View Full Version : At least someone is outraged!

05-03-2007, 02:57 AM
See the following from the FHP board. Are we asleep here?

Cpl. FO Burke

Posted: 05/02/07 18:47:15 Post subject: Pay Issues


Well let me start by saying this is the first time That I have come on here and made a statement. I have always been up front and honest in my approach to the people I come in contact during the course of my job and in my private life. Those of you that know me understand this and will verify that fact to those that don't.
I am very upset in fact pissed about what just happened with the pay issue.
Let me say this. Bill Smith, Dennis Hobbs and the other members of the PBA FHP board spent long hours and time away from home and OFF DUTY Jobs to work with the FLorida PBA and legislature to get our issues done.
We did get the separation issue accomplished and was told right up to the last minute that the pay issue was a done deal.
I am still investigating what happened on that. I do know that it was held up in the Senate side and the House had already approved it.
I don't know if it was open to vote or if it ever got to the floor. I will find out about this.
I do know for a fact that FHP staff (Colonel Knight) is very very upset about this. Heck with the 5%, if they only would give that 500.00 per year up to ten would have been something.
The fact of the matter is. It was not the fault of the PBA, although we will take the brunt of it. It darn sure wasn't managements fault. They were going to get the same amout as rank and file was. IT WAS THE LEGISLATURE THAT FAILED US.
In the past we, tucked our tails between our legs and said well we will try next year.
This is my stand on what happened. We got the ROYAL SHAFT, period.
There has been talk about the blue flu, work slow down, quitting PBA, or even going to another agency.
You do what you feel you must do to accomplish your demonstration of frustation. I will be the last to tell you what to do or what not to do.
I do think that we should do something as a UNIT. AS ONE TROOP, ONE VOICE, ONE MIND. I don't care if you are IUPA, FAST, PBA or just the loner hanging out. THis is the time now for all of us from the COLONEL to the highest ID number in the academy to be ONE.
I propose that we first send the $1000.00 back to Senator Pruitt and tell them that evidently the state needs it. I know that there are those of us out there that need that $1000.00 and take it if you need it, this should be done in letter form. I will just work 3-4 Off duty jobs to cover that.
Next we need for FL-PBA, IUPA or anyone else to stand side by side with us at a media event to discuss why we are so displeased with the actions of the legislature.
Personally I believe that a work slow down or blue flu or not writing tickets will come back and bite us on the arse. It could have a negative effect, but again it might be the solution. I don't know. But I think we aught to try making our statement be heard through the media through a single day media blitz that is coordinated from Pensacola to Key West.
I for one will not stand for wait till next year excuse. Something went terribly wrong during that session and we need to find out.
Two questions I need answered.
1) did the legislature receive a pay increase?
2) Will FHP get the money we asked for Now that we have our own bargaining unit?

Remember my fellow troopers, sometime in the near future month or two, we will have to vote on who we want to represent us as a bargaining unit. And then we have to vote in the executive board. PBA needs to stand up now if they want to continue doing that job. If they don't then whoever we get to represent us, we need to make sure we support them. I have said this over and over. In fact one trooper that used to work with the US Postal Service said it accurately, we are not working together. Our union is weak and the law makers see that because they know what the membership is. Lets pull together now and make this happen.
Today I heard House Speaker Rubio state that June 3, 2007 a special session will be held for the property tax issue. Lets get together and make the special session a trooper pay issue also. We need to get out there and make some noise. But remember we are professionals and need to act accordingly.
PBA staff, get us a meeting with Gov. Crist and the leaders of the House and Senate.
Troopers contact your Senator, reprensative and tell them how you feel. Have your spouses, parents, children, friends and anyone else to do the same.
Lets make a difference. I challenge everyone that wears the FHP uniform to do it. I challenge FAST, PBA, IUPA, FOP, or any other union to step forward and help in this.
I am looking forward to comments and I will respond. I take criticism as well as praise, but have YOUR FACTS ready to defend your position. Anyone can bellyache when they don't have a solution or the facts.
Just my take and always concerned about my fellow TROOPERS

Cpl. Frank O. Burke
Troop C
Hillsborough/Pinellas THI


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Posted: 05/02/07 19:29:33 Post subject:


I'm not a trooper, and in fact am a civilian, but that was darned impressive. I feel for you guys and wish there was something I could do to help. Given that Cpl. Burke is so passionate and articulate, perhaps you should recruit him to take a leadership role in the bargaining process. I have immense respect for troopers, have known some great ones -- including Nick Sottille -- and wish all of you the best.

