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View Full Version : Demotions, Suspensions, and Reprimands, Oh MY!!

07-07-2007, 03:54 PM
The verdict is out and I hear one Sgt. is getting demotion while a couple of others are getting suspended. A Lt. is also getting suspended along with several other officers. I don't know most of these guys or their involvement for that matter. Can anyone share some light on the subject. I do know it is over a party and some guys called out sick to go to it. I am fairly new and from what it looks like anyone can get hammered for anything. I know there are other investigations brewing and they involve many of our members. What the hell is going on??

07-07-2007, 05:35 PM
Everyone wants to go to a party? :idea: If you can't comp it, swap it. :idea: If its too late, don't go. Better yet, :idea: have friends that aren't cops.

Yes, you can get hammered for something as simple as taking an 11, laying a dollar on the counter on your way in, asking for a cafe, and picking it up on your way out. We are all big boys and girls. We all know the Rules of the Game.

If you make a name for yourself for reasons which abrade the sensibilities of higher-ups, then expect to get hammered when someone sees you do something wrong. If you use your head and try to play by the rules most of the time, you might hope for a little mercy when someone sees you do something wrong.

Think of it like this: You could stop someone for a busted taillight, search their car and their person. You could write them about 7 citations, arrest them, tow their car, and transport them to jail. You could show up to court and testify. This is likely the course of action you would take if they mouth off, disrespect, or otherwise offend your sensibilities. In other words, they get hammered because they didn't want to play by the rules.

But if they respect you, they don't lie about their actions, or they have a legitimate story to explain it all, maybe you would let them slide with a seatbelt ticket. Maybe you wouldn't stop them at all.

If you don't want to get hammered, my advice is to fly straight, and fly alone. Act the same way now as you did before you became a cop. Act the same way on-duty, as when you're off. Treat people with the same respect whether they are a sweet, little, old lady or a Hialeah Hoochie. (Do not confuse respect for being relaxed or complacent). Don't look for work off duty. Don't make a spectacle of yourself in the City either on- or off-duty.

No one is perfect. When you DO make a mistake remember Police are much more visible to the "regular" people. The "regular" people (civilians, courts and disciplinary boards) will hold Police officers to a higher standard because of what we wear, not because of who we are. We are Human Beings the same as they are. We cry, we bleed, and we hurt, just like them. The difference is we do it discreetly. Our mistakes should be the same.

07-07-2007, 05:37 PM
Your right.They will hammer you or anything under the sun if it suits them.

07-07-2007, 05:40 PM
Everyone wants to go to a party? :idea: If you can't comp it, swap it. :idea: If its too late, don't go. Better yet, :idea: have friends that aren't cops.

Yes, you can get hammered for something as simple as taking an 11, laying a dollar on the counter on your way in, asking for a cafe, and picking it up on your way out. We are all big boys and girls. We all know the Rules of the Game.

If you make a name for yourself for reasons which abrade the sensibilities of higher-ups, then expect to get hammered when someone sees you do something wrong. If you use your head and try to play by the rules most of the time, you might hope for a little mercy when someone sees you do something wrong.

Your full of SH*T :!:
Think of it like this: You could stop someone for a busted taillight, search their car and their person. You could write them about 7 citations, arrest them, tow their car, and transport them to jail. You could show up to court and testify. This is likely the course of action you would take if they mouth off, disrespect, or otherwise offend your sensibilities. In other words, they get hammered because they didn't want to play by the rules.

But if they respect you, they don't lie about their actions, or they have a legitimate story to explain it all, maybe you would let them slide with a seatbelt ticket. Maybe you wouldn't stop them at all.

If you don't want to get hammered, my advice is to fly straight, and fly alone. Act the same way now as you did before you became a cop. Act the same way on-duty, as when you're off. Treat people with the same respect whether they are a sweet, little, old lady or a Hialeah Hoochie. (Do not confuse respect for being relaxed or complacent). Don't look for work off duty. Don't make a spectacle of yourself in the City either on- or off-duty.

No one is perfect. When you DO make a mistake remember Police are much more visible to the "regular" people. The "regular" people (civilians, courts and disciplinary boards) will hold Police officers to a higher standard because of what we wear, not because of who we are. We are Human Beings the same as they are. We cry, we bleed, and we hurt, just like them. The difference is we do it discreetly. Our mistakes should be the same.

