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08-03-2007, 11:35 PM
This e-mail was sent out ABT wide, I guess she isn't coming back...

Mr. Hougland and Staff of AB&T,

Mr. Hougland, I would like to take the opportunity to personally thank you and all of upper management for looking out for my best interest over the past few years, i.e; ordering me to remove State furniture from my home and refusing to allow me to use a moving company, violating my 1st Amendment rights by issuing me a letter in writing stating that I can not speak to my elected Representatives for any personal matters, placing me on unauthorized leave without pay after submitting all documents you required, denying me the use of personal leave for medical reasons when I have in excess of 700 hours, deliberately refusing to answer any and all emails and letters sent form me to you, ordering my direct supervisors that they are to have no contact with me and for completely disregarding all ADA guidelines.

Your actions and those of upper management speak volumes as to the type of "man" you really are and to what type of agency you have created. You are a nasty, vindictive and egotistical "man." You care nothing about those who serve under you while you create an atmosphere of hostility with your threats, harassment and belittlement of your employees. You care nothing of your employees health or well being and you disregard any and all contact with them.

To refer to you as "director" or the Division as a "law enforcement agency" is absolutely ludicrous. In my opinion you are nothing more than a political hack and the Division is simply a pseudo law enforcement agency dealing almost entirely with regulatory and administrative matters.

It is time for the charade to be over. The concept of AB&T "law enforcement" would best serve the industry and taxpayers by being relegated to regulators rather than the absurd costs and burdens associated with law enforcement.

To those of you in management positions who hide behind "don’t shoot me as I am only the messenger," you should be ashamed of yourselves. You are supposed to be leaders and not puppets. You have allowed the Division to become a dictatorship when you should have stood up for what is right instead of hiding behind your badges. As law enforcement officers you took an oath to tell the truth and enforce the laws but instead you have chosen to stand hand in hand and lie for each other so that those who do stand up and tell the truth are punished and chastised. You should all look in the mirror and be ashamed of what you see. You are not leaders but followers of a corrupt and inane system staffed with upper level liars and misfits.

To those of you I do not know you will be told that I am nothing more than a trouble maker and a disgruntled employee. The fact of the matter is I am a supervisor who stood up for what is right and challenged management and therefore have been labeled a malcontent.

I have spent 18 years with the Division. During my tenure I have reached the rank of Lieutenant, served as a Firearms instructor, Driving instructor, Field Training Officer and have received numerous awards and recognition to include; Tampa Police Department Award of Merit, PBA Self Defense Tactics Award, Executive Department Distinguished Service Award and the Governors Award for Outstanding Performance.

Having spent the past 18 years in "law enforcement" with the Division I can assure each of you that the Division is as far from a law enforcement agency as you will find. The Division is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. They hide behind Administrative Rules, Administrative Codes, Policy and Procedure, they fabricate the statistics you provide only to ensure future federal funding and they purchase "law enforcement uniforms" and vehicles that are either abandoned or serve no useful purpose.

For those of you who are new to law enforcement or new to the Division, remember to always look out for yourself first as it is only you who will do so and always keep looking over your shoulder as there are many knives and daggers being thrown. As for the "chain of command," keep in mind that it only runs one way and that is from bottom to top. Management is excluded from following the "chain" they created as well as their own rules and regulations.

Finally, to you Mr. Hougland, not only are you a disgrace to the profession you pretend to serve you are a disgrace to anyone who calls himself a man.

Suzanne Castro

08-04-2007, 12:58 AM
Such a shame that happened to her - I heard she was a nice lady - I am sure ABT will be paying her for her early departure in spades since they can't get rid of anyone the right way - how many pending suits are there against the agency from former and current agents? Good Luck in your new career LT!

08-18-2007, 08:47 PM
Can anyone say "lawsuits=budget issues?" :devil:

08-21-2007, 01:18 PM
Maybe things like these lawsuits are why we are getting a new director and chief. The state can't afford them anymore. Look what they have done to our agency and to so many people. They deserve anything they get!!!!!!!
:D :D :evil: :evil:

08-21-2007, 04:48 PM
Now that the head is being cut off get the Capts. and Majors who participated in this mismanagment debacle

08-22-2007, 03:44 AM
Get rid of all the majors too - maybe some of the captains - we need new management a lot farther down then just the majors in some spots!