This non-LEO citizen will be getting in touch with his legislators, who clearly have more important things to do than endlessly debate over the state song while troopers and their families nearly go hungry. What a disgrace.

Be safe.

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State Officer

Posted: 05/02/07 20:18:20 Post subject: Pay Issues


Thank you Cpl Burke for your thoughtful and candid approach to this problem. Having come in contact with you before, I can say for a fact that your statements are true and heartfelt.

My issue with your statements are few but I would like to make one very strong point. This pay issue DOES NOT affect FHP alone. There are many state Law Enforcement agencies that have also gotten the royal shaft. These agencies include the following: Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Agricultural Law Enforcement, Department of Financial Services, FDLE (Capital Police) Attorney General Office, and many more. (Pease forgive me if I omitted other state agencies). I can not stress the following point enough, FHP is not the only state agency in existance. We all have a vital role in state law enforcement and we all need equal recognition.

I agree that if the state needs the money more than we do, I will send mine back, certified mail, to Alex Sink with a sympathy card.

I also agree that we need media recognition for our cause. I know the media likes to jump on "underdog" stories. Perhaps now with all of the cop bashing the media has done in the past, we can now get them to sympathize with our poor working and pay conditions. I like the idea ALOT.

I again agree that the PBA had nothing to do with this. The fought for us very hard. More this year than any other year in the past. Until Monday of this week, everything still looked very good. What put a stop to this pay increase? We want answers!

Senator Ken Pruitt sent an open letter to all state law enforcement officers approximately one year ago that "encouraged" all state LEO's to vote for the PBA. The letter went on to state that he has worked with the PBA on many issues and thinks they are the best union for all LEO's. He continued to "encouraged" all LEO's to think very strongly about electing the PBA as our union. Well Senator Pruitt... we held up our end of the deal and voted in the PBA. The PBA held up their end of the deal and got a reasonable pay increase on the table for the legislature. The House said O.K. to the pay plan. The Senate was a little shaky but agreed. But, you and Representative Marco Rubio stopped everything cold! NOTHING!!!

I have written my representative, senator, Sen Pruitt, Rep. Rubio and my governor today. My replies from those officials were nothing. No surprise there.

We need to stick together as one group of all state law enforcement to get this accomplished. I have many friends and aquaintances that work in many facets of state law enforcement. Our concerns are always the same. Whether your uniform is tan, green, blue, gray or even a shirt and tie, the issues are always the same. The patches on our shoulder should not seperate us any longer.

Thank you Frank for a very thought provoking and intelligent posting to a very angry situation.

Another State Officer

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Posted: 05/02/07 20:31:44 Post subject:


I am state leo and I agree to return the huge raise! It would be nice and would send a strong message if the majority of all leo's participate. I don't think many of my co-workers would be up for it, but I'm going to return it. It is demeaning and a slap in the face to all of us.

I have many friends that are troopers and I really feel for all of you. You are on the front lines and deserve a decent, competitive salary. If it wasn't for off duty details, you would be on food stamps and probobly qualify for HUD housing.

I hope we find out exactly what happened with the pay issue. It has been my experience that everyone points fingers and is a little reckless with the truth and you never really know what happened.

This was supposed to be a GREAT year for law enforcement. If thats true, the next three ought to be a doozy!

To Cpl. Burke...you sent a very well written message and I hope you get the support you deserve. I will be calling you tomorrow to find out where to send my check.

I am not signing this for a good reason...I can't fit any more targets on my body.

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Posted: 05/02/07 21:36:13 Post subject:


Im ready to stand up and fight. This issue with the pay is just out of control and I will not stand for it anymore. I love this job and I think we can do a lot of good out there on the roads if the state of Florida will make FHP what it needs to be. Right now though it is a shame and a lost cause. We all deserve better than this. As of right now I have no choice but to leave this agency. I simply can't afford to work here anymore. Clearing $2400 a month does not go very far in Hillsborough County. I feel I deserve better, but Im still willing to fight so we can get FHP back where it needs to be.

I used to post here anonymously, but I will no longer. I have nothing to lose and I do not fear any repercussions for what I say. Anyone that disagrees about my feelings on this agency is living under a rock anyway. The current situation with FHP is 100% criminal.

