View Full Version : More Brass

08-05-2007, 02:00 PM
Can any one tell me what the Sheriff is thinking with the possability of making 6 more road LT's? With this new tax reform coming up and the possability of the CCSO losing 150 new or old members can this organization even think about promotion's of this calibur. Not to mention that we are so top heavy as it is. What about the Deputy??? Who is going to protect us from job cuts and low pay do to the tax reform? What's the Sheriff or his people going to do about the lack of Road Deputies. Are they going to start making us work 20 hr days to cover for the ones that either quit, get fired, or get promoted???? Can somebody shed a little light on this for me and anyone else that was wondering.......

08-05-2007, 05:24 PM
Yea I can shed some light. What you are talking about is not true. It is conversations with others that get embellished and told to another that get embellished further until it reaches a state of where it is now.

Nothing you have talked has even been considered since the new tax laws took affect. Nothing about promoting LT’s has even been mentioned much less not replacing deputies due to attrition. If you remember the Field LT posting was for ONE position, not 4 more!

Unless someone can posts some facts and verifiable references that says otherwise then chalk this up to RUMORS and Scare Tactics.

On a side note most of these type rumors seem to be coming from D1 nightshift on a certain side of the week. It amazes me how some can so easily talk crap about this place to others in an attempt to promote distrust and uncertainty. What amazes me more is that cops are used to hearing bullcrap and finding out the truth. Why is it that we fail to find the truth with our own peers?

08-05-2007, 06:15 PM
Paradise, I work in D-1 on the weekend side night shift. I have not heard any rumors as you have mentioned. I have only heard that the field LT positions were going to stay as is, and there would not be any cuts at the LEO level. Since you have thrown my district out there without specifying further on "rumor starters", I can only defend the shift I work with and call bull shit to the statement D-1 night shifters are starting these inaccurate rumors.

08-05-2007, 06:54 PM
naples-75, you are correct in stating that it is not on your side of the week, therefore, it is not Shizzat rumors. The ones not on your shift will know what I am talking about. I stand behind my observation in identifying a specific source for some of the rumors.

08-05-2007, 10:11 PM
pearadise calls for facks and veryification and then gosssips abouut the alleged rumor mill in a distrit with no fact or verficashun. paradise reminds me of the shherif and the durrent admin in that its a do as i say not as i do thing hear.

i will give you a fact --- it is time for a new sheeriff and a new amministraation. :wink:

annudder fact ----- the mod is dooin a good jboe.

08-06-2007, 02:43 AM
I appreciate your clarification. Now that I think about it, if the female and male are the ones I am thinking of, I can see your point. All I can say to that is...everyone knows their number and their voices are quickly dwendling away, for they are no longer respected amongst the troops. RETNUH, I appreciate your opinion and I believe we are all very aware of your wanting a new Sheriff in town. Thus far I have to say I will cast my vote for Don Hunter unless I can be given good reason not to. The need for a new admin is not cutting it for me.

08-06-2007, 05:24 PM
Naples_75: Does that mean you agree that a new admin is needed?

08-06-2007, 09:01 PM
I don't think I could take a stance one way or the other. I am not too familiar with everyone in Admin. I can say there is room for changes in areas, such as CID, Human Resources, Fleet and VNB. But I must note, this is my opinion and some may not agree with this. I can tell you that I believe a majority in this agency would agree.

08-06-2007, 10:14 PM
I agree.

08-07-2007, 05:14 AM
I think it time for a new retnuh....one who can spell!!!!

08-07-2007, 06:11 PM
Yea I can shed some light. What you are talking about is not true. It is conversations with others that get embellished and told to another that get embellished further until it reaches a state of where it is now.

Nothing you have talked has even been considered since the new tax laws took affect. Nothing about promoting LT’s has even been mentioned much less not replacing deputies due to attrition. If you remember the Field LT posting was for ONE position, not 4 more!

Unless someone can posts some facts and verifiable references that says otherwise then chalk this up to RUMORS and Scare Tactics.

On a side note most of these type rumors seem to be coming from D1 nightshift on a certain side of the week. It amazes me how some can so easily talk crap about this place to others in an attempt to promote distrust and uncertainty. What amazes me more is that cops are used to hearing bullcrap and finding out the truth. Why is it that we fail to find the truth with our own peers?
Paradise...I mean no disrespect.....but how would you have first hand knowledge of Lt promotions? From the way this Department is going I myself would not be surprised if the stories I heard had some truth to them. We as a Department are already top heavy, don't you agree?? When I started out here it was never this top heavy. There seems soon there is going to be more cheifs then the indians to do the work. I think you would agree that if they took some of the moneys that they are shelling out to the extra Sgt's, Lt's, Commander's, and Capt"s salary's plus the money they spend on there vehicle's (explorer's and expidition's) and start to shift it are way as in better benifit's, help with child care, better salary, and hiring the best Deputies would be more benefitual, don't you think? I don't expect an answer to all the questions or comments I have made. I just wanted somewheres to voice my concerns where tthere would be no reprocutions from the brass. Thank's for listening.

