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07-15-2007, 03:40 AM
I have been away from FLPD for a while. I am sure there is new drama and great stories at this soap opera of a station: What's new? :wink:

07-15-2007, 05:17 AM
soap opera of a station? maybe i'm in the dark on this one. let ME know whats going on

07-15-2007, 04:24 PM
Wasn't FOP meeting with members of the city to try to get a verbal agreement for the new contract? Does anyone here know?

07-15-2007, 10:07 PM
they will hopefully meet next week, but hopes are low

07-15-2007, 10:23 PM
What will happen to all of the officers and new hires if the city doesn't propose a new offer ?? will everyone be layed off??

07-16-2007, 03:58 AM
hey I heard some officer smashed a brand new camera car a couple of days ago. Does anybody know what happened ? and if the officer is OK ?

08-03-2007, 02:41 PM
I guess now you know how the people in the jail felt when they, were fighting and affraid of being laid off. Seems now you guys or at least some of you know how the detention officers felt. Sucks bad to maybe be in that boat. Or maybe heading for that boat. Starting going down hill once they closed the jail down.

08-03-2007, 06:13 PM
rookie guy...not even 6 months got an 07 and withn 6 hours it was not longer a car

08-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Just a defense of the "rookie"...he wasn't issued a brand new car. He was forced to check a camera car out for testing due to his CCN. Also...are you upset that one of these was wrecked? Maybe the civilian will pull the tape and use to it sue the city....for....4 million dollars, ha.

08-06-2007, 04:09 AM
Where to start...? Well if the contract is bad we could lose a lot of people. If you consider that the 35% of the department has less than 2 years experience we could start to lose people very quickly. I heard a rumor that admin feels like we could easily replace anybody lost. We would get the people that are rejected from other depts because of hiring freezes due to the property tax issue. I wonder who they think will train these people if all the fto's walk? By the way, anybody know if they can force fto's to train? Next thing...our newly appt major told us that we are only down something like 25 bodies but we are cutting 11 positions in October so it's really only 14. Keep smoking crack, they ask for OT on nearly every district and every shift. They ask for Sgt OT last week! We have lost about 40-45 people since Jan and the bleeding continues. Wait til Oct when Miami Gardens start accepting applications..... :shock:

08-06-2007, 05:57 PM
Just think, some of the correction officers had been there for 20 plus years. and they had no problems or second thoughts about getting rid of them. Do you guys really think they care about you. Let me tell you NO!!! they don't. Let me tell you. They could care less about you.

08-07-2007, 10:28 AM
Just like FLPD :( communcations in 1999...the city sold them out. County bought them and I hear it hasnt been the same since!!

08-07-2007, 07:50 PM
Just like FLPD :( communcations in 1999...the city sold them out. County bought them and I hear it hasnt been the same since!!

Communications has been a lot better since county took it. It saved the city money and we have our own dispatch and our dispatchers are great. Now if they could only get computers in every car that would be nice.

08-07-2007, 10:03 PM
rookie guy...not even 6 months got an 07 and withn 6 hours it was not longer a car

I hope you are not an officer ? because you can even form a proper sentence, but then again with the quality of officers I have seen come through this department in the last 5yrs, I would not be to surprise if you were. I wonder how many reports you get kicked back ? :lol:

08-07-2007, 11:28 PM
rookie guy...not even 6 months got an 07 and withn 6 hours it was not longer a car

I hope you are not an officer ? because you can even form a proper sentence, but then again with the quality of officers I have seen come through this department in the last 5yrs, I would not be to surprise if you were. I wonder how many reports you get kicked back ? :lol:

"People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones" Ever hear of capitalizing the first letter of the first word of a new sentence? Or is that even a new sentence? The question mark should be a comma.Because youcan'teven form a proper sentence. Ever hear of a run on sentence? Punctuation is your friend. I would not besuprisedif you were. I guess you're not an English major either. :snicker: :roll: :oops: :oops: :oops:

08-08-2007, 12:54 AM
"Man who lives in glass house should change in basement"

08-08-2007, 06:18 AM
Communications has been a lot better since county took it. It saved the city money and we have our own dispatch and our dispatchers are great. Now if they could only get computers in every car that would be nice.

They could put computers in a lot more cars, but cameras have been the priority for months. The last officer to get a laptop was about 4 months ago ( at least by CCN...there may have been one or two FTO's that got one, but I doubt it). They SAY they're recycling computers as they come in....but for the dozen people or so that have quit and had MDT's, not even half of those have been reissued. And I've been hearing for the last year that XX numbers of computers are ON order and will be distributed.
Officers almost 2 years solo on the road don't have an MDT yet, that's pretty crappy. Besides Plantation MDT's are standard issue with a policy book at every other agency around here.
Another thing about the cameras: has anyone been trained on how to download the video THEMSELVES and submit it to evidence....b/c as far as I know that hasn't been part of the testing training, which proves that these things are not for OUR benefit and only out to f*** us.

08-14-2007, 10:28 PM
Before any of you officers with less that 4 years on leaves for another dept in Florida remember that the entire stated is facing budget issues. FLPD is probably not going to layoff anyone because they are shy 35 officers as it is. Other depts in the state might face financial problems causing them to layoff staff. I had been contemplating leaving but think i might be out of a job if i go somewhere that has a crisis!

08-16-2007, 05:20 AM
they are shy 35 officers as it is.

This is an ever changing number @ FLPD, no one seems to know really how many officers the agency is down.

But you're right about not leaving, most agencies are at a hiring freeze and the grass is not always greener on the other side. But of course once you leave, you will realize how a$$-backwards FLPD really is and come to the conclusion that the things that you used to get away with in District 2 just don't fly elsewhere............

08-16-2007, 10:18 AM
We do have 12 people in the academy. 3 graduate in about a month, 5 in under 3 months and 4 just started.

08-16-2007, 03:35 PM
As of August 8th we have 467 officers including those in the academy

08-16-2007, 11:00 PM
We're supposed to have 500 right? Who knows how many well have if we can't get a new contract later this years.

08-18-2007, 08:50 PM
And by the time those 12 guys make it solo on the road, 15 older officers will be gone.

08-18-2007, 09:23 PM
[quote="Been there done that too":955ltxpr]Just like FLPD :( communcations in 1999...the city sold them out. County bought them and I hear it hasnt been the same since!!

Communications has been a lot better since county took it. It saved the city money and we have our own dispatch and our dispatchers are great. Now if they could only get computers in every car that would be nice.[/quote:955ltxpr]

You apparently were not here prior to 1999. The Comm center has not gotten better by any stretch. We use to be close to all of our dispatchers and they cared about all of us. We have a few great dispatchers now but how many names do you actually know in dispatch? The calltakers we are hiring can't even form a complete sentence in a call and the spelling is horrible. I had a dispatcher quote BSO policy to me, as if i actually give a crap what BSO policy is. No thanks BSO, I would rather have our own people here sending me on calls and telling me where to go. And then there is Captain Cassie... :x

08-18-2007, 09:32 PM
We're supposed to have 500 right? Who knows how many well have if we can't get a new contract later this years.

