07-22-2007, 06:41 PM
In just about 13 to 15 months we will know who will lead our county thru the next 4 years. I happen to have it under very good authority that within the next 10 days your next Sheriff will be filing his official paperwork with the Supervisor of Elections.
We all have known this man 25 years (for those of you that have been here that long). The newer deputies may have not worked for him or known him, but have heard all about him.
This is a man of integrity, honesty, and leadership abilities. All you have to do, ask anyone that has worked with him or around him and you will find that he is a man of his word; if he says he will do something, it shall be done. He made decisions that were for the good of the DEPARTMENT, but didn't earn him points with the Staff. He never expected any deputy to something that he himself would not do, and was hands on in ANY unit he supervised, be it Patrol, CIB, SIB, Intel, Traffic,Spec Ops, and DUI.
Politics are part of this, but politics will not play a part in how this man will lead this agency.He has always been and always will be one of the guys and will never forget where he came from.
Sheriff John Herlihy has a good ring to it, dontcha think? Print the name plate, cause Big John's coming back.

His biggest fan.....more to come

07-22-2007, 06:53 PM
Mannnnnnnn this is gonna be a BIG BIG election!!!!! I just know it!!!! We'll probably have about 6 to 8 names being thrown into the hat!!!

07-22-2007, 07:59 PM
No chance - next big news

07-22-2007, 08:03 PM
JH is a nice guy. Very knowledgeable and a strong leader. HOWEVER, he is has been so close to death there is no way he will run for Sheriff. Way to stir the pot though.

07-22-2007, 10:00 PM
Sorry but i'd take JH on a bad day before Gustafson, Gooding, or anyone else....at least he means what he says and says what he means

07-23-2007, 04:42 PM
Sorry but i'd take JH on a bad day before Gustafson, Gooding, or anyone else....at least he means what he says and says what he means

Your are righthes awesome but my bets is for Gooding. John can come back and be a Capt and Resepected one at that

07-31-2007, 01:16 AM
I have spoken to JH recently and it is true he is going to be a canidate for Sheriff. He is very serious about making some changes within the agency and has many good ideas. He know communication will be the key to turn this place around and running smoothly. This man is a strong leader and was well respected within and outside the county. To just spend a few minutes talking with him anyone would see that he is ready and will outshine any canidate that has been mentioned on this site.

07-31-2007, 02:38 PM
For some reason I rubbed him wrong and I think he dislikes me. So that will suck for me. If of course it happens and he wins. I never did anything to the man. I personally like him, but i think he has the personality of a pencil. He was not very approachable and he is very clicky. God help Butler, myself and many others if he does become Sheriff.

08-01-2007, 11:58 PM
Simon is that you? I think you need to make friends with the future sheriff...name recognition, a personnel file that even Capt Burns had to choke on during his farewell speech, and the respect of the majority of SO employees and the community.....yeah, im thinking theres gonna be a lot of a**-kissing going on...[/quote]

08-02-2007, 01:18 PM
I like JH I just dont want him putting his health at risk for the bs of a campaign.

08-04-2007, 10:16 PM
There all a bunch of political A=Holes.

08-05-2007, 12:36 AM
to bpl no it wasnt me, i really dont bother with this board. i was just looking and saw my name.

08-05-2007, 08:58 PM
I like John. He might make a good sheriff if ever elected. However, I don't think it will happen.

Highest rank = sergeant
Highest education = high school
Most voters = not cops

As I said, great guy but probably won't have a chance if he did run.