Tpr. S. Nickel


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05-03-2007, 11:13 AM
Yes we need to stick together as all state LEO's do. We are the lowest paid state workers in the country. Have all of you friends and family write these legislators and let them know all incumbants will be voted out next election and the PBA needs to back us. If they cannot figure out how to give us a raise we'll elect someone who can.

05-03-2007, 01:24 PM
That sounds all well and good, lets vote them out. Politicians are the scum of the earth and all good people know it. The problem is that it won't do any good. The next batch will be just like the last. The jist of it is, there just aren't enough votes from state workers for them to really care about. If giving us a raise would get them elected and line their pockets they would do it so fast their heads would spin. And those talking about "blue flu" or going elsewhere, they don't give a damn about that either. It has no effect on them at all. The bottom line is that as long as your salary is controlled by someone else, you just have to take the bad with the good. I'm still for voting the scumbags out of office though.

05-04-2007, 03:53 AM
Hopefully I can shed some light. Our raises were deleted from the finance bill in committee. Here is the link to the members of that committee who chose to remove our raises and slap us in the face by not even allowing a Senate vote. http://www.flsenate.gov/cgi-bin/View_Pa ... nate/FPCC/ (http://www.flsenate.gov/cgi-bin/View_Page.pl?Tab=committees&Submenu=1&File=index.html&Directory=committees/senate/FPCC/) . Make sure you send them many, many thank you notes, in a professional manner of course.

Now here is something that we all need to ponder, I completely support FHP’s position that the other SLEO agencies were possibly holding them back from pay raises. However, after the shaft we all took, I believe that theory has been shot in the a**.

The fact of the matter is these unions mean nothing to the legislature and they probably had a toasting party when they again further divided the union by passing legislation to split FHP away from the other SLEO’s.

We all need to be one. A State Police. I know what you are saying, can’t be done the Sheriffs’ have to much influence on the legislature. Well we have seen what the legislature thinks about us.

It is called a amendment to the Florida constitution creating a State Police. It is voted in the general election and a “yes” on the ballot is almost a guarantee. People will look at it as more protection and more professionalism. You will not lose you identity you will either be a road patrol, detective, wildlife, whatever your specialty. But we will have unity and strength, 2500-3000 strong. We will all be regarded as an integral part of Florida’s defense.

I challenge the PBA to take the lead on this issue and give us strength. Consult with the proper attorney’s who have an expertise in the Florida constitution and make us a professional united front, not this rag-tag groups of professionals working under regulatory agencies.

I look forward to hearing other opinions on this subject.

05-04-2007, 03:46 PM
I agree with the position and statements made by the good corporal. As a matter of information, however, I would add that in oder to get to the "bottom" of the situation, one only needs to look at Sen. Pruitt's performance history when it comes to law enforcment benefits and related issues. For some of you more senior troops, you will recall that as a house committee chair several years ago, Pruitt clearly stone-walled the combined legislative efforts of the sheriffs, state leo's and firefighters to restore the 3% special risk credits that were STOLEN by legislators years prior in order to finance increased membership in the FRS. These costs were borne totally by our state's first responders---not any other retirement category (judges, state attornies, elected officials/legislators, etc.!). Until forced into an embarassing corner, Pruitt was intent on not even allowing leo representatives a voice at the committee meeting held in the Knott building. Pruitt is a stereo-typical politician---speaking out of BOTH sides of his mouth and trying to tell others what they want to hear, only to let his true actions and lack-of-backbone gease his one political pockets! Look at the media coverage of his unethical activities of the last 3-4 years regarding campaign expenses, passing off back-door political favors to his "friends", and compromises for his own political gain! Let's be realistic---from one who learned from personal experience the painful truth of the Tallahassee political spin---BOTH Pruitt and Rubio control the activities (or lack thereof) of their "repsective" bodies AND they'll not do anything that Crist doesn't approve of in regard to the LEO's salary, benefits, etc. While the names and faces may have changed with this year's new crop of power-brokers, the value of those who REALLY do the work (ie. PUBLIC SAFETY), is taken for granted---AGAIN!

07-30-2007, 12:23 AM
I am not a LEO but is the State Police idea something like Nevada's Department of Public Safety where you attend one academy and then branch off to trooper, parole probation, capital police, fire investigator, criminal investigator? Pretty much everything is in-house for the State. LVMPD is the former sheriff's office and the City of Las Vegas has their own "Marshals".

Just curious.