We are supposed to have 516 sworn. We were at that one time in the past. We are down about 44 positions but they are cutting 11 positions Oct. 1 so we will be down 33-ish. Keep in mind that we have hired over 70 Officers in the last year and we are still understaffed. What will they do when the FTOs stop training new hires?

08-19-2007, 12:07 AM
I have not heard anything about anyone getting cut on Oct 1. They wouldn't just hired 4 new people into the academy if they want to get rid of them. By Oct 1 11 people will probably volunteer to leave on their own.

08-19-2007, 11:26 AM
They're cutting 11 UNFILLED positions.....not laying off officers already hired.

08-19-2007, 11:54 AM
All of you are pathetic! Miami Gardens, here I come!

08-19-2007, 08:59 PM
oh ok thanks for clearing that up

08-19-2007, 10:09 PM
Gardens is going to have worse staffing issues than we do. And their issues are PLANNED. They are planning on putting a significant number less officers than what Miami Dade currently has patrolling that cesspool.
If it sounds too good to be true...it probably is.

08-21-2007, 04:09 AM
For some of you who aren’t familiar with Miami Gardens, the city makes District 2 look like a cakewalk. There’s more ghetto per square area than any other city in South Florida. At least in Fort Lauderdale the gay community is beautifying the city little by little. Miami Gardens has the largest welfare chickenhead families in Dade County. Do more with less in a city the highest capital murder in the country. If you think it sucks in FLPD wait till you come on board MGPD on day shift with 20 calls waiting with no end in sight everyday, 7 days of week, 365 days of ghetto fabulous……………

08-21-2007, 10:28 PM
Is the pay as good as they advertise? What about the Chief , any insight would be appreciative about MGPD.

08-22-2007, 01:57 AM
Apparently, yeah...the 1st few years you'll definitely make some bank. But from what I've heard, there's no contract and no established union, so what ever happens after that is up in the air. Chances are the rest of the departments will catch up and lap MGPD in their next contracts. After those grants run out it's not like there's a huge tax base in that city.

08-22-2007, 03:33 AM
The chief of MGPD is an ex-major of MDPD, Miami Gardens District Chief. Most of the upper brass have at least 20 years in LE and are post retire in this field. FLPD’s very own Lt. Lewers is now a major there. He had 19 years in FLPD before he got hired by MGPD. So let’s say that after 3 years from 12/01/07 when they become 09 the agency tanks, none of the brass would suffer since most would be collecting retirement. The ones that would be $hit-out-of-luck will be all those out of state officers who came down from up North to work in the ghetto.

They don’t realize that the average MG resident gives a rat’s a$$ about police officers. The fact that their taxes where raised to have their own police force means toilet paper to most. When the fake money is gone and honeymoon is over, most officers will be burned out just like the MDPD officers. Whether they have white and green with brown uniforms or black and white with black uniforms; they are all POPOS, 5-OH,PIGS to the thugs that congregate that city.

08-22-2007, 08:15 PM
[quote="Been there done that too":1t2k1kwm]Just like FLPD :( communcations in 1999...the city sold them out. County bought them and I hear it hasnt been the same since!!

Communications has been a lot better since county took it. It saved the city money and we have our own dispatch and our dispatchers are great. Now if they could only get computers in every car that would be nice.

You apparently were not here prior to 1999. The Comm center has not gotten better by any stretch. We use to be close to all of our dispatchers and they cared about all of us. We have a few great dispatchers now but how many names do you actually know in dispatch? The calltakers we are hiring can't even form a complete sentence in a call and the spelling is horrible. I had a dispatcher quote BSO policy to me, as if i actually give a crap what BSO policy is. No thanks BSO, I would rather have our own people here sending me on calls and telling me where to go. And then there is Captain Cassie... :x[/quote:1t2k1kwm]
Captain Cassie will save your life one day when you need help jerk, lets hope you are not one of the cops we see the pretty color pics when they get fired or suspended for lets see, stealing a boat, beating up their wife, wrecking a car and then lying about it by forging the maintenance card, humm getting caught in a whore house with crack, crack head sluts coming into the lobby to see the officer that screwed them on a call, that was funny the cops girlfriend worked in the comm center oh and he was married....what else, how about a cop killing his wife and himself....or beating people up on the beach, killing a person by going 85 mph....not to an emergency... what else, oh yeah and the drunk sgt that got into a fight on duty drunk. what else, i am sure you all know...... so lets see, do i want captain cassie telling me where to go, or do I want you or one of these cops protecting me......

08-25-2007, 01:00 AM
Apparently someone has a stick up their ass simple because we have BSO patches on our shirts and not FLPD. The jerk that wrote that is probably pissed off because Cassie is one of the few dispatchers who dont take crap from officers. We are NOT here to kiss your asses. We are here to do our jobs. And no one on the first floor shoulld have a damn thing to say about sentences and pronounciations and such. I have more intelligence in a toe nail that some of the jerks that unfortunately have the HONOR of calling themselves OFFICERS. I've sat in teletype and have had the pleasure of an officer asking me for a 10-28 on a person. I've had an officer that was training ask for a 10-29 on a person and when I discovered the person had 3 possible code 4's out of BSO, I asked that particular unit if he had a 10-94. He told me "No, but my F.T.O. is with me." Last time I checked, FTO's carried guns, badges, and were still POLICE OFFICERS. I've had officers Give me jacked up VIN's. You telling me that a person who works in this field of work doesnt know that cars only have 17 characters in their VINS? There are NO "Oscars" on license plates...those are ZEROS people! It is a damn shame to see members of this department separate themselves from others simply because of a damn logo on a shirt. If my shirt said "FLPD" I would still be the same brainiac, crazy sex cool laid back son of a ***** that I am today. And I would still be here doing my job to the fullest of my capabilities insuring that the GOOD officers are able to do THEIR jobs to their fullest and go home safely at night. (DZ) :evil:

08-25-2007, 03:54 AM
Let’s get one thing clear HONEYBUN, dispatchers get paid to dispatch not to make decisions for officers. You don’t have the slightest idea of what it takes to work the mean streets of Fort Lauderdale.

I've had an officer that was training ask for a 10-29 on a person and when I discovered the person had 3 possible code 4's out of BSO, I asked that particular unit if he had a 10-94. He told me "No, but my F.T.O. is with me." Last time I checked, FTO's carried guns, badges, and were still POLICE OFFICERS.
This is a good example of why we should have FLPD dispatchers and not Jenne’s kids. FLPD policies states that while on training recruits are not consider backups. An additional 94 is to be dispatch even though there are two officers present. You won’t find this in the pages of Cosmopolitan nor Glamour or whatever crap you read while on duty.

because Cassie is one of the few dispatchers who dont take crap from officers. We are NOT here to kiss your asses. We are here to do our jobs.
TO DO OUR JOBS REALLY??? Like sending officers on the wrong address or not raising 94s on violent 38s. How about incomplete 14 on violent subjects. BSO Dispatchers have no clue about officer safety nor do they care about the welfare of the officers on duty. In the safety of your little air conditioner room, you try to talk the talk but can you walk the walk.

