View Full Version : NEW DIVISION

07-01-2007, 10:37 PM
What about a New Division of Ethics, headed by Derik Dunklee?

They could also oversee any reported thefts at the police academy?

07-02-2007, 12:01 AM
I pee'd my pants!

07-02-2007, 03:50 AM
youre an idiot. GO AWAY

07-02-2007, 11:08 PM
Too funny.....

What is more sad is dad (yes, chief deputy Dunk) actually hired an attorney for poor ole Derik and is fighting FDLE's bad mark on his LE record.

Here, I'll save ya money..Kids a thief and unethical and should not be in law enforcement.

07-03-2007, 12:02 AM
Too funny.....

What is more sad is dad (yes, chief deputy Dunk) actually hired an attorney for poor ole Derik and is fighting FDLE's bad mark on his LE record.

Here, I'll save ya money..Kids a thief and unethical and should not be in law enforcement.
I didn't know that little Dunk had a black mark from FDLE. All I knew was that FDLE wasn't allowed to "decertify" him because decertifcation is only for officers --- and recruits aren't officers (yet). It was a catch 22.

07-03-2007, 01:07 AM
U R WRONG. FDLE DOES get involved and WILL hold a hearing even if a recruit is only in the academy, if they are sponsored by an agency. Derik Dunklee's case was reviewed by FDLE and he has a bad mark on it. I know Big Dunk did hire an attorney to tell FLDE that little Dunk was just so confused and didn't know you couldn't steal agency exams and copy them. LOL

He's such a great kid!

5029-SJR 582007TR0197550000NC DUNKLEE DEREK ROBERT 3/30/2007 Unlawful speed 70mph zone

5071-CMG 582004TR0139670000SC DUNKLEE DEREK ROBERT 3/22/2004 Special Hazards - Failed to use due care

5001-CMF 582003TR0318440000NC DUNKLEE DEREK ROBERT 7/19/2003 Unlawful speed 70mph zone

07-03-2007, 04:04 PM
WOW! 3 utc's in four years. Assemble the firing squad!

07-03-2007, 04:18 PM
WOW! 3 utc's in four years. Assemble the firing squad!
When you add cheating on a police exam that leads to certification as a police officer in Florida, it sweetens the mix just a tad, don't you think so? :shock:

07-03-2007, 05:14 PM

07-03-2007, 05:22 PM
It's amazing that: Derek Dunklee got caught cheating on an exam at the Sarasota police academy and was fired from the academy. [/*:m:z8bc4d4r]
FDLE did its own investigation against Derek Dunklee for an ethics violation (aka cheating), so now he has a black mark against him.[/*:m:z8bc4d4r]
After all of this, Derek Dunklee somehow got accepted into the Manatee police academy and he may get certified as a Florida LEO.[/*:m:z8bc4d4r]
That would make him eligible to be hired at the Sarasota Sheriff's Office by his dad, Chief Deputy Larry Dunklee.[/*:m:z8bc4d4r]Nawwwwwww Derek would never be hired as a cop after all that, right??? :shock: Welcome to Sarasota/Manatee, the land of inbreeding, politics and corruption. We need to put a stop to this crap NOW. :twisted:

07-03-2007, 05:40 PM
The Stick & Stink Theory:

Hey Sheriff Steube, if you want to help out Chief Deputy Larry Dunklee by helping to get his kid into the Manatee police academy, then fine, but just remember... if you walk by a piece of sh*t, it won't stick to you, but the minute you stop to pick it up, then it sticks & stinks. Steer clear of Sarasota's inbreeding, backroom drinking and political corruption because it sticks & stinks. :shock: Don't touch it!!!

The moral of the story: sh*t sticks and it definately stinks.

07-03-2007, 06:28 PM
Can anyone confirm he is in the Manatee Academy?

If so, I will notify the Herald Tribune ASAP, that is definately a news worthy story. Especially in Dad hiring this attorney, who I guess was a huge union atty, now works for sheriff's depts fighting unions.

Dunk senior is such a worthless, unethical piece of cra*

>>Recruit resigns after cheating allegations

Published on October 14, 2006, Article 2 of 7 found.
(Sarasota Herald-Tribune (FL){PUBLICATION2, 363 words.)}

A Sarasota County recruit deputy has resigned after being accused of copying a law enforcement academy test and using it to cheat.

