View Full Version : Noise Ordinance

09-09-2007, 11:11 AM
Good job on the arrest for noise ordinance. Any citizens with a brain will bacl you for doing this and congrats to the officers for a job well done. If they were raised right in the first place,we would not need a noise ordinance at all, It's just common sense to respect others space. The only ones who complain about it are the culprits. I hope to see more arrests to come so they know you mean business

09-16-2007, 02:59 AM
Lack of respect causes noise issue

Re: "Tempest in a teapot" (Thursday editorial on excessive noise arrest) once used to be enough. Loud music calls used to be handled with a warning, a reminder that the violator forgot about being a good neighbor. The officer usually received an apology and the music was immediately turned down. To avoid a call back, the experienced officer usually parked down the street for a time, to make sure the first warning was taken seriously.

During a law enforcement career of 30 years, I have observed that no, stop, slow down and turn it down don't mean what they used to mean. Lack of respect, lack of discipline and a liberal society that facilitates excuses for bad behavior have created a portion of society that expects repeated warnings and feels justified in trampling the rights of others.

Your rights stop at my property line, and loud music violates my right to enjoy my home in peace. Unending loud music has been a tool of torture and psychological pressure during many past and current wars, because it works. The true "tempest in a teapot" is the neighbors, community and city council that have finally boiled over and provide law enforcement with the tools to correct a problem. That problem used to be solved with a warning, in a time when one warning used to be enough.

Ron Smith