08-25-2007, 07:29 AM
Let’s get one thing clear HONEYBUN, dispatchers get paid to dispatch not to make decisions for officers

You're ABSOLUTELY right...But I think someone forgot to let the officers know that.

You don’t have the slightest idea of what it takes to work the mean streets of Fort Lauderdale.

Don't tell me about workin' these streets. I've probably resided here (and still do) longer than you've been employed with the department. Just walking to my car with my uniform on is a full time HIGH RISK job in my neighborhood. So I really don't even wanna go there.

This is a good example of why we should have FLPD dispatchers and not Jenne’s kids. FLPD policies states that while on training recruits are not consider backups. An additional 94 is to be dispatch even though there are two officers present

Ok. Once again it comes back down to "paying attention." We do not follow FLPD policies. We do not follow BSO policies. We adhere to a mixture of the two. Reason being is because Fort Lauderdale probably does not agree with BSO's policies and procedures in in its entirety and as such is CONSTANTLY revising and amending what policies and procedures we follow. FTO and Rookie out with one (1) subject? No need for a 10-94 because two bodies are actually there. Don't like it? I suggest you take it up with ol' Brucie because we didnt just make it up. It comes to us on "Read & Signs" and if we want to see our paychecks come payday, we have to sign and date the actual document noting that we received, reviewed and will ADHERE to the revision and/or addition to our policies and procedures.. And these revisions come down the CHAIN OF COMMAND. <- this means whatever policy book YOU'RE reading out of might need a little update.

TO DO OUR JOBS REALLY??? Like sending officers on the wrong address...

Ok. Do you even know where the communications center is? You should try visiting. Unlike some of YOUR fellow co-workers out on the field, we are NOT psychics. You are provided with the same information that is provided to us. We have to deal with complete idiots whom 7 out of 10 times dont even know their own addresses. Callers with such an intelligence deficiency that they are able to provide a first name for their "baby daddys", but not a last. And you blame us because our crystal balls are broken. Probably makes sense from your standpoint, but certainly not mines.

...or not raising 94s on violent 38s

Are you serious? Sorry. But I didnt apply for babysitter. If I call you and ask you if you are 10-4, that applies to you and the person you are backing up. If you say you are ok but the person YOU were dispatched to back-up is getting their ass whipped, you aint doin' ya job potna.

BSO Dispatchers have no clue about officer safety

Hell. You have officers who dont have a clue about officer safety. "Show me out at 62nd and andrews at the tri-rail station with about 50 rice burners (street slang terminology for street racers). Um. 54/94." And when the sergeant heard that, he nearly pissed in his pants.

Ya know....we can go on and on and back and forth and it really aint gonna change shit. Citing each other's faults and personal preferences. Who cares. Fact of the matter is we all have a job to do it and we should take it upon ourselves to be professionals in our respective capacities and perform as such.. Dont care if you like me or not cause your name isnt on MY paycheck. I really dont see what the problem is....what the reason is for this dislike between flpd and bso. If you dont like it, its ok. You can just retire early or leave. Ya know. Find another agency. A better agency. Like the one Deputy Ian Sklar did. Or roll down south like Sgt Lewers. Go back home like Drake did. Nobody has the proverbial gun to your head making you stay at Fort Lauderdale with these BSO employees you feel are jeopardizing your life on a day to day basis.

Now if you dont mind, this nit-picking is really beneath me...(like the first floor of FLPD). Just kidding. Think I'll go for a walk and see if any of the District 2 officers will stop me and run me for a 10-28 (even though I am on foot)

8) DZ[/quote]

08-25-2007, 07:43 AM
Everyone's job here is difficult, why do we all make it a priority to aggitate the other

08-25-2007, 12:53 PM
Next time you work just go upstairs and bring this beast some cake so she quits acting so bitter. Obviously thats all she wants.

08-25-2007, 05:30 PM
No response for the disgruntled PSA who is tired of making "coffee runs"

08-26-2007, 08:13 AM
Don't tell me about workin' these streets. I've probably resided here (and still do) longer than you've been employed with the department. Just walking to my car with my uniform on is a full time HIGH RISK job in my neighborhood. So I really don't even wanna go there.
OHHH yeah, but once you leave home and got to work you’re in the comfort of a building surrounded by cops DUHHHH!!! Let’s check your dispatch talent on the streets somewhere between 4 corners and 22 Ave. I want to see how you handle 38’s, and 22’s on the ground. OH yeah, you can’t turn the volume in your headset in real life sweetie, you actually have to handle the call.

We do not follow FLPD policies
Well darling FLPD is where you work and you’re dealing with FLPD Officers. Perhaps you should leave and dispatch for your brothers in white and green. Let’s see what excuses you’ll give them when they ***** about your substandard dispatching skills.
BTW: We use BSO policies as toilet paper.

Fact of the matter is we all have a job to do it and we should take it upon ourselves to be professionals in our respective capacities and perform as such

WOW! We actually agree on something?? Let me tell you something , when I started with FLPD, dispatchers gave me absolutely no breaks even though they knew I was new to the agency. On the contrary whenever I hear a dispatcher struggling with the overwhelming flow of info or 10-9ing a lot, I actually slow down so they can have a chance to process the info as I know that they are new and training. Everytime I do my 29’s and I get my info, I finish off with 26 and THANK YOU… I do appreciate my lifeline but somehow I still get those dispatchers that have nothing but attitude with all kinds of issues in their lives.

You can just retire early or leave.
Don’t think so buttercup you’re on my turf, I believe that between the two of us I’m the one whose shoulder patch matches the agency.

Or roll down south like Sgt Lewers.
Is Lieutenant Lewers sweetie pie (stripes and bars means different things)

Now if you dont mind, this nit-picking is really beneath me...(like the first floor of FLPD). Just kidding. Think I'll go for a walk and see if any of the District 2 officers will stop me and run me for a 10-28 (even though I am on foot)

You know dam well that when the crap hits the fan it will be Officers not Deputies coming to your rescue.

08-26-2007, 07:32 PM
Apparently, yeah...the 1st few years you'll definitely make some bank. But from what I've heard, there's no contract and no established union, so what ever happens after that is up in the air. Chances are the rest of the departments will catch up and lap MGPD in their next contracts. After those grants run out it's not like there's a huge tax base in that city.

It does seem like a carrot on a stick, doesn't it? Look before you leap.

08-26-2007, 08:01 PM
I've arrived late into this I guess.

