View Full Version : Raise?

07-16-2007, 11:04 PM
Does anybody know if we are getting raise anytime soon? The leaders of this county obviously are not planning to retire in Sarasota since they are going to make it into another Palmetto due to the cuts in Law Enforcement. I'll bet that Jim Ley will fill up his pockets and when this place gets crime ridden he'll bail. I hope that the county commissioners are more responsible and instead of asking for their raise start thinking on how to make this community safer. Start with paying those who protect a reasonable wage.

07-16-2007, 11:58 PM
Does anybody know if we are getting raise anytime soon? The leaders of this county obviously are not planning to retire in Sarasota since they are going to make it into another Palmetto due to the cuts in Law Enforcement. I'll bet that Jim Ley will fill up his pockets and when this place gets crime ridden he'll bail. I hope that the county commissioners are more responsible and instead of asking for their raise start thinking on how to make this community safer. Start with paying those who protect a reasonable wage.


07-17-2007, 12:14 AM

07-17-2007, 05:39 AM
I call BS on the 7% crap. It may look like you get a 7% increase in overall pay, but that is because we will be working more hours per year for the same hourly pay. Dont be fooled by this crap!

07-17-2007, 01:14 PM
I call BS on the 7% crap. It may look like you get a 7% increase in overall pay, but that is because we will be working more hours per year for the same hourly pay. Dont be fooled by this crap! We will be required to work 5% more every year which comes out to a 5% increase in pay, but our hourly rate stays the same.[/*:m:1f8kd3z9]
In addition to the above, we're possibly getting a 2% increase in our hourly rate.[/*:m:1f8kd3z9]
This comes out to 7% more money.[/*:m:1f8kd3z9]Considering all the budget cuts and job cuts, this looks pretty sweet to me!!!!

07-17-2007, 03:31 PM
Ok do not include the more hours 12 hour crap we know that equals more money because Im WORKING more.

Tell me how much is our raise projected? Cost of living and agency raise along with what is starting pay going too?

I herd 4000. across the board for Deps

and starting pay to 40 or 41,000. Anyone have a REAL answer.

If so I dont care what starting pay goes too we need that for more qualified Deputies to be equal with the surrounding agencies Mantee,Hillsborough but we also need deps to go up as well.

07-17-2007, 04:29 PM
With the budget cuts and reorganization we shouldnt be hiring as much and can be more selective. Hopefully!

07-17-2007, 09:28 PM
we will be getting a raise and you will all like it BELIEVE ME. 8)

07-17-2007, 10:55 PM
we will be getting a raise and you will all like it BELIEVE ME. 8)

You sound like a car salesman

07-18-2007, 12:11 PM
does the raise include the senior deputys or are they stiffed again!?

07-18-2007, 12:39 PM
does the raise include the senior deputys or are they stiffed again!?
Sheriff Bill Balkwill has given everyone an annual raise every year, except for senior deputies. That's what he thinks of senior employees. The writing is on the wall. And now that we have severe budget crunches, he can't give senior employees a raise. Nice job Bill. :roll:

07-18-2007, 04:17 PM
It is not my norm to post these things on this website but I am going to do so this time.

There are many rumors floating around about an alleged big raise that everyone is going to get. The true facts are not being told as no one ever shows up at negotiation sessions to see and hear what truly goes on.

There are four PBA members that are trying to negotiate a fair contract for 300+ people in the bargaining unit. I have been one of them since the inception of the PBA being voted in as our collective bargaining agent. I have asked for support in terms of people showing up at the negotiation sessions and have yet to see anyone in the audience. Oh I get plenty of phone calls from people asking me what is going on and telling me what the union should be doing, but there never seems to be any faces in the crowd showing management that you care about your career and your future. I hear all kinds of excuses about why you cannot or more realistically, will not, show up. The most common is “I want to get into “X” specialty and if they know I support the union, I won’t get it.” By attending a session does not mean necessarily that you support the union; it means that you are concerned about your future.

