05-29-2007, 10:17 PM
If you are travelling to the Police Games in Sarasota County, here is a word to the wise. "BE CAREFUL". We have had a large infestation of Rats within our agency who have been enjoying the fact that they can write and ARREST other cops. Recently we have had two of our own locked up for DUI. Fortunately, both cases were dismissed by the SA Office, but still cost both some major $$

I'm ashamed that I work here at times, but I know many of you guys will come here to have fun on our beaches and bars, but be careful. The badge means little to a few of our guys. Worse part is they even attempt to justify hammering other cops! Rat punks!

05-30-2007, 08:23 PM

05-31-2007, 05:53 PM
If you are travelling to the Police Games in Sarasota County, here is a word to the wise. "BE CAREFUL". We have had a large infestation of Rats within our agency who have been enjoying the fact that they can write and ARREST other cops. Recently we have had two of our own locked up for DUI. Fortunately, both cases were dismissed by the SA Office, but still cost both some major $$

I'm ashamed that I work here at times, but I know many of you guys will come here to have fun on our beaches and bars, but be careful. The badge means little to a few of our guys. Worse part is they even attempt to justify hammering other cops! Rat punks!

This guy is a jerk who SAYS works for us. Do not listen to a word he says. Sorry for him to embarass our agency. We have always given courtesy in my 18 years on the job. Rest assured we take care care of our own. Unfortunately we have our share of jerks just as any any agency. Enjoy it. Its a great city over here.

05-31-2007, 08:48 PM
The guys charged here were NOT jerks nor did they give anyone a hard time. One, was just promoted to Sgt., so that ought to tell you what BS the lTrust me, if you violate traffic laws in Sarasota County, FL, you have a better chance of being written up then most anywhere else in the state. I have worked here for 15+ years and have witnessed it with my own eyes. ast poster is posting.

The worse part is that its not the individual cases (yea, its a small number) of cops locking up and writing cops, its the mentality many of our deputies seem to have. Like it is justified? Rat punks I call them, but truth is, most wouldn't be able to fight their way out of a one on one altercation. What makes up stand out more then other agencies is that we LOCK UP OUR OWN. Can you imagine, you work with a guy today and arrest him tommorrow? Friggin unreal!

I obviously struck a nerve posting this warning to other LEO's and firefighters, yet I stand by it. I just don't want to see any brothers get jammed up here while having fun. We have a bunch a great guys, but we have some real Rat Turds here and its rumored that the administration has condoned locking up cops. If true, they too are rat turds. I stay anonymous here because the media reads this, but I have no trouble telling our rat punks that they are just that, RAT PUNKS for banging cops

06-02-2007, 12:13 AM
Man I am embarassed this smoe has brought trash on too your board. Again I stress to you we take care of our own.

One cop he is refering to has retired YEARS ago and the other is retiring now from dayshift. Two guys that would arrest their mother outta 1100 in about 12 years. Yeah I gotta admit that sounds like were really bad. Ignore this guy and enjoy yourselves. Not really sure what his malfunction is but it makes us look really bad.

06-03-2007, 06:48 PM
"Rats" is the only way to describe antone who locks up thier own for petty crimes. Shitehead bad guys, liberal media and administrators with huge hard-ons. This is what today's cops face. Do we really need to be watching our backs when we take vacation to get away from this crap. You sound like your turning in to FHP for krysake. And just so you know, not all agencies have these types of cops as the above may have you believe. Blanket party for all those involved. For the good guys in the O.C.2. Your respect for others on the job is appriciated. No matter what some of your officers are doing, you'll always be shown professional courtesy in our part of South Florida.

09-06-2007, 05:04 PM
:shock: I can't believe just because you carry a badge...YOU think YOU are above the law! You are taught to respect the law, uphold the law, so if, another civilian, who has been educated to do the same as YOU, gets behind the wheel after drinking, YOU are going to cut THEM a break!!!! :twisted: Think about this...when your mother, brother, father, sister and wife and children get into their vehicle and drive away from YOU...are YOU confident this same person is respecting the law and giving their keys to someone else...or will YOU have to plan a funeral because YOU thought more of them then your own loved ones. :roll: DUH! I RESPECT THE BADGE AND THE LAWS THAT YOU UPHOLD WHILE CARRYING IT, SO WHY DON'T YOU FELLOW OFFICERS? :roll: I AM ASHAMED AT TIMES THINKING THAT OFFICERS CUT ONE ANOTHER A BREAK ON DUI'S... :cop: SPEEDING MAYBE :cop: ...BUT DUI'S! :evil:

01-27-2008, 05:32 AM
"Rats" is the only way to describe antone who locks up thier own for petty crimes. Shitehead bad guys, liberal media and administrators with huge hard-ons. This is what today's cops face. Do we really need to be watching our backs when we take vacation to get away from this crap. You sound like your turning in to FHP for krysake. And just so you know, not all agencies have these types of cops as the above may have you believe. Blanket party for all those involved. For the good guys in the O.C.2. Your respect for others on the job is appriciated. No matter what some of your officers are doing, you'll always be shown professional courtesy in our part of South Florida.

Obviously you've never attended a MADD candlelight vigil and watched as a small child lights a candle in rememberance of his mother or father who has been killed by a drunk driver. Maybe you haven't worked as a cop long enough to attend the funeral of another officer killed by a drunk driver while conducting a traffic stop. If you think DUI is a petty crime, maybe you should find another profession, you're taking up space that could be filled by someone else that's ready to do the job.

06-10-2008, 06:37 PM
"Rats" is the only way to describe antone who locks up thier own for petty crimes. Shitehead bad guys, liberal media and administrators with huge hard-ons. This is what today's cops face. Do we really need to be watching our backs when we take vacation to get away from this crap. You sound like your turning in to FHP for krysake. And just so you know, not all agencies have these types of cops as the above may have you believe. Blanket party for all those involved. For the good guys in the O.C.2. Your respect for others on the job is appriciated. No matter what some of your officers are doing, you'll always be shown professional courtesy in our part of South Florida.

Obviously you've never attended a MADD candlelight vigil and watched as a small child lights a candle in rememberance of his mother or father who has been killed by a drunk driver. Maybe you haven't worked as a cop long enough to attend the funeral of another officer killed by a drunk driver while conducting a traffic stop. If you think DUI is a petty crime, maybe you should find another profession, you're taking up space that could be filled by someone else that's ready to do the job.