I can only speak for myself here, but I can't think of any time I willingly endangered anyone on the road. I've been around enough of you on a social level to be somewhat offended by that in fact. Blanket statements don't really apply here. There are good and bad dispatchers. Some people react better to a female voice instead of a male one. One officer might prefer an extremely emotional/animated dispatcher to one devoid of any. A lot of it comes down to personal tastes more than ability. I would never say that what we do is in any way more difficult or more dangerous than an officer however. We sit for 8 hours day and I'm not overly concerned with the horrors of lower back problems.

There are a lot of new officers and dispatchers, both of which tend to be less than confident/capable on the radio. The right thing to do would be approach the situation with a bit of understanding. With experience the problems (should) work themselves out.

Or just come to mids, I've got your back.

08-26-2007, 08:53 PM
Don't tell me about workin' these streets. I've probably resided here (and still do) longer than you've been employed with the department. Just walking to my car with my uniform on is a full time HIGH RISK job in my neighborhood. So I really don't even wanna go there.

We have a locker room. Change into a Roca Wear shirt at the end of your shift. Better yet, move to a safe neighborhood. (Or would that not be "keeping it real"?) You know what? Why am I even suggesting this? Walking from your car to your front door in a polo shirt with a 2" star embroidered on it is a tad different from spending 10 hours with a target on your back. How dare you suggest that you're in danger when crips are hunting cops. So shut your mouth, especially considering current events.

I have more intelligence in a toe nail that some of the jerks that unfortunately have the HONOR of calling themselves OFFICERS. ... If my shirt said "FLPD" I would still be the same brainiac, crazy sex cool laid back son of a ***** that I am today. And I would still be here doing my job to the fullest of my capabilities insuring that the GOOD officers are able to do THEIR jobs to their fullest and go home safely at night. (DZ) :evil:

You "would" be doing your job? If not for what? Sanding the primer down on your Honda's fenders?

If you are this braniac, why are you working for BSO? NASA cutbacks? Brain surgery malpractice insurance got too high? (Still writing that novel? Got a solid protagonist, hmm? Character development going well?) It's good to see that there is a depository for egomaniacs who can't hack the officer background. No, not dispatch as a whole; I mean info & teletype.

08-27-2007, 02:09 PM
Did I hurt some poor baby's feelings? When you actually have a valid point to make, and not bull***ting, I'll respond. What's you CCN? like 1701 or something?

08-27-2007, 02:52 PM
Wow. You guys are on here fighting like cats and dogs. As if both of our departments didnt have problems already. Anyhow, I see more and more bso deputies riding in marked dodge chargers. When are WE getting chargers? I want a CHARGER lol

08-27-2007, 09:42 PM
They still have the ghostbuster lights on most of our cars and you want a new car. Funny! They could at least paint them black.

08-28-2007, 02:41 AM
Chargers are sweet....but good luck getting your gear in the trunk, and if you're on swat for get about it.
Also, we'll have rainbows on the hood before we get black and whites.

08-28-2007, 04:10 AM
Chargers are sweet....but good luck getting your gear in the trunk, and if you're on swat for get about it.
Also, we'll have rainbows on the hood before we get black and whites.

lol thats true. Never thought about the lack of trunk space. Could put the gear in the back seat and the bad guy in the trunk. That could work

08-28-2007, 10:15 AM
...or we could just hog tie the bad guy to the roof.

08-28-2007, 11:13 AM
Apparently someone has a stick up their ass simple because we have BSO patches on our shirts and not FLPD. The jerk that wrote that is probably pissed off because Cassie is one of the few dispatchers who dont take crap from officers. We are NOT here to kiss your asses. We are here to do our jobs. And no one on the first floor shoulld have a darn thing to say about sentences and pronounciations and such. I have more intelligence in a toe nail that some of the jerks that unfortunately have the HONOR of calling themselves OFFICERS. I've sat in teletype and have had the pleasure of an officer asking me for a 10-28 on a person. I've had an officer that was training ask for a 10-29 on a person and when I discovered the person had 3 possible code 4's out of BSO, I asked that particular unit if he had a 10-94. He told me "No, but my F.T.O. is with me." Last time I checked, FTO's carried guns, badges, and were still POLICE OFFICERS. I've had officers Give me jacked up VIN's. You telling me that a person who works in this field of work doesnt know that cars only have 17 characters in their VINS? There are NO "Oscars" on license plates...those are ZEROS people! It is a darn shame to see members of this department separate themselves from others simply because of a darn logo on a shirt. If my shirt said "FLPD" I would still be the same brainiac, crazy sex cool laid back son of a ***** that I am today. And I would still be here doing my job to the fullest of my capabilities insuring that the GOOD officers are able to do THEIR jobs to their fullest and go home safely at night. (DZ) :evil:
First of all, obviously this is someone who works teletype and is on eve's. Im not going to get into all the bickering and BS but let me start by saying that, Cant' we all just get along? Wouldnt that make things alot easier for all of us? Anyway, first off I must say, the hiring now and in the past has definately slacked being some employees (new or recent) lack "respect" and intelligence when it comes to the overall job. AS far as the FLPD/BSO thing, when BSO first took over communications, you have one person to blame for the seperation of the 2 agencies and one person only, and I dont think I have to name names, the answer is quite simple and that person is no longer with BSO. That was the start. Then its people like you that sit here and critique the new officers (ok, so they dont know the little BS about the Vin's at times, you do and thats your job) but they are pressured to learn quick being they need more officers out on the road and I feel are pushed at times to learn. Im sure Vin's are not a big issue in there training but protecting the public and themselves is! If you are smarter then the average cop, why arent you out there? I dont think I want to answer that one and dont get yourself all into a huff being Im here for one thing, not here to argue like everyone else seems to be. If we would all just do "Our" own jobs and work "Together" wouldnt it be alot easier an safer for everyone else?
Yes, we all have our favorite "dispatchers", calltakers, and teletype operators and officers, but if we all were so damn smart, why are we working here? If your smarter then the average officer, then either go out on the road or call NASA. Im here because I really do like my job..yes there is BS, but isnt there with every job? Ive been here longer then alot of people who have *****ed on this site (yes, this is my 1st time writing a comment), and yes, I know alot more then some of the new officers and communcations personnel that are on here, but Im not going to sit here and pat myself on the back for that. But I will sit here and pat myself on the back for doing a great job, minding my business, and looking out for the officer on the road so he does go home at the end of his shift.