08-22-2007, 09:15 AM
I say get rid of the agents too!!, We should all be inspectors that way we could be home by 5:00 everyday.

08-22-2007, 10:36 AM
5:00 PM??? We are in our driveway by 3:00PM here in Gainesville!!!
5:00PM is a lete evening for us, sometimes we never leave the house.

08-22-2007, 02:20 PM
I can see going back to the original Majors, but as for getting rid of the Captains and Majors who "you think" participated in the mismanagement, they were following orders as one normally would do to keep a job. We have seen what happens when you disagree with them, look at the list of casualties on previous post if your not aware.

08-22-2007, 04:56 PM
sounds like the managers are getting nervous watch out it's real easy to transfer someone to a place they don't want to be, the people you have pissed off will now play apart in your future, and don't think they will stop at Dir. and such, you know youve seen it before so good luck but you better start thinking of alternatives. Have a nice ride!!!!!!!!

08-22-2007, 08:07 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

08-22-2007, 10:17 PM
You have to maintain historicalknowledge in management. You are right, the director and chief are political positions. Majors, Captains and Lieutenants should never turn into such a positions. They are there to follow the orders of the chief and director, and try to tell them why something wont work. But bottom line, supervisors have to follow there direction or they wil be fired...... look at the list. It dont beat them fighting. As for us, we have got to stop bashing everyone that doesnt agree with everything we think. We have to remember that this is a job, and yes oh my god they may have us do somethng that we dont like. God knows I dont like all the policies and directions, but you know what it is better then what we had 5 years ago when we had nothing. Why cant we all get together as a group and move this agency as one of the best in the state. We do have that possibilty. I have already heard from other agencies about this message board and how they are saying we are a bunch a brats that dont know how good we have it. Why are we going to bogg down a new director, chief and the deputy secretary with crap. I was amazed at the complaints my office was giving to the deputy secretary. Of course, I was also amazed that he intertained some of them, but I guess he has to. Now I will shut up in a minute, but lets some together as a group and act more like law enforcement. We could all have to rely on someone in the agency (major, captain, lieutenant or agent) to save our ASS. Lets remember why we all joined this career in the first place.

08-25-2007, 07:09 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

Care to expand?

08-25-2007, 10:42 PM
Do you really think we need too???
She should of had her gun taken away years ago!

08-26-2007, 06:36 PM
Why would you say that about Lt. Castro. You still did not explain your reason for making a comment like that about her. I am not trying to be facetious and I am not trying to protect her, but you should refrain from making comments that you can't validate. :roll:

08-26-2007, 08:32 PM
Guest 6 - That could be the reality sooner than later. Let's face it-ABT sworn personnel are looked at by others in the DBPR and non sworn ABT as a bunch of malcontents that have it too good. Free clothes, free car, 3% multiplier, etc. Inspectors don't get any of that and do 85% of the same work done by sworn agents. It's just a matter of time before we are all inspectors. I see sworn positions being switched to non sworn. A few here, a few there and before you know it, it's done. Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared. I am thankful for everyday I get high hazard retirement for doing this job. It's just one less day I have to spend working crashes, weighing trucks or counting cabbages.

08-26-2007, 09:20 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

So then tell us what we might not know. Some of us are new and only know what we read in post like this. Enlighten us, so that we can all make our own decisions.

09-06-2007, 03:44 AM
Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared.

That is my argument when THEY say we need to be on schedules, and work X ammount of nights, and that there isn't enough coverage.

Coverage ???? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? You are absolutley right. Nobody cares what we do. Lets face it, MOST agencies think we are a joke anyways. We are here because the industry wants us here.

TOOLbert set a fabulous precedent when he completely depleted the Pensacola and Tallahassee offices for four straight weeks during Spring Break. You know what? Nobody noticed or cared. Life went on. No awful beverage crimes were committed during their absence.


09-06-2007, 09:35 PM
Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared.

That is my argument when THEY say we need to be on schedules, and work X ammount of nights, and that there isn't enough coverage.

Coverage ???? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? You are absolutley right. Nobody cares what we do. Lets face it, MOST agencies think we are a joke anyways. We are here because the industry wants us here.

