View Full Version : PROMOTIONS

07-21-2007, 12:26 AM
Congrats to John Brooks and Tyrie on their undeserved promotions. Must be deserving, especially, when you have the inside track with Jenne and Auer otherwise you won't make it in this organization.

07-21-2007, 05:08 AM
Brooks is a great guy, yes lamberti shouldve taken the cake, but lets save him for sheriff

07-21-2007, 12:52 PM
Brooks is a great guy, yes lamberti shouldve taken the cake, but lets save him for sheriffHOORAH!

07-22-2007, 10:30 PM
I just heard that Jamie Garrison got the call to get promoted to Sergeant. Is this just rumor or has anyone else heard this? If so congrats to Jamie!!!

:devil: :devil: :devil: :cop: :cop: :cop:

07-23-2007, 12:22 AM
Brooks is a great guy, yes lamberti shouldve taken the cake, but lets save him for sheriff
Ok, you think Brooks is a great guy? He is so full of himself that when he walks into a room everyone else in the room has to leave, way too crowded in the room with SUPER EGO!!! Miami is laughing now :snicker:

07-23-2007, 03:09 AM
I still think Berenna is the man! Woohoo :devil:

08-06-2007, 11:53 PM
Brooks is a great guy, yes lamberti shouldve taken the cake, but lets save him for sheriff

IS Brooks not a pole smoking F_g ??????????


04-06-2008, 06:12 PM
Brooks is a great guy, yes lamberti shouldve taken the cake, but lets save him for sheriff

IS Brooks not a pole smoking F_g ??????????


any new ones