View Full Version : Interesting Letter

08-31-2007, 06:28 PM
The following was posted on the flstatecop website. It was written by PBA Staff Representative Rick Nelson.

I was in Tallahassee this morning with ABT's PBA Director and two of her Bureau Chief's and a Captain discussing the agents performance evaluations as well as other pertinent issues. The two Chiefs present were:

1). Bureau Chief of Law Enforcement

2). Bureau Chief of Personnel

The disturbing part of this meeting was when these Bureau Chiefs explained that they are now being required to purchase items like new vehicles, supplies, etc on a quarterly bases. If that quarter fell during a time in which the first set of patrol cars were ordered, then they'd miss out on the opportunity to order any additional vehicles, supplies, etc. as may be needed.

In other words, with an annual budget you have more latitude in ordering items as they are needed. In a quarterly budget, if you spent that quarter's budget and then needed something else, then you're out of luck.

Now that's a scary thought!

They also mentioned that during the first look at the 10-percent budget cuts, some sworn positions would have to be let go. After further review and the moving of numbers, they were determined to NOT let any sworn positions go, although there is a hiring freeze at this point as well as any promotional advances to LEI II.

Who would of ever thought going into this profession where criminals and terrorist are plentiful, and job security has always seemed a guarantee could one day be a thing of the past.

09-07-2007, 09:23 PM

09-14-2007, 02:20 AM
The better and more relevant question is -
What are you doing to push for equipment and funds? I'm sure you have done the obvious things like meet with your legislators, asking your Sheriff for support with your local legislators, Contacting the PBA and asking how you can help, organize phone banks for support, letters to the editor, attending budget meetings....I'm also curious. What job is not being done because of money and equipment issues?

09-14-2007, 02:55 PM
The better and more relevant question is -
What are you doing to push for equipment and funds? I'm sure you have done the obvious things like meet with your legislators, asking your Sheriff for support with your local legislators, Contacting the PBA and asking how you can help, organize phone banks for support, letters to the editor, attending budget meetings....I'm also curious. What job is not being done because of money and equipment issues?

what the _____ are you talking about?!

08-01-2008, 04:48 AM
Any more follow up on this topic? No discusses the important issues anymore. Gosh, what are we even on this site for?