Recruit Deputy Derek Dunklee told investigators that he didn't know he wasn't supposed to have a copy of the test. He also told them his father, sheriff's Chief Deputy Larry Dunklee, saw the copy and used it to help him study for a retest on introduction to criminal law.

But Derek Dunklee failed a polygraph exam on several

07-03-2007, 06:38 PM
ya I think we should all go to the papes also let Manatee Academy know what a joke he is and will make them look like a holes, lets all email the papers to look into it also lets call and email manatee this kid is a joke and most people dont know t he half of it about this kid really

07-03-2007, 06:40 PM
Yeah MOD this is really productive chat about important issues that involve LE. I would guess that every post on this page is made by only two sad pathetic people. MOD this entire thread is an attack on a LEO and his son. Regardless of whether he was almost a LEO or not, this is a bashing thread which will no generate no productive thoughts or ideas to better the profession or the agency.

07-03-2007, 06:49 PM
are you joking SSO guy do you really want to work with his punk kid or better yet he get hired and work for another agency and pull your friends or even your family over. think about that

07-03-2007, 07:00 PM
I believe I would rather work with that kid then the AH's who are posting on this board. He is young, maybe stupid but a kid none the less. He has made some bad decisions that would certainly make him a questionable applicant but I have certainly done some bad things too in my youth, and while overseas. I you heard some of the stuff I got away with when I was younger you would say the same about me. Now I'm older and have an established career here and am probably noi different then 90% of the rest of our employees. Honest, Loyal, and a great team player.
Close this thread MOD, This is a bashing thread

07-03-2007, 07:03 PM
Yea, this is VERY relevent and this unethical BS needs to stop. Ask me, that's exactly why we have a board like this to vent our frustration. Anyone else caught stealing and cheating would be out of here so fast, but not Dunklee's kid. No, he uses his authority to go to a neaigboring friend sheriff and get him hired and through an academy.

He needs to fill out an app at "DUNK"IN DONUTS...

I don't want this kid backing me up someday.

07-03-2007, 07:48 PM
SSO guy is Daddy Dunklee

07-03-2007, 08:06 PM
so he did already go thorugh the academy and hired where MSO ? or is he coming back and ya SSO guy is his daddy crying .. and if he failed a academy test and had to cheat to what fail again put him in a acadmey and he will fail the state test and that will be the justice of him all and did any hear his dad was trying to pull strings with the SC Fire Department to get him a job thats a joke look at his record on cheating and his driving record which is not back but think how many times he got stopped and didnt get a ticket you see its on the highway ticket all i have to say is wawy to go FHP or whoever wrote that little punk and i think the person a lady psa should get in trouble for makeing a copy and i hope this is in the papers

07-03-2007, 09:57 PM
You are all disgusting pigs. Instead of reading this thread, you should be reading the Bible. You obviously must not have children, and also not have
a conscience. I pray for Derek Dunklee, along with all other members of their generation. The best we can do for them is to set a good example,
and if they are willing to throw themselves in the ring again, then we have succeeded. No person in God's eyes is supposed to give up on themselves after one mistake. My son was arrested by our own agency, did his time, and is a better man than most of you pigs will ever be.
Let's see how you handle what life throws at you.

07-03-2007, 10:14 PM
No I am not Chief Dunklee, and if I was in a fight for my life I don't give a shhh who the hell backs me up. It could be your freakin mom for all I care. Lil Dunk is not an employee at the SSO nor is he currently a LEO anywhere so he should not be discussed on this board due to the fact that nothing positive or constructive will come of it, nor will it have any bearing on any SSO employees in the near future. I say again this thread is a bash fest for you Dunk Sr. haters who probably are old timers getting ready to retire, or bailiff's.
I cannot for the life of me believe the hate that you morons spread. I don't care what the f- the Chief or Sheriff or any member of the SSO does in the coarse of the careers here. I would back them up in a heartbeat if they needed it. Why, because they are human beings, with families, friends, and lives--which for most of us, have taken an oath to protect. Most of them are also cops or corrections deputies who would do the same for me or anyone else.
For those cops who spread this hate on these boards, how could you possibly resent other cops or SSO members so much? It should be the criminals and scumbags out there that you reserve your hate for!!!
I have found in my few years here that it is not the rookies who have destroyed the idea of a brotherhood amongst LEO's, it is the old timers with their sh---y attitudes. I have found the rookies and the not so rookies are the ones who still believe in it and make it work.
Lastly, this board is not to vent frustration!! Who the heck said it was. It is an outlet for LEO to post issues of importance and relevance to pressing issues within an agency so as to produce better and more constructive LEO's and department.

07-03-2007, 11:37 PM
SSO guy is not SR Dunk its DUNK JR so ... up your days as a Deputy ...well at SSO are done and hopefully are DONE around the area too you should go to college get a degree and drive safe so that record can clean itself up buddy boy and then maybe once you learn you can come back you learned a hard lesson but you are still a cheater in my book and in most and will never get any respect from anyone here at SSO

07-04-2007, 12:51 AM
Hey, FEDUP..Don't start toutin the bible or get all religious here. The kids is a thief and that's that. DOes he deserve to get bashed? Maybe not, yet his dad brought it on. If his dad were a fair person, maybe he wouldn't have so many haters.

Instead, his dad favors people (Forbis, Pelfrey and others) and does nothing for those who are not in his little family. Forbis in turn screws with us, and screw him and daddy dunk. Shame on the both of them for intimidating an IA Investigator during that investigation of the little Dunk.


07-04-2007, 08:58 AM
Hey funny stuff, the only learning that needs to go on here is you learning how to write a sentence. Yeah I know its petty however if your going to post that Dunk Jr. needs to get a college degree the absolute least you can do is post as though you have one yourself. Spellcheck and grammar check are valuable tools for retards like yourself. Either that or your more pissed drunk than both Dunklees have ever been.

07-04-2007, 09:02 AM
By the way Funny stuff, why did you change your screen name from oooo read me to funny stuff? It is obvious that both posts were yours because both posts were written by an author with a 4th grade reading level. Good luck on that college thing. When you get your masters, hit me up.

07-04-2007, 02:57 PM

07-04-2007, 04:35 PM
If you honestly believe I am a member of the Dunklee familly then I honestly believe you have bigger problems then being a retard. I believe that if you think that I'm a Dunklee then you have a delusional fixation on members of that family. These delusions have probably manifested over time as you sit and ponder to yourself about how many reasons you can come up with to hate him and his family more. I am not a Dunklee, I am a patrol deputy who has only actually spoke with him about 3 times in the 7 years here for about 30 seconds. The fact of the matter is I think this post is just a bash fest against one of our own and his son, and I feel compelled to say something about it.

MOD are you one of the malcontents??? How is this thread allowed to continue?? What good has come of it? How is it related to anything of importance within the agency other then to bash our Chief and attack his son?

Mod 418
07-04-2007, 05:15 PM
MOD are you one of the malcontents??? How is this thread allowed to continue?? What good has come of it? How is it related to anything of importance within the agency other then to bash our Chief and attack his son?No, I'm not a malcontent. I like the chief's son, but all I know is that he was in our academy and now he's not. I don't know the facts of the case and I'm not going to give my opinion about our chief or his son, except that I like both of them and I love the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to censor employees with a heavy hand, even if feelings are hurt.

Exactly what kind of chat should be allowed on this chat website? Employees usually only talk about controversial things and it's usually controversial if the rules were broken -- or sometimes if the law is broken. When bad things happen, employees love to talk about it and when employees talk about it with each other, then feelings usually get hurt. But should employees be censored just because feelings are being hurt? That's a tough question. Again, if somebody breaks the rules, should we censor employees from talking about it because feelings are being hurt?

If someone was removed from our academy (for whatever reason), then is it wrong for people to talk about it? If employees are censored from talking about things that are happening at the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, then why bother having a chat forum al all?

In the old days, employees only talked about controversial things in secret because if the brass found out that it was being discussed in public, then jobs were on the line, regardless of Florida's "Sunshine Law."

Look at all the chat forums all over the internet. It's going to be impossible to close them down to shut cops up. It's just not going to happen, for better or for worse.

Disclaimer: I'm not giving my opinion about any of the issues that have been discussed in this thread. I'm just trying to explain that the days of heavy handed censorship ended when Sheriff Jim Hardcastle was indicted. I'll read your responses, but I'm not going to reply.

