View Full Version : Contract News

04-05-2007, 10:56 PM
The executive board met today and discussed what we will be asking for during our upcoming negotiations with the city. To prevent rumors from surfacing, (and town hall getting a heads up) we will be asking for a raise but will not discuss the percentage at this point. We will also be working on the wording on the present contract with some new additions benefiting us as a whole. In the next week we ask that any member concerned with language changes on the present contract that will benefit, please bring it to the attention to one of the board members. We would like to submit our first proposal to town hall by the end of next week. Once the proposal is submitted I will update this board for all to see.


04-06-2007, 07:14 PM
Good luck. Read the paper today. We are not going to get a thing. Look around, the city does not have the money to give us a fair raise (5-5-5). We will be lucky to get 2-2-2. I hope for us, you can pull it off. Then YOU may get what YOU are looking for.

04-06-2007, 07:43 PM
judging by your statement YOU are one of the few members who responded to our survey...and YOU are always at the meetings in support...and you were visible on election day ..and you seem to assume that biased articles in newspapers are the final word on county/state wide contracts ...well check back later and if its what you suggest i will gladly apologize to YOU

04-06-2007, 08:10 PM
what story in what paper? and why are we negative and it aint hapenend yet?

04-06-2007, 08:43 PM
I hope and pray J.S. stays another term after this one (this includes the VP and Tres) as Pres., because the future of our Union (exc Board) is in sad shape. The few left do not represent the silent majority. I hope all will see this and want to get involved and turn this into a STRONG FOP Union, Not one divided by "hidden agenda" leadership.

04-06-2007, 09:50 PM
I hope and pray J.S. stays another term after this one (this includes the VP and Tres) as Pres., because the future of our Union (exc Board) is in sad shape. The few left do not represent the silent majority. I hope all will see this and want to get involved and turn this into a STRONG FOP Union, Not one divided by "hidden agenda" leadership.

Amen, brother.

04-06-2007, 10:15 PM
Thank you.....

04-07-2007, 12:49 AM
I hope and pray J.S. stays another term after this one (this includes the VP and Tres) as Pres., because the future of our Union (exc Board) is in sad shape. The few left do not represent the silent majority. I hope all will see this and want to get involved and turn this into a STRONG FOP Union, Not one divided by "hidden agenda" leadership.

I take exception to the comment of "hidden agenda". If you are going to make an accusation of a hidden agenda by the current board, please give examples to back up your assertion. We have been pleading with the membership to start attending more meetings to have their voices heard. I feel that there hasn't been this much transparency in the union for a long time. Most I have spoken to have no problems with our "agenda". Obviously you haven't attended a meeting for some time to feel the way you do. Had you been in attendance, you would see that we are very open in our discussions and welcome any suggestions from the floor. Since this is an anonymous posting, I will take your comments with a grain of salt. I would ask for you suggestions as to how we can be more open to the membership. As for the silent majority, it is pretty sad that only 28 of 172 members turned their contract surveys back in.


04-07-2007, 01:22 AM
maybe it is you........ :wink:

04-07-2007, 03:07 AM
Hey, Hialeah just hired 34 more. Now thats one way to save on costs. Just think of all the academy tuition Davie could save, I mean hell man, you already got 3/4 of them anyway. I also hear that most of them speak english, and are not all Cuban.
That oughta get you your 5-5-5..... YA THINK!

04-07-2007, 04:30 AM
I hope that J.S. stays for another term as well, because he is a conscientious and strong leader. However, if he doesn't, why don't you run for his office? They are big shoes to fill, but I'll support someone that is knowledgable and looking out for us...all of us. I'm curious to know what some of the items are on this self serving agenda. I'll debate anonymous people until we're all blue in the face, but why don't you give me an example of the kind of thing that you think that the self-serving newcomers to the board are trying to get for themselves? Also, why is the "silent majority" silent? Is your point that if you're part of a popular opinion, you need to keep your mouth shut? Please, respond to my questions, because I have to say that your posting does not make a lot of sense to me.

04-07-2007, 12:28 PM
I would have to concur with MD in that anonymous posts criticizing the direction of the board are exactly what the Town loves to see, division among the ranks. I posted this elsewhere but must reiterate, it doesnt matter by what moniker you proceed, i.e. PBA or FOP, and I can say this as I am a member of both. What truly matters is that we, the membership are a UNION. There cannot be incessant infighting, backbiting, and a host of disgruntled, mumbling, griping peer groups. If we are to be successful in our pursuit of a competitive contract, unity, or the lack thereof, will become a cornerstone of this pursuit. Stop griping and mumbling among your respective peer groups and get out to the meetings to be heard. What you have to say really does matter!

04-18-2007, 04:40 AM
my vote is for the PBA.

04-18-2007, 09:44 AM
Mu vote is for the PBA - & hey since when did Davie 634 - TSD - become such a know it all??

04-18-2007, 11:38 AM
Mu vote is for the PBA - & hey since when did Davie 634 - TSD - become such a know it all??

Davie 634 - TSD - gave nothing but facts in his previous posts on here. Like him or not everything he said was true.

04-18-2007, 01:23 PM
he gets his mojo from his ring of death just like frodo did just looking at that pricelss ring causes lesser men to crumble and many a coffee server to cry

04-18-2007, 10:20 PM
PBA ???? NO WAY You think it is bad now!!!!! If the PBA comes here again, we should just go GREEN/WHITE. PBA gave it to us in the *&^ hard and we had to take it. That is why we went FOP. Compare our past contacts PBA vs FOP. We have done far better with the FOP and as for the guys who want the PBA so they can lie and get a lawyer and continue to lie. Be an adult take your meds and grow up :P :P :P :P :P :P

04-19-2007, 03:23 AM
just a reminder our fop meeting is tommorow at 1800 please attend

04-19-2007, 09:04 PM
TSD might appear to be a "know it all," because he has taken time to inform himself of the facts. In addition to attending all of the FOP Meetings he has been at the FOP Executive Board meetings were the imaginary hidden agenda would have been set. I find it amusing how one can learn about a topic, reach an opionion and then be ridiculed as a "know it all" by someone who based his assumptions on incorrect or erroneous information.

Do you really think you're ready to step in with the big kids, Anti Establishment?

04-19-2007, 09:09 PM
what happened to my pba post..who is deleting posts