View Full Version : Chief John George

05-06-2007, 02:01 AM
It is my understanding that Chief John George is making preparations to retire from the Davie Police Department and is relocating to central Georgia where he is interviewing for a position. Anyone aware when he is actually leaving?

05-06-2007, 04:37 AM
maybe he'll take Capt. Chaos and the trophy wife with him!!!!

05-06-2007, 03:44 PM
That seems to be the rumor. But we will believe it when it happens. Hopefully the Town will go outside for the next Chief. As there is NO ONE in the department that can bring us back due to this Chiefs mismanagement.

05-07-2007, 02:26 AM
I believe that Marina Sweat is still looking for a job. How about giving her a try?

05-11-2007, 02:03 AM
Inside speculation has it that two Davie town council members have been in secret negotiations to take Davie BSO. Can you guess which one of your esteemed members are going to outsource law enforcement services to the king of the county? It appears that your chief is aware of these negotiations but has turned a blind eye as he is nearing retirement and classic cars. What gives? Are we going to see a District 16 and 17 in the near future?

05-11-2007, 04:46 AM
Inside speculation has it that two Davie town council members have been in secret negotiations to take Davie BSO. Can you guess which one of your esteemed members are going to outsource law enforcement services to the king of the county? It appears that your chief is aware of these negotiations but has turned a blind eye as he is nearing retirement and classic cars. What gives? Are we going to see a District 16 and 17 in the near future?

Not much of an "insider" are you? There is already a district 16, and even an 18.

05-11-2007, 09:11 AM
I guess you are unaware of the fact that District 16 is Cooper City. The plan is to split Davie into two distinct districts because of its size and odd geometric shape. The combined district would square everything off and would allow for better coverage. Are you not aware of the fact that Davie completely surounds District 16? Are you not aware of the fact that the sheriff has always split large cities? Have you ever heard of Pompano? Combining districts in 16 makes perfect sense since it surrounded by Davie and is geometrically small compared to other districts. Why not inquire of Susan and Bryan? They may be able to shed some light on the situation.

05-11-2007, 12:28 PM
We are not going to bso, but i guess since this rumor has been spreading for oh maybe 5 years and nothing has happened, why not rehash the story and post rumors . BSO will gladly take over any area and screw it up. Your really just beating a dead horse and your insider info may be true on ther bso end but its not gonna happen. Also, we already know that the bso idea has been discussed by the council but the obstacles are much greater than you think.

05-11-2007, 09:20 PM
i love our chief and screw the green and white. i would sooner quit then work for them.

05-11-2007, 09:23 PM
it sounds like BSO Insider is that witch named susan starkey to me. i smell a rat. if only she didnt get re-elected.[/quote]

05-12-2007, 12:09 AM
i love our chief and screw the green and white. i would sooner quit then work for them.

Nice post Choquette!

05-13-2007, 12:01 AM
I guess you are unaware of the fact that District 16 is Cooper City. The plan is to split Davie into two distinct districts because of its size and odd geometric shape. The combined district would square everything off and would allow for better coverage. Are you not aware of the fact that Davie completely surounds District 16? Are you not aware of the fact that the sheriff has always split large cities? Have you ever heard of Pompano? Combining districts in 16 makes perfect sense since it surrounded by Davie and is geometrically small compared to other districts. Why not inquire of Susan and Bryan? They may be able to shed some light on the situation.

davie doesnt completely surround cooper city, your an idiot

05-13-2007, 01:04 AM
I heard that Cooper City residents are so disgusted with the service that they receive from BSO that they are actively talking to the Chief for Davie to provide police services to Cooper City. Now that makes sense. Who will be next? Weston?

05-13-2007, 02:27 AM
I heard that Cooper City residents are so disgusted with the service that they receive from BSO that they are actively talking to the Chief for Davie to provide police services to Cooper City. Now that makes sense. Who will be next? Weston?

I'm a Davie officer and a Cooper City resident. I think BSO is doing a fine job and the first year BSO took over my taxes actually went down. Sounds like you're just trying to stir the pot.

Can anyone give an example where one municipality is currently providing police services to another municipality? The rule has always been that the city either provides its own cops or they contract the county sheriff to do it for them.

05-13-2007, 06:48 AM
I heard that Cooper City residents are so disgusted with the service that they receive from BSO that they are actively talking to the Chief for Davie to provide police services to Cooper City. Now that makes sense. Who will be next? Weston?

