View Full Version : Rules of the Road

03-21-2007, 03:34 PM
Radio: Keep it short, save your chatter for Bravo, save your personal crap for face to face. Your MDB works just as well, tell the dispatcher what you did on it, cuz we dont care.

Pursuits: Be realistic, chase whats worth chasing. These traffic pursuits are getting old. If your kids were a block ahead of you would you keep chasing? Dont be stupid and go ruin it for the rest of us.

Neighborhoods: Just because youre in what you think is a bad neighborhood doesnt mean it is. Stop being so dam afraid of Baskins and acting like its a DMZ. Stop acting like yall are fighting a war, its police work. "as usual they not saying what happened." wow, thats racist.

Buddies and AID: Don't go out of your way to rat your buddies out. It may get you ahead a little bit, but you still be a rat. HOWEVER, don;t be so stupid as to lie for anyone. If someone else screwed up, let it be their problem, not yours.

Courtesy: Dont go out of your way to write cops, paramedics, doctors, nurses, or fireman. Some will ask for it, thats on you. But we all have discretion and it should apply to us as well. WAVE! It wouldnt kill you to wave at cops and firefighters as they pass by, weve done it for decades until lately.

Calls: Handle your call your way. Let me handle my call my way. If it aint your call be cover and STFU. Dont stir someone elses pot unless they ask for you to.

03-21-2007, 04:58 PM
great advice that has been said before in various forms. problem is people dont listen or comprehend. i agree with you, unfortunately it sometimes takes years for some of the newer guys to get it. good point with the waving btw. the only thing i would add is make sure to keep an eye on your sector partners (as well as other cops in your area) and x50's, at least know where they are and how to get there in a hurry if needed. always good to at least pass by and check if not x6. moblie map is great, but not perfect.