View Full Version : SRO Article in the times

03-04-2007, 09:35 PM
Wow, does the sheriff think highly of himself or what?

Some fairly harse words I thought for the city agencies. Nothing like throwing sand in their eyes.

Look for the city guys to be on here bashing some more...

Master Yoda
03-05-2007, 03:38 AM
Calling their bluff, he was.

Much anger and mistrust from the cities.

I fear they are headed to the Dark Side.

03-05-2007, 09:29 PM
Can someone post a link to the article please? Thank You!!

03-06-2007, 01:15 AM
Pinellas Park has it on their page.

03-06-2007, 03:22 PM
We wish to take over all the cities. Tarpon, Pinellas Park, Clearwater. Were going to take you over. The citizens want JC as the chief law enforcement officer of their cities too. Open your eyes cities, were better than you are and without the corruption....NOT

03-07-2007, 11:22 AM
I am a citizen of Pinellas County AND I'm SURE Clearwater, Pinellas Park and Tarpon Springs does NOT want JC as the chief law enforcement officer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-07-2007, 02:59 PM
Here's what's funny. PCSO and all the PD's do the same dam job. The Sheriff does not have a conquest objective of the county. The Cities act like its a fight, but its stupid. Every City that has contracted with PCSO has done so at its own request. They are no "take overs". Now the PD's do act very territorial about the job, but thats just self preservation. They dont want their citizens to realize that their job can be replaced by PCSO for less money. Thats the same service, plus all of PCSO's extras, no liability, for less money. Thats it in a nutshell. And because of that alot of PD Admins are total pricks to Deputies.

03-07-2007, 03:30 PM
Let me just say that I am proud that Sheriff Coats took such a pointed stance. Sh-it or get off the pot was said to tthe cities and they said, "oh, well, since you out it that way, um, well......." Yeah PCSO is quietly taking over the entire county through your school system, HOO HAA HAA HAAAA!!!! Idiots.

03-08-2007, 02:46 PM
The PCSO ain't coming into St. Pete and taking over the SRO positions at their schools. Bank on it. Never happen. Closed deal. See ya.

03-08-2007, 03:35 PM
If you care to read the article, moron, youd see it says the proposal from the SCHOOL BOARD was for PCSO to take over all fo the SRO spots in every school EXCEPT the rat infested ship call St. Pete. Thank you for playing and enjoy your terrorist run City of drugs.

03-10-2007, 04:12 AM
Proud Deputy, have a proctologist on call in case Sheriff JC stops short and you become entombed.

03-10-2007, 02:27 PM
As a city officer, I can tell you, you nailed it right on the head. It is a preservation. Don't think we haven't noticed that the not yet vested Dunedin officers and others have pretty much gotten screwed over the merger deal. Imagine that you are 1 year away from full retirement and then oops...your agency is gone and your ability to retire like you had planned is gone. Or your one month away from minimum retirement when the merger happens and too bad, you are out a job and just wasted 9 years and 11 months. All you get is the exact amount of money you put into the pension fund for that time. When this occurs you screw peoples lives, plans, and future. Sure we get offered a job but normally at a major pay cut that our budget can't stand because like all humans, we upgrade our lifestyle with more pay.

As for consolidation. There is no doubt that in many instances the sheriff could offer a deal for less money. However, the city of seminole does not get a good deal, I don't care what you say. A couple of assigned deputies in a town that in other parts of the state would have 6 on at any given time is not good for the taxpayers. Yes you have all the toys but they are not always in seminole, in fact they rarely are. Yes alot of bike unit officers are now in Seminole, but that is in reaction to a problem that crept up. When the perception from the community is that the problem has died down, the unit will move elsewhere and normal policing for Seminole will be back.

This is not meant as a slam to the Sheriff's office, I have many friends there and they the agency is top notch, but don't be so quick to destroy my future with consolidation because that would be likely. It is hard to overcome the finacial devistation that comes from losing your pension plans. Ask the folks from Enron and that is what you deputies who want consolidation do each time.

If you want to metro the agencies look around there are some municipal /county agencies that have successfully done it where pay / salary / rank are not effected on either side. Now that might be possible.

Also, the cities are starting to band together and there are more city officers on the street than county road deputies. The cities could easily draft a mutual aide agreement giving all city officers jurisdiction in every city in the county. We could band budget money together and all go say with St. Pete's forensics and Clearwater's comm center. The sheriff isn't the only game in town. And with the cities annexing property left and right, our budget increases due to new tax dollars while your bank account has less being put into it.

I don't want you to stop existing but don't think we won't and are not capable of fighting a push for consolidation. You have some pretty big cities standing in your way. And guess what...Our citizens like us. We spend thousands of dollars a year get to know them in CPA academies and other programs.

Stay safe, lets figure out a way to work together and stop the trash talk about who is better and who is gonna take over who.

03-10-2007, 02:29 PM
I will almost guarantee the proud deputy was either just promoted, or the old "Chief" of Bellaire before we LOST the contract or did not get it. There are alot of felonies committed in Pinellas, but ill promise you, there is no way that the deputies could handle the call volumne that st pete handles. Or any larger city. St pete doesnt have the option of having 20 deputies to arrest a DWLSR...and not many deputies have to ignore south st pete's surround or curse them while on a traffic stop....bottom line, st pete is not better, pcso is not, noone is but you have to work into getting beat up in souht st pete...
As a matter of fact, currently there is talk underway for St Pete to contract with Mad Beach. The PCSO may lose that contract.
look around, your losing area pcso.

03-10-2007, 11:58 PM
To Guest: You are way off base. If you want to blame someone for some, or a, former DPD cop(s) getting shorted on there vesting BLAME DUNEDIN NOT PCSO. Dunedin went to PCSO, not the other way around. And businesses merge everyday and people dont get full retirements as a result, thats life. Given you cannot plan for these eventualities, but thats life too. And again, the City of Dunedin did that, not PCSO. And if you really want to blame someone blame whoever bartered for your deal.

Lets see, Seminole......Umm, yeah, they have 3 Patrol Deputies at any given time, plus access to squad 3 cars, plus 2 CPO's, plus 2 traffic cars......hmmmm....Im wondering how you think theyre getting screwed. Seminole does not have "bike unit" officers, those are CPO's and Im not sure what "problem" arose to make you think ther are there for a special mission. The seminole cars have plenty of "toys" and they are always in Seminole. Damn, i lied, there are 4 patrol deputies in seminol, forgot the Delta Car.

I bet you work for Tarpon Springs. You got your schools back, and what a fine job you didnt do when you had them. Officer Mayer was a joke.

The police agencies can band together all they want, none of it is thier choice, its the City's choice. I dont know how you figure you would stop existing if your agency was consolidated. Youd have a job still and most likely equal pay. What pisses people off is when City PD's feel the need to exclude PCSO from events to make a point. Some agencies are really pathetic with the turf war and it shows in their attitudes toward Deputies.

Like it or not, most agencies in Pinellas cannot match what PCSO would do for their City if contracted. Same services, if not more, for less money, and no liability. No matter what you complain about you know its right. Ask anyone in Dunedin, Seminole, or any of the other Cities that use PCSO. Take it as a slam if you want but you ran your yapp here and thats what you get.

03-11-2007, 12:07 AM
You are truly ingnorant.

#1 SPPD cant handle the call volume that SPPD has. SPPD does nothing special and thats a big under statement. SPPD has pathetic call response times and crappier service. PCSO would whip St. Pete into shape.

#2 Ive never seen 20 Deputies arrest a DWLSR. I have seen a few SPPD cops in shorts and baseball caps choke on CS cuz they didnt have gas masks though.

#3 SPPD to contract Mad Beach. Ok retard, now thats just legally impossible. What you misunderstand is this. The City of Madeira Beach contracts with the City of St. Petersburg for street sweepers. This is due to the high cost of buying and maintaining one versus contracting with a big City that has many.

The City of St. Petersburg cannot patrol a municpality that is not touched by their City. Its not legal. It would never happen. St. Pete could not do this for any City, except maybe Treasure Island. But why woudl they want to give up personalized service for hour long response times?

#4 Okay moron, we could lose all of Lealman and still be here. Like it or not PCSO is not going away. There are many areas that Cities will never annex. And the ones that are, like Seminole, love PCSO.

#5 You must be the idiot cop that left SPPD for PCSO then went back to SPPD because you thought you never got back up or something stupid like that. You are a total moron. At least my agency is not run by drug dealers and terrorists. Dip Sh-it.

03-11-2007, 01:40 AM
You are correct, companies get taken over all the time and people lose jobs and their pensions. However, we are not in the private sector, we work for government and do not count on that as an option. I can't believe you are too ignorant to see the difference.

I have never heard a city officer cheer for the demise of PCSO but I see deputies come onto the city boards eager to see PCSO swallow the city. Now they may not say it, what they are in fact cheering is for many city officers to lose their pensions, their careers to restart at PCSO. Yes that may be life but if that is your position then you are a rat *******. If our city happens one day to do it, I'll live it with but for you to cheer for it, thats picking a fight and showing your immaturity.