TOOLbert set a fabulous precedent when he completely depleted the Pensacola and Tallahassee offices for four straight weeks during Spring Break. You know what? Nobody noticed or cared. Life went on. No awful beverage crimes were committed during their absence.


I find it funny that people within this agency and outside of it do not consider what ABT does as real LAW ENFORCEMENT. I may be a little slow here since I am getting older, having been doing this job for 10 plus years. Can someone, anyone, please explain to me what real law enforcement is? Better yet, someone explain to me which State Law Enforcement agency is real law enforcement. Every one of the state agencies is specialized. I always love A.J.'s reason for not getting full LEO powers as "we are specailized, if we get full powers we are no different then the others". Really, lets see I heard about a murder last night but I didn't see FHP working it. Then there was that house fire, that FWC didn't respond to. But then again, there were those kids drinking in a local bar that left and killed a family of 4, preventing that from happening sounds to me like real ENFORCEMENT. Maybe a few people need to take a step down from their soap box and considered the bigger picture. Don't worry about what others think or do, just do your job and do it to the best of your abilities. That family of 4 will thank you.

09-07-2007, 01:40 AM
Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared.

That is my argument when THEY say we need to be on schedules, and work X ammount of nights, and that there isn't enough coverage.

Coverage ???? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? You are absolutley right. Nobody cares what we do. Lets face it, MOST agencies think we are a joke anyways. We are here because the industry wants us here.

TOOLbert set a fabulous precedent when he completely depleted the Pensacola and Tallahassee offices for four straight weeks during Spring Break. You know what? Nobody noticed or cared. Life went on. No awful beverage crimes were committed during their absence.


I find it funny that people within this agency and outside of it do not consider what ABT does as real LAW ENFORCEMENT. I may be a little slow here since I am getting older, having been doing this job for 10 plus years. Can someone, anyone, please explain to me what real law enforcement is? Better yet, someone explain to me which State Law Enforcement agency is real law enforcement. Every one of the state agencies is specialized. I always love A.J.'s reason for not getting full LEO powers as "we are specailized, if we get full powers we are no different then the others". Really, lets see I heard about a murder last night but I didn't see FHP working it. Then there was that house fire, that FWC didn't respond to. But then again, there were those kids drinking in a local bar that left and killed a family of 4, preventing that from happening sounds to me like real ENFORCEMENT. Maybe a few people need to take a step down from their soap box and considered the bigger picture. Don't worry about what others think or do, just do your job and do it to the best of your abilities. That family of 4 will thank you.

You are right!!!!!! You are "FREAKING" joke.

09-07-2007, 03:51 AM
I don't pretend to believe in everything we do here, but it is part of the job within this agency. Some people come in here under the impression we work a slew of "super secret squirrel missions" on a regular basis, and that we're going to be involved in the most difficult, dangerous RICO cases. Sorry, but it's not like that. What we do is regulate one of the most powerful industries in the US. No, it's not always totally rewarding, but it is what we do here. Personally, the only people who are "jokes" around here are the ones who allow themselves to be so. If you are not happy here, the inevitable truth is that you need to move on. It sucks to tell people that, but that's how it is. We all have different reasons to leave: money, professional satisfaction, working conditions (for some), whatever.

The most important thing is that you be happy with what you do. You may have aspirations to do certain types of investigation that we don't do here. You may try your hand at opening a particular case and it gets shut down. What you need to do is at least try. You can't always get what you want, but if you don't try, then you ARE a joke. Meanwhile you're here though, do your dambdest to get the job done. Keep the positive points in mind. The grass is not always greener, and when it is, there is alot of fertilizer in the sod. Other agencies have some other perks, but you lose a few when you leave here.

For all those nay-sayers who declare us to be jokes, LEO wannabe's, or any other manner of non-professional: Sorry to burst your bubble. The fact remains that ANY time you are tasked with the protection of the public, property, and/or sworn to uphold the law, you are performing real police work. If you walk into a licensed location and identify yourself as an agent, what will happen to you if the place gets held up? What about any time you serve a warrant? What if you back up a lone officer on a traffic stop? Driving an unmarked car leaves you with a far greater possibility to witness any number of crimes...how will you act, and what potential threat do you face? We are all LEO's, and we all face the same threats. If you do not believe that, you are not in the wrong agency...you're in the wrong profession. I'd rather be backed up by the paper-pusher detective or "inspector" who understands the perils of being a cop than the uniform or other LEO who believes that they are too good for an agency.

