View Full Version : New Start

02-19-2007, 05:46 AM
Im a police officer in florida and recently Ive been looking to relocate. My question is how is the cost of leaving for a police officer in San Francisco? and do you recommend your Dept? Thanks

02-24-2007, 11:57 AM
Miami, SFPD is a fast sinking ship. I do not recommend our department to anyone! It was a great place to work until about 5 or more years ago. If I saw hope on the horizon I would say come on over, but it will be a long time before we have a decent department again. The salary is pretty good, but the median price of houses in the Bay Area are around $750,000 for a modest 3 bedroom house. Any cheaper and you will be at least an hour away from SF. Look down south where pay is just as good, housing cheaper, and no crazy leftist liberals are running the town!

02-25-2007, 07:53 AM
SFPD is a screwed up place to work these days. The cHIEF is not a very good leader, the POA is lame, the citizens mostly hate you, the media is totally against you, the Police Commission is WORTHLESS and filled with drug using cop hating scum bag deviants, the housing here is awfull (2 bd condos on upper market are $499,000+ and $700 per month HOA dues), I would recommend that you look to Los Gatos, San Mateo, Contra Costa Sherriff or Sacramento City or County instead. If you dare to have kids, the teachers will spew their evil cop hating venom on you with their liberal ideas and you need to separate the men from the boys with a crowbar here. :twisted: