, not in a scrolling forum.

Like everyone that has held office at the PBA, they ignore the membership until a month before elections. I think you waited to long to see the officers you represent.

I don't plan on voting on your running mates, I have a problem with someone who says vote for me because I have been fired before and the PBA got me my job back. That is all he has to offer.

These problems did not start with Greg Stout, they have been brewing for some time. Accept responsibilty for your failures. You have become the guy you replaced.

09-22-2007, 02:02 PM
" I understand what Greg had been saying as editor. I also was present in my assignment as President. Now it’s election time… FACT, FICTION, or JUST PLAIN DRAMA?"

Kevin you can’t even post an annon. Email correctly. You referred to the fact you were the president when Greg was the editor.. How dumb can you be I mean really are you that stupid? Please tell me your not, please tell me you and the bottom of the barrel crew looked at this before you sent it.

You come on LEO AFFAIRS, you bash Greg Stout and crew for using LEO AFFAIRS and the only difference is they posted their name while you tried to play off who you were as some very well educated street officer until you made the mistake posted above which might well be the mistake of the century. If you were at the table during the last negotiation I'm suprised I dont have to play the city to be a cop at this point. You also quote a NY Yankee when everyone knows that you might be the world’s biggest NY fan. I mean who outs themself like that? Please god in the free time your going to have after you get tossed out on your ear take a computer class, and maybe a writing class it could really help.

I can only hope that your writing and researching all this on MY PBA time, I also suspect you might be attending roll calls to campain on my city time while handing out that postcard that me and my Union members paid for. At least I can check with fiscal to make sure you time card is in order, and I plan to !

In closing Kevin, I have received word that Martin's has a team of 12 seamstresses’ working day and night to gather and stitch four uniforms for you so that you will be already for shift bid...

CHARGE YOUR FLASHLIGHT KEVIN, this mistake can only be compared to Watergate, white water and reaching your hand under a bathroom stall at the airport... you my friend ARE DONE


09-22-2007, 04:14 PM

I just read the email and YOUR RIGHT he did refer to himself hahahaha Oh god my stomach hurts from laughing this hard.

as for this post: "As a minority officer and PBA member I will be cancelling my membership if a proven racist gets elected. I cant believe our PBA would even allow someone like that to run."

Get your facts straight before u start talking s h i t !

If memory serves me right he got a B-12 in west tampa that was confirmed and failed a polygraph on his second... THOSE ARE THE FACTS

09-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Some of you guys are "So high speed, you ate the message before you read it"


Might it be that this attention to detail (or lack off) is why I am concerned with the take back crowd??

I only wrote the four paragraphs before I then cut and pasted Kevin's post.

Maybe I should have used larger fonts, or smileys so that some of you could better understand it.


I am going back to yard work, when I get done I will log back in to read how this message got misconstrued and try to figure out who has NO LIFE what so ever if they actually think that a post on a web site is the " mistake of the century", I mean really, a little dramatic don't you think.

I almost forgot, was there some kind of hidden meaning or insult in your comment "while you tried to play off who you were as some very well educated street officer until you made the mistake posted above which might well be the mistake of the century" ? Has the ability to type become an advanced skill set at TPD? Spell? I was actually offended that you implied I was educated. I just listened to my elementary school teachers. I guess public education can work for some. So thanks for the compliment, I guess.

Leaders care about the mission, the men, then everything else, I would be curious on how some of you define a leader.

09-22-2007, 07:37 PM
I define leader as Greg Stout, and your a l**r (edited by Mod 11) Kev, youv'e screwed up and now thats the best back story you came come up with PLEASE

It came from the other guy over there with all those facts and figures who knew how long it had been since a newsletter was posted.

The other guy over there who called himself the president at the time

The other hugh NY fan at the PBA who quoted a NY Yankee

The other guy at the PBA with nothing more then a high school diploma who would make the joke about education.

I'm sure your yard looks great Kevin, soon you will have 4 out of 8 days to work on it You know just admitting who you are might be a big step in the right direction... then we can talk about why Julie really makes the amount of money she does ....

09-23-2007, 12:27 AM
So let me make sure I get this out of King Kev's post. Two contracts ago Greg Stout was on the contract team and we got a good contract, and it got approval on the first vote.

The last contract we had, Greg Stout was not on the contract team, King Kev. handed us a crap contract and told us "It won't get any better then this" We (the members) voted it down and the King was forced to have to go back to the table and get us what we deserved (which was still less then his initial promise) ... I think you've helped me decide King.. when Greg Stout wasnt involved you tried to fly a crap contract by us. Now I see it clearly !!

:) Thanks for the history lesson King K !!

09-24-2007, 05:20 PM
I was only getting one side of the story here on LEOAFFAIRS.COM, but I guess that just shows you how easily we can be fooled by non-disclosure. Chip this is your website, you plan on quitting in six years, you can't work the street, and I am sure this post will be deleted before it even sees another's monitor. With these facts, how could anyone trust you to tell us the truth and not your own personal agenda? I read the other site takebackyourpba.com and only wondered if your 100 day plan would be as effective as the Democrats last 100 day plan? Am I better off going with you and having the worse PBA representation ever? or staying with people who won't need a training course, who actually have used the PBA in their favor with positive results.

I hate to disappoint you, but your post still stands and was not deleted. Some people forget that it was because of problems at the WCFPBA that LEOAFFAIRS.COM started its first Message Board. Up until we started that TPD Message Board there was no centralized line of communication for the troops and some executive staff members at the PBA were spreading misinformation about contract issues (Greg Stout was NOT one of them). The creation of this forum called people out for what they were saying and eventually STOPPED the misinformation.

As for only getting one side of the story on LEOAFFAIRS.COM and being fooled by non-disclosure, I think the flaws in that way of thinking are obvious. Content on the LEOAFFAIRS.COM Message Boards is authored by all, not just a select few. We create an environment where non-disclosure is not only discouraged, but unlikely.

I'll admit that the level of success for LEOAFFAIRS.COM surprises me, but let's be honest; the fact that we generate 8 Million Hits per month shows a clear need for what we provide in the law enforcement community. Before you start complaining about what people on here are saying, understand that we have one of the best systems of moderation in the business. If you doubt this, check out The Washington Post, MSNBC and the 2nd District Court of Appeal.

If TPD members don't want us (Greg Stout for President, Pat Lynch for 1st Vice President, Jimmy Meier for 2nd Vice President and me for Secretary), we'll respect their decision. Personally I think far too much has happened over at the PBA to salvage any of the Executive Staff (Pat Lynch not included) and the TPD troops are sharp enough to figure that one out for themselves. Remember that we're just a group of guys who got fed up like most everyone else and we're looking to make changes to fix the problem. I see no advantage in keeping bad experience over there.