The contract is not only a salary increase but many other issues as well. To address this issue of a pending raise let me say that the negotiators have been trying to get a FAIR, REASONABLE and ACROSS THE BOARD INCREASE. The sheriff’s team has only passed across the table one proposal and has not changed that proposal even though we have shown that it is 1) Recreating compression, 2) Has reduced the percentages in between each step
3) Shows that each increase in step (seniority) has a LOWER percentage of raise
4) Has a top out pay less than many other agencies in the area.[/*:m:3fuuj8hz]Management’s proposal: has a new starting salary of $40,000
has kept the number of steps the same
and has a new top out at $58,000.[/*:m:3fuuj8hz]That boils down to an increase for starting deputies of $3,555 or 9.75%, and in increase for senior deputies of $3,000 or a 5.45% increase. Hence the compression issue.

For next year, SPD will be topping out in 12 years at $64,093 while North Port PD just tentatively agreed to a top out at $59,500. Charlotte County already tops out their 1st Class Deputies at $59,242. We believe that $58,000 is not in line for a top out pay. We proposed a few different pay scales but submitted one that we believed was fair.

Management’s concern was that in order to be competitive and attract new applicants, the starting pay needed to be increased. While we agree with that, it is only part of the equation. In order to retain employees, the need to be competitive with veteran salaries must also be considered. Our proposal keeps management’s philosophy for the starting salary, but incorporates that same percentage ACROSS THE BOARD, which eliminates compression.

Our proposal would have our deputies maxed out at $60,363. Management stated that to implement their proposal would cost approximately $2 million dollars. I used information provided by management to figure out the cost for our proposal and it was $2.5 million. In the chart below, the 1st line is the current pay scale. The next line represents management’s proposal with the percentages between each step being reduced from the current percentages. The last line is the proposal the PBA had submitted which keeps the percentages in between each step the same and uses management’s increase for new hires across the board for all deputies.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
36445 37950 39518 41150 42849 44619 46461 48380 49957 51584 53265 55000
40000 41600 43264 44995 46794 48666 50613 52637 53930 55253 56610 58000
40000 41650 43370 45162 47027 48969 50991 53097 54827 56614 58458 60363

We also made management aware that in year 3 of the current contract they stated that they were only willing to continue the step plan which meant deputies in steps 0-7 received a 4.13% step increase, while deputies in steps 8-10 received a 3.258% step increase. Those at step 11 received a lump sum check of 3%. If management were to pull the same stunt in years 2 and/or 3 of this contract then those deputies in steps 0-7 would only get a 4% step increase while employees in steps 8-10 would get only a 2.455% increase. It is believed that those in step 11 would get the same 3% lump sum check. This would make us severely lag other agencies in those years. That fact could limit the ability to attract and retain employees once they realize how much more they can make in other agencies in our immediate area.

Suffice it to say there are many more issues that the negotiators proposed, but management has not been willing to budge on any items. Since this thread is about the impending raise, that is the issue I addressed.

The sergeants have settled their contract and I understand that the Correction Officers have also settled their contract. Issues that pertain to those two groups are different than what pertains to us. We are the largest bargaining unit with more than 300 people in the unit, so therefore it would only make sense that it would take the longest for our contract to be settled. We are trying to get a date(s) to finalize this contract possibly in the next few weeks.

I will ask again that people show up to the session once we have a date to see and hear what is in store for your future. Of course, the unknown factor of budget cuts is always looming over us. Review the facts above and decide for yourself.

07-18-2007, 06:18 PM
Hey if no one ever tellsa you this. Hats off too you for doing what you do. Many of us will not put our necks out there like you and a couple others have. I have many years under my belt as you. I respect whole heartedly what you are doing. I will tell you straight up that I wouldnt do what you have done, youve got more than me thats for sure but I have to think of my family first and I believe being in your shoes is career suicide. Please dont be offended I call it like I see it.

As far as a raise I understand and wish they would give senior deputies a raise but management has a point, you and I will be going and they need fresh blood to come in and without pay increase that among quality will not occur.