07-07-2007, 05:41 PM
Everyone wants to go to a party? :idea: If you can't comp it, swap it. :idea: If its too late, don't go. Better yet, :idea: have friends that aren't cops.

Yes, you can get hammered for something as simple as taking an 11, laying a dollar on the counter on your way in, asking for a cafe, and picking it up on your way out. We are all big boys and girls. We all know the Rules of the Game.

If you make a name for yourself for reasons which abrade the sensibilities of higher-ups, then expect to get hammered when someone sees you do something wrong. If you use your head and try to play by the rules most of the time, you might hope for a little mercy when someone sees you do something wrong.

Your full of SH*T :!:
Think of it like this: You could stop someone for a busted taillight, search their car and their person. You could write them about 7 citations, arrest them, tow their car, and transport them to jail. You could show up to court and testify. This is likely the course of action you would take if they mouth off, disrespect, or otherwise offend your sensibilities. In other words, they get hammered because they didn't want to play by the rules.

But if they respect you, they don't lie about their actions, or they have a legitimate story to explain it all, maybe you would let them slide with a seatbelt ticket. Maybe you wouldn't stop them at all.

If you don't want to get hammered, my advice is to fly straight, and fly alone. Act the same way now as you did before you became a cop. Act the same way on-duty, as when you're off. Treat people with the same respect whether they are a sweet, little, old lady or a Hialeah Hoochie. (Do not confuse respect for being relaxed or complacent). Don't look for work off duty. Don't make a spectacle of yourself in the City either on- or off-duty.

No one is perfect. When you DO make a mistake remember Police are much more visible to the "regular" people. The "regular" people (civilians, courts and disciplinary boards) will hold Police officers to a higher standard because of what we wear, not because of who we are. We are Human Beings the same as they are. We cry, we bleed, and we hurt, just like them. The difference is we do it discreetly. Our mistakes should be the same.


07-07-2007, 06:15 PM
You said:


What part of that didn't make sense to you?

Oh, I got it. You must fall into that category of People Who Don't Use Their Heads. It sounds like you are bitter over some perceived wrong done to you by the Department. If someone is stupid enough to throw their beer can out of their opaquely-tinted car window, and it strikes a motorcop who then pulls over the traffic offender, the offender can not cry, "Profiling!" or "Discrimination!" He needs to just suck up his stupidity.

Do you know the phrase, "Read between the lines"? Oh, I forgot, you don't know how to use your head.

I'll spell it out for you. If you're stupid enough to sit on top of your marked patrol unit, in broad daylight, and get eyeballed by the Mayor, you have two options. You can either humbly apologize for your transgression, or you can argue that nowhere in the SOP's does it state that you can't sit on a unit. Which course of action do you think is likely to earn you a reputation for being "difficlut"? Which of the two is likely to result in the superiors overlooking your blunder.

07-08-2007, 01:29 AM
You said:


What part of that didn't make sense to you?

Oh, I got it. You must fall into that category of People Who Don't Use Their Heads. It sounds like you are bitter over some perceived wrong done to you by the Department. If someone is stupid enough to throw their beer can out of their opaquely-tinted car window, and it strikes a motorcop who then pulls over the traffic offender, the offender can not cry, "Profiling!" or "Discrimination!" He needs to just suck up his stupidity.

Do you know the phrase, "Read between the lines"? Oh, I forgot, you don't know how to use your head.

I'll spell it out for you. If you're stupid enough to sit on top of your marked patrol unit, in broad daylight, and get eyeballed by the Mayor, you have two options. You can either humbly apologize for your transgression, or you can argue that nowhere in the SOP's does it state that you can't sit on a unit. Which course of action do you think is likely to earn you a reputation for being "difficlut"? Which of the two is likely to result in the superiors overlooking your blunder.

It matters not what you do in this department.It matters who you know or are related too.

