View Full Version : Admin

07-15-2007, 03:12 PM
I've only been here in Marion County a little while and it seems as if the admins really screw with people why? It also seems to me that the pay here compared to the east coast agencies sucks! How come public service doesn't stand together to have better salaries?

07-24-2007, 11:02 PM
Time for collective bargaining, if you dont already have it.

11-03-2007, 08:43 AM
There is one but I'm not impressed! These guys are getting shafted by the city big time with pay.

The Sentinel
11-02-2009, 10:14 AM
When the cat is away the mice play ............And even when the cat is in............the mice play at Ocala PD.

Someone needs to check on the CAT because he is not attending to his mice monitoring duties....

Mice unchecked can over run AND trash the place ..........

The re-elected PC ....(The M...........) needs to check on the cat and sub-cat - Somebody needs to trap those Mices
Lots of $$$$ going out the door with no return in value ............ Citizens of the fine All American City of OCALA are
losing and no one is informing on the cat and sub-cat.

Ocala SB where are you when the real news need to be reported ..........Are you waiting on an Anomyous informer.
Just bring your mice detecting cat loafing glasses with you and you will "Smell a Rat in cat quarters"

Wake up "News Media ??????" and do your JOB !!

Officers and Brass for goodness sakes we have an infestation of "Mice" and the Cat is making speeches or something..........

Time for a new CAT ????

Thank for Listening

The Sentinel for LEO in Ocala

Write me a note if you get what I am referring to with the cat and mice story...........

The Sentinel
11-02-2009, 10:31 AM
Good Morning

More cat stories ..................OCALA PD

I'm told that cat(s) like fish ............ and that must be because there is a lot of "fishy stuff" going on there.

I overheard a conversation at a local restaurant on the subject and thought I might load up bait and tackle and
my "trusty rod and reel" and do a little fishing.

What do you know about ...the subject? Have you smelled a fishy odor wafting its way from the corridors to the
famous "front lobby" - Where is Roland Martin when you need him ?

Maybe he should bring his camera crew and do a little "deep sea fishing" in this fishing hole.

Someone needs to find out something ...............Filet some fish and spray off the fish cleaning board.

Does the Ocala CC know what's going on and even more important, DO THEY EVEN CARE....

The Sentinel
( On a Search and Expose Mission)

All comments to anything reported by this disgusted with Local Gvm't reporter are welcomed.

The Sentinel
11-02-2009, 10:41 AM
Good Mid Morning

On the subject of PAY ....

One "A Source " recently told me that a lot of $$$$$ is being paid to some of those lady felines who don't tend
to "mice monitoring duties" They just lie around and do a lot of "Purring"

Mr. Commissioner check on that next time you visti "Cats Korner"

The Sentinel - Gotta Go ....another catnip - I mean cat tip.

The Sentinel
11-02-2009, 10:45 AM
The Sentinel

Please watch for my up coming series ......

" Blond Cats and Black Cats - Skinny Cats and Fat Cats"
An Expose on Activities at the Cat's House

The Sentinel
11-02-2009, 10:50 AM
Oh by the Way.......

My new book will be out soon ............

" Cat Napping OPD Style "

A treatise on the napping habits of Cats and Sub- Cats.................