08-07-2007, 06:44 PM
Retnuh will be born again (and will stop his misspellings to illustrate the absurdity he sees) when a new sheriff and a new admin takes over. NOT one of Hunter's chosen successors, but a new sheriif, new administration.

08-08-2007, 04:03 AM
gest05: nuthing will change until we ge a new sheriff and adminisstration. just wait till you sea who makes lt in the next few weaks. i knead a drink.

08-14-2007, 02:59 AM
The spielling whill knot chainge untill we get a knew retnuh!

08-19-2007, 03:46 PM
Paradise, your information is all wrong. They are not simply replacing the retired Field Sup., they are also adding two additional positions that they are transferring from other locations within the CCSO. I will reiterate the previously asked question. In a time of tight budgets and deputies losing their homes because they can't pay their 400K mortgages, why are we adding budget draining Lt. and Cmdr. positions when we need to be paying a living wage. We still have too many Commanders and a couple of Captains that get paid well just to take the load off of some Captains and Chiefs. Doing more with less should apply to everyone, not just to the troops.

Maybe it is time for a new, more troop conscious sheriff.

08-19-2007, 04:15 PM
My information is not wrong and you are just stirring the pot with your rumors.

No need to debate further about it. Time will prove me right and you will be forced to find another issue to stir the pot with.

08-19-2007, 09:39 PM
The all knowing Paradise has spoken. Dont debate him. He is right.

08-25-2007, 12:35 AM
The truth to the matter is that they are replacing Browning's spot and moving Dennis Perry's spot over. All that needs to be added is 1 spot. This agency is every changing and ever growing, and everyone needs to quit complaining and be part of the solution versus the problem.

08-25-2007, 05:42 AM
Just remember: We could work for the school board and get paid less than we do now so that we can pay our leader over 200,000 dollars a year to provide imaginary leadership. The school board hasn't even decided whether they are going to give the teachers a raise yet during this school year. That's pretty sad!!!!

Be thankful that even though we will all have issues with how this agency is run, we know what we are going to make next year and so far each year has included at least two raises and all the equipment that we could ask for. Including some that we don't need.

Retnuh could become Sheriff tomorrow and there will be a whole new group of people who didn't agree with his policies. That is just the nature of the business from now until the end of time. When election day comes cast your vote and let the majority decide!

08-26-2007, 08:42 PM
dat is the best annd smartest post taht realsouthrn leo has ever made exsept for the facts that we alreddy do have over payed imadginary leadership.

their are moore important things than money too. i wil never be shriff becawse i dont want it. he is right aboout election day too. i keep wishhing somebody worthy wood challenge Hunter.

08-26-2007, 10:34 PM
all the "worthy opponents" have been hired by donald.

08-29-2007, 11:57 PM
Paradise, obviously you were not invited to the operational Lt's meeting chaired by Capt. Beaver. You should stck to what you know best... NOTHING!!!!!

District Lt's will become Commanders, and every district wil have operational Lt's.

How's that for your facts D@#K H@#D.

08-30-2007, 08:43 AM
Hey shadowstalker, instead of running your gator as if you are someone of some importance, why don't you just put your money where your mouth is and put a date on this information that you want to flaunt by being at one of these BIG meetings.

Unless you you can put some facts or a timeline behind your "In the know" breaking news then it is all just talk like everyone else :!:

Doctors Orders: Put up or shut up D#%K H@*D

08-30-2007, 08:53 AM
Paradise, obviously you were not invited to the operational Lt's meeting chaired by Capt. Beaver. You should stck to what you know best... NOTHING!!!!!

District Lt's will become Commanders, and every district wil have operational Lt's.

How's that for your facts D@#K H@#D.

Of course only a BRAINIAC like yourself would share operational information on a public access site. You're a real winner.

09-01-2007, 07:23 PM
Get real boys it aint gonna change as long as Dandy Don is in office. Bet all the promotions were Given ( not earned) to those with the barbed wire tatoos. Get out and go to work somewhere else with a sheriff who knows what it's like to be a cop and not a grant writer with an influential daddy

09-01-2007, 07:35 PM
when I retire the LAST thing you will catch me doing is participating on a LEO message board.

It must not have been that bad here for you to want to keep your 2 cents worth in the forum. You missed your opportunity to make things better if you think we have them so bad now.

Don't you have a doctor's appointment to go make?

09-02-2007, 12:41 AM
The key word here is not when, it's if you make it to retirement in that organization. Good Luck young man you will need it. By the way no actually I don't have a doctors app. to go to. But I will get up and go to work for a good police agency in the morning thank you for your concern.

09-02-2007, 12:56 AM
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09-02-2007, 03:01 AM
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