View Full Version : Cpt. Somohano AKa "hOMO" VS Chief (RDB) AKA Madco

04-05-2007, 09:34 PM
HAS anyone heARD about the hostile work enviremnet siut Somo filed AGainst the city? I heARD IT IS BECause the mADCOW Called the greAT Capt A "cHERNa", "PATO" and mANY OTHER Names over e-mAIL. nOT TO SMart i guess emAIL Can be sAVED! i also heARD THat Homo will not settle unless the mADCOW LEaves ANDHE Wants A Date of when the mADCOW IS LEaving. However, I think they will buy off Homo in the end, but if ANYONE Has ANY INTEWL PLEase post. Who know perhAPS hOMO WILL WITHOUTa intent do the greATEST SERVICE EVER DONE TO hpd IN THE Last 25 yeARS BY Making the mADCOW LEave.


04-06-2007, 02:29 PM
I don't want to sound queer or nothing, but I think unicorns are kick a s s!!!

04-06-2007, 02:57 PM
All city emails are public records, too. They can be pulled by way of Public Information Requests. BTW that goes for ALL city emails, too, so be wary of what we email each other at work.

The Somo Homo could have a good lawsuit if 100 really did put those things in email. He's just dumb enough to do it, too. I feel bad for the goats and chickens. SV will be putting in OT at the altar of blood to protect his papi chulo La Vaca Loca!

04-09-2007, 02:19 AM
funny how the hypocrites violate their own memos, Emails are for work related issues"

04-09-2007, 03:32 PM
Somo is asking the judge to order 100 to wear hair gel and get his back and balls waxed. Punitive Metrosexual Damages.