View Full Version : FMPD

04-22-2007, 02:22 PM
On April 5, 2007, I was in the Lee Cty Court, I withnessed a P/O from FMPD went to trial w/a State Probation Officer. He gave him a ticket for "Unsafe Driving". The CPO aksed him to cut him a break, he refused eventhough the Judge gave the PO a choice to dismis the ticket. The CPO had to pay the ticket. Come on guys....A CPO is a Law enforcement, certified by FDLE, work at high risk like you.
When they go to the offender's house, they don't have back-up like you in the street.....they work well with local law enforcement agency to keep the community safe....
You know who you are....I beleive because he 's black, otherwise you would cut a white CPO a break....

For your education, there are many Officers in your Dept who used to be CPO....ask them about a CPO duty...... You are nothing than an A***Hole.............Remember the LAW of KAMA....Your ass will pay for it for redrawing $ from one Officer mouth......

04-29-2007, 04:32 AM
first of all your talking and preaching professionalism here yet your publicly bashing an officer. Bottom line regardless of what your job is you are to adhere to the trafficlaws. I have no idea what the ticket wasfor but maybe you dont know thecircumstances. Maybe the officer was rude or nasty andthats why hegot a ticket

05-28-2007, 04:08 PM
Bullshit! Cops don't give other cops tickets, PERIOD!

03-16-2008, 10:37 PM
This seems to be a common trend among law enforcement cops today. It's the new generation. I've been a cop for over 15 years and if I wrote a cop from another agency or my own for that matter, i would have got my ass kicked. We have other problems in the world to worry about. That prick that wrote the ticket either was a college graduate who got beat up all the time or is just a plain jerk off that has no idea what a cop does or is.
For my other fellow cops hang in there they'll screw themselves over one day and we can sit back and laugh.....................

04-02-2008, 03:14 AM
I agree with NYPD (Ret.) but try and tell that to an F.H.P. trooper. I won't even write a cop from another country a ticket let alone one from anywhere in the U.S. Any cop who writes another cop a ticket needs to be getting his butt kicked and have his back up take a long, long time to get there. Nobody cares about cops except other cops so don't screw that up. At least that's the way I was trained. COPS DON'T WRITE OTHER COPS OR THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS TICKETS. One last thing a retired cop is still a cop and deserves the same respect. Stay Safe.

04-05-2008, 08:59 PM
I agree with NYPD (Ret.) but try and tell that to an F.H.P. trooper. I won't even write a cop from another country a ticket let alone one from anywhere in the U.S. Any cop who writes another cop a ticket needs to be getting his butt kicked and have his back up take a long, long time to get there. Nobody cares about cops except other cops so don't screw that up. At least that's the way I was trained. COPS DON'T WRITE OTHER COPS OR THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS TICKETS. One last thing a retired cop is still a cop and deserves the same respect. Stay Safe.

Most of us don't write cops tickets, the only time I heard of troopers writing tickets to LEO's is if they're acting up and have given the trooper a lot of lip.

But if you're involved in a crash and you're at fault, we troopers don't have any choice. Per our policy we must write you a ticket.

04-09-2008, 10:03 PM

04-25-2008, 04:45 AM
unless you were there how do you know what the cpo attitude was at the time of the stop and how bad would that have looked if the officer dismissed the ticket in front of the entire court room.............

05-01-2008, 09:55 AM
Bullshit! Cops don't give other cops tickets, PERIOD!

so if you pulled me over and i called you a stupid rookie cop with nothing better to do you would not give me a ticket?????

05-11-2008, 12:46 PM
Look out for one another. Troopers, Deputies, and Officers...doesn't matter, we're all LEO and we all bleed blue. Enough people hate us. Stick together, boys and girls. Be safe, and if I ever stop you out here on the Gulf Coast, I got you covered.

07-07-2008, 10:53 PM
Im confused why is this on the CCPD site?

07-13-2008, 08:24 PM
Bullshit! Cops don't give other cops tickets, PERIOD!

so if you pulled me over and i called you a stupid rookie cop with nothing better to do you would not give me a ticket?????

LOL, you want a break for getting caught breaking some law and then you want to smart mouth the cop that stops you and you think you deserve a break?

I can't count how many cops I have pulled over in over twenty years on the job. You blow by my marked car well over 100 MPH and you get pissed off at me because I pulled you over?

In the mean time the public around me looks at me and they are thinking well officer are you going to stop that idiot or can I break the law also?

Here is a real neat idea, why don't you try and obey the law for change.

I still would like to see where in the oath you took that said all laws stopped applying to you when you got your badge.

07-13-2008, 08:28 PM
Bullshit! Cops don't give other cops tickets, PERIOD!

You want to know why NYPD Retired have so much trouble here in Florida when they are pulled for breaking the law? It is they crap a$$ attitudes.

Let me explain something NY boy, your family member six times removed does not get a break.

I get tire of people from New York with some copes business card or a PBA card that happens to have some family member that is a cop and they admit to me that they are not even close family members.

It is you attitudes, try acting civil for once.

09-07-2008, 04:29 AM
Here is a real neat idea, why don't you try and obey the law for change.

I still would like to see where in the oath you took that said all laws stopped applying to you when you got your badge.

No need for an oath, CCPD officers are above the law and turn a blind eye to anything they see fellow officers doing. CCPD internal affairs investigations always clear the officer of any wrong doing regardless of what's happened. It's a bad joke down here.