07-08-2007, 06:29 AM
You speak are respect and fairness, none of those apply to this department. You sound like the biggest company man. I am loyal to this agency, but the pompus fools our adminsitration is composed of is pathetic. They all say you know the rules, yet they broke the rules constantly on the road. One Lt. was involved putting a subject in the police trunk and riding around with him, now he is mister righteous! Lets not even get started on the immoral one down in sector one. How about the man holding the reigns for the last 20 years. He allowed his sons to work here, break rules and turned a blind eye. In fact he chasitized a Lt. who wanted to discpline one of them for failing to obey an order. I could go on and on. People have called in sick in the past to attent weddings, bachelor parties, and other functions. In fact is was condoned as long as it was not a habit forming or something that would unduly disrupt operations. Please feed that nonsense to the rooks not me pal. Listen to yourself, getting hammered for coffee!! Then again that is the line all these frauds love to say "That was then, this is now" How about do as I say not as I do. Bunch of hypocrites.

07-08-2007, 02:08 PM
You speak are respect and fairness, none of those apply to this department.

So you think its fair for you not to follow the rules and to get away with it all the time because "everyone else" gets away with stuff? This is what our job is all about. Enforcing that others follow the rules. What makes you think you should be exempt from following the rules? Is that fair?

Think about how you determine if someone gets a warning rather than a ticket. Are they respectful the moment you pull them over? Or did you motion for them to pull over to the right side of the road and they pulled over to the left turn lane (trying to get you run over)? Did they greet you with, "Good afternoon, Officer. I'm sorry for the red light back there, but my granddaughter is sick and I'm trying to get her to the doctor's office before they close for the day." Or did they greet you with, "That light was yellow."

They all say you know the rules, yet they broke the rules constantly on the road.

We ALL break rules. Sounds to me like you're just jealous because they didn't get caught. If you don't like it, go take a sergeant's test. And then go take a Lieutenant's test. Become their supervisor. And then you can shout, "Vengence is MINE!!!!" (Cue maniacal laugh).

One Lt. was involved putting a subject in the police trunk and riding around with him, now he is mister righteous! Lets not even get started on the immoral one down in sector one. How about the man holding the reigns for the last 20 years. He allowed his sons to work here, break rules and turned a blind eye. In fact he chasitized a Lt. who wanted to discpline one of them for failing to obey an order.

What other people do should have no bearing on how you act. You should do what is right because it is right, not because someone's looking or because everyone else does it. Because the day will come when no one's looking or when everyone starts behaving immorally. Then what will you do? Claim the same thing: "Everyone else is doing it."?

I'm telling a rookie (who asked) the best way to avoid paperwork for stupid stuff. Option 1: Don't do stupid stuff. Option 2: If you do stupid stuff own up to it, correct the problem, and apologize.

07-08-2007, 02:57 PM
The issues here is of morals. If officers are acting immorally, then they should face consequences. Getting a cup of coffee on an 11 is absurd and just plaing wrong. I am not saying to break rules like our administrators have done in the past, and to become a supervisor to seek vengenace is plain wrong. Most of our issues can be resolved with a new policies and handled in house without so much drama. Do you realize how hard it is becoming to keep people here, much less motivated to work or give 100%. Everyone is tired and paranoid. Every citizen complainant is accepted and ivestigated to the fullest even though the citizen may seem full of shit, it does not matter.

07-08-2007, 04:02 PM
Have you ever heard that attitude and behavior reflect leadership??

07-08-2007, 04:42 PM
Man,we have some serious hypocrites coming on this board lately! I suspect its probably those same supervisors who used to violate ALL the rules but now,CAN DO NO WRONG,L.O.L.
I am new but can already tell that most higher ups are full of shizzat!
No one is asking to allow anybody to do immoral stuff but since when is calling in sick to go to a party,IMMORAL? Or getting coffee while on an 11? Heck man,I do that now and I am new,PLEASE!!!!
Yes we ALL make mistakes but before you fu%^ an officer,counsling before reprimand!! Oy vey!

07-09-2007, 03:53 AM
maybe i missed something ....but how is getting a cup of coffee on an 11 "absurd" or "just plain wrong"????
Isn't a cup of coffee a personal matter? It's not like it's a meal!
hey...we're talking a CUP OF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!
...and yeah Ro&3^t H@$m1 is the lowest form of life this planet has to offer, even before he was banging the soldier's wife

07-09-2007, 09:36 AM
I meant getting punished for it is plain wrong, not just getting a cup is wrong. My bad. Angry typist!!