If you still want to call me a joke, fine. But I'm the joke that may save your a** the day you need help. :!:

09-18-2007, 01:58 PM
Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared.

That is my argument when THEY say we need to be on schedules, and work X ammount of nights, and that there isn't enough coverage.

Coverage ???? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME???? You are absolutley right. Nobody cares what we do. Lets face it, MOST agencies think we are a joke anyways. We are here because the industry wants us here.

TOOLbert set a fabulous precedent when he completely depleted the Pensacola and Tallahassee offices for four straight weeks during Spring Break. You know what? Nobody noticed or cared. Life went on. No awful beverage crimes were committed during their absence.


I would be embarrassed to have posted this.....

Bottom Line they DID NOT CARE OR NOTICE becaue it was the norm for them, not to see you guys out there. Your right People do think you guys are a joke. Your own Co-workers think your a joke.

09-18-2007, 09:58 PM
Amen brother...

11-17-2007, 07:50 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!! Hogman must of sent this one in. Lt. Castro has more guts, brains, and compassion than any supervisor ever or will have at ABT. God bless her! She is not an invertebrate like the majority of supervisors.

11-17-2007, 08:04 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!! Hogman must of sent this one in. Lt. Castro has more guts, brains, and compassion than any supervisor ever or will have at ABT. God bless her! She is not an invertebrate like the majority of supervisors.

Sue you are retired...get off this site with your lazy a%* and rest like you did your last several years!

11-18-2007, 03:07 AM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

Guest9, please explain. I never met Lt. Castro but I have only heard good things about her. Please tell us the true story so we can have a better picture of what she was like.

11-18-2007, 03:14 AM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

Guest9, please explain. I never met Lt. Castro but I have only heard good things about her. Please tell us the true story so we can have a better picture of what she was like.

Why?! Does it matter? Dont you have enough to keep up with?

11-18-2007, 06:56 PM
Guest 6 - That could be the reality sooner than later. Let's face it-ABT sworn personnel are looked at by others in the DBPR and non sworn ABT as a bunch of malcontents that have it too good. Free clothes, free car, 3% multiplier, etc. Inspectors don't get any of that and do 85% of the same work done by sworn agents. It's just a matter of time before we are all inspectors. I see sworn positions being switched to non sworn. A few here, a few there and before you know it, it's done. Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared. I am thankful for everyday I get high hazard retirement for doing this job. It's just one less day I have to spend working crashes, weighing trucks or counting cabbages.

If your inspectors are doing 85% of the same work as an agent then the agent needs to be trained. Go out, find some training classes, get on the internet, read a book, do something to educate yourself and then apply what you have learned. That's how you stop doing inspections with 85% of your time!!

11-20-2007, 02:43 AM
Looks like your Lt. took a shot at the Director. We could use her at our agency. Anyone know where to find her?

11-21-2007, 01:03 AM
Looks like your Lt. took a shot at the Director. We could use her at our agency. Anyone know where to find her?


11-21-2007, 01:51 AM
It's the fired employees whiner blog! welcome!

12-25-2007, 03:47 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!!

Guest9, please explain. I never met Lt. Castro but I have only heard good things about her. Please tell us the true story so we can have a better picture of what she was like. I will tell you that Lt. Castro
was/is a person anyone would want as a friend. She is genuine, nothing
phoney about her. Good sense of humor (she needed it for all she went through) lots of common sense, an active mind and a supervisor who would be beside you whether you were in the right or wrong. She was never one to be full of herself and get the "Big Head" after becoming a supervisor. She knew what "ABT" was all about. She knew what it was and more importantly what it was not. The little creep who was the major, the ex-captain of Ft. Misery and the one that was used to replace
him are all two bit punks/liars.

12-25-2007, 04:22 PM
Such intelligence used here! Must be a former agent as well....

03-13-2008, 08:24 PM
Give me a break Lt. Castro was and is a LOSER that should of been fired along time ago!!!! You REALLY do not know
Lt. Castro to say something like that.