08-28-2007, 02:21 PM
[/quote]First of all, obviously this is someone who works teletype and is on eve's. Im not going to get into all the bickering and BS but let me start by saying that, Cant' we all just get along? Wouldnt that make things alot easier for all of us? Anyway, first off I must say, the hiring now and in the past has definately slacked being some employees (new or recent) lack "respect" and intelligence when it comes to the overall job. AS far as the FLPD/BSO thing, when BSO first took over communications, you have one person to blame for the seperation of the 2 agencies and one person only, and I dont think I have to name names, the answer is quite simple and that person is no longer with BSO. That was the start. Then its people like you that sit here and critique the new officers (ok, so they dont know the little BS about the Vin's at times, you do and thats your job) but they are pressured to learn quick being they need more officers out on the road and I feel are pushed at times to learn. Im sure Vin's are not a big issue in there training but protecting the public and themselves is! If you are smarter then the average cop, why arent you out there? I dont think I want to answer that one and dont get yourself all into a huff being Im here for one thing, not here to argue like everyone else seems to be. If we would all just do "Our" own jobs and work "Together" wouldnt it be alot easier an safer for everyone else?
Yes, we all have our favorite "dispatchers", calltakers, and teletype operators and officers, but if we all were so darn smart, why are we working here? If your smarter then the average officer, then either go out on the road or call NASA. Im here because I really do like my job..yes there is BS, but isnt there with every job? Ive been here longer then alot of people who have *****ed on this site (yes, this is my 1st time writing a comment), and yes, I know alot more then some of the new officers and communcations personnel that are on here, but Im not going to sit here and pat myself on the back for that. But I will sit here and pat myself on the back for doing a great job, minding my business, and looking out for the officer on the road so he does go home at the end of his shift.[/quote]

Well. said.
Response: I agree with most of what was said here, but let me share with you. 1 - its not a matter of "critiquing" new officers. We all were new at some point. Its the redundancy of telling officers, both new and old, what information is needed, expected and required for the results that THEY are looking for? If you want a driver's license on a subject by name, and I tell you 100 times that I have to have the subjects middle name in order properly locate a driver's license, wouldn't it make sense that on the 101st time you ask, you just have the middle name ready?? Shoe on the other foot - suppose you are in the call taking section. You have an armed robbery just occured. You have the address. You have the time delay. But no subject description whatsoever. Two days later. Same EXACT situation....no culprit description. Same calltaker. Next week, stabbing of a female as the result of a violent domestic. Boyfriend is running out the house as units are 1 block away and enroute. No description. And the reason that onthese three instances there is no culp description: the calltaker doesnt ask. Same exact calltaker. Now by this point I'm 101% sure that SOMEONE would have either brought it to the attention of this particular calltaker that it is imperative that suspect description be amongst the first things in the narrative. Brought to either the calltaker's attention, or the supervisor's attention. (Now which part of this is false?)

You inquired: "If you are smarter then the average cop, why arent you out there?" - Easy...because I choose not to be. Sgt. Lewers told me to apply long time ago. Correction: Lietenant (better correct that before someone has a hissy fit). Years before I even joined BSO. I chose not to. One of the detectives whom I knew personally told me to apply also. This too was before my joining of BSO. If I feel that I am not prepared to handle the RESPONSIBILITY of being an officer, then I wont do it.

Oh Yeah. And as far as NASA goes - they only take applications once a year, and I already missed the deadline for 2007. Will be sure to try again next year! :)

08-28-2007, 02:37 PM
Not to get in the middle of this, but to tell you the truth, all of you are right.

1 - we should be able to tie the bad guy to the hood, well at the least the violent ones

2 - why cant we get along? were in the same building and all are here to do what we do. i dont care what your shirt says - oh pls

3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.

you are all my family - patrol, detectives, dispatch - everyone. we disagree at times. we bump heads. but by the end of the day, its have a good night, take care and i will see you again tomorrow

08-28-2007, 09:41 PM
...or we could just hog tie the bad guy to the roof.

Hog-tied 10-15, rainbow warrior paint scheme... Do I see a pattern?

08-29-2007, 04:25 AM
3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.
It has nothing to do with being stupid since the human brains works on a learning pattern that involves the repetition of the same thing over and over again.

Those that have been doing the job for a while forget that everything that comes second hand to them have been repeated as a routine for years. There’s a short learning curve in FLPD FTO program because of the so many officers being MIA. It also puts pressure on the FTO to let go of someone that’s not ready to go solo.

BSO just like any other county agency, has a superiority complex. The recruits in the academy are told that they are better than the rest of the city agencies because they have county jurisdiction. I have several friends that are dispatchers and the ones that work for their own city, have a much better relationship with their officers than the ones that dispatch for the county. It is obvious that the majority of FLPD officers have a dislike for the BSO dispatchers.

The title of this thread is DRAMA@FLPD and that’s what should be discus here. If you want to talk about teddy bears and the get-along-gang; start your own thread on the subject.

08-29-2007, 01:59 PM
3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.
It has nothing to do with being stupid since the human brains works on a learning pattern that involves the repetition of the same thing over and over again.

Those that have been doing the job for a while forget that everything that comes second hand to them have been repeated as a routine for years. There’s a short learning curve in FLPD FTO program because of the so many officers being MIA. It also puts pressure on the FTO to let go of someone that’s not ready to go solo.

BSO just like any other county agency, has a superiority complex. The recruits in the academy are told that they are better than the rest of the city agencies because they have county jurisdiction. I have several friends that are dispatchers and the ones that work for their own city, have a much better relationship with their officers than the ones that dispatch for the county. It is obvious that the majority of FLPD officers have a dislike for the BSO dispatchers.

I, for one, like most of our dispatchers. (Note that I call them "our" dispatchers. We work in the same building, working on the same calls, dealing with the same idiots, every day.) There are a few nincompoop dispatchers who can't stutter their way through a 13 person call. Same as there are officers who can't find their way out of the Manors. It's government work, not rocket surgery, and we have a lot of government employees -- on both sides. Nobody's perfect. (especially at this pay rate)

But when one of our dispatchers decides to trash officers, and tell us that his walk to the car is every bit as treacherous as a 10 hour shift, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone who has this much disdain for the men and women he's sending out on calls should be relegated to a channel where he can do no harm.

...hey, whattya know? Sometimes good decisions are made around here!

08-29-2007, 08:14 PM
10/9....last unit...OMG..this baby Drama just aint gonna stop...as a previous post said...Can't we all just get along? Everybody has a point to some extent and we can all talk till we're blue in the face but that aint gonna fix anything. Its the higher ups (supervisors, sgts, site managers,Capt...what have you) but I guess its just not that important to them...until someone get hurt!! :shock:

08-29-2007, 10:19 PM
I've arrived late into this I guess.

I can only speak for myself here, but I can't think of any time I willingly endangered anyone on the road. I've been around enough of you on a social level to be somewhat offended by that in fact. Blanket statements don't really apply here. There are good and bad dispatchers. Some people react better to a female voice instead of a male one. One officer might prefer an extremely emotional/animated dispatcher to one devoid of any. A lot of it comes down to personal tastes more than ability. I would never say that what we do is in any way more difficult or more dangerous than an officer however. We sit for 8 hours day and I'm not overly concerned with the horrors of lower back problems.

