View Full Version : Budget deficit

08-06-2007, 02:13 PM
This may sound ignorant and I admit I haven't researched it but who says the City has to have a BALANCED budget? Is it required by statute? I mean, the City of Miami went bankrupt and rebounded well enough to give there officers a great new contract.

If the Federal Government can run a deficit into the trillions, why can't our City government run a deficit for a few years or borrow the needed funds or issue more bonds until the kinks can be worked out?

08-12-2007, 02:57 PM
This may sound ignorant and I admit I haven't researched it but who says the City has to have a BALANCED budget? Is it required by statute? I mean, the City of Miami went bankrupt and rebounded well enough to give there officers a great new contract.

If the Federal Government can run a deficit into the trillions, why can't our City government run a deficit for a few years or borrow the needed funds or issue more bonds until the kinks can be worked out?

Your information is a little incorrect. The City of Miami never went to bankruptcy. Fortunately, before that could happen the governor stepped in and set up an oversight committee to take over spending and exert control over a spend happy city commission. The city never gave us anything. They just brought us up to the level where we should have been all along. It took a lot of hard work with our FOP out in front. Also several rallies at selected times to force the mayor to sit at the bargaining table. We even had plans in place to start a recall procedure.

And yes, per state statute, all city budgets have to be balanced by October 1 or each year.

08-13-2007, 08:10 PM
we should decrease our union dues since our union is letting the city take our benefits. either that or we can change to the general employees'union.