03-13-2008, 08:26 PM
Do you really think we need too???
She should of had her gun taken away years ago! Still no answer from the cretin who wrote this.

03-13-2008, 09:40 PM
Do you really think we need too???
She should of had her gun taken away years ago! Still no answer from the cretin who wrote this.

That is beacuse she is not worth writing about.. Bye Bye ..

10-21-2012, 05:03 PM
And yet another one... this could go on all day, all the post from then are relevant now and nothing changes.

10-22-2012, 12:17 AM
It's like deja vu all over again

02-12-2013, 05:18 AM
Guest 6 - That could be the reality sooner than later. Let's face it-ABT sworn personnel are looked at by others in the DBPR and non sworn ABT as a bunch of malcontents that have it too good. Free clothes, free car, 3% multiplier, etc. Inspectors don't get any of that and do 85% of the same work done by sworn agents. It's just a matter of time before we are all inspectors. I see sworn positions being switched to non sworn. A few here, a few there and before you know it, it's done. Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared. I am thankful for everyday I get high hazard retirement for doing this job. It's just one less day I have to spend working crashes, weighing trucks or counting cabbages.

This post was from 2007. Kind of scary, isn't it? Many things, including the direction of this agency are very predictable. Fast forward 6 years...and look where we are.

02-12-2013, 11:26 PM
Guest 6 - That could be the reality sooner than later. Let's face it-ABT sworn personnel are looked at by others in the DBPR and non sworn ABT as a bunch of malcontents that have it too good. Free clothes, free car, 3% multiplier, etc. Inspectors don't get any of that and do 85% of the same work done by sworn agents. It's just a matter of time before we are all inspectors. I see sworn positions being switched to non sworn. A few here, a few there and before you know it, it's done. Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared. I am thankful for everyday I get high hazard retirement for doing this job. It's just one less day I have to spend working crashes, weighing trucks or counting cabbages.

This post was from 2007. Kind of scary, isn't it? Many things, including the direction of this agency are very predictable. Fast forward 6 years...and look where we are.

Good bye LEO'S.

02-13-2013, 02:22 PM
Guest 6 - That could be the reality sooner than later. Let's face it-ABT sworn personnel are looked at by others in the DBPR and non sworn ABT as a bunch of malcontents that have it too good. Free clothes, free car, 3% multiplier, etc. Inspectors don't get any of that and do 85% of the same work done by sworn agents. It's just a matter of time before we are all inspectors. I see sworn positions being switched to non sworn. A few here, a few there and before you know it, it's done. Georgia dumped the majority of their sworn agents years ago and guess what? Nobody noticed, nobody cared. I am thankful for everyday I get high hazard retirement for doing this job. It's just one less day I have to spend working crashes, weighing trucks or counting cabbages.

This post was from 2007. Kind of scary, isn't it? Many things, including the direction of this agency are very predictable. Fast forward 6 years...and look where we are.

Good bye LEO'S.
Or, goodbye slackers. Maybe somebody wised up and realized that ABT is a zero?

02-13-2013, 10:10 PM
Or, goodbye slackers. Maybe somebody wised up and realized that ABT is a zero?

Sad thing is... ABT actually has many good investigators and LEO's that all get clumped together with the slackers. Unfortunately there are pinheads such as yourself that are so blind they cannot see it. Either that or your self esteem is so lacking you need to throw daggers at others to make you feel better about yourself.

02-13-2013, 10:19 PM
Or, goodbye slackers. Maybe somebody wised up and realized that ABT is a zero?

Sad thing is... ABT actually has many good investigators and LEO's that all get clumped together with the slackers. Unfortunately there are pinheads such as yourself that are so blind they cannot see it. Either that or your self esteem is so lacking you need to throw daggers at others to make you feel better about yourself.

God how I wish I was a know it all such as yourself. Or is it that youj're just uppity? I happen to be one of the ABT agents with experience, talent, motovation, pride of self and formely pride of agency but am now disillusioned because no matter the talent, experience, knowledge of law etc etc, I've been relegated to chasing kids all over the state. You are probably that "Peace out" buffoon because this post has your DNA so blow it out your arse.