I'm a Davie officer and a Cooper City resident. I think BSO is doing a fine job and the first year BSO took over my taxes actually went down. Sounds like you're just trying to stir the pot.

Can anyone give an example where one municipality is currently providing police services to another municipality? The rule has always been that the city either provides its own cops or they contract the county sheriff to do it for them.

Actually it sounds like you're the one trying to stir the pot. The Sheriff's Office has been an embarrassment for quite some time...no other agency in Broward (except for Hollywood as of late) has had more bad press and more unhappy citizens. If you think they're doing a great job, you're in the minority. I am a Cooper City resident and I can tell you service was much better prior to the take over.

05-14-2007, 03:59 PM
If you go to the bso site, you will see that there is talk of weston not renewing their contract with them. Also, there was a far superior coverage by the old cops in c ity than there is now. T hey were more visible and the crime stats show that they were mpre effective. Good luck with the posts supporting bso because they are terrible because of their leadership.

05-14-2007, 05:20 PM
How can one consider your response credible when you cannot spell. Either that, or you cannot type. Get of the blog you idiot!

05-15-2007, 09:10 PM
Get "of" the site. That must really make you feel....stupid?

05-15-2007, 09:34 PM
How can one consider your response credible when you cannot spell. Either that, or you cannot type. Get of the blog you idiot!

Lol! If you're going to insult one's spelling errors, PLEASE proofread your own post prior to the insulting....

The first sentence of your post is a question. Yet, it is puncuated with a period. In the English language, we punctuate questions with a question mark. That is the little key just to the left of the one labeled "SHIFT" on your keyboard.

Secondly, as was previously pointed out, the word "off" is spelled with two "f"'s.

Thirdly, the last sentence should read, "Get off the blog, you idiot." Note the use of the comma.

So, I pose this question to you: How can anyone take your criticism as "credible" when you are guilty of the same things that you are criticizing?

Thank you and come again.

05-15-2007, 11:15 PM

05-16-2007, 12:10 AM
How can one consider your response credible when you cannot spell. Either that, or you cannot type. Get of the blog you idiot!

Lol! If you're going to insult one's spelling errors, PLEASE proofread your own post prior to the insulting....

The first sentence of your post is a question. Yet, it is puncuated with a period. In the English language, we punctuate questions with a question mark. That is the little key just to the left of the one labeled "SHIFT" on your keyboard.

Secondly, as was previously pointed out, the word "off" is spelled with two "f"'s.

Thirdly, the last sentence should read, "Get off the blog, you idiot." Note the use of the comma.

So, I pose this question to you: How can anyone take your criticism as "credible" when you are guilty of the same things that you are criticizing?

Thank you and come again.

English 101 you would make the perfect SGT at Davie PD. Who cares about police work or police issues. You care about spelling and punctuation and that's all that matters. Get your knee pads.

05-16-2007, 01:13 AM
I like Chief George. He is a man of incredible integrity. With Ken Jenne on the way out, I would support him for sheriff. I hear he has an "in" with George Lemieux in Tallahassee. Any chance of George being appointed sheriff? Unless you think Ken Padowitz, Lori Parrish, or Jim Scott would make a better sheriff.

05-16-2007, 01:26 AM
English 101 you would make the perfect SGT at Davie PD. Who cares about police work or police issues. You care about spelling and punctuation and that's all that matters. Get your knee pads.

First off, I was simply pointing out that the person who was correcting someone else's spelling errors made mistakes him/herself. So, please, bite me.

Secondly, your post is so full of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that it's not even worth correcting.

Thirdly, who said I don't care about police work or police issues? I'm one of the most actively involved Officers in the department. I just find it annoying and embarassing that some of you guys can't formulate a properly composed sentence... It's really quite sad. If you don't think that written language skills "matter," then perhaps you are in the wrong line of work.

05-16-2007, 02:23 AM
Has the Chief given Marina S. her job back yet? It seems that the litigation is close to a settlement and Marina should be back on the job soon.

05-16-2007, 03:37 AM
Has the Chief given Marina S. her job back yet? It seems that the litigation is close to a settlement and Marina should be back on the job soon.

Try calling her.