I must say Ill take what I can get if any as times are tough with a pay raise. I will vote in favor of what the agency is offering. I would rather lose a little than get nothing at all and have to go through the whole arbitrations and negotions and all that again the following year meanwhile getting nothing..When they do decide to give us 5000 raise its actually not becuase half would of been the year current and the other half next year. I hope you see where Im going with that.

However that is just my opinion and I again want to thank you for what you do along with the pba negotiators

07-18-2007, 09:34 PM
when is the next union meeting? you guys are idiots. you dont want me showing up because i will make fun of you relentlessly. but then again, maybe i should show up to make sure you are not just doing things that benefit yourselves. just like the idiots that worked on the step plan a couple years ago.

07-18-2007, 11:38 PM
when is the next union meeting? you guys are idiots. you dont want me showing up because i will make fun of you relentlessly. but then again, maybe i should show up to make sure you are not just doing things that benefit yourselves. just like the idiots that worked on the step plan a couple years ago.
I dare you to show up to a meeting!!! You won't. ;)

07-19-2007, 04:01 PM
when is the next union meeting? you guys are idiots. you dont want me showing up because i will make fun of you relentlessly. but then again, maybe i should show up to make sure you are not just doing things that benefit yourselves. just like the idiots that worked on the step plan a couple years ago.

Yep its offial you have shown your true I.Q. Hey do us a favor and go fall off the earth. I guess making fun is what you teach your child. I guess thats why you can make supervisor....Youd rather sit their and cry about everything.
Hey now go brush your teeth its time for bed time and Dad will be in their in a few to read you a story. :lol:

07-19-2007, 09:57 PM
Whatever! I voted against the union. so i can say whatever they hell i want. they have done NO good. they are a waste. the ONLY reason to be a part of it is for the attorney (but even that is limited). "im bringing my attorney to IA" hahahahahha go ahead. see what good they do in there. if you get sued thats all the attorney is good for. and who knows what attorney you are going to get..... "hi im Lionel Hutz....." hahahahaha

all you union reps suck.

07-20-2007, 02:28 AM
Whatever! I voted against the union. so i can say whatever they hell i want. they have done NO good. they are a waste. the ONLY reason to be a part of it is for the attorney (but even that is limited). "im bringing my attorney to IA" hahahahahha go ahead. see what good they do in there. if you get sued thats all the attorney is good for. and who knows what attorney you are going to get..... "hi im Lionel Hutz....." hahahahaha

all you union reps suck.

I am not a union rep. I am a member. I give credit to all those who put the time in to try and make things better for us. They do not benefit with the agency at all. Yes, you can say anything you want it is a free country. I will be at the next union meeting and will willingly await your arrive to shoot off your mouth infornt of the guys, not behind the phony name here online. I will also gladly express my views of your ineptitude right to your face.

Jim when and where is the next union meeting, not negotiation session? I want to meet blowhard in person! If he has enough testosterone to show up.

07-20-2007, 06:25 AM
This post is starting to spiral down the toilet bowl. Time to lock it.

07-20-2007, 09:45 AM
how bout this, i will show up when the union actually does something that benefits us. and i mean something that would not have been done without the union.....................

07-20-2007, 11:02 AM
Jim, Thank you for your dedication. We appreciate what you (the board) are doing for us. The updated information is very much needed to squash rumors. Thanks again

07-20-2007, 01:49 PM
Hey thanks Jim for all your dedidcation. As far as the jerk talking about shootings. I will tell you from experience youll appreciate PBA if youre ever in a shoot. A private attorney generally has no idea of how police policy and garity(spellng) work. Go trash somewhere else. This is an excellent place to pass GOOD info so if you dont care for them then tahts your god given right but please respect the rest of us that do and use another post topic or somewhere but let us utilize this for constructive tasking and ideas.

Please Jim, if you may post the next locations and time and place it on here. I do not really look when Im downtown. I always just want to get it in and get out. No direspect to staff Im just not a office kind of person.