There are a lot of new officers and dispatchers, both of which tend to be less than confident/capable on the radio. The right thing to do would be approach the situation with a bit of understanding. With experience the problems (should) work themselves out.

Or just come to mids, I've got your back.

Makes Sense to me.

08-29-2007, 10:58 PM
You can just retire early or leave.
Don’t think so buttercup you’re on my turf, I believe that between the two of us I’m the one whose shoulder patch matches the agency.

That may be true honey bunny. But I believe between the two of us, I'm the one whose address has said Fort Lauderdale longer than you've had your patch.

You know dam well that when the crap hits the fan it will be Officers not Deputies coming to your rescue.

Um. 54 my friend. When the crap hits the fan, I will grab a bottle of PineSol.

08-29-2007, 11:12 PM
3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.
It has nothing to do with being stupid since the human brains works on a learning pattern that involves the repetition of the same thing over and over again.

Those that have been doing the job for a while forget that everything that comes second hand to them have been repeated as a routine for years. There’s a short learning curve in FLPD FTO program because of the so many officers being MIA. It also puts pressure on the FTO to let go of someone that’s not ready to go solo.

BSO just like any other county agency, has a superiority complex. The recruits in the academy are told that they are better than the rest of the city agencies because they have county jurisdiction. I have several friends that are dispatchers and the ones that work for their own city, have a much better relationship with their officers than the ones that dispatch for the county. It is obvious that the majority of FLPD officers have a dislike for the BSO dispatchers.

Hand down...nuff said

08-30-2007, 11:24 AM
[quote="3 Bravo McCool":2eazokdk]3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.
It has nothing to do with being stupid since the human brains works on a learning pattern that involves the repetition of the same thing over and over again.

Those that have been doing the job for a while forget that everything that comes second hand to them have been repeated as a routine for years. There’s a short learning curve in FLPD FTO program because of the so many officers being MIA. It also puts pressure on the FTO to let go of someone that’s not ready to go solo.

BSO just like any other county agency, has a superiority complex. The recruits in the academy are told that they are better than the rest of the city agencies because they have county jurisdiction. I have several friends that are dispatchers and the ones that work for their own city, have a much better relationship with their officers than the ones that dispatch for the county. It is obvious that the majority of FLPD officers have a dislike for the BSO dispatchers.

I, for one, like most of our dispatchers. (Note that I call them "our" dispatchers. We work in the same building, working on the same calls, dealing with the same idiots, every day.) There are a few nincompoop dispatchers who can't stutter their way through a 13 person call. Same as there are officers who can't find their way out of the Manors. It's government work, not rocket surgery, and we have a lot of government employees -- on both sides. Nobody's perfect. (especially at this pay rate)

But when one of our dispatchers decides to trash officers, and tell us that his walk to the car is every bit as treacherous as a 10 hour shift, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone who has this much disdain for the men and women he's sending out on calls should be relegated to a channel where he can do no harm.

...hey, whattya know? Sometimes good decisions are made around here![/quote:2eazokdk]

First off, your not so cleverly hidden innuendoes insinuating you know who I am are kind of stale. By you knowing who I am, I just as much know who you are. Does knowing who I am make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? You have a district one, two AND three officer here. Anonimity was NOT my goal. You didnt have to ask anybody else who I am, you could have just asked me. Come to the Comm Center and ask for me, and anyone can point me out if who I am concerns you THAT much. You should have known who I am from the get-go. This place is so separated its ridiculous. And I have no idea why. You have some officers and some psa's that come upstairs, sit down, and actually converse. Crack a joke or two. KNOW the people on the other side of the radio, the other side of the phones. I know your IBM....do you know mines? Just think - off the top of your head, can you name at last 20 people that work upstairs? Same challenge reciprocated to me, I can name 2 officers for every 1 Communications Operator YOU name. And that's WITHOUT asking anyone else my friend.

Secondly, which officer did I trash? Read back on this blog and let me know which one it is so I can apologize for putting him (or her) in the spotlight. - I trashed NO ONE. I simply told the truth. Malicious banter put aside, nothing I said was a lie.

Thirdly, I never said my actual trip to my car was just as bit of treacherous as your 10 hour shift. It was my intention to point out that while you just work here, I LIVE here. When your 10 hour shift is over and done, I am STILL here. Do you believe crime and violence stops just because YOU are gone? How do you compare your 10 hours of work, to 24 hours of my life? You go home and take off your shirt....I take off my shirt THEN I go home. And no, I am not moving. I love Fort Lauderdale. Despite the bad seeds, it is still a good place to live. You have officers from Fort Lauderdale PD that reside in Dist 2. You have BSO Deputies that reside in Dist 3. If they are staying here, I dam sure gonna stay too.

You wrote :: But when one of our dispatchers decides to trash officers, and tell us that his walk to the car is every bit as treacherous as a 10 hour shift, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone who has this much disdain for the men and women he's sending out on calls should be relegated to a channel where he can do no harm

Disdain?? Trashing?? You feel obligated to speak?? - OK Kal-El, so where where you when one of your fellow officer brethren was TRASHING (by name) one of the best dispatchers that's in Communications? Showing his or her disdain to one of the very same people upstairs taking it to the max everyday for YOU?! One of "YOUR" dispatchers as you so so put it?

You said nothing. Not a word. Used your "right to remain silent." Your primary concern was ME changing into a Roc-A-Wear shirt.

If you are this self-proclaimed obligated speaker, you should have said something when you read this ::

Anonymous wrote:
You apparently were not here prior to 1999. The Comm center has not gotten better by any stretch. We use to be close to all of our dispatchers and they cared about all of us. We have a few great dispatchers now but how many names do you actually know in dispatch? The calltakers we are hiring can't even form a complete sentence in a call and the spelling is horrible. I had a dispatcher quote BSO policy to me, as if i actually give a crap what BSO policy is. No thanks BSO, I would rather have our own people here sending me on calls and telling me where to go. And then there is Captain Cassie...

Apparently the person who wrote this is the one who needs to use the BSO policy as toilet paper...because THIS person is obviously full of.....um.....hopes and dreams??

08-30-2007, 04:57 PM
[quote="3 Bravo McCool":2nxnrlm7]3 - how many times does someone have to tell you the same thing before you actually learn it, unless youre stupid.
It has nothing to do with being stupid since the human brains works on a learning pattern that involves the repetition of the same thing over and over again.

Those that have been doing the job for a while forget that everything that comes second hand to them have been repeated as a routine for years. There’s a short learning curve in FLPD FTO program because of the so many officers being MIA. It also puts pressure on the FTO to let go of someone that’s not ready to go solo.

BSO just like any other county agency, has a superiority complex. The recruits in the academy are told that they are better than the rest of the city agencies because they have county jurisdiction. I have several friends that are dispatchers and the ones that work for their own city, have a much better relationship with their officers than the ones that dispatch for the county. It is obvious that the majority of FLPD officers have a dislike for the BSO dispatchers.