05-17-2007, 08:24 AM
I also heard that Plantation, Sunrise,Miramar,Hallandale Beach, Pembroke Pines,Hollywood and Boca Raton are looking at going to BSO. These cities residents are unhappy with the service currently provided. BSO's only issue with this is their manpower.
Im not standing on one leg waiting for this but we can only anxiously await. This could happen at any moment, several years from now if ever. These takeovers will affect Davie in absolutely no way but since so many people here seem to be interested in this, I thought I would provide this useful information.

Stay tuned...


05-17-2007, 11:25 AM
You seem to believe that all of these departments are interested in becoming useless cops. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that you try to stir the pot but you have no basis of your opinion in fact just rumor. Get off your knees and go back to your own agencies webpage ....that was a weak try.

05-17-2007, 03:04 PM
Bso is going to take over Boca? Interesting, I guess county boundaries won't keep the green nazis back ?

Figure out what county you are talking about idiot

05-17-2007, 03:11 PM
Bso is going to take over Boca? Interesting, I guess county boundaries won't keep the green nazis back ?

Figure out what county you are talking about idiot

05-17-2007, 05:58 PM
Although I will give you credit for cluing in on the Boca Raton hint, I knew I'd still find at least one gullible moron to actually believe what I was writing, looks like its you mom!

Have fun getting angry and stressing yourself out over this stirring of the pot. I knew this would get to someone.

By the way I also heard Lauderhill is going to BSO. Go do some research to keep yourself occupied..... :wink:

05-18-2007, 03:28 AM
Yeah, i believed it.... That's why I commented.... Because i'm worried..

As your mom, i should have taught you how to pick up on sarcasm.

05-18-2007, 04:58 AM
Please contact me in regards to your being a poor Grandmother to Spelunker. I have a specialized treatment for you that will help all rest easy. Thank You.

P.S. Spelunker forgives you

05-21-2007, 01:10 AM
When I worked there in 1980 there was a rumor that BSO was going to take over... this has to be one of the longest held rumors I know of. The only time they will take over is when a city is in financial crisis. I don't see that anytime in the future...

Good luck.

05-21-2007, 02:56 AM
Thanks former Davie Cop... The thought of having BSO take over Davie PD makes me sick. If that were to happen things would get downright ugly. You think we have a bunch of young officers moving out of S. FL now? Watch and see what happens then.

The only good thing I can see about going to BSO is that my sweaty deoderant pit stains wouldn't show up as much on the white shirt.

05-21-2007, 12:59 PM

05-21-2007, 02:36 PM
why not move to c city? she can just have someone build her another $2 mill home for 200k and then bso can sit out front waiting for more of the wild animals to crawl in her walls. meanwhile, after she has moved, she will realize that the crime has risen dramatically in cooper city because of bso and the fact that the sheriff pulls guys out to stick them in crime ridden areas full of deadbeats who dont pay taxes and are a strain on resources and eventually society as a whole.

05-21-2007, 05:04 PM
Spoke with the Chief on this very topic this morning. He said what was printed was a misinterpretation of what was actually said. Going to BSO was propsed by some person (unknown exactly who) that it MIGHT be more cost efficient. This savings would mostly only be in pension and not THAT much of a difference to really even make it worthwhile. There would be ALOT more obstacles to overcome and ALOT more factors involved. I wouldn't hold my breath or stand on one leg waiting for this to happen. He advised there is currently nothing in the works for this transition. He also advised he would definitely make an announcement if there was any chance this was going to happen. There are many, and better ways to save and manage money in this city, cutting corners in regards to public safety and law enforcement is not the best idea. I think most would agree to this...

05-27-2007, 04:01 PM
thanks for clearing this up lt. boulier

05-27-2007, 11:29 PM
Based upon the lack of leadership within the Davie Police Department, I would have to say that it is time for Chief George to go. Retire to the boondocks of Georgia and allow the Davie Police Department to recover from years of mismanagement.

05-31-2007, 12:20 AM
And when he goes it will be a perfect time for BSO to come in.

05-31-2007, 02:17 AM
Another idiot by the name of GUEST that tries to stir the pot. No BSO... Get a life..

06-07-2007, 09:56 AM
Has anyone seen the chief lately? What is his schedule? I need to get with him.