07-20-2007, 04:23 PM
yeah union reps, thank you for all your hard work and dedication in your quest to piss the sheriff off as much as you can. good work.
you have built a great foundation.
and another thing. i never said the union attorney was all bad. there are just a lot (like 99%) of the people that dont understand/know exactly what the attorney can do for you.

here is a question maybe you can answer: Your union attorney can tell you what questions to answer and not to answer in any IA investigation???

07-20-2007, 06:25 PM
yeah union reps, thank you for all your hard work and dedication in your quest to piss the sheriff off as much as you can. good work.
It's not that simple and I think that you're over simplifing things. During Bill Balkwill's first election, he personally told us that he would support the implementation of a union if we supported him. We supported him, but after he was in office, he sent us (all employees) a letter stating that he believed we didn't need a union and he told us to be "on guard" against a union. Should I believe what Bill Balkwill told me personally or what he wrote in a letter? Did he lie or was he just confused? Is this an example of him saying whatever he thinks people want to hear? :?

If Bill Balkwill is pissed off at the union and at all the lower echelon employees, then it's his own fault because he brought this on all by his lonesome self. He's the laughingstock of the department and I'll be glad when he's out of office. The only thing that concerns me is the possibility that it could get worse then what it currently is. Yes folks, we could actually get someone in office who is worse then Bill Balkwill. :?

07-20-2007, 06:32 PM
here is a question maybe you can answer: Your union attorney can tell you what questions to answer and not to answer in any IA investigation???
Sure ---- I'd love to answer that question!!!! :mrgreen:

During an Internal Affairs investigation, you do not have to answer the questions of the investigator and you do not have to provide a statement. If you refuse to give a statement, then you cannot be arrested or "held for further questioning." ;) However, if you refuse to provide a statement, you can be terminated from employment and if there is sufficient evidence against you, then your retirement can be taken away from you.

Don't let anybody blow smoke at you. Nobody can force you to talk during an IA. You can stand up and walk out of that office and there isn't a dam thing that they can do to you, except terminate your employment/money. That's it!!!!!

Just tell'em to stuff it. :devil:

07-20-2007, 10:58 PM
Ummmmmmmmm, so i ask again, what good is the attorney??? Yup, you dont have to answer IA'a questions. Ok, Your fired! Have a nice day. Boy, you sure showed them!! hahahahahah

You are an idiot. I cant beleive people like you work here. I guess if you dont like/value your job you go right ahead and bring your attorney to IA and tell them your not answering any questions. Turn your badge and gun in son, your an idiot!!!!

Oh yeah, Im still waiting for someone.....anyone....to tell me what good the union has done so far.....................still waiting......

07-21-2007, 07:58 PM
Yup, you dont have to answer IA'a questions. Ok, Your fired! Have a nice day. Boy, you sure showed them!! hahahahahah
That's right, we show them! ;) Bottom line: we don't have to answer your questions. And you can't fire us Mr. Blowhard --- only the sheriff can. ;) Most of us are well aware that we can be fired if we refuse to answer your questions. That's not the point. The point is that you said we HAVE to answer your questions and you're wrong. Dead wrong. We can quit any f--king time we want. So don't gimmy this bullshit that we have to answer your questions. You can take your f--king job and shove it. :roll:

You are an idiot.
Wow, I was just about to say the exact same thing about you!!!! :shock:

I cant beleive people like you work here.
Get used to it Jack.

Turn your badge and gun in son, your an idiot!!!!
F you. You're a blowhard. That IS the name you signed on as, right? ;)

Oh yeah, Im still waiting for someone.....anyone....to tell me what good the union has done so far.....................still waiting......
We unionized and as a result, Sheriff Billy Balkwill is punishing us and now we are the lowest paid agency in Sarasota County. Thx Billy. Preciate it. Guess you showed us, eh? :roll:

Billy Balkwill will be out of office soon. Too many people know he's a drunk and a spendthrift and the county commissioners hate him and we hate him and the citizens are finding out about his nutty decisions. Hey Billy, don't let the door hit you on your arse on the way out the door. And take all your drunken friends with you, especally that convict Major Darryl Stinger who is CONVICTED by a jury. Take that to the bank and cash it.