07-04-2007, 05:17 PM
I went to the academy with DD. He wasn't that bad of a guy, just acted his age. Because of how he acted, he was given verbal reprimands during class. I don't believe it was anything that was serious or anything that would have prevented him from being a LEO. He was just a young hotshot
It was made explicitly clear to us that we were not to remove a test from the SCTI campus, more specifically the building housing the Law Enforcement Academy. If we did not pass an exam we were allowed a short study time with the copy of the test in a separate room. We were also told if there was any proof of cheating during the study period we would be removed from the academy. After the allegations came out about DD, we all got hammered about honesty and integrity. There were two schools of thought. 1. Don't ever rat out a brother/sister LEO. 2. If you can't be expected to be honest during the training to become a LEO, how are you to be trusted handling events that could possibly cause someone to lose their life, be held against their will, have a serious charge levied against them, or be placed in jail for any considerable amount of time.
I am a new LEO. I have heard stories about the good old days from the vet-LEO's. I'm sure anyone here can figure out what those stories or lessons are about. I have also been given the new-age LEO rant about professionalism, service/satisfaction, and so on. I have to say, it's not simple figuring out which is right or wrong, or more accurately, which is more right and more wrong. Cheating is wrong, absolutely. How wrong is it? Is it wrong enough to warrant the circus that went on? If D.D was not D.D, but J.S (Joe Schmoe) would the fellow LEO's be up in arms about it? This event seems more like a springboard for people who don't agree or like the people involved. The lines or right and wrong become more blurred as events like this occur.

07-05-2007, 08:00 AM
I believe you are a malcontent based on the things you have censored to date. When a post regarding MP was started you censored the hell out of it citing HIPA reg's. I agree that was the right decision however, I believe the real reason you shut it down was due to the fact that nothing positive or consturcutive would come of it.
How is this thread any different. DD does not work for us, nor will he in the near future. This is simply an attack on LD and his family. The original post of this thread was purely a sarcastic bash on LD's son. Thats where it gained momentum. I hear what your saying about not taking a stance but I thing its BS.
Nothing good will come of this thread, and the only result will be pain for both LD and DD. Is there a way to appeal your decision as to whether a thread should be closed or not, because I believe that this thread serves no purpose other than for the LD hater's to bash him by using his son (who has made bad decisions in the past, but does not work for us) as a tool to make their case.

07-05-2007, 12:07 PM
It serves no purpose to attack this kid. He was just that a kid that made a mistake. What we were all perfect when we were 20?? We all know what happened now lets move on from this!

07-05-2007, 01:12 PM
SSOGuy is not a Dunklee? Get real..

OMG, who as a patrol deputy that has only met the man 3 times, would go so far as to find out the LEO Affairs "Appeal Process"? Well, could be our "ACTING" Major too I guess.

What a bunch of cry babies. The kids was wrong, had it been acknowledged, that would be fine. But it DID involve this agency. It went MUCH further then just a kid at the academy.

Senior Dunklee and ACTING Major Forbis willfully attempted to intimidate an IA Investigator doing his job. They made this a department thing. Senior Dunklee made calls to other employees and tried to get them to drop this. Then the hiring of an attorney to fight FDLE? Then, pulling strings to get the cheater into Manatee Academy. Which, Would have NEVER happened had it not been for string pullen.

ITS PURE BS and maybe if Dunk Senior would resign, then it would end.

07-05-2007, 07:37 PM
SSO guy is not a Dunklee, just a modest patrol deputy with more integrity then you could dream for. You SSO are an fraking animal rat POS who should either retire or die becuase you are toxic waste to this agency. You and your rat malcontent friends make approximately 1100 good, hard working employees look like fools because you want to use this board to whine, and cry about anything you don't like, and to attack anyone you don't agree with.
I love this agency and the people who make it what it is today. You try to break that down because your a miserable rat. Please Please Please just retire, die, or STFU about the small BS that has no bearing on the jobs that 99.9% of our members do and try posting something good for the agency for once.

07-05-2007, 09:54 PM
Jeeeze, SSO Guy you should get professional help! Let me guess, just and ordinary patrol deputy sticking up for his Chief Deputy, whom he only met three time? And wishing DEATH on the poster of the message? If anyone's IP Address should be looked into its yours, for wishing death on a fellow deputy. You sure are going out there for just a plain old deputy defending the chief's son, now aren't you Patrol Deputy :lol: :lol:

Listen, whether you are the Dunk or ACTING major Forbis, you are pathetic if you fail to see the connection between these postings and our agency's ethics. You will find so VERY few people on patrol, or anywhere else in this agency, who agree with you and support Dunk for what he did.

Now, you focus on GROWING UP!

