View Full Version : Jam units

06-23-2007, 12:00 PM
Any opinion on them wasting our time at lineup?????

06-23-2007, 02:19 PM
Ask them to leave.

06-23-2007, 03:25 PM
Hey Sgt K had to come up with a way to stay off the road. He is scared there so he went to Orange County and stole their idea. I bet he never even wrote down anything himself about what to do, he is probably using the info from OC still. It's ok Sgt K, we all know you.

06-23-2007, 03:28 PM
I hear one of the Jam DS likes spending time out on Dyson Cr. Why is this????? Hmmmmmm, I wonder

06-23-2007, 05:23 PM
Sgt. K, the last post is obviously yours. Try to begin acting like a supervisor. Quite playing your games and maybe you'll get some respect from us and others in this agency. The problem we have with you is not unique in this agency. Your just another sgt. that is not held accountable for what you do and dont do.

06-24-2007, 04:55 AM
Sgt. K, the last post is obviously yours. Try to begin acting like a supervisor. Quite playing your games and maybe you'll get some respect from us and others in this agency. The problem we have with you is not unique in this agency. Your just another sgt. that is not held accountable for what you do and dont do.

What the heck is JAM?

Whats sgt K's 1st initial?

06-24-2007, 01:15 PM
Juvnile Assement Monitoring.........works with the gang unit and was SHoCap. It's a warrents unit too for juvies.

Sgt. K is a good sgt. who has been in this dept. for over 16 years. I work with him and he can be my 10-94 anytime or day.

06-24-2007, 02:02 PM
The problem with couple of the Sergeants in the community services are as follows. Sgt. K is never around, he shows up to work whenever he pleases, He makes things up for the deputies to do like group operations and he leaves. You never see him again. He does not have respect of most of the deputies in our unit.
Lets talk about Sgt. G. He works harder then anyone i know to do little as possible. His been booted from just about every unit his ever been in.
I don't know much about Sgt. E.

I guess i am little disgruntle

06-25-2007, 04:19 PM
The men on the jam unit use more hair color and tanning products then the women do. Hillarious

06-27-2007, 04:54 AM
J.A.M.U is the acronym for Juvenile Arrest and Monitoring Unit. Orange County S.O has been running a similar program since 1998 with an average 75% success rate. In essence we target hard core juveniles that are on probation and enforce, with zero tolerance, the terms of their probation. This is a cooperative effort with DJJ. The success of the program is determined by the amount of juveniles that commit new crimes while being monitored, since we started the test project in June, we are running about a 99% success rate. The JAMU deputies are also assigned juvenile warrants in an attempt to reduce the over 1,700 outstanding juvy warrants. Our program is modeled after the Orange County Program, if it's not broke........The JAMU deputies will also assist ANY deputy with information regarding the probation status of juveniles. They work in the evening, four ten hour shifts and can be reached on 1093. The philosophy behind the program is that it's a small percentage of juveniles committing the majority of the crimes, we are trying to target those juveniles.

06-27-2007, 05:07 AM
This goes out to the disgruntled Community Services deputy/Crime Prevention Officer....the group ops were to instill "esprit de corp" do you know what that means? How about the word "team", still not getting it, how about "officer safety" you know, from working the road...how long has it been anyway??? Obviously, TOO LONG...maybe it's time to get back to reality!!! I'm reminded of a country song...how does it go??? Oh Yeah...YOU DON'T KNOW HOW GOOD YOU HAVE IT, TILL IT'S GONE, if you don't like it, leave.....I promise YOU, it will only get better! Let's see who's scared now......beeatch///

06-28-2007, 03:45 AM
Sgt K's first initial is S and when he was our Sgt in D1 he was honest and fair, he always looked out for us, if you have a problem with him, you really are miserable....come out to the road with us and do some real work and see how it really is. :lol:

06-28-2007, 03:48 PM
Sgt Kav...ADOG here...you always had our back and you know you have our respect..told you not to go to CP.....aces baby

06-28-2007, 04:11 PM
Sgt K is a good guy and good boss. It sounds to me like some of the community service D/S's need to go back to the road as a reality check of how good they have it. By the looks of some of the previous posts, obviously written by community services D/S's, it seems an English or report writting class would not hurt some of them either.

06-28-2007, 04:48 PM
Most def...the old 378 always took calls and took 94 when no one else spoke up....378 COME BACK! lol Boss!

06-28-2007, 05:47 PM
imagine if it didnt take 2 months to enter juvenile warrants into palms.....

06-28-2007, 10:03 PM
K man, give us a shout out when your ready to rid yourself of all the dead weight..(alot of it) those whiney CP peeps....bout time they hit the road..we got ur back-----Ateam

06-28-2007, 10:21 PM
WAIT-------STOP--------Just want to make sure I have this right. Those commsvs peeps are complaining that one of their sgts isn't always around breathing down their necks and watching every little thing they do...