07-09-2007, 11:10 AM
Getting a cup of coffee is not immoral, but riding around with a subject in your trunk is. You guys are so jacked up, you don't even realize when someone agrees with you.

07-09-2007, 03:21 PM
Which Sgt is getting the demotion? Any want to go for a cup of tea?

07-09-2007, 05:47 PM
I like the ignorant comment about stopping someone for a busted tail light and then searching their vehicle!! You people down there do know that is illegal without some other kind of PC? I hope that scumbag is just some fool. I work in the private sector now and what counts is results, not how many cups of coffee I get during the day. At the end of my day my boss only cares that I got the job done in an ethical manner!!!!

07-10-2007, 03:53 AM
Man,we have some serious hypocrites coming on this board lately! I suspect its probably those same supervisors who used to violate ALL the rules but now,CAN DO NO WRONG,L.O.L.
I am new but can already tell that most higher ups are full of shizzat!
No one is asking to allow anybody to do immoral stuff but since when is calling in sick to go to a party,IMMORAL? Or getting coffee while on an 11? Heck man,I do that now and I am new,PLEASE!!!!
Yes we ALL make mistakes but before you fu%^ an officer,counsling before reprimand!! Oy vey!

No body forced her legs open... :wink:

07-10-2007, 03:58 AM
I like the ignorant comment about stopping someone for a busted tail light and then searching their vehicle!! You people down there do know that is illegal without some other kind of PC? I hope that scumbag is just some fool. I work in the private sector now and what counts is results, not how many cups of coffee I get during the day. At the end of my day my boss only cares that I got the job done in an ethical manner!!!!

Before you criticize go do the job,you DipSh*t wannabe. :lol:

07-10-2007, 02:04 PM
100 just "sustained" all of the complaints from sector 1 worksheets whetehr guilty or not. I think that is illegal!!??

07-10-2007, 04:02 PM
It is true the Chief did sustain all the complaints regardless of the facts presented to him. However this is not illegal. He is the deciding authority in these investigations. IA just presents him the facts and the Chief decides whether those facts are enough to warrant discipline.

Wow that sounds unfair. When you have a wild man as your Chief it pretty much is.

So what is the recourse. Well that is up to the individual Officer being agreived. I hear you guys talk and say the PBA and the reps are doing nothing. Well I will simplify it for the leyman a lawyer cannot take a case to trial if the client just wants to plead guilty and put his fate at the mercy of the court.

To simplify it further for those of you being punished, do not take one minute of suspension for it. If you belive you did nothing wrong don't take a spanking for being innocent. An innocent man does not concede and say please don't hurt me too bad.

For those of you who cannot read between the lines here we go. Albert Infante contrary to the administrations thinking as per contract and federal labor law you did nothing wrong. If you orchestrated the sick out. Well our contract says that each individual Officer has 8 personal days. The fact that you found coverage for the Officers means operations were not unduly affected. And the Officers wouldn't have had to call in sick if our leave policy wasnt contrary to federal labor law. I am giving my identity away here but the city has already been put on notice that denying an Officer comp time simply because it incurrs overtime is against federal labor law. For the love of God if you don't believe me read it yourselves in the Officers rights handbook.

The point to the diatribe is simple do not expext others to fight your fight for you. Get in the ring put your dukes and give em your best shot. And use the tools available the PBA is not a defender of Mr. Anonymous.


07-10-2007, 05:28 PM
Mr.Hardship,you are 100% correct! I want to congratulate you for your courage and unlike the rest,not sitting their and taking it up the a$$ without a fight!
I was begining to think I had joined a dept. full of punks and biaattcchheess but you have given me some hope!
Guys,calling in sick is not a crime and no one was striking so get off your butts and fight this old man! Who does this guy think he is,Mao,Hitler or Castro??? I.A. should be ashamed of themselves!!
In every dept.,the Internal det.'s present the outcome to the chief and he or she RECOMMENDS on the PUNISHMENT,NOT THE FACTS!!