06-09-2007, 06:24 AM
Chief Geaorge is an excellent administrator. You guys are extremely lucky to have such an intelligent leader running your agency. Quit complaining and start serving the citizens like you are suppose to.

06-09-2007, 07:56 PM
just so u know my new i.d. is 613alpha

06-13-2007, 09:17 AM
With Ken Jenne on the way out, Chief George should consider a run for sheriff. With the backing of the local community and the folks over at the Davie-Cooper City Chamber of Commerce, he has a good shot at winning.

06-15-2007, 12:38 AM
everyone needs to just chill out and focus on their job, and do it well. if we all do that then we have nothing to worry about.

06-19-2007, 08:43 AM
so when is george leaving

06-23-2007, 07:51 AM
George was last seen at the Starbucks on University and Griffin on Friday morning purchasing a double mocha orange delight without whip cream. I was impressed that George refused the 'free' coffee and demanded to pay for the same much as any other public citizen. As for myself, I waited for the chief to leave because I save $4.08 a day by taking the free coffee.

06-23-2007, 10:12 PM
I'm coming to a town near you... :lol:

07-03-2007, 06:21 PM
Well, no new posts as of John Brooks arrival..... While I do feel sorry your department is made to suffer along with us, I am surprised to read so many complaints about fellow cops.

No one in blue cared that I wore green and white during the 33 on Pine Island last year. No one said a word when I backed up a lone Davie guy just as a DUI was about to turn ugly. Or as a back-up to a man with a shotgun on 595. I also was always grateful for the back-ups I received from Davie guys and I told them so.

I've been in green and white long enough now that my retirement is just around the corner. I have good friends who still work in Davie and Cooper City as well. I have never thought of ANY officer as less because of the department he worked for. If Davie did consider coming to BSO, I would welcome them. Broward needs more good cops standing together, not fleeing the county rather than wearing a different color shirt...

07-03-2007, 06:26 PM
Before you slaughter me, I apologize for including brooks here instead of Sunrise.

07-03-2007, 09:57 PM
labcoat. back at you brother. It is no the color of the uniform that makes us cops, it is the heart that beats in our chest. Hope to see you soon.

07-12-2007, 05:14 AM
Bob McDaniel is coming back as the chief since his training at seminole he's ready. If he doesn't take the job Charlie Tiger will take it so get ready it's coming.

07-18-2007, 10:29 PM
Bob McDaniel is coming back as the chief since his training at seminole he's ready. If he doesn't take the job Charlie Tiger will take it so get ready it's coming.

But has McDaniel learned to make a decision?

07-19-2007, 01:53 PM
Bob McDaniel is coming back as the chief since his training at seminole he's ready. If he doesn't take the job Charlie Tiger will take it so get ready it's coming.

But has McDaniel learned to make a decision? No, he never will, but thats a good thing if he returns to Davie as chief Charlie Tiger and Mike Brown can tag along and make all the decisions. They can't make a decision at Seminole, there is a lot of heat over there.

07-24-2007, 04:03 PM
[quote="guest 111":tef3gkqr]Bob McDaniel is coming back as the chief since his training at seminole he's ready. If he doesn't take the job Charlie Tiger will take it so get ready it's coming.

But has McDaniel learned to make a decision? No, he never will, but thats a good thing if he returns to Davie as chief Charlie Tiger and Mike Brown can tag along and make all the decisions. They can't make a decision at Seminole, there is a lot of heat over there.[/quote:tef3gkqr] What happened to the other chief, before tiger? I think McDaniel will return to Davie. Yes, there is heat at seminole.

07-26-2007, 02:34 PM
davie doesnt completely surround cooper city, your an idiot[/quote]

If you're going to call someone an idiot, you might want to use spell checker first, idiot.

08-05-2007, 03:56 PM
Now that the town manager is cleaning house, how long before the chief goes?

08-09-2007, 04:25 PM
Now that the town manager is cleaning house, how long before the chief goes?

That fool should have been the first to go. Good to see the "good ol boys" going down. Maybe now you guys can learn to stop being a$$ kissers and actually try to earn your way up the ladder. It makes me laugh that you fools act like you care when an officer loses his life but you are the first ones to twist the knife the administration puts in your back to save your own a$$e$ or get promoted. Learn to accept eack other and co-exist. Everyone has differences. It doesn't mean old guys way is better that new guys or vice versa. "New guys make too many 10-50's." "Old guys don't do $hit." Wa, wa, wa. Start acting like men and women and stop acting like babies.

08-10-2007, 07:58 PM
Now that the town manager is cleaning house, how long before the chief goes?

That fool should have been the first to go. Good to see the "good ol boys" going down. Maybe now you guys can learn to stop being a$$ kissers and actually try to earn your way up the ladder. It makes me laugh that you fools act like you care when an officer loses his life but you are the first ones to twist the knife the administration puts in your back to save your own a$$e$ or get promoted. Learn to accept eack other and co-exist. Everyone has differences. It doesn't mean old guys way is better that new guys or vice versa. "New guys make too many 10-50's." "Old guys don't do $hit." Wa, wa, wa. Start acting like men and women and stop acting like babies.

Well said! I wonder how many of these whining backstabbers are wearing their mourning badges after whats happened. They don't deserve to wear it. Treat your fellow officers with respect when they are alive and don't put on a dog and pony show when they are dead. By then, it's too late! We all have strengths and weaknesses.

08-11-2007, 11:33 PM
We need bob McDaniel or mike brown to lead us.

08-12-2007, 11:31 AM
never heard of the first one and the second one has been a cop less than me but hes a good guy so why not?

08-12-2007, 05:49 PM
never heard of the first one and the second one has been a cop less than me but hes a good guy so why not?

Well, Bob McDaniel was our assistant chief for years.

Mike Brown is the assistant chief at Seminole, who recently retired from Hollywood PD. He's not talking about the guy who used to be in records, or our guy on midnights...

08-12-2007, 08:36 PM
How about Doo Doo Brown ?

The brand new brother in town
Yeah, boy, dope sound

Dope system kickin'
Ladies in the back
With the popsicle lickin'
(Ooo, I love you, Doo Doo)

Don't drink Pepsi, always Coke
(You got the right one, baby)
That's right, dope (Doo Doo Brown)
Yo, Doo Doo, man, what you got for me now

You're rolling, Doo Doo
You're rolling
(Doo Doo Brown)

Any y'all wanna talk to him
You can reach him at
1-900-976-Doo Doo

08-12-2007, 11:30 PM
Anyone hear that J.E. (Reserve Officer) may be the next Chief of Davie?

08-13-2007, 01:21 AM
Anyone hear that J.E. (Reserve Officer) may be the next Chief of Davie?

Screw him. I'd rather have do do brown as well! Oh OH OH

08-13-2007, 01:21 AM
Anyone hear that J.E. (Reserve Officer) may be the next Chief of Davie?

Screw him. I'd rather have do do brown as well! Oh OH OH

08-15-2007, 12:36 AM
Would you rather have J.E. or BSO?

09-03-2007, 10:55 PM
We heard in Pines that you guys might be picking up our A/C Pat Lynn for your next Chief. Brothers, you DO NOT want this guy. Ask anyone from Pines and they will tell you the same thing. Ask the PBA and they will tell you also. You would be better off picking up Jenne as a soon-to-be free agent than take this guy in the draft. Believe me, we would love for you to take him off our hands right now, but you dont want him.

Good luck!

09-03-2007, 10:56 PM
We heard in Pines that you guys might be picking up our A/C Pat Lynn for your next Chief. Brothers, you DO NOT want this guy. Ask anyone from Pines and they will tell you the same thing. Ask the PBA and they will tell you also. You would be better off picking up Jenne as a soon-to-be free agent than take this guy in the draft. Believe me, we would love for you to take him off our hands right now, but you dont want him.

Good luck!

09-04-2007, 01:38 AM
We heard in Pines that you guys might be picking up our A/C Pat Lynn for your next Chief. Brothers, you DO NOT want this guy. Ask anyone from Pines and they will tell you the same thing. Ask the PBA and they will tell you also. You would be better off picking up Jenne as a soon-to-be free agent than take this guy in the draft. Believe me, we would love for you to take him off our hands right now, but you dont want him.

Good luck!

WE do not pick who we are going to get. The Town Administrator does. Doesn't matter who we want.

09-04-2007, 11:50 AM
i may be wrong but i think the council decides on who gets hired which is why we are in the present mess now

10-02-2007, 06:10 PM
This was posted on the town's email today @ 1346 hrs

"As you may have heard by now, I provided Town Administrator, Gary Shimun, with my notice of intent to retire as Chief of Police from the Town of Davie Police Department, effective Friday, November 30, 2007.

