View Full Version : OFFICER COURTESY

04-03-2007, 01:38 PM

Hello to anyone who reads this and cares enough to reply. I am an Officer that works for an agency in west Broward. I grew up in Hialeah and resided in the city of Miami for over ten years. I have a lot of friends that I went to high school with and now are City of Miami and county officers. I still have my mom "vieja" and "pipo" that live in Miami. I don't know what it is, but my family and I has had the worst luck with the MPD. I was just wondering if professional courtesy is not tought anymore or is there a thing with Broward cops. Check these incidents out and tell me if I'm out of line.

First incident is my wife got a citation by a Sgt. for careless driving. Wife's version of the incident was: Police car was in the middle of the intersection with overhead lights on at the Orange Bowl. She didn't see him and went around the police cruiser. As we all know, people make mistakes and sometimes they don't know what we are trying to do. She gives him all her docs and Sgt. noticed that she had a family badge. Sgt. asked who's the PO and he stroked her anyway. I called my peeps that I know from MPD and the Sgt. finally did the right thing at court. That was the first in 15 years of driving that she had even been stopped and she wasn't even given a break and she got a citation (just to show that she not a crazy/loca driver.) I went with my wife to court and I spoke with the Sgt. Sgt. tried to explain his actions and I only asked him one question. Was my wife rude to you? and he said "no she was really polite". That was all I needed to hear and I called him an A Hole and left him there standing motionless on the steps of the courthouse. Even after I insulted him, the Sergeant's facial expression told me that he agreed with me that he did something that he shouldn't of have done and he didn't even say anything back to me.

Second incident, I was driving on NW 11th St. just west of Catch of the day and I rolled through a stop sign (IM GUILTY, I KNOW). The thing that bothered me was that before I ran the stop sign a van that was in front of me had also rolled through the stop sign. A salt and peppered haired scrouny looking officer was going west on 11th and saw both of us run the stop sign. He first told the first car something to the effect of didn't you see that stop sign and the driver appologized and the officer continued to me. He told me the same thing and I too said that I'm sorry. I don't know why he decided to stop me after that but he did. I handed him my DL, Reg, and ins and I told him that if it mattered that I was a PO. He asked to see my ID and I showed him. After that he took my info and went back to his car. I see him running me (yeah what the f?) and writing on his citation book. He kept me there for ten minutes and walked to my car with citation book in hand. He chewed me out for rolling through that meaningless stop sign and finally let me go after two minutes of that 150 pound sh$t head yelling at me. My thoughts were if he treats another officer like that, I wonder how he treats the general public. Although he didn't give me a ticket, I felt that it was disrespectful and uncalled for. It even raised to the point that I felt I should have filed a complaint, but I would NEVER make a complaint on another officer unless he was doing something flat out criminal. I treat other officers with respect as I wouldn't want anyone else to give me lip on a stop, but I felt like cursing him out and then just signing my ticket that he would have probably given me.
Third incident, while I was living in Miami my vehicle was burglarized in front of my home. At 3 am, I heard my dog barking and I went to check it out. I saw two guys breaking into my car so the foot chase was on. I ran after these guys with no shirt, no shoes just boxer shorts and gun in hand for over two blocks. The wife called 911 and an officer arrived about 2 minutes after I lost a visual since they jumped some fences. I explained that it was a burglary that JUST occured and pointed to where the suspects were last seen. Officer said ok we got guys checking. I identified myself as a PO and asked if K-9 could respond. His response in a real ****y way was "this is the City", we don't call K-9 for this. I know this wasn't the crime of the century, but I know I would have set up a perimeter and called for K-9 for a burglary in progress. I got so sick that I told the officer to just leave without even taking a report because I didn't want to take up his time. I know it's extremely busy on a weekday at 3 am on midnights (I have been there and done that).
Lastly last week, my mother (60 years old) got a ticket for running a red light. Mom told the motor officer that her son was a PO and she even showed him the mother's badge that I had given her. The prick said that he didn't care. That was mom's first ticket ever and she has been driving since she got here from Cuba in 1980.

Ok it feels that I have wrote a book. My whole point to this is that I have been a PO for 10 years now and I have NEVER knowingly wrote another officer/corrections nor family member a ticket. There are plenty of scumbags out there driving recklessly that we could write. There is no need to harm other officers and their family members. Please tell me that these have been a bad series of events and that is not the common practice of the Miami Police Department.

04-03-2007, 01:49 PM
I saw this post in the Miami forum and was amazed at how stupid and ignorant the poster was. Now the same person has posted the same narrowly thought out post in the Davie forum for some unknown reason. You need to get a life. Get off your high horse. You're one of the cops that becomes a cop just to say he is one. Your mentioning of all your family members having little family badges is a great example of that. Your family deserves nothing special. Teach them how to drive.

You admitted to calling a Miami SGT an A-hole outside of the court house . And this was after he left your wife off of a ticket. You are a pathetic P.O.S.

04-03-2007, 08:46 PM
Yea dude, if your a LEO you would know that it's just a ticket. Calling the SGT an A-Hole prolly wasn't the best thing in the world for you to do, maybe somthing didn't happen this time, but from the 40 stories that you posted, by the time the year ends you will get in trouble for the stupid crap that you've been doing on your time off. Explain to your family that just because they have a LEO in their immediate family they can't drive like kids. Be careful and try not to talk to superiors like that, even if they are from another agency.