07-05-2007, 11:20 PM
Professional help is not necessary, I just need to stay off LEOAffairs. I am just a regular patrol deputy who is sticking up for someone. Though that someone may be the Chief Dep., he is someone and a LEO none the less, and I would do it for anyone who is getting bashed on by AH's using his child as a tool to make it hurt. I would do so after meeting them once or for the first time as well.
I do not wish death upon you, I mispoke, I just wish that some chain of events would take place so that you stop spewing the verbal garbage you poison this website, and this agency with. Whats interesting about you sso and your malcontent friends is that you have no problem attacking other Deputies but, in true cowards form, you still call yourself a fellow Deputy in your rebuttal.
Perhaps I am pathetic for failing to see how the Chiefs son who was let go almost a year ago has any bearing on any current matters within the agency. What is more pathetic however is you attacking someone almost a year later and using thier child to base your agrument on. I will focus on growing up because God knows after graduating H.S., and being deployed twice to the middle east, then serving several years with the SSO, hasn't taught me a thing. You focus on your own life, try enjoying it and going to get a good nights rest in bed without attacking others before you climb in it.

07-05-2007, 11:50 PM
Well, thank you SSO Guy for retracting your death wish. You had me worried for awhile. And for the record, the incident involving Jr. Dunk may have taken place a year ago, but the injustices continue today, hence why it remains on LEO Affairs TODAY! Why is Dunk Sr. so insistant on this cheating, lying, non-ethical punk become a sworn police officer?
Why no Internal Affairs for Dunk Sr. on his and Forbass's willful interference with the Internal Investigation? Afterall, Balkwill was called during their interference and had to order them to leave the room. Why not even an inquiry. See Mr. SSOGUY, if you were actually a deputy, you'd be pissed just like the many road deputies that are fedup with the favoritism here. Headed by Balkwill, Dunk and Forbass.

If you really worked patrol, LIKE I DO, you would never have posted this, as well all know out here this crap exists.

Its relevent TODAY and it impacts each one of us.

07-06-2007, 06:57 AM
If YOU were really a patrol deputy, like ME, you would be able to spell Forbis' name properly. I guess you probably are though, which is why you and most the rest of both the A and B dayshift squads should retire. If you want to engage in a battle of wits, please at least seem as though you have some idea of what your talking about. Focus, Focus, Focus>>>, it was a year ago, let it go my fellow deputy. If your hoping to one day make super duper master, grand wizard deputy, the least you can do is now the spelling of the staff members names who you hate so much.
I'd also like to say thank you to the wonderful people in Comm for doing all the crap I asked of you the other day and not holding it against me. You guys and girls up the are awesome with the exception of a couple, and TU for the job you do.

07-06-2007, 11:15 AM
SSOGuy, you must be one of the college edumacated type guys, who has nice degrees for the wall, yet the ability to really detect a crime is absent. I spelled ForbASS on purpuse, as the majority of patrol look at him for what he is, an ASS. I know well how to spell little acting chuckie's name.

The fact that you posted so early means you don't work day shift on patrol. My bet, you are using one of those sparky new administrative computers high atop the second floor of laziness. Then again, most 2nd floor folks don't arrive until after 9am.

And FYI, keep wathcing the Herald Tribune for a new Dunk Jr. Story coming soon!

07-06-2007, 05:35 PM
Hey, you go SSO! You are so right on, and don't be discouraged by the "I love Larry" postings, everyone here knows darn well that the Derik Dunklee BS is just that, BS!

Sorry to say, I didn't feel what he did was that terrible, yet what his dad did was MUCH worse and his dad made this mountain out of a molehill.
Then again, I have been here over 14 years and he was once a pretty decent guy, but that has all changed. Guess getting promoted so quickly without a degree made him better then us.

Anyway, trust patrol reads this and knows the truth.

07-08-2007, 09:02 PM
Did they do an investigation into Daddy Dunklee and Forbis at all?

07-09-2007, 02:58 AM
There has not been any further investigation into Dunklee or Forbis interfering with an official IA, despite the investigator having to call Balkwill himself, who was out of town.

07-09-2007, 10:19 AM
There has not been any further investigation into Dunklee or Forbis interfering with an official IA, despite the investigator having to call Balkwill himself, who was out of town.
And there won't be an investigation into it -- ever. Dunklee is Balkwill's right-hand man, so Balkwill obviously isn't going to order an investigation into what Dunklee did. Balkwill will just call Dunklee into his office and said "knock it off" and that's the END of it. Since Forbis is Dunklee's right-hand man, it ends there too. It's over!!!!