Throughout my thirty-plus (30+) years with Davie Police Department, I have had the unique opportunity to watch our Department grow from an approximately 30 member Department in 1977 to a Department with over 250 members today. Working with, and serving, each and everyone of the dedicated employees at the Davie Police Department has been a true privilege, and your commitment to excellence is what makes our department one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the U.S.

Serving as your Chief of Police for almost 9 years has been an honor. As I leave the helm of Chief, I wish you continued success in your law enforcement careers, as well as health, happiness, prosperity and safety. Thank you.

Good luck to you all!

Chief George"

10-02-2007, 09:53 PM
Oh please - post when & where his retirement party is gonna be... Can't miss that one........... c ya jackass !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now - Who's Yer Mommy ??

10-03-2007, 12:42 AM
Oh please - post when & where his retirement party is gonna be... Can't miss that one........... c ya jackarse !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now - Who's Yer Mommy ??

Now you might get a real chief to take charge, and start firing some of the dead weight.

10-03-2007, 01:39 AM
Oh please - post when & where his retirement party is gonna be... Can't miss that one........... c ya jackarse !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now - Who's Yer Mommy ??

Now you might get a real chief to take charge, and start firing some of the dead weight.

union jobs , fired, get real....... 8)

10-03-2007, 03:23 AM
Rumor has it Reserve Officer Jim Ewing next Chief. from worse to worse

10-03-2007, 03:55 AM

10-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Rumor has it Matt Malin is the new chief. He will bringing back some old friends. :twisted:

10-03-2007, 05:13 PM
I heard the A/C from Miramar was going for it?

10-03-2007, 06:34 PM
No way he's beating out my man..............

10-03-2007, 07:42 PM
no guys, it's Hialeah Police Chief Rolando Bolanos..........I don't care about officer's morale.....los tengo pisao :evil:

10-04-2007, 05:41 AM
i hope it is no one in our current administration. i hope they all leave real soon. none of them deserve to be in their positions now. this means capts and above. and also echo crash

10-07-2007, 05:50 AM
Yeah - Alot of our current supervisors were promoted by our soon to be gone Chief.. which means most of them follow right in his footsteps... And that is not a good thing.. A few good one snuck thru but not enough..

10-08-2007, 05:58 PM
Yeah - Alot of our current supervisors were promoted by our soon to be gone Chief.. which means most of them follow right in his footsteps... And that is not a good thing.. A few good one snuck thru but not enough..

I've been neglecting my duties lately, but this one is my pet peeve: "A LOT" is two words.

Also, when you are referring to multiple people, use the plural form of "one."

Finally, "thru" is not a word (it's "through").

You may now resume with your nonsense.

10-09-2007, 11:03 AM
sorry teacher , but isnt "multiple people" incorrect? people is the plural form so "multiple" could be seen as unnecessary?

10-09-2007, 10:07 PM
sorry teacher , but isnt "multiple people" incorrect? people is the plural form so "multiple" could be seen as unnecessary?

It COULD be seen as unnecessary, but it was used (in this case) for clarity. (i.e., I COULD have written, "more than one person" instead of the phrase "multiple people," however I chose to express in two words what could have taken four.) There is nothing gramatically incorrect with the phrase "multiple people." The word multiple means "more than one." So, if you said, "There are two people there," it is the same as saying "There are multiple people there." The phrase "multiple persons," is also correct, but at the same time "persons" is also plural, so your logic is flawed.

Now, as to your post:

The first letter of each sentence needs to be capitalized. (This is accomplished by holding down the "SHIFT" key at the same time as your intended letter key.)

There is no need to space BEFORE a comma (,) in a sentence.

The word "isn't" is a contraction and requires an apostrophe.

Your second sentence is phrased as a statement, but ends with a question mark. This is also incorrect.

Please, if you're going to correct me, next time find something valid.

10-10-2007, 01:58 PM
There is no need to space BEFORE a comma (,) in a sentence.

The above statement is either an oversight on your part or grammatically incorret. Your intention to convey a simple message , (a space was entered for humor) you probably just ommitted one or two words which would assist in explaining your statement.

10-10-2007, 02:02 PM
I did the same thing with my second sentence.

