View Full Version : Bad Supervisors at BSO

07-01-2007, 02:07 AM
A certain Lieutenant from D-8 that was recently transferred to the Airport.

07-01-2007, 03:41 AM
Hey Buddy, How are things in Dania!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lt. B. is the BEST!

07-01-2007, 02:16 PM
A certain Lieutenant from D-8 that was recently transferred to the Airport.

For sure...He looks like Chucky!

07-01-2007, 06:49 PM
Lt. B. does not look like Chucky Although Lt. O was the one transferred to D8, from the Airport. Get it straight----Lt.B went to the AP and Lt. O (Chucky) went to D-8. OK

07-01-2007, 10:02 PM
Did the Moderators removal of a legitimate post take the steam out of everyone? Of course it did just how BSO wants it. Is'nt that nice. now we guess on who to trust once again. Because as we all know their are many very, no extremely shady supervisors who would gladly terminate you for their mistake. I love freedom of speech, and I love being in America on a site which is monitored by a Broward Sheriff's Office Administrative Supervisor.

Thanks Mr Moderator once again the people/ employees to not have a venue to vent on what really frustrates them, and who. Also with all due respect your explanation on a previous thread was weak. What in the world is a grey area in the terms of service? Whether some one violates or they don't and yet we pick and choose in common Broward Sheriff's Office fashion.

Another helpful point is how can someone prove that someone is poor supervisor if they have not been caught in wronging by the administration? I do have an idea though for everyone with the desire to post a comment about a supervisor within the agency without using names. Use their CCN's so that way were not violating the sensitity of the Terms of Service. Problem solved Mr Moderator.

07-01-2007, 11:46 PM
Did the Moderators removal of a legitimate post take the steam out of everyone? Of course it did just how BSO wants it. Is'nt that nice. now we guess on who to trust once again. Because as we all know their are many very, no extremely shady supervisors who would gladly terminate you for their mistake. I love freedom of speech, and I love being in America on a site which is monitored by a Broward Sheriff's Office Administrative Supervisor.

Thanks Mr Moderator once again the people/ employees to not have a venue to vent on what really frustrates them, and who. Also with all due respect your explanation on a previous thread was weak. What in the world is a grey area in the terms of service? Whether some one violates or they don't and yet we pick and choose in common Broward Sheriff's Office fashion.

Another helpful point is how can someone prove that someone is poor supervisor if they have not been caught in wronging by the administration? I do have an idea though for everyone with the desire to post a comment about a supervisor within the agency without using names. Use their CCN's so that way were not violating the sensitity of the Terms of Service. Problem solved Mr Moderator.

Here is an easier way, post whatever you want, using your real name.

Mod 1

07-01-2007, 11:48 PM
Did the Moderators removal of a legitimate post take the steam out of everyone? Of course it did just how BSO wants it. Is'nt that nice. now we guess on who to trust once again. Because as we all know their are many very, no extremely shady supervisors who would gladly terminate you for their mistake. I love freedom of speech, and I love being in America on a site which is monitored by a Broward Sheriff's Office Administrative Supervisor.

Thanks Mr Moderator once again the people/ employees to not have a venue to vent on what really frustrates them, and who. Also with all due respect your explanation on a previous thread was weak. What in the world is a grey area in the terms of service? Whether some one violates or they don't and yet we pick and choose in common Broward Sheriff's Office fashion.

Does anyone else see those black stealth helicopters flying around whenever they are posting on this site? :cop:

Get a life....nobody cares what you write or why. Type away.

MOD 420
07-02-2007, 03:18 AM
LL Grunt,

This is not a big conspiracy to jam people up. In fact the reason some posts get edited or deleted is to prevent anyone from possibly jamming themselves up. I dont work in administration nor do I work in IA.

MOD 420

07-02-2007, 08:09 PM
Did the Moderators removal of a legitimate post take the steam out of everyone? Of course it did just how BSO wants it. Is'nt that nice. now we guess on who to trust once again. Because as we all know their are many very, no extremely shady supervisors who would gladly terminate you for their mistake. I love freedom of speech, and I love being in America on a site which is monitored by a Broward Sheriff's Office Administrative Supervisor.

Thanks Mr Moderator once again the people/ employees to not have a venue to vent on what really frustrates them, and who. Also with all due respect your explanation on a previous thread was weak. What in the world is a grey area in the terms of service? Whether some one violates or they don't and yet we pick and choose in common Broward Sheriff's Office fashion.

Dont let them get to you. Just because your paranoid doesnt mean your not being followed. hahahahahaha. :wink:

Another helpful point is how can someone prove that someone is poor supervisor if they have not been caught in wronging by the administration? I do have an idea though for everyone with the desire to post a comment about a supervisor within the agency without using names. Use their CCN's so that way were not violating the sensitity of the Terms of Service. Problem solved Mr Moderator.

07-02-2007, 08:48 PM
So there is not Broward Sheriff's Office intervention. Are you sure? The why is everyone on this site affraid to legitimately post their names, CCN, location where they work in the Sheriff's Office. If there is no reason to be afraid, and i'm joining the JFK magic bullet bandwagon, then why is eveyone so afraid. I know I am. I know all it takes is one call, one interoffice memo, one nob to burn your sorry azzez into the ground. Bye bye Mister retirement, bye bye FRS my friend, HELLO Mc Donalds. Watch how I professionally filp them burgers. Hmm, good. Welome to Mc Donalds ma'am Sir, May I take your order? Thsi si the statement you had better get use to. And if yor not afraid, then use your name, you have nothing to fear I'm with you let's all walk the halls of the glass palace together am in arm and say, 'We are not afraid of retrobution'. 'You cannot do anything to the people, we are the back bone of BSO.' I wanna watch as your grabbed, thrown out the front door of the glass palace while a boot of one of your closest friends hits you in the azz.

And yes everyone on this forum is here to help. We all hold hands and sing together. Keep the dream alive. If your favorite administration at the glass palace will delete memo's, shredd documents, and various other not so legal activities what the hell do you think their going to do to you? And Mr Mod420, I can appreciate your willingness to help. Though their is no convincing me. I know the capabilities of this and past administrations. And I realize the comments made by others towards me is a genuine effort to discredit. It has been a tactic long used prior to this forum, and will be used a long time after you and I pass. Mr. Conspiracy Theory, and guest you are not only humorous but allot of fun to thank you.

07-03-2007, 03:35 PM
My name is Fredrico I am responsible for the maintenance on the 1st and 2nd story bathrooms. Recently my boss told me that it takes too long to clean the sinks. I clean them to the best ability. Yesterday he told me that I had to clean the mirrors as well and also took away my take home bicycle. I M PISSED! Thanks for listening!

07-03-2007, 04:59 PM
My name is Fredrico I am responsible for the maintenance on the 1st and 2nd story bathrooms. Recently my boss told me that it takes too long to clean the sinks. I clean them to the best ability. Yesterday he told me that I had to clean the mirrors as well and also took away my take home bicycle. I M PISSED! Thanks for listening!

Hey Fredrico are you here as one of the many undocumented workers that are secretly hiding at the El Heffe Jenne PSB? I think that you were hiding the last time one of those sweeps were conducted but how could you hide under KJ's secretary's desk? Oh, so KJ was there with you, guess it's OK then. Keep up the good work Fredrico, we will find your bicycle and get it back to you amigo :lol:

07-03-2007, 08:38 PM
Have fun with the redheaded, missing teeth, loser LT. OB. AKA JACKO!!! Good Luck D8!!!!

07-03-2007, 08:40 PM
Why don't you and your car camera go back to IA.

07-08-2007, 03:41 PM
A certain Lieutenant from D-8 that was recently transferred to the Airport.

I agree. He did NOTHING! He talks on the phone all day and has no clue what is going. I am surprised he got away with that one female compalint. He has no business being a supervisor. All he does is walk around and tell anyone who will listen how he got screwed over that he should be a captain. What a joke! That is why Chief P only put him in charge of civilans. He would screw up the leo side if he had to make a decision.

07-09-2007, 01:46 PM
The female complaint is notorious for making eeo complaints. She was recently referred to as a certain higher ups punching board. I believe this is the famous deleted post, most likely compliments from her aka Teflon Sgt. Anyone who has the unpleasant experience working with or for her would agree. Weston consider yourself lucky for getting Lt. O and not her.

07-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Hey Fredrico,

Those bathrooms on the 1st & 2nd floors of the PSB haven't been cleaned in months. You should start working on the upper floors, that way you'll be getting paid for doing nothing. But at least you'll have a nice office, and your secretary will have a secretary, both with take home unmarked cars of course.

By the way, was your bicycle registered and have a BSO sticker on it? Surely that would have prevented it from being stolen. You know ALL BSO crime prevention programs actually work. Just like those smoke alarms with the LOGO on them prevented fires!

07-10-2007, 03:00 PM
Well well well, we found a Bill Obrien lover. It just so happens that more than one person made a complaint against him. Ask him why he was fired and see what answer he gives you. He looooves to play the blame game. I know one deputy who cant stop laughing at his downfall.

07-10-2007, 04:12 PM
Well well well, we found a Bill Obrien lover. It just so happens that more than one person made a complaint against him. Ask him why he was fired and see what answer he gives you. He looooves to play the blame game. I know one deputy who cant stop laughing at his downfall.

It is almost funny "real deal" how you take the post so out of text. If I am a Lt. OB luver than does that make you a "JJ" luver?? My post was more about the person making the complaint JJ. Of the two bad supervisors I choose OB over JJ. What is OB down fall going to Weston? I must have missed something.

07-11-2007, 01:50 AM
Hey Fredrico,

Those bathrooms on the 1st & 2nd floors of the PSB haven't been cleaned in months. You should start working on the upper floors, that way you'll be getting paid for doing nothing. But at least you'll have a nice office, and your secretary will have a secretary, both with take home unmarked cars of course.

By the way, was your bicycle registered and have a BSO sticker on it? Surely that would have prevented it from being stolen. You know ALL BSO crime prevention programs actually work. Just like those smoke alarms with the LOGO on them prevented fires! They werent smoke alarms they were carbon monoxide alarms. to bring them back because of that!

07-12-2007, 04:30 AM
Well well well, we found a Bill Obrien lover. It just so happens that more than one person made a complaint against him. Ask him why he was fired and see what answer he gives you. He looooves to play the blame game. I know one deputy who cant stop laughing at his downfall.

It is almost funny "real deal" how you take the post so out of text. If I am a Lt. OB luver than does that make you a "JJ" luver?? My post was more about the person making the complaint JJ. Of the two bad supervisors I choose OB over JJ. What is OB down fall going to Weston? I must have missed something. I would hope you never serve on a jury where the defendent is innocent. someone like you will over-look all the evidence based on an emotional decision.

07-12-2007, 02:36 PM
Ditto! How was my response any different that yours? Are you sure you are an LEO? What defendant is innocent? LOL Your first assumption was based on an obvious emotion also.
I thought this board was for us to express our feelings about bad supervisors. I expressed mine thats all. So be safe out there, ever who you are. Life is too short for us pee ons to be bickering about two supervisors who are so miserable.

07-17-2007, 08:28 PM
My vote is for Major, now interum Chief in Sunrise BROOKS....

If you play Golf with him or buy him drinks you are Golden...

07-18-2007, 01:43 AM
Keep up the good work. Most of the talk on this forum has turned to unprofessional trash and slander that serves no purpose. Pay no attention to LL Grunt. None of this will change a thing. And as far as people not putting their real name and CCN on here. Just look at the slanderous garbage they are posting, heck no wonder they don't have the nerve to use their real names. Cowards can hide behind a keyboard and be pretty tough.

07-19-2007, 02:17 PM
Get bent taco, this is a thread about bad supers, we all have worked under one. Why delete the names of diskin and hubrig. What was written was true, unless one of the mods is their buddy. This is getting ridiculous.

07-19-2007, 10:02 PM
Get bent taco, this is a thread about bad supers, we all have worked under one. Why delete the names of diskin and hubrig. What was written was true, unless one of the mods is their buddy. This is getting ridiculous.

Get bent to Taco???? You sir are an embarrassment to law enforcement. All supervisors are disliked by someone some how. Slugs hate supervisors who make them work. Hard working deputies hate supervisors who let the slugs get away with it. I am guessing you are one of these slugs as you sit from your anonymous keyboard bashing others by name and airing police business in a public forum. What has happened to cops????? I used to think we could go through hell together and stick together regardless of personal feelings. Now I wonder if the deputy standing next to me will run to this forum every time something does not go his way. God I hope you are not a cop. Now go back to calling your ex-girlfriend and hanging up on her when she answers, don't worry she wont know its you. You will be nice and safe.......

07-19-2007, 10:13 PM
The most OVERPAID useless, inexperienced, supervisor at BSO is called the Strategic Intelligence Coordinator. Check the job classification list on BSO website for salaries, makes more than a Deputy and has the look of a deer in headlights.

07-20-2007, 01:55 AM
Worst supervisor??? hummm, I must say D. Argenti.

07-20-2007, 04:06 AM


07-20-2007, 05:14 PM
Worst supervisor??? hummm, I must say D. Argenti.

Wow Kahn is now using 2 names on the boards. RK and Blah Blah. He is the man of many faces. Yes he is two faced just ask anyone one of us who work with him. He is a winey biatch who almost got his ass kicked the other night by Dep. RP in the parking lot. Let's not forget his mysterious back injury last year what a scam artist. Last but of course not least his post tramatic stress leave last year. You bash Argenti and Ira why? Is it because they tell the truth???? Argenti used to take good care of you until you took advantage him and the system with your bogus mental illness and back injuries. This isn't NYPD any more, no 3/4 pensions for a fake back injury here. Get a life Kahn. Argenti is right, real men go hands on with suspect, but not you!!!! :o

08-23-2007, 02:34 AM
My vote is for Major, now interum Chief in Sunrise BROOKS....

If you play Golf with him or buy him drinks you are Golden...


08-25-2007, 11:19 PM
Worst supervisor??? hummm, I must say D. Argenti.

Wow Kahn is now using 2 names on the boards. RK and Blah Blah. He is the man of many faces. Yes he is two faced just ask anyone one of us who work with him. He is a winey biatch who almost got his ass kicked the other night by Dep. RP in the parking lot. Let's not forget his mysterious back injury last year what a scam artist. Last but of course not least his post tramatic stress leave last year. You bash Argenti and Ira why? Is it because they tell the truth???? Argenti used to take good care of you until you took advantage him and the system with your bogus mental illness and back injuries. This isn't NYPD any more, no 3/4 pensions for a fake back injury here. Get a life Kahn. Argenti is right, real men go hands on with suspect, but not you!!!! :o

RK I bet your glad now. You ran off at the mouth and thought Argenti was leaving... Guess what he is staying and word has it will be back on Alpha Shift within a week or two. I guess you better watch out. But probably not because I've known Dave for many years as a Deputy, Detective and Sergeant and he has never hurt anyone or held a grudge. Luck for you, but there are still many deputies who hate you for backdooring Dave!

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