02-15-2013, 12:26 AM
Or, goodbye slackers. Maybe somebody wised up and realized that ABT is a zero?

Sad thing is... ABT actually has many good investigators and LEO's that all get clumped together with the slackers. Unfortunately there are pinheads such as yourself that are so blind they cannot see it. Either that or your self esteem is so lacking you need to throw daggers at others to make you feel better about yourself.

God how I wish I was a know it all such as yourself. Or is it that youj're just uppity? I happen to be one of the ABT agents with experience, talent, motovation, pride of self and formely pride of agency but am now disillusioned because no matter the talent, experience, knowledge of law etc etc, I've been relegated to chasing kids all over the state. You are probably that "Peace out" buffoon because this post has your DNA so blow it out your arse.

Good Lord.... you need to lighten up cupcake... did you stop taking your meds?

Anyways...Nope not "peace out"... guess again. I will ask though... how am I a know it all? I said ABT has MANY good investigators clumped with the slackers. Is that a know it all? Yeah, I said the one who called ABT a zero a pinhead, but that was just me defending people who actually do work. Chasing kids (and surveys)? We all have to do it... it keeps us afloat. I still find time to investigate other stuff, throw in a search warrant and arrest warrant here and there. It's called time management... try it some time. Sounds to me like you may need to find another job (preferably out of law enforcement) or grow some thicker skin! You kind of sound like a putz... certainly wouldn't want you on my team! :devil:

02-15-2013, 01:23 AM
Or, goodbye slackers. Maybe somebody wised up and realized that ABT is a zero?

Sad thing is... ABT actually has many good investigators and LEO's that all get clumped together with the slackers. Unfortunately there are pinheads such as yourself that are so blind they cannot see it. Either that or your self esteem is so lacking you need to throw daggers at others to make you feel better about yourself.

God how I wish I was a know it all such as yourself. Or is it that youj're just uppity? I happen to be one of the ABT agents with experience, talent, motovation, pride of self and formely pride of agency but am now disillusioned because no matter the talent, experience, knowledge of law etc etc, I've been relegated to chasing kids all over the state. You are probably that "Peace out" buffoon because this post has your DNA so blow it out your arse.

Good Lord.... you need to lighten up cupcake... did you stop taking your meds?

Anyways...Nope not "peace out"... guess again. I will ask though... how am I a know it all? I said ABT has MANY good investigators clumped with the slackers. Is that a know it all? Yeah, I said the one who called ABT a zero a pinhead, but that was just me defending people who actually do work. Chasing kids (and surveys)? We all have to do it... it keeps us afloat. I still find time to investigate other stuff, throw in a search warrant and arrest warrant here and there. It's called time management... try it some time. Sounds to me like you may need to find another job (preferably out of law enforcement) or grow some thicker skin! You kind of sound like a putz... certainly wouldn't want you on my team! :devil:

And what team would that be? From all the hot air that you blow out, my guess would be the Z team. Or perhaps the girls power puff football team? I'll put my work history up against yours any day. Unless you've served in south Florida my guess is that you ain't done squat. Actually, my negative response to you was born of instinct ie when someone takes a shot at you (personally) you come back with vengence. You probably borrowed the term "pinhead" from watching Bill O'Reilly as do I but unlike you, I try to validate one as a pinhead before I start with the slings and arrows. I doubt that I will continue this banter with you because you don't seem to be up to the amount of time I would have to waste.

02-15-2013, 01:52 AM
I'll put my work history up against yours any day. Unless you've served in south Florida my guess is that you ain't done squat. .

Nope... guess again! Got the "Peace Out" wrong and I am sorta from South Florida. So you can't be too good of an investigator. By the way... PEACE OUT!

02-15-2013, 01:30 PM
I'll put my work history up against yours any day. Unless you've served in south Florida my guess is that you ain't done squat. .

Nope... guess again! Got the "Peace Out" wrong and I am sorta from South Florida. So you can't be too good of an investigator. By the way... PEACE OUT!

I think the word "sorta" can be applied to your entire persona. By the way, have I told you to blow it out? :snicker:

02-15-2013, 09:33 PM
He may not be that peace out dufus but my bet is that they're cousins in law. ABT is full of people like him with inflated, bloated egos. At conception, his momma was probably on drugs.