10-10-2007, 06:16 PM
There is no need to space BEFORE a comma (,) in a sentence.

The above statement is either an oversight on your part or grammatically incorret. Your intention to convey a simple message , (a space was entered for humor) you probably just ommitted one or two words which would assist in explaining your statement.[/quote]

I guess I could have written, "There's no need to insert a space before..." However, as written the word "space" was being used as a verb. You're right, it's not in the dictionary as a verb, but the message was obviously clearly conveyed as you entered the space in your message "for humor."

Now, resume your nonsense.

10-10-2007, 08:27 PM
This is a blog not english class!

10-10-2007, 08:47 PM
This is a blog not english class!

A few things:

1) This is certainly not a blog. It is a forum. A blog is like a pubilc diary where (typically) one person will post messages like journal entries. A forum is an online environment (like this one) where mulitple people share ideas, thoughts, complaints, and general nonsense (like this one typically does).

2) The proper way to express your thought would have been "This is (a forum), not English class!" Note the comma and the capitalization of the word "English."

3) The purpose of these posts is to point out two things...

First, the vast majority of the posters on this forum have little or no written language skills. I am certainly far from perfect, but I do pride myself in being able to convey a point in writing. Everyone should strive for this because as we all know, written communication is a huge part of our job.

Second, I understand that it is absurd to correct everyone. I do this as a sort of commentary on the absurdity of this forum. Perhaps you can understand that purpose and meaning. However, most likely you cannot. You are probably one of the mindless idiots that routinely ***** and complain about your zone partners, every specialized unit, and every supervisor without looking at yourself in the mirror. Maybe if we all took a minute and thought about bettering ourselves before we "slam" others we could actually make ourselves (and therefore our agency) better. Coming on this forum and complaining about everything (with no suggestions, recourse, or really any thought) is really stupid.

Now, resume your nonsense.

10-12-2007, 01:31 AM
thanks for pointing out our flaws English 101.
you must be a supervisor who knows everything.
by the way what does this have to do with this topic ?

10-12-2007, 03:37 AM
can we send the previous few posts to the Who Gives A Sh it thread?

10-12-2007, 05:35 AM
"I do this as a sort of commentary on the absurdity of this forum."

Apparently you didn't read this and therefore missed the whole point. :roll:

I, for one, appreciate the free English lessons. Thanks CC!

10-12-2007, 05:12 PM
just a thought, do you think the new chif will promote from the existing list or let it expire? not trying to stir the pot but my guess is no

10-12-2007, 07:24 PM
No Grimmace. I don't think they are going to pick you.

10-12-2007, 08:01 PM
I have heard a rumor that B. Berger has applied as the chief, from what I've heard, were in trouble....

10-12-2007, 08:19 PM
I have heard a rumor that B. Berger has applied as the chief, from what I've heard, were in trouble....

That's interesting, considering that there's no "application" process even announced yet..............

Now, I've heard of stirring the pot, but this is just ridiculous.

10-12-2007, 09:12 PM
whos b berger uhmmmmmmmmm burger

10-12-2007, 11:37 PM
I heard that Captain Harris was putting in for Chief..Anybody know of this yet?

10-13-2007, 01:15 AM
I heard that former WWF World Champion, The Iron Shiek, is putting in for the Chief's position. Anyone hear that??? If it's true, we are really in for a bad time. Anyone hear that??

10-13-2007, 11:52 AM
i hear the chief from the trash commercials on tv is leaving seminol and coming here. did you hear that? if not , andre the giant can come from the grave for a steel cage match with the is sheik at the rodeo

10-13-2007, 03:28 PM
i hear the chief from the trash commercials on tv is leaving seminol and coming here. did you hear that? if not , andre the giant can come from the grave for a steel cage match with the is sheik at the rodeo

No loss to Seminole !

10-13-2007, 06:30 PM
I heard that The Green Lantern is putting in for Davie Chief. Did anyone hear that?? If he comes here, we are all in big big trouble. Did you guys hear that??

10-15-2007, 10:36 PM
my souces tell me that im going to be the next sgt and as my first duty i will appoint myself the acting/ over eating chief

10-15-2007, 11:18 PM
www.Tactical-World.com (http://www.Tactical-World.com) is donating 10% of every sale to the families of the fallen officers...Let's do our part instead of just talking about it!