View Full Version : Hardest Part

05-01-2007, 02:44 AM

This is my first post, and I have very recently submitted my application to the CCSO and I am awaiting an initial response.

Before I applied, I had limited understanding of the process of the polygraph test. Naturally, I did some searching of answers, and I was astounded at the wide range of beliefs as to its effectiveness. I hear the polygraphers love it.

As an aside...

I have had my share of youthful transgressions, but nothing that I am ashamed of (typical pot experimentation, underage drinking, etc.) All of which I feel, fit within the guidelines of CCSO requirements with respect to length of time since, etc. Even a juvenile charge which has been erased long, long ago.

I am a social drinker, and (on Blue Moons) sometimes have a few too many, but my wife and family would say I am not an abuser of alcohol, and just a typical guy.

I have been forthcoming and truthful on my application and I have no qualms about my physical, mental or ethical abilities with respect my duties as a CCSO candidate.

After reading some of the posts of the inconsistency of the CCSO polygraphs, I am concerned about getting a fair shake. Since my first ride along some 10 years ago, I have had a strong desire to be a road patrol deputy, and I would hate to see this dream wasted as a result of a person, other than myself (if you know what I mean).

Many would say "Just tell the truth, and you will prevail", but I am curious if any of you LEO's already in positions, would feel the same as I do about this process (which is stark terror) should you be required to do the pre-screen poly again today. I am guessing the overall consensus will be split.

I have nothing to lose really, and I plan on doing my best when the time comes, but I would ask any of you who would be gracious enough to elaborate on your thoughts of this process and the current administration and its policies and hiring processes.

I appreciate your candid responses,

05-01-2007, 06:51 AM
I'm not too far removed from the hiring process, being the "rookie." I can still remember sitting in that chair, palms sweaty, and thinking, "I hope he doesn't get into great detail about this subject."

Secondlife, the best advice I can give you about the pre-screen is first of all, be yourself; be humble, and you've probably already heard it from the background investigators (and this is the bottomline, believe it or not), BE TRUTHFUL! Don't discredit yourself, or misrepresent. They are trained to detect that. You will understand when you see how the polygraph screening goes. The investigator will allow you the opportunity to validate your answers and if it goes anything like my polygraph screening went, he will also make you feel as comfortable as he can.

Honestly after the whole hiring process was over (and it's lengthy), I thought the most painful part of it was the evaluation you go through with the shrink (I never thought I had an anger problem? but anyway..) :lol:

But seriously, don't lie. All of us that work for the agency can give you a story about a now former deputy we knew that lied and got caught in it. Your "youthful transgressions" as you call it don't sound too far off from any of mine.

Good luck, and hope to see you out here soon. We could all use the back-up!

05-01-2007, 09:19 AM
you will fail. they get dont get paid to find honest people.

05-01-2007, 01:02 PM
Thanks for the words of encouragement verteranrookie.

I have been thorough and complete on the application as I could be. I am the type of person that is honest to a fault. But, I also know that under situations of "implied guilt", the same fight or flight mechanism turns on within me. In other words, I am sure my heart will be jumping out of my chest.

I gather that this is ALL dependent on the polygrapher you get paired with. Because this art is subjective, it could go either way, which seems a little crazy to me.

I truly hope I don't get the former Army guy yelling spit all over me merely because I show deception on the day of the week question.

But, I am confident, and will focus at a point on the wall, relax and tell the truth. It's a coin toss.

I am hopeful others here can share their recent experiences with this exam. As for you, for Guest, I feel are not very far off the mark, as far as I can interpret.

Thanks again,

05-01-2007, 07:53 PM
good luck

05-01-2007, 09:29 PM
I truly hope I don't get the former Army guy yelling spit all over me merely because I show deception on the day of the week question.

Thats the J/O I had he tried to get me to admit to things I didnt ever do in my life when I woould'nt admit to thing I hadnt done he started yelling at me and rushed me back to HR then turned in that I was using counter manuvers and even told another Dept I did trying to screw me, guess what I had no problem with the other dept and got hired. He is a ****.

05-01-2007, 10:24 PM

05-02-2007, 12:35 AM
So you hypothetically get this polygraph guy going 70 in a 45 zone. Still think I'm a rat if I write him a ticket? Blanket statements that cops are rats if they have to write another one are garbage. It's all in the circumstance. Speeding is frowned upon.

05-02-2007, 01:35 AM
i think u r an antibiotic. dont define "cop" so liberally. he is not you. he is not me. who does he help? who does he hurt? when i risk my life, where is he?

05-02-2007, 05:02 AM
And guest, how does that make you FEEL?

Angry? Sad? Why don't you just lay here on my couch and just let those feeling come out. You must find your inner cop.

05-02-2007, 05:19 AM
SecondLife, just answer the questions. No more, no less. Don't let them try and talk you into expanding on your answer and getting you confused.

05-02-2007, 09:48 AM
first i need to blacklight your couch

05-02-2007, 09:58 AM

05-03-2007, 01:27 AM
Polys are easy. I have had quite a few from other agencies, hiring in here, and a couple of tranfers (i.e. jail to road) Just get everything out in the open, say whats on your mind and be honest. Don't mess with them, just clear you conscience. Very simple.

05-03-2007, 03:47 AM
I find that I can amuse myself while waiting in the poly room alone looking around at the various objects looking for the hidden camera that they are watching you on prior to the test. Fake plants, book cases and other things are great places. If you can find it before he comes back in, it's like finding the hidden immunity idol. If a difficult question is posed, simply ask for a lifeline to phone a friend. Of course when he tells you the tribe has spoken, then it's time to grab your torch.