As for arrogance. Every agency has arrogant officers who are as_ho__s.
Thanks for showing your true colors. There not blue, their not green and white, they are yellow and black.

As for the City of Seminole, every agency has spec ops units that supplement patrol. Put them aside, Seminole has two patrol officers to patrol a community of 20000 people. A certain amount of time those Seminole officers are backing up units in the squads. That means at times the city of Seminole may only have one or no dedicated patrol officers in the city limits. Yes, you can call for the assistance from the Squads but that is not the point. Like it or not, Seminole sacrificed a officer to resident ratio to two patrol deputies per night. Similair cities of size will run 2-3 times that without counting spec. ops. You can argue and debate it all you want, but the fact is the City of Seminole is getting what they pay for. An officer to resident ratio that is well below the average rate across the country. Any way you slice the facts are the facts.

You get what you pay for....You get what you pay for....

03-11-2007, 05:48 AM
Well chief, if this is the first time you have ever seen a City PD taken over by a County SO, you must live in a cave. Let me make it broader for you. US Customs and INS got swallowed up into a thing called ICE. None of the planned on it, but it happened. And all sorts of peoples jobs got truly screwed up. Thats government. The Coast Guard went from the Dept. of Transportation to the Department of Homeland Security. That changed thigns too. SO dont be so short sided as to belive that government never changes. Hell there are areas of the country where POlice Departments took over law enforcement coverage for the county. Tey didnt plan on it, but it happens.

Now I have never cheered for any offciers demise. Demise is strong, since you would have a job, benefits, and pension still. Just not the one you started with. Now your arguing from a false premise and making it your logic. Ill say this. Just as you want your City to prosper and stay strong so your PD stays put, I feel the same for the county. So yeah, I do want more agencies taken over. Too bad, self preservation.

I do think many of the small city PD's are pointless. It says nothing of the officers, but they are a little ridiculous. If your City goes with the SO be MAD AT YOUR CITY NOT US YOU IGNORANT PRICK!!!

Lets talk of Seminole my ignorant friend. Heres there rundown:

Dayshift has three PATROL Deputies, SM1A, SM2A, SM3A. (7-3/8-4)
Eveningshift has three PATROL Deputies, SM1B, SM2B, SM3B (3-11/4-12)
There is one Delta car PATROL Deputy, SM3D (7pm-3am)
Midnights has two PATROL Deputies, SM1C, SM2C

Those are the PATROL Deputies assigned to Seminole everyday of the week, without fail. I may be wrong on the mids spots, but I think it two not three.

Now add in the following:

(2) Community Policing Deputies CPS1 & CPS2
(2) Traffic car SMT1, SMT2

These units are not Special Ops, they are City Positions. (Spec Ops has a whole lot more than that, like 8 traffic cars & 7 DUI cars)

And for your further information, the City of Seminole dictates how many Deputies they put on the road. If you donmt believe me call the City Manager and ask. Its determined every year when the contract is gone over by the City Commision. They chose lose the extra mids car a few years ago. But they added a car on all three shifts for the massive annexing they did on the east side of Lake Seminole.

And just exactly what ratio to you believe to be on par for citizens to officer??? Would you like to compare per capita crime in Seminole, to say, oh I dont know, Tarpon Springs??? Maybe we could compare how many FDLE investigations that have been done on TSPD compared to PCSO. Anyone? Bet TSPD loses that battle.

Listen Jackazz, im getting tired of kicking your azz here. I made one lousy comment on how I was very happy about my bosses response to some BS back stepping by PD's. He put their feet to the fire and some said ouch and some said screw it. But you wanna come in here and pick a fight. So you want, you got it. Now lick your wounds and limp back to the sinking ship of the HMS Sponger

03-11-2007, 05:54 AM
As a city officer, I can tell you, you nailed it right on the head. It is a preservation. Don't think we haven't noticed that the not yet vested Dunedin officers and others have pretty much gotten screwed over the merger deal. Imagine that you are 1 year away from full retirement and then oops...

Screwed??? Who got screwed by PCSO??? By Dunedin, yes, PCSO no.

Dude PCSO has done anything but screw anyone from DPD. Some are Sgts now, many are in specialized positions. After 11 years most are where they want to be. So sell that dream to someone else man.

Your City will be the one to screw you, not PCSO. Your City will be the one to vote for or against PCSO, not PCSO. Your City will be the one to ask for PCSO to come in, not PCSO. I'll tell you who will screw you most likely are the guys that try to push issues for the contract. All should be aware of what is being negotiated. Otherwise a few slick ricks may just be bartering for themselves and their buddies. It could happen.

03-11-2007, 06:57 AM
Proud Deputy,you are nothing but a loud mouth disgrace to the fine deputies of this county.All talk,limited knowledge,slanted facts.And since you know Tarpon so well,bet you won't cross their city line talking your garbage.They will kick your sorry carcass right back to Palm Harbor.Stop disgracing the Sheriffs office with your childish banter.

03-11-2007, 07:47 AM
Some very valid points...However, the point was not that no Dunedin officers made out.

The point was that some Dunedin officers did not. They were close to retirement or close to being vested and then could not because of the merger.

Today is a whole different story in this county. The Sheriff is very vocal about his desire to consolidate service. Several deputies on these boards are very vocal and downright obnoxious on the topic.

That is mentality is what I was referring to.

03-11-2007, 04:49 PM
You made the issue on a former officer getting screwed. What you missed was who screwed who. But you dont want to hear that, do you. And TSPD can kiss my azz, they are a joke and I cross there invisible city line all the time, moron.

Major crime TSPD calls PCSO.
Riot - PCSO.
Small Riot - PCSO.
Hell, minor uprising - PCSO.
Drugs - PCSO.
Chopper - PCSO.

Come on, and FDLE is still on TSPD's azz and has been for decades.

03-11-2007, 06:00 PM
The bottom line is that (Some) of the PCSO deputies would be calling officer needs help now if they were surrounded by the Yoohoo's in S St Pete....If there is not 20 deputies for someone that is dwlsr, no arrest is made...with the exception of a few juicers.

PCSO is so use to having an enormous amount of deputies on every call, the functionality of law enforcement is not there anymore...deputies use to be able to operate with little or no supervision but now,the supervisors are more concerned with politics....

Fact is JC could care a less about anything but politics. Write letters on the behalf of convicted felons? Pilot known drug dealers planes in the 80's? pole smoking son?

Do you really believe he cares about yall at all?

03-11-2007, 06:44 PM
The only pole smoker here right now is you. You clearly have some chip on your shoulder about PCSO. My guess is you couldnt get hired here. Last i checked people leave SPPD for PCSO, not the other way around. Actually the only moron who left PCSO for SPPD was someone who started at SPPD to begin with and left for some strange reasons. Further we dont have 20 deputies to go to one stop anywhere. Or cant you count. There are no more than 8 deptuies to a squad, genius.

You have no bottom line on south St. Pete either. In 96' it was Deputies that came in, 150 strong, and took control, not SPPD. SPPD was having its but handed to them. AND WE DIDNT STOP TAKING CALLS IN OUR AREAS EITHER. SPPD couldnt answer the dam phone, issue gas masks, or get control. South St. Pete has some bad areas with some real bad people, but dont think for one second that anyone else couldnt handle your job, IF YOU WORK THERE.

Cops like you pride yourself on the fact that you work a "busy" area or city. Well its busy because your agency sucks at policing its streets. Its sucks because your agency sucks at hiring the good and the bad, more of teh bad FOSTER sound familiar. Who's the dumby here, the one who kills himself for a crappy pension in an urban demilitarized zone, or someone who lives long after their 25 with a decent pension and agency that wont hang them out to dry?

You have no clue what your bottom line. Youre jealous and immature. At least PCSO has the manpower to send enough people on a call that warrants more than one.

Im sure I could throw up more dirt about SPPD Admin, or TSPD, or LPD, or PPPD, than you can. SPPD takes the crown on that one. But you wanna come in and toss out BS comments based on whatever your limited experience is. Do you think Harmon or Baker cares about you??? HELL NO. Hell, Go Davis hates you. JC is in a political position and his job hangs on his decisions, does yours do that every four years? Im not ignorant enough to think he worries about me every day, but as whole yes, as an agency yes, as a community leader YES he does.

03-11-2007, 08:33 PM
Fact Is, yes you cross that invisible line of Tarpon all the time but you stay invisible not having the guts to talk your garbage to them or any other city.Go to any of the cities and try it,fact is you are all talk on the board no action in real life.

03-11-2007, 08:35 PM
Same to you Hero

03-12-2007, 08:34 AM
Yup, you can count. Each sq has 8 or so members....but dumbass, they work next to another one....and another....and another...multiplication....equals? Yes johnny you guessed 30 or so deputies. Give "Fact is" a swift screw in the arse...nope, dont pull out...give it to him.

Politicians are idiots. A cop is a cop. A politician cop is a really bad politician. Hense, JC. Mr "I am the worst speaker ever".

How about being a good dad. Do that, he should have went out and flew a balsa wood plane instead of going with Rice to Bunnies. Then maybe he would have had a good non-key west kid.

one million sperm and you were the fastest? Holy jesus.......!!!!!

Idiot simplifies you.