I, for one, like most of our dispatchers. (Note that I call them "our" dispatchers. We work in the same building, working on the same calls, dealing with the same idiots, every day.) There are a few nincompoop dispatchers who can't stutter their way through a 13 person call. Same as there are officers who can't find their way out of the Manors. It's government work, not rocket surgery, and we have a lot of government employees -- on both sides. Nobody's perfect. (especially at this pay rate)

But when one of our dispatchers decides to trash officers, and tell us that his walk to the car is every bit as treacherous as a 10 hour shift, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone who has this much disdain for the men and women he's sending out on calls should be relegated to a channel where he can do no harm.

...hey, whattya know? Sometimes good decisions are made around here!

First off, your not so cleverly hidden innuendoes insinuating you know who I am are kind of stale. By you knowing who I am, I just as much know who you are. Does knowing who I am make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? You have a district one, two AND three officer here. Anonimity was NOT my goal. You didnt have to ask anybody else who I am, you could have just asked me. Come to the Comm Center and ask for me, and anyone can point me out if who I am concerns you THAT much. You should have known who I am from the get-go. This place is so separated its ridiculous. And I have no idea why. You have some officers and some psa's that come upstairs, sit down, and actually converse. Crack a joke or two. KNOW the people on the other side of the radio, the other side of the phones. I know your IBM....do you know mines? Just think - off the top of your head, can you name at last 20 people that work upstairs? Same challenge reciprocated to me, I can name 2 officers for every 1 Communications Operator YOU name. And that's WITHOUT asking anyone else my friend.

Secondly, which officer did I trash? Read back on this blog and let me know which one it is so I can apologize for putting him (or her) in the spotlight. - I trashed NO ONE. I simply told the truth. Malicious banter put aside, nothing I said was a lie.

Thirdly, I never said my actual trip to my car was just as bit of treacherous as your 10 hour shift. It was my intention to point out that while you just work here, I LIVE here. When your 10 hour shift is over and done, I am STILL here. Do you believe crime and violence stops just because YOU are gone? How do you compare your 10 hours of work, to 24 hours of my life? You go home and take off your shirt....I take off my shirt THEN I go home. And no, I am not moving. I love Fort Lauderdale. Despite the bad seeds, it is still a good place to live. You have officers from Fort Lauderdale PD that reside in Dist 2. You have BSO Deputies that reside in Dist 3. If they are staying here, I dam sure gonna stay too.

You wrote :: But when one of our dispatchers decides to trash officers, and tell us that his walk to the car is every bit as treacherous as a 10 hour shift, I feel obligated to speak up. Someone who has this much disdain for the men and women he's sending out on calls should be relegated to a channel where he can do no harm

Disdain?? Trashing?? You feel obligated to speak?? - OK Kal-El, so where where you when one of your fellow officer brethren was TRASHING (by name) one of the best dispatchers that's in Communications? Showing his or her disdain to one of the very same people upstairs taking it to the max everyday for YOU?! One of "YOUR" dispatchers as you so so put it?

You said nothing. Not a word. Used your "right to remain silent." Your primary concern was ME changing into a Roc-A-Wear shirt.

If you are this self-proclaimed obligated speaker, you should have said something when you read this ::

Anonymous wrote:
You apparently were not here prior to 1999. The Comm center has not gotten better by any stretch. We use to be close to all of our dispatchers and they cared about all of us. We have a few great dispatchers now but how many names do you actually know in dispatch? The calltakers we are hiring can't even form a complete sentence in a call and the spelling is horrible. I had a dispatcher quote BSO policy to me, as if i actually give a crap what BSO policy is. No thanks BSO, I would rather have our own people here sending me on calls and telling me where to go. And then there is Captain Cassie...

Apparently the person who wrote this is the one who needs to use the BSO policy as toilet paper...because THIS person is obviously full of.....um.....hopes and dreams??[/quote:2nxnrlm7]

I agree with linkdeezie. They ARE problems on both sides of the fence. but I dont think anyone should speak DIRECTLY about any ONE particular dispatcher or any particular officer. I dont think it is right to come on here, be scared and remain anonymous and then just start pointing fingers. sometimes cassie is rough with me, and sometimes i am rough with her, but she is definitely a dispatcher i'm glad to have on the team

09-01-2007, 09:22 AM
I am retired from the PD and I have got to say that very little has changed,.. actually, nothing. To all my former brothers and sisters in the " backbone " of the department,... well, you all know, the bottom, stay safe, look out for yourselfs. To the Dispatchers,... I never felt that you had anything but my best intersts at heart,.. I mean, safety wise. However, there are ALWAY's personality clashes,.. usually dumb ones. I know, I have been there. Dispatchers are just as prone to screw with a cop as a cop is to screw with them. Try and get along, it makes your shift a whole lot easier.

As for danger, living in South Florida is dangerous,... it's a toilet. However, working the road as a policeman, you are put in harms way alot more than a civilian,.... thats just common sence. It does not denegrate said civilian,.... it's just a differant job.

As for working in Miami Gardens,.... unless your lucky enough to be a Sgt. or some suck hole cheerleader that is gonna get a nice, cheesy, bulletproof job,.. dont go. There is very little tax base,.... it s a very high crime area, and your going to be expected to work miracles down there. Good luck. Take care and God Bless.

09-01-2007, 07:32 PM
I once worked for FLPD two years ago and the first thing I was told was to stay the F@CK OUT OF THE COMMUNICATION CENTER. So all this talk about PSAs and officers hanging out there tells me that some people have wayyy too much time on their hands. I didn’t dislike or liked the dispatchers, as far as I was concerned they were there to dispatch not to make friends. They kept me busy all the time so I didn’t have time to chit-chat with them. Therefore, officers need to realize that they are there to patrol the streets and not socialize with people. I was one of those officers that unless it was necessary to make a 19, I was patrolling and writing reports on my cruiser.

I guess that’s the reason why I left since the’re just wayyy to many SLUGS working for FLPD. Half the time I clear all my calls quickly so I could assist other officers but the favor was rarely returned. There were days when we were so short that every 10-50 I did ended up without a 94. I found that the dispatcher was aware of this and check my status every so often, which I really appreciated.

09-05-2007, 04:06 AM
Hey, Kenny is gone; I think is time for the BSO dispatchers to the same, just like your crooked daddy.

09-07-2007, 11:44 AM
Alright...apparently this thread turned in to "bash your dispatcher". I work 2 mids and gotta say, I have no problem with my regular dispatchers. In fact, I like my dispatchers. Maybe it's different on other shifts or whatever, but the 2-3 dispatchers I normally hear on the radio each week are damn good at their job.
Are there times when someone in training takes over and it's a total cluster fcku, and do I find myself sitting in my car screaming at someone through my radio? Yeah...but I think back to when I was on FTO or just off, solo and I'm sure I sounded like a goober some of the time too. And if it's an officer safety issue the trainy dispatcher is creating, the supervisor or someone senior jumps on and takes over.
So whatever....it could always be worse, and I'm sure it is somewhere else....but for now, on 2 mids....things are good.