07-11-2007, 03:00 AM
Let me ask all of you big tough cops something.You wouldn't let some scumbag slap your face would you and then not do anything about it ? What's the difference? This prick is attacking all of you because of his position of power and your lack of balls to defend yourselves!
If you keep quiet and take this,then anything else that happens and it will happen. Is on you! You can then only blame yourselves. :x

07-14-2007, 10:18 PM
Get ready the GESTAPO is sharping it's knives..The crazy fuk is back on Monday. :cry:

07-14-2007, 11:32 PM
Get ready the GESTAPO is sharping it's knives..The crazy fuk is back on Monday. :cry:

Like Cuba, the Hialeah Police Department needs new leadership!

When it comes to the discipline process, your chief's job is (as is the case in your city) to submit to the mayor the recommended DAR. The severity or leniency of it, is up to the mayor, after hearing the subject officer's mitigating version.

Your IA should focus on delving into the matter and extracting findings of facts, period. Whether an allegation is sustained or not, should be the responsibility of a disposition panel, comprised by three command officers and pursuant to the preponderance of the evidence standard.

Well, at least that's what I read about it!

07-15-2007, 02:19 AM
Get ready the GESTAPO is sharping it's knives..The crazy fuk is back on Monday. :cry:

Like Cuba, the Hialeah Police Department needs new leadership!

When it comes to the discipline process, your chief's job is (as is the case in your city) to submit to the mayor the recommended DAR. The severity or leniency of it, is up to the mayor, after hearing the subject officer's mitigating version.

Your IA should focus on delving into the matter and extracting findings of facts, period. Whether an allegation is sustained or not, should be the responsibility of a disposition panel, comprised by three command officers and pursuant to the preponderance of the evidence standard.

Well, at least that's what I read about it![/quote

A who,what and where?
You obviously don't work for Hialeah PD.As the saying goes,"Due process is a bullet in the back".Especially form our ( :lol: ) command staff.

07-15-2007, 04:06 PM
Get ready the GESTAPO is sharping it's knives..The crazy fuk is back on Monday. :cry:

Like Cuba, the Hialeah Police Department needs new leadership!

When it comes to the discipline process, your chief's job is (as is the case in your city) to submit to the mayor the recommended DAR. The severity or leniency of it, is up to the mayor, after hearing the subject officer's mitigating version.

Your IA should focus on delving into the matter and extracting findings of facts, period. Whether an allegation is sustained or not, should be the responsibility of a disposition panel, comprised by three command officers and pursuant to the preponderance of the evidence standard.

Well, at least that's what I read about it![/quote

A who,what and where?
You obviously don't work for Hialeah PD.As the saying goes,"Due process is a bullet in the back".Especially form our ( :lol: ) command staff.

Clearly, I do not work at HPD! Still it does not diminish the fact that disciplinary due process is not an aspirational goal, but a statutory mandate as cited in Florida Statute, Chapter 112, Section 112.532! A new chief should -- no -- must lead by the intent, letter and spirit of this section.

07-15-2007, 04:42 PM
Get ready the GESTAPO is sharping it's knives..The crazy fuk is back on Monday. :cry:

Like Cuba, the Hialeah Police Department needs new leadership!

When it comes to the discipline process, your chief's job is (as is the case in your city) to submit to the mayor the recommended DAR. The severity or leniency of it, is up to the mayor, after hearing the subject officer's mitigating version.

Your IA should focus on delving into the matter and extracting findings of facts, period. Whether an allegation is sustained or not, should be the responsibility of a disposition panel, comprised by three command officers and pursuant to the preponderance of the evidence standard.

Well, at least that's what I read about it![/quote

A who,what and where?
You obviously don't work for Hialeah PD.As the saying goes,"Due process is a bullet in the back".Especially form our ( :lol: ) command staff.

Clearly, I do not work at HPD! Still it does not diminish the fact that disciplinary due process is not an aspirational goal, but a statutory mandate as cited in Florida Statute, Chapter 112, Section 112.532! A new chief should -- no -- must lead by the intent, letter and spirit of this section.

Not here!
There is a complete different set of rules and laws that this department follows.But that's our fault because nobody stands up for their legal rights.They just smile spread wide open and take it. :oops: