View Full Version : Davie FOP needs assistance!

03-04-2007, 01:39 AM
The Town Of Davie will be holding it's town council elections on 13 March, 2007. The Davie FOP #100 is supporting candidate Terri Santini for district 3 and candidate Marlon Louis in district 4. We are asking for your support if you live in one of these districts of our town. Both candidates are police friendly. Thank You on behalf of FOP lodge 100.

04-09-2007, 10:45 PM
Davie634; with all do respect, your Dept. should ask former chief D.D. to assist you in this matter (personally). After all, he is in great debt to Davie P.D., for covering the incident involving his city vehicle accident (under water?), which according to your (records?) it never happened.
Just my sugestion; maybe if anybody from Davie P.D. would feel like doing the right thing and provide (anonymous) information regarding this incident, (which did occurred) maybe we could return the A.O.A. favor?;-)