09-21-2007, 01:29 AM
West side Dist 3: If you knew your district was so short handed why were you doing 10-50's in the first place?. That's probably why no one was being kind to you because you would leave them with the paper calls while you went off and played grab ass with 10-50's. Then when the other guys got fed up with your non-sense and stopped working with you they all of a sudden became slugs.

Glad you left.

09-21-2007, 04:35 AM
West side Dist 3: If you knew your district was so short handed why were you doing 10-50's in the first place?
First off HERO, there were instances where I had no choice but to 10-50’s people that were a danger to the public. I knew very well that we were short but in case you forgot SLUG that’s what police officers do. I handle my share of paper calls, as a matter of fact I would work 6 days of week sometimes. You must be one of those officers in Dist3 that goes 10-6 every day after roll call to do yesterday’s reports cause you were too busy bull$hetting around with the dispatchers instead of patrolling.

Glad you left.
Me too SLUG, that way I don’t have to deal with your fat-lazy-a$$

09-23-2007, 09:30 PM
I fail to see how working six days a week means you were any less of a buddy f-er. All it means is that you had an extra two days to tuck it to your fellow officers. The other units are probably having to do the previous nights paper at the beginning of their next shift because they were too busy to write the reports after humping their calls and yours while your playing joe traffic cop all night long.

You are probably one of those rookies who feels they shouldn't have to do more paper calls than veterans and whines when it happens.

Once again I say good ridance.

09-24-2007, 02:11 AM
We could go on forever but I rest my case, as it’s pointless to continue since this agency is going downhill fast with no brakes. There are those that have more common sense than the average joe and therefore no longer work for this agency. I’m sure that you will have to stick it out since nobody else will take you or hire you. Maybe someday you will see the light and the end of the tunnel but perhaps by that time it will be too late for you my ex-fellow FLPD officer.

BTW: B/F I came to FLPD I had 4 years as an MP & 3 sworn, my rookies days were long gone….

10-05-2007, 11:52 PM
Let’s get one thing clear HONEYBUN, dispatchers get paid to dispatch not to make decisions for officers. You don’t have the slightest idea of what it takes to work the mean streets of Fort Lauderdale.

I've had an officer that was training ask for a 10-29 on a person and when I discovered the person had 3 possible code 4's out of BSO, I asked that particular unit if he had a 10-94. He told me "No, but my F.T.O. is with me." Last time I checked, FTO's carried guns, badges, and were still POLICE OFFICERS.
This is a good example of why we should have FLPD dispatchers and not Jenne’s kids. FLPD policies states that while on training recruits are not consider backups. An additional 94 is to be dispatch even though there are two officers present. You won’t find this in the pages of Cosmopolitan nor Glamour or whatever crap you read while on duty.

because Cassie is one of the few dispatchers who dont take crap from officers. We are NOT here to kiss your asses. We are here to do our jobs.
TO DO OUR JOBS REALLY??? Like sending officers on the wrong address or not raising 94s on violent 38s. How about incomplete 14 on violent subjects. BSO Dispatchers have no clue about officer safety nor do they care about the welfare of the officers on duty. In the safety of your little air conditioner room, you try to talk the talk but can you walk the walk.

Jenne's kids dont follow BSO policy when it comes to dispatch
we follow an SOP written by Sharon ANderson. so call her and *****

10-11-2007, 03:35 AM
Heres the point if you rely on a dispatcher who does not have the survival mindset and for all intents and purposes is one of the sheep helping the sheepdog, you are not very bright. If you can't handle your own and have a reliable partner, then scream into the radio see if your still alive ?

The radio makes very little difference in whether or not you die!

10-12-2007, 09:22 PM
Heres the point if you rely on a dispatcher who does not have the survival mindset and for all intents and purposes is one of the sheep helping the sheepdog, you are not very bright. If you can't handle your own and have a reliable partner, then scream into the radio see if your still alive ?

The radio makes very little difference in whether or not you die!

I agree with you in principle: Survival starts with the officer. A dispatcher can't be relied on for everything, but the good ones make the job a lot more enjoyable and safer. When I call for a hook and one is already 51, that's nice. When I click my radio, a scuffle is heard, and a code 3 back up is sent immediately, that's nice. Conversely, when I walk up to a car I just stopped, and the dispatcher says, "Just FYI, that car is stolen, verify on teletype," and doesn't hold the air, it doesn't warm the ****les.

If a dispatcher does the job right, they won't get us killed and can get help to us faster. Just like cops (and every other profession on earth), there are good dispatchers, and crappy dispatchers. Thank goodness for the good ones!

10-14-2007, 01:09 PM
Where to start...? Well if the contract is bad we could lose a lot of people. If you consider that the 35% of the department has less than 2 years experience we could start to lose people very quickly. I heard a rumor that admin feels like we could easily replace anybody lost. We would get the people that are rejected from other depts because of hiring freezes due to the property tax issue. I wonder who they think will train these people if all the fto's walk? By the way, anybody know if they can force fto's to train? Next thing...our newly appt major told us that we are only down something like 25 bodies but we are cutting 11 positions in October so it's really only 14. Keep smoking crack, they ask for OT on nearly every district and every shift. They ask for Sgt OT last week! We have lost about 40-45 people since Jan and the bleeding continues. Wait til Oct when Miami Gardens start accepting applications..... :shock:........They can force all officers to train new people, but its already been discussed that noone will pass training if we are forced.

10-14-2007, 01:21 PM
Let’s get one thing clear HONEYBUN, dispatchers get paid to dispatch not to make decisions for officers. You don’t have the slightest idea of what it takes to work the mean streets of Fort Lauderdale.

I've had an officer that was training ask for a 10-29 on a person and when I discovered the person had 3 possible code 4's out of BSO, I asked that particular unit if he had a 10-94. He told me "No, but my F.T.O. is with me." Last time I checked, FTO's carried guns, badges, and were still POLICE OFFICERS.
This is a good example of why we should have FLPD dispatchers and not Jenne’s kids. FLPD policies states that while on training recruits are not consider backups. An additional 94 is to be dispatch even though there are two officers present. You won’t find this in the pages of Cosmopolitan nor Glamour or whatever crap you read while on duty.

because Cassie is one of the few dispatchers who dont take crap from officers. We are NOT here to kiss your asses. We are here to do our jobs.
TO DO OUR JOBS REALLY??? Like sending officers on the wrong address or not raising 94s on violent 38s. How about incomplete 14 on violent subjects. BSO Dispatchers have no clue about officer safety nor do they care about the welfare of the officers on duty. In the safety of your little air conditioner room, you try to talk the talk but can you walk the walk.................................. Well said.

10-16-2007, 11:32 PM
well said my nutz