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View Full Version : Sgt Harrison HCSO

08-15-2007, 12:43 PM
For those of you that knew him, Sgt Harrison was a class act. He was responsible for the DUI Checkpoints that many of us have attended, and I always enjoyed his company. He was leaving a Checkpoint that I attended last night when he was gunned down, apparently in his car...although little has been released from the media.

Please take a moment in honor of Sgt Harrison and his family. My prayers go out to his wife and kids as well as his extended family- those LEO's that knew him from all the agencies in Hillsborough County. It is a very sad day for all of us.

I, personally, had only met Sgt Harrison a few times. All I can tell you is that he was very personable. At the last checkpoint on 56th St, a deputy accidentally spilled coffee on Sgt Harrison's uniform just prior to the beginning of the detail. He went to his car to get his jacket to cover it up and I asked him about it. He scowled and then smiled. He seemed like the guy that you would just want to sit with and listen to his stories.

I was with him last night, too. After making an arrest at the checkpoint last night, Sgt Harrison volunteered to impound the vehicle so that I wouldn't have to wait for a wrecker to come from Temple Terrace. I left at 12:15. Apparently, he didn't leave until almost 1:30.

Remember that life is fragile. A lot of time is spent on this website spouting negativity. Take a moment, right now, and go hug your spouse, significant other, parents, kids or pet. Let them know you love them. Tell them you will do everything within your power to come home to them...and MEAN it. We will never know if it will be our last chance to tell them.

08-15-2007, 06:40 PM
Maybe the city will review that, while they are deciding about paying pennies more to their officers. It is easy to forget for those that do not do the job that you go to work with a possibility of not coming home EVERY DAY you go.

So when looking over where to save your money, remember the type of job and then go look in the mirror and see the sorriest guy you will see today. (sorriest girl in one case) for trying to take things away from these upstanding people.

08-15-2007, 08:23 PM
I didn't think anyone would sink as low as to exploit the murder of a respected police officer as justification for their own selfish wants. Guess I was wrong.

The contract negotiations are what they are. The city has yet to take anything away from us, and the attitude you display does nothing to benefit us. Citizens that read this will have little empathy for our position when it is expressed so selfishly. The next time you have a thought....let it go.

Pathetic. If you have an issue with that, you know where to find me as I don't hide behind an anonymous moniker.

08-15-2007, 08:23 PM
I didn't think anyone would sink as low as to exploit the murder of a respected police officer as justification for their own selfish wants. Guess I was wrong.

The contract negotiations are what they are. The city has yet to take anything away from us, and the attitude you display does nothing to benefit us. Citizens that read this will have little empathy for our position when it is expressed so selfishly. The next time you have a thought....let it go.

Pathetic. If you have an issue with that, you know where to find me as I don't hide behind an anonymous moniker.

08-15-2007, 08:52 PM
shut up. didn't the chief say to stay off here......boob

08-16-2007, 06:10 AM
Jeez Thornton what a man you are to put your name on here, we surely respect that.

Look, we are all adults, we deal with grief in each individual way, and I respect you coming on here to talk about Sgt. Harrison and how he helped you out, but dont go on with your babble about hugging a wife or whatever. We know the implications of the job we do. We are well aware that we can be hurt at any minute of the day, we dont need you to tell us how to handle our lives, keep that part to yourself. Go hug your own wife or your own kids or your own dog.

08-16-2007, 09:09 PM
What starts off as a nice idea, looks contrived and fake in the end. You went for dramatic prose as opposed to a sincere reaction. you should stick to teaching

08-16-2007, 09:49 PM
You folks are simply amazing. You think you have it so hard. Poor little police officer who works for Temple Terrace Police Department. You folks don't know how good you really do have it. You guys complain on how you didn't get anything in this years contract. How about this, your lucky you didn't loose anything either. You clowns don't realize the tax cuts that had taken place, nor do you think about the SUPER HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION they (the taxpayers) are voting on in January. Me Me Me, that's all you guys think about. Not to mention using the death of a fellow officer to your favor. You guys sicken me. You all want Tampa P.D. pay but work for any agency about 1/10 of the size. I worked for Chief Velong at one time. I know one thing for sure. He cares about you guys, and don't think for a moment he doesn't. I feel sorry for the chief, who has to read or hear about your ignorant nonsence on this sight. You folks are SORRY. I know it's probably only a few of you, but if you only knew how those few of you made your department look like a bunch of first gradars. I am a ranking police officer and I know the stress that is involved in administration. Wether you belive it or not we try and do the best we can with what we got. We get bull from everyones, City Council, other department heads, our own officers, and not to mention the public we have to deal with everytime you piss them off- oh that's right we have to deal with them not you. So spare me your sob stories. If you don't like police work, get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who wants you, you are replaceible, there is a new kid eager to have your job. You guys once again forget what it means to be a cop. You have know heart. They don't make them (cops) like they used too. Now stop your crying and go out there and arrest a bad guy, punks. Tell Chief I said hello. Be safe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-16-2007, 10:23 PM
Sure we'll tell the Chief some azzwipe, unwanted arrogant jerk off said hi, I'm sure he'll know who it is.

Show up at TTPD and state your case, if you leave without the beating of your life I'll be surprised, Go F yourself whoever you and I dare you to show up and talk crap to anyone of these officers, you'll be the sorriest ass whipped bumpkin you've seen all day.

tell your wife we ALL said hi, she'll know who and why.

08-16-2007, 10:26 PM
P.S. for a ranking officer you spell like CRAP

I'm sure you're ranking all right the chief of the school patrol im guessing


08-16-2007, 10:39 PM
That was the typical response I expected from you. You by far did not surprise me. As a matter of fact I will be at your agency Monday or Tuesday to meet with the Chief and I quess now you. By they way I will now make a special detour in my trip to speak with council and show them this nonsense. I will print all my favorite pages. I hope this will fair out for you and your fellow officers. I bet they really respect you as a law enforcement officer. You must be proud of who you are. Or are you. Unethical, talking about ones wife. Although I was not offended for many reason, I expected such an unitelligent response. As for the beating, just by the mere small talk, I can tell you are very uneducated and could not come up with a better response. Your future will reflect it, especially when you face your indictment. So Officer ---- I hope when Monday comes, your fellow officers will hold you dear to their heart when council is aware of this. Good luck in your non future.

08-16-2007, 10:44 PM
hahha what a fool do what you think you can, you're a worthless punk and do what you think you can do. You're dreaming if you think you can come this city and start anything without getting smacked around. A blustering moron. Now that you'll be here stop by and introduce yourself you little gnat.

I'm sure the Chief will also appreciate you talking about his officers in the way you have so we'll have lots to talk about once we find out where YOU work. We'll be making a trip ourselves to show what a mistake you were


08-16-2007, 10:49 PM
Unethical, talking about ones wife. Although I was not offended for many reason.

You were not offended because you knew she was a prostitute when you married her. come on that's how we all met her. You weren't supposed to marry her, but you did. I'm betting you pay for everything in ones now. Hey at least she is working.

08-16-2007, 10:53 PM
I'm locking this thread as it does a disservice to a fallen law enforcement officer.