1 pissed off underpaid deputy sheriff :twisted:

07-22-2007, 03:41 PM
Has the Union presented a request for take homes cars in surrounding counties. Many of us are willing to pay just as Mantee does to live out of county. I think its like 14 cent a mile mSO pays and you cant drive it off duty unless your in county but I assure you thats cheaper than buying another vehicle. I think its a great idea. Our insurance is statewide not county so whats the problem? MSO takes a set fee out of your check after they google the distance and average it on like a 4 day work week. Whats that 30.00 a check.

I would welcome that idea I mean the entire surroundings counties not this state road 70,,, 4 mile cut off thing.

07-24-2007, 05:16 AM
Well, if you are called into IA and you dont want to answer questions because you are not going to be "bossed" around, and dont care about your job, then you should just quit.

Or if you are called into IA and dont answer questions because you dont want to admit what wrong you did......well then you shouldnt be working here and you will be fired!

And....the union has done what??????? still waiting..............

07-24-2007, 09:24 AM
Well, if you are called into IA and you dont want to answer questions because you are not going to be "bossed" around, and dont care about your job, then you should just quit.

Or if you are called into IA and dont answer questions because you dont want to admit what wrong you did......well then you shouldnt be working here and you will be fired!
No biggie. Keep sweatin it. I won't!!!! That fact is: We don't have to talk to IA. Go ahead and admit it. ;) :lol:

And....the union has done what??????? still waiting..............
13% of the people voted against unionization. That's you. ;) Do you want me to list the things that have been passed through negotiations? From each year? The things that we didn't have before we unionized? I'll list one thing first: We can take a vacation day and can still earn time-and-a-half OT. Prior to the union coming along, if you took a vacation day, then you couldn't earn time-and-a-half. That's why nobody was taking their vacations. Do you want more things to be listed??? Do you want the entire contract to be listed here? :)

07-24-2007, 09:13 PM
fine, dont talk to IA and get fired. whatever....

lets see....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....the union got us to take a vacation day and still get time and a half. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......wooooooooooowwww ww!!!!! that is freakin amazing!!!
im sorry, i stand corrected. good job union! i appologize for bad mouthing you. after hearing that you were able to get that in the contract it is obvious that the union is in fact all powerful and should not be messed with. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

07-24-2007, 10:59 PM
Grow up.

07-25-2007, 03:10 PM
The blowhard reminds me of a character in the great movie "The Wizard of OZ". Let me see if I can place him in character...Dorothy? No, Dorothy had leadership skills. The Wicked Witch of the West? No, she had a plan. Glinda the good witch? No, she was nice. The Tin Man? No, blowhard has a heart but it is ice cold. The Scarecrow! Nope, since the blowhard has the ability to think, he must have a brain, albeit pea sized. It must be The Cowardly Lion because he talks big even though he doesn't have the nerve to identify himself. If he is going to say that I am hiding, I will answer that by saying he can identify me at the next PBA board of directors meeting where I will have a name tag that reads, "The Wizard". I doubt he'll be there though!

07-25-2007, 04:37 PM
I dont liken myself to any character in the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is fiction. I only do non-fiction. Everything I say is true.

Perhaps I will be at the next union meeting. I just cant wait to see what is on the agenda. I sure hope you use all your negotiating and union powers. Maybe you can get a Starbucks to open up at D1. We really need one. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

07-25-2007, 09:51 PM
Everything I say is true.
Riiiiiiite!!! :lol:

07-25-2007, 11:37 PM
I dont liken myself to any character in the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard of Oz is fiction. I only do non-fiction. Everything I say is true.

Perhaps I will be at the next union meeting. I just cant wait to see what is on the agenda. I sure hope you use all your negotiating and union powers. Maybe you can get a Starbucks to open up at D1. We really need one. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Grow up.