06-28-2007, 10:42 PM
Guest777: Your obviously a poor excuse for a deputy and hiding in communjity services like so many others. You say Sgt K does not have the respect of the deputies in the unit. WHO CARES none of us out here respect you! Sgt K brought some credibility to your unit, but not enough to overcome the likes of you...His biggest mistake was going there in the first place. We see first hand how the jam guys are kicking it....do yourself a favor and retire or become a civilian because your NO COP!!!!!!!

06-29-2007, 12:15 AM
(Guest777: Your obviously a poor excuse for a deputy and hiding in communjity services like so many others.)

This comment is so wrong.

First, I don't know all the deputies in Community Services but I do know a few of them and together they have about 100 years of LEO experience. Let me at least defend the ones I do know>>>

EN served two tours over seas in Iraq and is one tough man he was my 94 many years ago.

My cousin Vinny big heart and mean as a snake. Worked the road with him and was always there to help out a fellow brother or sister

CM Just a nice guy who helped me out so many times thanks buddy!!

JC my gang man he'd walk through a door while gun fire was being shot at him to pull you or me out. Still hear him on the radio

SB worked with this great guy...he is a cops cop.....honesty to the tee.

Sgt K worked with him in district 1 always willing to help and take calls still number one with me buddy.

GM this guy taught me how to ride my bike, great humor but tough as nails....I still hear his funny voice taking calls and catching the bad guys.

HA What can I say about my boy his getting old but this man worked in Miami PD in liberty city....enough said

Sgt. E always honest and true to his word......E remember the day shift you helped me out a few times..... T's lounge

CV met him through Greenacres PD.....totally a cops cop always humped calls....the Greek Man

The rest on don't know or have never met......but I am sure their 10-8 too. So before you group these guys remember they all did their time on the road and hell the way the budget is going they just might be your 94 again.......So play nice and be assured you'd want them as your 94.

Sgt. Cowboy

06-29-2007, 02:06 AM
Sgt. Cowboy first of all let me say bravo to your comments. You are absolutely correct about all the people you've mentioned. I am also in the community services, and I can with at most confidence say that NOONE I know within our unit including crime prevention, volunteer services, SRO and the Jam unit has anything negative to say about anyone. Especially with our brothers and sisters in the same unit. All of us are senior deputies who's been there and done that.
What most people fail to recognize is ANYONE can come in here, and post whatever they want just to get a rise from someone. I don't know who guest777 is, but I can assure you he/she is not one of us. Let me also add that Sergeant "K" is not my sergeant, and his always been professional and helpful with me.
By the way my initials are AA

07-03-2007, 05:56 AM
First off don't be a hater...they helped me out when the JAC could't ...second Sgt K has helped me out of a tough JAM......:))))))))))) t/u

07-05-2007, 01:25 AM
All the JAM boys and girls are invited for a bar-b-que. Seems one of you are here quite often anyhow, so you all might as well join us.

07-07-2007, 09:49 PM

07-10-2007, 03:20 AM
Sgt "K" is a good cop, but the mob of females he has working for him is a joke. Sgt "K" keep your ladies out of our line ups. 8)

07-10-2007, 01:37 PM
I say to you Old Grey Leg 02 the ladies you speak of and I will call them Deputies because after all that is what we ALL are…were asked by Sgt. K to go to your line ups to educate you about the unit…And if Sgt. K heard you calling his females a joke he would be pissed. He has a lot of respect for the women in his unit and they work just as hard as the men do and the last thing they need is some egotistical deputy running his mouth and putting down a fellow deputy that could very well be your 94…Now I know the two “ladies” you speak of and they are no joke in fact the two of them were on Tamarind Ave serving warrants together and that’s no JOKE!!!!!!!!!!So before you go running you mouth about things and people you know anything about why dont you ask someone like Sgt K......

07-10-2007, 07:21 PM
To Guest 333, I've worked with some of the jam girls in the past and they did'nt cut it on the road. So sorry you don't agree with me. 8)

07-11-2007, 02:30 AM
You see the key to that reply is SOME and we can't put them all in the same category. That’s the problem when you try to put down a few or maybe one you wind up insulting the group and I myself have worked with some of them and would not mind them as my 94…Can’t speak for all of them but its just not right to insult all of them. Some of them are damn good cops..Thats all I'm saying...

07-14-2007, 04:04 AM
You see the key to that reply is SOME and we can't put them all in the same category. That’s the problem when you try to put down a few or maybe one you wind up insulting the group and I myself have worked with some of them and would not mind them as my 94…Can’t speak for all of them but its just not right to insult all of them. Some of them are darn good cops..Thats all I'm saying...

I'm sorry you do not like the "GIRLS" Of JAM but do you recall one of the saved a FHP LT. T.F. Life. With a wonderful wife and 3 kids. Where would his life be without her??????